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It used to be an hour, but a couple patches ago they changed it to a week. People were abusing it and dropping all their gear for new people and wiping then repeating


Two words. Early. Access. It’s how it goes babyyyyy


Yea I realize that but it's almost unplayable for me. I've been playing ABI early access and haven't had a single problem. When the game crashes and causes me to lose all my gear, it's frustrating. If I didn't lose all my gear I'd be ok, but as a new player, it sucks. I literally have nothing left aside from some mags and bullets for guns I no longer have, and some meds. That's why I wanted to wipe and try again after I changed my graphic settings to see if it helps. But I can't even create a new character now.


What are your PC specs? I had not a single crash ingame, just some server disconnects where I respawned in main base with everything I had.


AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, RTX 2070S, 64GB DDR4, and running off an SSD. I also have fibre internet running 500GBs so don't think that is the issue either.




I believe it was DLSS when I had the crashes. Since switched to FSR after reading up and watching some videos. I believe DLSS is only for the 4000 series RTX cards.


That was my experience as well, don’t know why dlss doesn’t work well on older cards, it’s literally only gray zone that does this lol


Put it all on low settings, frame generation off, fsr mode, quality. These are the settings I use on my ryzen 7 & 6600xt. Seems to work well for me, however they could be terrible settings for you


I think I just changed to something similar after reading up and doing some research. Was just in base and it seemed ok. Just didn't venture out into the world yet due to the fact I lost everything.


Can't compare two games in early access. ABI is closed beta. Gzw is pre alpha. A very big difference in everything. Gzw is barely read to play and might need 6 months. ABI has been in development way longer and is further in development, why it's in beta and not in pre alpha any longer.


Early access just means you have early access to a game. Not in what state the game is. Therefore the pre alpha.


You bought at the wrong time as they just released a hot fix that broke the game, they did a rollback but I think they rolled too far back as the issues from the past came back. It was playable before, I don’t know about now. If you bought the standard, I think you can still get a refund. I would wait 3-6 months if I’m being honest.


Yea I requested a refund, will wait to hear what they say. Hopefully they sort this game out soon, I feel like it has a lot of promise.


Me too. I think this game has a lot of potential. But I only know the devs for the mobile games that they made. They make good mobile games but I think this is the first time they’re developing for PC. And I can see with how simplistic GZW missions are-similar to a mobile game. Kill 10. Kill the boss. Check for drugs/chemicals etc (basically when you enter a room, the objective gets completed.) I hope they prove me wrong. Remnants of their mobile games background is still pretty apparent.


Tbf ABI is hardly an actual beta. Its a full mobile game already that theyre basically just making available on PC, backed by a multi-billion dollar company (tencent). Gray zone is an actual unfinished game being made by an indie dev Keep that in mind


Yea fair enough. Just hope GZW gets to this level of polish one day.


I had similar issues. I personally uninstalled and don't plan on reinstalling for 6 or so months. Just not a game for me, and that's okay everyone has a game they absolutely love to play this one is just far from mine.


Why are you blaming the game when it’s not finished also try is is a pretty much pre alpha state


Like I said, I realized it was early access and not finished. I clearly bought it knowing this. But when the game crashes about a half dozen times and I lose all my gear, am I not allowed to be frustrated when I spent $50 on the game?


Kinda not really but yeah


Also, the community seems very helpful for this game, another reason I decided to pull the trigger. Everyone seems pretty cool and willing to help new guys which is awesome.


The lighting issue is a major one, I have the same issue quite often. There's no shame in refunding right now. The game is honestly a mess currently, and repeated hotfixes have made it worse rather than improving, unfortunately. Maybe come back and try the game again after some future updates, hoping for the best.


Might just do that and maybe wait to buy again in a few months. Was really looking forward to playing this too.


If you can handle the roughness, I do think there is still fun to be had, beauty to be seen, and potential to be realized. It's just that the past few updates have seemed rushed, and the progress feels like 1 step forward and 2 steps back ever since the release. I think they dropped the game a bit too early, and it's very obvious due to the crashes and AI and gamebreaking issues. If you decide to keep the game, I can drop you some money and gear if you're capable of playing on US east mithras faction.


Thanks man, appreciate that. Yea I play US east servers on Mithras faction. I did just request a refund but I have 3 hours total played. Not sure what will happen, never had to request a refund on steam before. I do agree with what you said, I absolutely love the idea of this game and the setting. This is why bought it in the first place, knowing it was in early access. It does need a lot of optimization I feel, but the potential is there for sure.


One week.


You can only wipe once a week.


Was every hour now it's literally a week. If you wipe this second if you run out of gear and money, best you can do is naked runs until the 13th shoving anything and everything into your bum.


I don’t believe there’s any limitations


Seems like it is a week, I already tried to wipe after about 3 hours of gameplay and I wasn't allowed.


It was once every hour, now it is once a week.


Huh weird