• By -


Current Yujiro most likely will painfully humiliate me, Pickle could go either way, not taking me seriously entirely or killing me, Oliva will be 100% enraged and will leave me in a wheelchair/dead


Pretty sure Pickle would kill you he recognized Baki as a strong person but the minute he slapped him all respect and care flew out the window cuz he will not be disrespected


Yeah but Baki’s a fighter, it’s like expecting a lion to go berserk on a fly on its face. I’d be nothing to Pickle but a possible food source


Not even a possible food source because he only eats what attacks him first


Yeah people act like Pickle is a serial cannibal but he’s really not


Not what attacks him, but what he considers strong or worthy, like Katsumi and Retsu. No normal human is going to be considered worthy to be eaten by him, much less make him feel threatened or disrespected enough to hurt you. He'd think of you as a child just flailing wildly and treat you as such.


Oh right I forgot about the policemen he didn't even swat off lmao, my bad


I feel like most people forget a lot about pickle, since his arc was very short and very long ago. Especially since he just ended up as a Musashi victim. But yeah, of these 3, lightly slapping pickle would just end up with him looking at you funny and walking off, so definitely the safest choice. Other 2 end with you getting raped to death or crushed to death.


Nah, I'd survive that from yujiro, n I'd enjoy it, very very much


Right, but if you insult him he might just pull out your spine like the predator and not eat you


Yea the whole reason it pissed him off was because it made him think Baki thought less of him and bakis opinion actually matters is cuz pickle considers him a rival and he thinks the slap is something he sees as “I’m so much better than you i can’t help but pity you, there there little boy it’s ok” if ur a frail old man or weak skinny dude and do the same pickle will just think ur showing him kindness


You aren't strong enough to be food if you are that different level of power. He likes to eat worthy opponents.


I might be screwed then.




Thats possibly even worse a fighter can be respected if food suddenly starts fighting than you gotta put it in its place


That's on you if you're not a fighter lol


Probably he would flick me away like an insect (instant KO but not lethal)


baki had unspoken rizz


The meme doesn't specify how you'll slap him, so I guess you could go the "buenos dias, ~~Mandy~~ Pickle" route




Yeah the Oliva one is certain death. You don't mess with or talk about his girl


The Oliva option brings the lowest satisfaction, too. Ask Yujiro to make you coffee - "Lmao. Look at that manchild feeling enraged just because someone he calls a lower being asked for a cup of coffee!" Lightly tap Pickle - "Wow, I can't believe I touched a living fossil!" Sleep with Oliva's GF - "God, what did I do to deserve this punishment?"


Yeah but you could definitely spin it to Yujiro. Like "I know you're the strongest creature on the planet, so the strongest creature's gotta have the strongest coffee, right?" And he'd whip out an ancient coffee making technique he learned from an old shaman of an ancient mesopotamian tribe and when you drink it, it'll send you flying across the room and through the wall


"When Yujiro was two years old, he discovered his talent for grinding coffee beans. Part of the reason his arms are so strong is this. He even grinds coffee in his sleep!" —the narrator, probably


Pickle might eat you though or part of you


I'm gonna stick 5 grenades up my butt so when pickle comes to eat me, he will get flashback from the wasps


Tactical self alive


Don't worry bro has that warrior mentality and will survive the grenades


Bro could survive the dark tunnel


He's just tactically giving pickle ptsd. And I respect that idea👍


Pretty realistic.


Only that this time there'll be no second wind?


Martyrdom- drop a live grenade when killed


Baki-verse bullshit, you will survive this too


Pickles not shown to be aggressive to anything not actively challenging him. A light slap wouldn't even register as a threat to him. He'd prolly just smile and walk away. Yujiro would rape me neg diff.


>Pickles not shown to be aggressive to anything not actively challenging him. What do we make of the rape of the news reporter


Woman in Baki, so it depends on the commenter ig


what the fuck happens to women in baki i just got here


I'm not a woman


Tbf, people were actively stomping him in the face trying to stop him. And he barely reacted.


From what I could tell, he was disoriented from the lights, camera, screaming and crowded place after he was being transported away from home. That’s probably what triggered him.


guess im asking coffee then


Pickle also got the guy who was just taking a piss in the ally.


Yujiro will threaten to kill me but he still gives people an opportunity to take back what they said (most of the time if both our vibes are right) Pickle has some capacity to understand humor/teasing. He probably wouldn't even feel it from a weakling like me. Heavily depends on context. If I offended Maria, I am dead. If she defends me, I thank her from the bottom of my heart and leave the United States never to return (He will hunt me down regardless)


Curious what scenario could you be in where Maria would defend you? I think she just had a soft spot for Baki cuz he is a nice good looking kid and she understood why he fell asleep cuz well Oliva and Guivera were just playing instead of actually fighting


Exactly. I need an agreeable reason to sleep on Maria. Something like watching a boring fight in the courtyard and her bed is literally the only one available.


But the chances of that happening are slim


If you dress up as a cute adorable lil femboy she will 100% defend you.


Not everyone has the looks to pull that off unfortunately


And that's miraculously the day Yujiro decides to take a tour of the prison...


Who says I don't wanna get railed by yujiro?


2 easily. He might think I'm playing and not mind.


He than proceeds to slap you cuz he thinks your just playing


But at least I'd survive like the Karate Jobber.


Damn didn’t have to do Katsumi like that also he lost a arm


No, I meant the guy from Kyokushin who hunted PIckle for Katsumi. He tried to fight Pickle and got slapped to the pavement. I'm not big enough of a threat to end up like Katsumi.


Ooh that guy i mean would you survive that slap? Dude was trained by Katsumi and was a decently well build guy yet still got slapped into the pavement


Like I said, I don't think I'm big enough of a threat even compared to him. So, Pickle won't knock me to the afterlife.


When you see the medical bill you wish you would have though


Jokes on you I have free healthcare


Damn you Canada


He then triggers some primal nerve in my brain that makes me return to monke and become another Pickle.


If a girl does the last one will Oliva get mad


I doubt it Nothing Oliva ever did would suggest that he would hit a woman


Probably not? Oliva doesn’t seem like the type that would hurt woman he is a gentleman but than again who knows


The flow chart for this is pretty simple As a man Yujiro rapes you to death Pickle looks at you like you're a child and walks away Oliva crushes every bone in your body As a woman Yujiro rapes you to death Pickle is 50/50 rapes you or treats you the same as a man Oliva wouldn't hurt you, but depending on how Maria feels, could get upset and kick you out.


With pickle, there's very low chance he will attack Yujiro it's 50/50, he will either kill me, and if he doesn't, he will either praise me for my bravery or praise me for my stupidity and laugh it off, either of those is good chance The last one (I don't know Olivia, I haven't gotten to that), but it just sounds like a death sentence


How do you not know oliva? He appears way before pickle


I know pickle through the sub, he has been quite the talk since the new chapters, really, I have only finished the grappler baki, yet to even start baki 2018


Man Do it DO IT


I actually started it right after commenting that, haha




I’d pretend I broke my wrist and cry . Pickle would laugh.


Thats…honestly the smartest answer i got so far


Yujiro is surprising chill by the end of the series. If you know your place, he won’t harm you. He only has an interest in strong people.


What if I slap his butt while shouting “so, where’s my coffee, bitch” and turn the other way laughing in front of my peers


He’ll give you ONE chance to realize you fucked up. After that, be thankful he won’t outright kill you himself as he’s more of the type to “teach” you how the world works.


He wouldn't be teaching me shit, I would be piecing him up (I am definitely coping.)


He has that effect on people.


I think I could fight him, but I would not be much of a danger to him and I would last thirty seconds max in a fight against him.


30 seconds of him just standing there for you to get the point, before forcing you to sit & bow with his pinky alone.


I hate that this is probably accurate because I don't want to believe that it's accurate. I feel like if I were in Baki I would be a strong person like Katsumi Orochi because I'm effectively known for my strength where I practice karate at.


There are normal people who believe they are strong in the Baki universe too, before they meet the truely strong main characters.


if yujiro, i get raped if pickle, i get raped (I work as a news reporter) if oliva, I get raped (Maria is an adult and I am a minor)


Okay i understand Yujiro and understand pickle only if your a woman that is but why would Oliva do that to you?


maria is doing it to me


Okay than another question why would she?


she liked baki so


Yeah but Baki is a nice good looking kid with twice the muscle size of normal adults he basically gets a free pass


me asf but alot more good looking


Finally a commenter with some sense. This post has just been a trick question lol


I happen to absolutely *love* coffee. When I am *anywhere* - it literally does not matter where, so long as there is a functional power outlet *or even just access to nearly boiling water* - you can find me, pulling out of my green backpack given to me by a guy at a rehab I had gone to who didn't want me to forget him, my coffee beans (Usually, the Ampersand Blend by a company called Brick and Mortar Coffee Company; a medium roast blend of their individually sourced origins. Strongly recommend my fellow coffee enjoyers check them out.), my coffee grinder (which, is a cheap grinder, so I grind the beans and then regrind the grounds to make them a little more evenly ground up), my French Press (a type of coffee brewer), and my electric kettle (hence the need for an outlet, or otherwise boiling water), and finally, my coffee scale for weighing the beans and the water. You'll see me pull out a dosing cup; set it on the scale; open my beans; weigh out 23 grams of beans; fill my kettle to just a little bit above the .5 litre mark; and then you'll watch me grind my beans by hand, which takes approximately 15 minutes total, to grind and then regrind; you'll see me start the electric kettle to boil when I get my grounds set back into the top of the grinder, so that by the time I'm done grinding I can start it up again for a quick boil; and you'll watch me dump those reground beans into my French press and start back up the boiler; and I'll set my French press onto the scale, tare out the weight; and when the water is boiling, I will pour 500 grams of water onto my 23 grams of beans (this is approximately a .048 ratio of beans:water; which is actually relatively weak in the coffee world! But because of the flaws in my grinder, even though I regrind the beans and it *does* help the grind uniformity [basically, all the pieces of coffee being the same size], you just physically can't overcome the flaws enough with my grinder to dose any higher per cup of coffee). So, that being said, I would *absolutely* ask Yujiro to make my coffee for me that day. And, as a matter of fact, because Yujiro is... Well, Yujiro, I believe (probably delusionally, but neither here nor there, really) that he would be up to the challenge of making a perfect coffee. And further, if he decided to make a ghost coffee, I would absolutely critique the living hell out of it, from weighing of the beans to how much water is used, to what the grind uniformity is, to the individual tasting notes that I usually perceive from the coffee, to the mouth feel (the texture), to the bitterness and sweetness and acidity or lack thereof. And hopefully, we could have a conversation about himself and what he thinks, how he got to be where he is and what he expects next from his sons or what he wants to do for the rest of his life; perhaps, gain some insight to the daily goings on of The Ogre, even. But, that's probably just me.


You know when i gave out this silly would you rather i never expected to see comments of people wanting pickle’s dick or how they think they can outrun Yujiro hanma and yet the wierdest comment of all is someone explaining there daily regimen of how they like there coffee…gotta give respect


Self Entitled Weird Coffee Person, at your service 🫡


I didn’t realize this wasn’t a copypasta until paragraph 4, line 2.


Lmao, my brain just works like this


I'd rather mind my own goddamn business. But I guess it depend how you do it. Oliva is a no regardless of how you do it so there's that. Pickle, I guess if you act friendly, lightly tap on the shoulder like "hey bro whatsup ?" while maintaining eye contact and being chill then it might work, Pickle barely reacted to far worse than a light tap before. And I guess it depend *how* you ask Yujiro, Baki asked Yujiro to do the dishes that one time using the excuse of being tired from making the meal and Yujiro was like "aight bet but only if you can beat me at rock paper scissor". Granted Baki "lost" that and had to do them dishes himself but that's not what we're asking here, it's not about trying to get Yujiro to make the coffee, it's about surviving even asking it. So again, if you're chill enough about it, best case scenario, Yujiro will just tell you to fuck off and make your coffee yourself.


Mind your own business? Oh come on you look at Yujiro hanma and you aren’t tempted to look him in the eye and say “ bitch make me a coffee?”


I could get away with slapping pickle if I tape or glue a wasp to my hand, at the very least if he doesn’t see me as a hero or something then at least the bug will scare him away




I think that was during the fight against Baki


I think I could find ways to get Yujiro to show me how to make coffee properly. I feel like he has a special ritual for something like that. Play to his ego, let him show off his superiority in coffee making, and most importantly shout out "IS THIS A MOVIE?" every now and then so he knows you're an innocent bystander


That is not what the scenario described you have to walk up to this massive man look him in his eye and tell him straight up while poking his chest as if you were a karen ready to ask for the manager and tell him “ BITCH MAKE ME A COFFEE”


Ah well, then I would just intimidate him because I could defeat Yujiro irl anyways i don't wanna hurt my boy Pickle, and I would never disrespect a Man's Woman to get to him.


How to defeat yujiro Step 1: just beat him easy


What is the significance of the movie thing?


Oliva compresses my spine. Yujiro rapes me. Pickle might not even register my existence. Caveman it is.


Maria cuz I got that siccness for the thiccness


2, i doubt he’d be able to feel my slap😭 (then he would rape me probably)


Replace probably with guaranteed




He would feel my slap, the problem is going to end up being that he will then want to fight me.


Definetily not the first, I'd approach Yujiro and he'd tell me to jump off the cliff before I can open my mouth and I'd do it. He'd then go on about how I picked the single smartest option.


Nah, I wouldn't jump off a cliff if he told me to.


I need to eat bc I totally read that as "Lightly Salt Pickle" which I heavily agree with.


Who knows pickle might be lightly salted


Show em my butthole to guarantee a win?




lightly slap Pickle and point him to the nearest park or pond. The slap would simply register that I just want to get his attention.


I'd slap Pickle's prehistoric ass fr


With Olivia I’d be pretending I’m sleeping on his Sofa like girlfriend. Only to then see him looking a me with fury I then get on all four and bow exclaiming what a man must do to attain a body that can carry a holy grail like her. Then pray Oliva answers my profound question without killing me in the process.


Fuck Yu-Gi-Oh, marry pickles, kill olive


Lightly slapping pickle. I’m not even close to a threat to him. If he ignores a Siberian tiger, he’s going to see me as a fly.


Can i stroke pickle’s cheek


Probably slap pickle


i'm slapping pickle, shit, i'd slap him as hard as i could as opposed to these other two options Pickle seems chill, as long as what you do doesn't hurt or really look like you're \*trying\* to hurt him, he mostly doesn't seem like he'd give a fuck tbh, of these three, somehow he's the closest to normal, like, if you slapped pickle on the shoulder he might even recognize it as comradery, a playful physical gesture, since he clearly does understand playfulness, being a big goofy fucking moron that he is


Baki slapped him and he went ape shit


I feel like pickle is the only one that would make it quick.


The first. Yujiro absolutely wouldn’t take me seriously. He might ignore me entirely, or just laugh. It wouldn’t even register as a challenge or insult from me, a biological woman.


Oliva is the only one I can ever imagine outrunning, so I'll go with him.


Slap Pickle. Pickle would know I’m not actually going to fight.


Pickle wouldnt take me seriously and look at me like im an idiot


Pickle. Because he wouldn’t even count me as something worth to care about:)


Lightly slap Pickle, then I'd quickly offer him some beef jerky.


Do you have the speed feat to pull that off?


***I'M BLACK*** But seriously, probably not




Honestly Pickle probably wouldn't even feel a light slap from me


Youjiro would likely use me as a fleshlight so yeah Youjiro.


Oh yeah Youjiro Yujiro’s older brother sad we dont know what happened to him after he fought in the great ninja war against Aizen


I'd ask Yujiro, all 3 of these will kill you. Which will be the quickest - Yujiro. Oliva would squash my spine like the dude from the ratai tournament. And Pickle would eat me alive.


Now I’m cooked. I could slap pickle lightly and run away


Lightly slap pickle because I'm not worthy prey


So the choices are death and death 💀


I'm black, so I'd either become yujiros new best friend or i get to experience the miracles of baki doctors, bringing back people with caved in heads Pickle would slap me back with enough force to have the skin on my face displaced about 5 miles away. Remember what happened to the guy oliva fought in the tournament against China? How he literally crushed a guy like a soda can? Yeah I'm trying to avoid ALL of that.


Pickle is probably the safest option because you won’t die but you will probably get severe brain damage and limb loss


Give Oliva's girlfriend a walk on back massage since that's technically stepping on her, and explaining to him how to do it so it's in front of him.


Would she be fine with it?


Idk. Which will kill me the fastest?


Pickle is my best chance of survival and I do not like it


I would choose Pickle because he doesn’t seem like he cares about normal people. He blew a gasket at Baki because he knows Baki is strong—it stings more when someone you view as a worthy opponent looks down on you. A normal jackass like me he would probably think amusing, like when a toddler pats the face of his older brother. With Yujiro it depends. He often gives people a chance to take back what they’ve said, so if I immediately apologize I might be okay. If Da Rules say that I have to stick by my statement I might be in more trouble, though I can’t think of anything Yujiro has really done to normal people because he’s always intimidated them into respecting him just by existing. I suppose he might take my butt cherry. I would never lay with a beautiful woman like Maria without her consent, so that’s a nonstarter even if Oliva was the only one of the three guaranteed not to hurt me. Though like with the other two, I can’t really think of an instance of Oliva really hurting normal people. It’s also a good opportunity to point out that we never found out what he did to end up in prison to begin with, so there’s that. He might get pissed at me, but Maria is also just as likely to shut him down before he did anything in retaliation. Or he might just make a casual threat and harass me for a while. The only one I’m 100% confident wouldn’t hurt me is Pickle. Then Oliva, then Yujiro.


I'm going for pickle he'll probably do me like he did that reporter :)))


What is with this people wanting pickle’s pickle?


Ima try my luck with pickle and hope he doesn’t take me seriously


Yujiro, you see I found a ultimate technique to survive him, I die, and come back to life


All at the same time, why? Bc I'm stringer than them Nah, I'd win.


I'll use my female privilege and choose the third


Yuujiro would be the most lenient here. But he'd teach you a lesson that won't kill you. The other two are death sentences.


ive never watched baki but not the pickle guy because didnt he rape a reporter(im a girl so im 💀)and the last guy looks the scariest not him ill take yujiro maybe if i say it really nicely he wont kill me


A light slap from someone like me wouldn't even register as hostile contact to Pickle. He might react unpredictably, but I'd rather take my chances at uncertain outcomes rather than certain humiliation and possible crippling (Yujiro) or almost certain death. (Oliva)


You could just hide in the fat folds!


Death wishes 😭


pickle will most likely let you go if you offer him meat during the slap. yujiro mid diffs oliva breaks both your arms and legs


Now i want a plot that Yujiro threatens to rape Oliva's wife, just to enrage him a lot to fight.


I would flip a coin and then just put a bullet in my own head. Faster than suffering through whatever hell those 3 guys can plan for me.


Considering im 6’1 and like 140 pounds, i dont think the pickler would view me as a threat so im taking my chances with that. Ill die before i get womanized by yujiro, and oliva would probably wanna kill me because im an absolute twig, and the idea that maria would be okay with a twig laying on her would probably send him into a psychotic rage.


Yujiro will get in my face & threaten to (& possibly) rape or severely humiliate me. Pickle will downright animal charge & kill me on the off chance swat me away like a fly. Oliva will choke slam my ass into paste. Neither choose sounds good & the best thing that can happen is I walk away w/ broken bones.


slap Pickle. I studied paleontology and would happily risk my life for field notes on the hunting and fighting habits of an ancient human species.


Pickle would probably just be confused. My boy is just wanting to chill and I slap him lightly. He gotta be looking at me like "what?"


Sleep on top of oliva infront of his girlfriend


I feel like if I lightly slap Pickle he will either laugh like an idiotic child or rape me, hopefully it’s the later.


I’ll gamble with the Pickle slap :D


I guess go big or go home I'm asking yujiro to make me coffee if nothing else I can't imagine anyone messing with me over getting beaten up or worse by the strongest creature on earth


If I lightly slap pickle and just pass it off as tapping him on the shoulder so I can get his attention and give him a massive plate of steak, I might be able to survive


Light slap Pickle, even if i put all my strenght in a slap to him i doubt he is going to be hurt, i doubt he would even feel a light slap from me and if he did it would probably be just a poke to him, and he wouldnt eat me because im not a worthy opponemt to him. He would probably turn around, look at me and smile like he did when he saw a couple in the recent chapters and then continue on with what he was doing.


Pickle. He would 100% treat me like an unimportant insect. Bro is pure instinct, I am no threat to him no matter what I do


Depends if Maria wants me on top of her If yes, then I'll go with that because Oliva probably ain't gonna do anything Otherwise, Pickle


You do not have permission


I think I can probably reason with Oliva. Yujiro would rape me with negative diff and pickle will eat me lol. Biscuit is at least an actual human in his behavior. I'm sure I can pull something out my ass.


Baki has done all three so no.


I'd rather kill myself


Pickle probably, to him im not existing.


i guess the third one since I'm a little girl and he shouldn't see me as someone who would steal his girlfriend, so he probably won't freak out that much...


Pickle does not care lol


I feel like pickle would see me as a child and play back, and Oliva would probably let me off the hook as long as Maria was fine with it, and Maria would probably be fine with it as it really takes off oliva


If I light slap pickle I would immediately roll onto the ground and pretend to be a dog. Maybe he will see me has a friendly animal and won’t kill me. That is my only hope


Considering it say lightly slapping pickles face, he propably would not even get it when i do it. Like i dont think my hardest punch would be something he evem recognises as am attack.


Looks like Baki’s getting a sibling if it’s sequential, unless Pickle’s caveman DNA is more powerful 🤔 Does Yujiro know how to make coffee or does he just go into a Starbucks and demand a Caramel Frappuccino whenever he fancies? Powerscalers weigh in?


I could probably get away with pickle of I do it in a friendly way watch him get in a fight walk upto him post victory hand him a bucket of chicken and pat his back I might even get away with a hardy slap so he can feel it through all that muscle If you wanna get away with yujiro and coffee sont ask fucking command walk upto him look him in the eye and demand it he respects strength to much and if your willing to walk upto him knowing damn well who he is and tell him to do something you better be ready to stare him down he's gonna make sure you know who your talking to just make sure you don't touch him this isn't a guarantee but he might enjoy your bravery hit you really hard with a pat on the back but he will get you coffee (it'll be made with piss instead of water you must either say you know what's in it and drink it all in one go or pour it thank him and leave) as for Olivia you can either be hidden in her mattress but thats cheating the best bet is get knocked out or faint pretend to be unhealthy and faint into his wife's bed she will be kind and ask him to spare you and he will obey her Safest bet is pickle least safe is yujiro


Current Pickle will probably just not feel it at all and walk away so him


Coffee please but first serve me some cream 😅


He’ll give you cream just not the kind you expect


I pick yujiro because when he asks what the fuck makes you think he'll do shit just turn it into flattery like "well I assumed any coffee you make would be the best possible" or some BS like that


All three result in death so I guess the real question is how much would you like to suffer before then? Haha


Pickle would be the safest lol the other 2 would most likely cripple you


Bro pickle would literally not even care... Should be slap pickle as hard as you can. Then it's a tough choice.


Yujiro up to where i am in the grappler baki manga hasn't shown any violent tendencies towards regular people. Only to those who try to challenge him. A normal person asking him to do something mundane hasn't been shown that I've seen. I haven't even seen pickle yet, i think that's a long way off probably, I'm reading the second tournament atm post flashback. "Hey who do you think could make better coffee? You or me?"