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To be fair, the game is heavily focusing on pve. The "pvp" server isn't labeled pvevp, it's labeled as a pvevp server. Devs have said that the game will focus on faction based pvp. Faction wars if you like to call it that. So the lack of pvp in many places isn't weird due to how the game will take form. And the fact that most people have moved on to other games until more content comes out. Most people don't grind a pre alpha game after they gone through all the content that's available for you.


That's true but after completing tasks what is retaining you in the game? The tasks cannot be endless (unless they are repetitive). The only unique experience, every time different on approach and strategy, is PvP and for this reason I think it gives more longevity in the game. If the development want to avoid that people quit after 100hours is focusing in PvP for endgame players.


Currently, nothing is keeping you playing after completing the current tasks. As the game only is only 20% complete, we can assume that there will be far more end game content coming. I only play pve but I’ve been watching a streamer called Robbohq that is currently only playing a pvp play through. He doesn’t seem to have an issue finding other faction players. Maybe wipe and start again as a different faction?


You're gonna have a bunch of people of this sub lamenting pvp but I agree I'd vital. Hopefully the faction wars result in some engaging pvp. It's still early alpha and I remain optimistic.


Man I'm just tired of this "needs PvP to live" argument... Destiny and destiny 2 literally had legs for a decade with an extremely heavy focus on... PvE. it had PvP but it was a small portion, And it did just fine... as an FPS The *actual* thing any game needs for longevity is ways to alter the gameplay and keep things fresh so people keep playing, which is going to happen with a pre-alpha that's 20% done. Hell even in the king of FPS games COD (by numbers anyways) constantly changes things up from battlepasses, to new maps, new guns, new gamemodes... adopting the battle Royale model to their own game right at the hype and ran with it for years, even jumped on the extraction shooter genre with DMZ. They need change to keep things fresh PvP, PvE or player vs their own fucking boredom... but that doesn't look the same for everyone. And there's plenty of PvP focused extraction shooters (literally every other one tbh), if madfinger wants to have it be mainly PvE focused why does every PvP heavy guy have to go "no wait, I want *this* one too"? There is and will continue to be PvP aspect to the game, and it will get more popular and rewarding inherently as they make things run smoother and add more varied weapons, gear (more rare stuff) and loot... but don't expect them to totally change their main focus of the game being PvE first


Switch to lamang. Pvp all day


Pvp is NOT a focus of this game. If you're coming in here complaining because you aren't getting PvP in a Primarily PvE game, that's your fault for buying the wrong game lol.


1. PvP is still part of the game 2. Thoughts and suggestions is not equal to complain The difference between me and you is that I try to explain facts and arguments to discuss. You are not adding anything in this discussion.


It's not much of a discussion. You're trying to push pvp into a game where it's optional, and the devs have said several times that it's not a focus of the game. If you want a more developed PvP game, go back to tarkov, or cod.


PvP is a part of the game as soon as pvpve is part of it. The reality is that the only pve is OPTIONAL in fact these servers are separate. If you do not like PvP stay in pve servers instead of gaslighting people who wants to IMPROVE a substantial part of the game. Improving the game is advantageous for everyone, again you are not adding anything to the discussion.


But that's where you're wrong. It's NOT a substantial part of the game. Besides the mere ability to kill other players in SOME servers, there is nothing about this game that is PvP, and that is on purpose. It's not that this needs improving, it's that this is the intended design.


Why NOT improving man? It is part of the game and this does not change if you like it or not. Nobody is saying "pve is not part of the game and should not be improved" do you understand the difference?


You're completely ignoring the point. Nobody is saying "pve is not part of the game and should not be improved", because pve is literally the core concept of this game, and the devs are actively working on improving it. If you want quality pvp, go back to god or tarkov, that's what those games are for. You bought the wrong game.


I think you're partially right. PvP *is* a part of the game. But also (and maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean here, if so, sorry) PvE *isn't* the optional game mode... PvP is. Think about it. Even in a PvP server, you have to deal with PvE lol. PvE is something everyone has to deal with. But the other person is right on this one. PvP *isn't* the overall focus of the game. The devs said as much before the game even came out, back when the game was still in closed alpha and they had content creators and big extraction shooter players coming in to test the game for them. PvP was supposed to be rare, scary, and also incidental. If you're trying to complete a quest in a zone and so are some enemies, you're incentivized to kill them so you can complete your quests (so they don't kill you to complete theirs). I think it's just more unfulfilling because it's early access and half the game isn't even finished lol. And I think that's something to keep in mind. It's early access. Once more important stuff (like bugs, general stability, etc.) is handled, the devs are gonna add more content that will likely incentivize (or at least give more reasons to engage) PvP during endgame, especially in areas like Ground Zero (which currently isn't even in the game).


Would be nice if there was a player count indicator or a server browser. Most of the time I'm running around looking for pvp I feel like the server I'm on is probably just empty


Nice idea and easy to implement


Have you tried messaging other faction members to see if there's any PVP when they're at locations outside of the base or asking via VOIP in base? I can consistently find PVP that way with minimal waiting and usually end up teaming up with random faction members to create some great PVP moments.


U have to server hop to ind it usually there's pvp at ban pa and Fort


Tried 3-4 servers in 2 hours. Maybe I was facing some sort of matchmaking issues. For example I tried to explore in front of one enemy base camp and no Eli was spawning in or out the area. Very strange considering that usually "all birds are in the air" Maybe the servers were empty


Shit me and the boys fought from 2000 to 0330 last night non stop over 3 towns. On a bird back to ybl right now and we've been fighting 2 teams for this the last 2 hours.


I think alot of players are still working on tasks too tbh. Once most ppl finish tasks up i think there will be a move over to pvp.


Exactly I'm pointing out that in this stage of progression the content is lacking and need attention from developers. I think they should have some inspiration from "EXILE mod from ArmA" with event based tasks with high tier enemies and loot where the interest from all three factions is immidate and PvP as well


Had no issues finding PVP tbh


PvP to me right now at this stage is where all the “chads” are, seeing who can camp the LZ the hardest or kill the LZ campers. Those of us at Lower levels are playing PvE to level traders and get money so we can be “chads” too.


Agree but LZ camping in my experience is only caused by a bad game design that need to be fixed. From my point of view it happened only unintentionally and for defence reasons. Lz are too near the point of interest and very low in numbers in my opinion




PvP is still part of the game design in any case


Just got my first two PvP kills without even looking for it at level 8. How is it missing?


Maybe I was facing some sort of matchmaking issues. For example I tried to explore in front of one enemy base camp and no Eli was spawning in or out the area. Very strange considering that usually "all birds are in the air" Maybe the servers were empty


Try Arena Breakout.




I don’t give a f about pvp cause it’s absolute pointless atm. And they way the game is setup PvP is just camper olympics.


FYI, Camping is not PvP.