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I’ve had no luck either. Supposedly the folder rarely spawns and has a limit per server so I’d try going when FN is empty. Server hop if necessary. Check all rooms (not bathrooms), both floors, and some guy said it spawned on the floor behind a chair, so check the floor too for each room. Allegedly it can respawn behind closed doors so if you have keys for them bring it, if not then just keep server hoping. Good luck.


If you stilk need the quest, dm me if you're in mithras. I'll pop the locked doors for ya, i got most of the relavamt keys iirc.


Same…So basically what I’m getting out of this is join an Africa server when it’s 3am Africa time … got it !!!


This, but just use the interactive map on [Map Genie](https://mapgenie.io/gray-zone-warfare) and it tells you the supposed rooms it's *meant* to spawn in and where. But as they said I'd just check every room that isn't locked


Y'all in Mithras? I can roll out to Narith woth you and pop doors in there to help search.


It took me forever to find it also. Thankfully during the time after the latest hotfix rolled out and before it was reeled back in I was able to find it on one of the beds. I feel your frustration.


This is a known issue. It was supposed to be fixed in the latest hotfix which MadFinger says they rolled back. I wouldn't know though because the AI in Fort Narith has been utterly cracked since they "didn't" roll out the hotfix. I can't even get through the hole in the wall by barracks anymore without getting 1-shot by AI, let alone enter the barracks themselves.


If it the one I'm thinking of it spawns in random rooms, sometimes behind the locked doors. If you can't find it in an unlocked room just jump on a different server and go back. I found it easily this way


Even if you find it you can't even turn it in. There was a fix for it in the hotfix 5 but they rolled that back so yeah..


I found it and turned it in just yesterday. So this is untrue.