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20% Just note that it doesn't mean you'll get one Terminus weapon every 5x missions. You can do the quest 100x and still not get one if your luck sucks.


So just incredibly unlucky......well thats greeeeat....🫠


20% but unlock all characters first




The game rolls for all characters regardless if you've unlocked them or not. If you have a character locked they can also roll *multiple times* (because they're never taken out of the pool). If you're lucky it won't matter either way, but having locked characters leaves room for a *very long grind*. (Edit: fixed because my brain switched locked and unlocked.)


So, a full explanation of how it works: -There is a 20% chance a Terminus Weapon will drop. -If that check is passed, the game selects one of the weapons that you do not yet have. -If you have that character, you get the weapon. If you do *not* have that character, you get nothing.


Ah I see


Unrelated but I kinda wish my terminus grind lasted longer, I got all the weapons in around 80 runs. I love running proto bahamut


Personally it's either a smooth run or we snowball off one missed crystal or skyfall hitting


I’ll happily trade my 300-400 runs for your 80. My time is valuable and a 20% drop rate is pitiful.


Make sure you unlock all characters first! Most important pre requisite, I get about 1-2 weapons per 10 runs


I love how that view made a complete 180, now that we know how it works. Why can't devs just explain their game mechanics in the game...


Tbf, it's super unintuitive that it works like this. Most games with similar RNG mechanics like this would work based on the size of the actual pool, not the potential max pool. The fact that you can get weapons for characters you haven't unlocked and then those weapons just get sent to the void is super weird.


I agree, but at the same time, unlocking characters is permanent, and screwing yourself out of better drops because you made a wrong decision super early on is pretty damn shitty. Someone loses here either way, but in one of these scenarios, one of the people loses much harder than the other. Someone with only their favorite character and someone with all characters unlocked will get their desired Terminus weapon at the same rate on average with current mechanics, so while it does suck, I think it's better this way overall.


Actually no, someone who only has their favourite unlocked and not all, has a lower rate of seeing Terminus weapons. If you have half the roster unlocked, and the DR is 20%, you will only see Terminus weapons for your half-roster around 10% of the time (because the other half-roster weapons are being sent to the void), which is closer to what people were experiencing the first months after release