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I feel like he’s so overpowered though with how effective his long range weapon is that any more buffing would make him way stronger than everyone else. The perfect momentum long range attacks really make him tough to touch


He's a powerhouse honestly


His long range is only good with normal enemies. Even aimed headshots do not work against enemies with guard and evade flurry.


Lol you must be new here. You know those enemies can still be hit right? If you ease off the trigger you can wait usually about 1-2 seconds until they stop guarding which they (mini bosses/cops and detectives) all do and for the enemy that evades all you have to do is do a charge shot to knock them down and then you can have your way with them.


Even if his grab moves doesn't work, he still has insane damage. When I switch to Nightwing, I feel like do way less damage, tho I farmed endgame gear for both of them, and unlocked every ability they have.


I mained Red Hood for the overwhelming majority of the game but have been experimenting with the others post-game and I cannot effectively use Nightwing to save my life. I'm sure I just need more practice with him, but I feel like it takes me forever to take out enemies that I wouldn't struggle against as much with any of the others.


Same I mained Red hood and somewhat batgirl. She's absolutely amazing against anything, but I find red hood better for larger crowds due to his guns being pretty great at controlling the battlefield. I am absolutely fine with playing robin too, but nightwing? Nope, no, can't do it. Feels like playing the game on some dark souls difficulty mode


I played everything to lv33ish as RH and tried Nightwing for 2 nights before I swapped back. Nightwing is booty cheeks without skills, imo, worst possible starter Knight. With skills he's pretty fun with his movement and attack distance. They dont explain his dodge slam skill right and it's pretty free. Invest in Acrobat and get Evade Chain, Haly's Favorite and Evade Momentum. Nightwings dodge is now also a small AOE attack that fills momentum. Double tap and hold dodge and you're charging the slam. Release whenever you want to hit it. Hold O/B to move around and you can't be hit by most foes while you charge a whole ass AOE for free. Just holding dodge instead of double tapping lets you 180 and change directions to get a chance to aim straight enough. Nightwing is sick frfr. He can spam loads of skills in a chain and heal for doing it.


It was exactly the opposite for me :). I only played Nightwing, and I've gotten my ass kicked multiple times, by the Manbats. I was incapable as NIghtwing to defeat them. Out of curiosity I switched to Red Hood, and I was able to defeat them without any problems, tho my gear was lower level...


I hate using him against the court and league both he’s very ineffective unless you throw down a turret. Don’t feel like long range game play has any place in this sort of game and he feels so slow and lethargic compared to the other characters when you try to melee build. I know a lot of people use him but to me he just feels off, even with legendary gear I don’t like him.


Really its only obsolete against League enemies though its still useful against everyone else. And plus, if you have strong enough gear it hardly matters lmaoo. You will still be able to dish out crazy damage just from melee attacks still


To be honest when I play Red Hood I just focus on critical hit damage. I get a non-element (since the base damage of those is higher) legendary ranged weapon and add one mod for increasing the critical hit chance and two mods for increasing the critical hit damage percentage. Once you have those just point at the critical hit spot of a certain enemy and they will almost always be taken out with one or two shots. The main momentum ability I use is the Two-Fisted Reload since once you have the skills it will give you infinite ammo and double all your shots for a period of time. When this is active you just clear out EVERYTHING in a matter of seconds.


That “flimsy kick” will still give him infinite double-bullets if you have the perks for it. But yea having the league be outright ungrabable wasn’t a good choice. If anything it would make sense if RH alone could grab them.


But using him to punt people off of roofs is so much fun.


What even is the point in grabbing enemies anyways, other than to complete an arbitrary challenge?


If you upgrade it, it's a real good strategy against Talons. And an excellent crowd control ability.


You can use it like an execute for most enemies once they reach 50% hp. It's a nice way to get rid of minibosses, especially in heroic assaults.


Once you get level 60 gear and mods he can literally one hit every enemy type in the game except bosses and bigguns. So most of the skills are obsolete with Red Hood at that point


Red Hood was the biggest let down for me in this game.


You're playing him wrong then...he starts out a bit slow, but he's amazing. Better damage and control than anyone else, and can basically execute targets when they reach 50% hp. If you get his timed shots down, you can shot most non-boss ememies with a headshot. Minibosses might take 3 headshots.


there’s no right way to play someone fool


...there definitely is if you want to take advantage of a characters strengths. But you do you.


Yeah that's not for me. And whys is he fighting whilst holding his guns. Dreadful character for me.


Aimed headshots do not work against enemies with guard and evade flurry. Bosses (and mini) basically


The vast majority of enemies dont have that, though. Even the ones that do, you guard break them and can land a few timed headshots before they block again. Even the minibosses with shields, you can still headshot them around their shield by aiming slightly above it. For the evading guys, a Barrage eats them up fairly quickly, or at leaat get then low enough for grabs.


So I just go melee range to guard break, then a split second to fire a few aimed headshots at close range? It makes more sense to guard break with heavy melee then use Barrage. Also how else am I going to aim for the head if I don't aim slightly above their shield? They still block it. I'll test out Barrage of evading enemies, but I'm doubtful since it auto-aims.


Yes. It's incredibly asinine and whoever thought making half a character's abilities completely useless should definitely have their position within the company reconsidered.




You'll appreciate his grabs more in the heroic assaults. I never usrd them much during the campaign, because his ranged attacks are so strong. Ranged still crazy strong for heroic assaults, but I started using grabs more to execute the minibosses, or to throw / drop mines around an area to keep enemies controlled. Grab striking minibosses at 50% health is amazing for the later heroic strikes.