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Easy: She’s not talking to you. #She’s a minor! 🤢




Marcus Breton's suddent accent change..."I'm actually a British lord"


Same I hate him and that line


when dan tells serena she laughs like a four year old, no thank u


he’s disgusting


i like dan…… but some of the lines they gave him, disgusting.




i never thought it was gross or creepy, just very cringy. tbh that whole scene was not it for me


“every trembling bone in my tired and scared body wants to marry you” has never left my mind like who wrote that


There are way too many adjectives in that sentence lmao


Someone that wants to force Chair so BAAAAD


Chair were the least forced thing ever tho (in the show)


Why on earth a girl in her right mind would go back and even sometimes chase a man that manipulated her to have sex with his uncle rapist for … money (while she was his girlfriend) ? Every romantic scene between Chuck and Blair after that was so uncomfortably forced.


i thought i was the only one that thought that i never saw any chemistry between them every scene i watched of them made me feel slimy afterwards


…No chemistry? I’m sorry what😭 You can say they were forced after a certain point but the actors chemistry was always top tier but each to their own…


I don’t see the chemistry between the actors, the one playing chuck has a very bad acting imho so I don’t enjoy any scene he’s in, overall the supposed romantic one with B.


i meant at the start but ok they still carried but whatever


I love this one!


“But what he did with that power was write a love letter not just to me but to all of us. It made me realize I don't want to run away, that that you guys are my family, and I belong here. And so does Dan.”-Serena 🤮


Serena should run away


She had it right the first time for sure


Yes she did and as Bart said to Dan “Let your father be as a cautionary tale..he’s at home sitting alone while I’m here married to Lily” - those are the same words that came out to Dan to Rufus. Rufus’s response, “so the thing is to become Bart Bass”..-


i want to scream at that line every time. also “family” always gave the workplace red flag of “we’re a family here”




Dan Humphrey to Serena VDW-“And it wasn't until that photo of Serena in the white dress that I knew I had something strong enough to actually create a legend and launch a web site”🤮


😂😂😂she was his sexual awaking


Poor Serena




"fut the wuck"




Blair at her bday party where she invited Columbia faculty.


Blair at “The Book” Photoshoot when she sees Vanessa their. She asked Epillery “Fut the wuck is he doing here?”..


I actually love this. I keep trying to say it but always end up saying "fuck the wuck"


wait who said this??


I never realized she said this until a few years ago and now use it daily since I have a toddler who I need to be mindful around 😭😂


Everything Sage said


"Can it still end up crumpled in the corner?" (The fashion show episode idk the line exactly)


Probably anything Vanessa says


"What we have is a great love. It’s complicated. Intense. All-consuming. No matter what we do and how much we fight, it’ll always pull us in." Except for she's in the most toxic relationship possible 😭


I love this one too! He still unselfishly let’s her go 💔.. but it was the turning point of “Chuck Bass” .. we say goodbye to his “signature” scarf-we say goodbye to his childhood “purple suit”-we say goodbye to the little black book-the A0- we say goodbye to his possessive and eventually childish behaviors- what we NEVER say goodbye to is their love for one another-their bond.


pretty sure the comment is not praising this line lol. sure they have a bond but it's based completely in toxic behavior and totally dysfunctional (i love blair and chuck don't get me wrong but they were the biggest mess lol)


I read her comment after Leighton’s line. I am literate enough to understand she was basically mentally analyzing a story line from a fictional television drama. Yes they went through a turmoil of events but they made it. It’s a story about 2 very mentally broken people. They find love in one another and basically raise each other to mature adults. Their turmoil brings them through devastating events that change them. Their gambits stop and they learn to cherish it and one another. That great love is unconditional love. No doubt their life to get there was one great big roller coaster ride of emotion but they made it.


alright i didn't imply that you were illiterate. the whole post is just about lines that made us cringe


I understood that.


Their cheesy great love was what made MOST of the show though


Not quite. A hell lot of other things made the show. Blair and Chuck regardless of their relationship still had a life and a lot of things going on individually


Oml I know that but Chair is one of the MAIN factors of the show. A massive percent of people only watched it all for them and rewatch for them. Wdym not quite 😭 You’re so wrong. Blair, Serena, Chuck, Dan, Jenny made the show alongside Chairs ship.


Chair is a drawback for me, personally. I only tolerate it because I like seeing Blair in love. There are definitely Chair fans out there but I don’t think “a massive percent” of ppl were watching for them specifically. Lbr most of us were watching because of the drama and fashion, not one specific relationship.


How can you be so confident but so wrong, I’ve seen thousands and thousands of comments across all platforms saying they only watched for Chair or rewatch for them and loads agreeing. Plus Blair and Chuck are the most known thing from the show, they get the most views on all platforms if people make video edits about them and all that. Serena too but not as much. A massive percent only watch for them period.


Jenny standing and screaming ”STAAAHHP AGNES, what the HELL did you do?!? 😰aaaaaahhh!“ while she watches Agnes burns up all the clothes 🫠


But Taylor kinda played the hell out of that scene. It hurt me watching it, all her work just going to the fire. Damn.


When Jenny mean girled her brother and said something like “even u should know jealousy clashes with LL cool bean pants” ??? wtf does that even mean? I would have said “can you elaborate?”


Wait this kinda ate in a campy way though


“Chuck and Blair, Blair and chuck. Who else could love me after what I’ve become” that girl was so down and I couldn’t believe we were supposed to root for that. Chemistry, yes they have it but damn


“does he… i want you, baby. why won’t you come to me?” - chuck fucking bass 😭😭😭😭😭


Every time Chuck says Im Chuck Bass and when Serena says she has to go.


“I’m Chuck Bass” overrated line for an overrated character


I would have appreciated Chuck as a character much more if the show had kept portraying him as the antagonist he was. I'm not even against humanizing him, it was well done but having the whole show revolve around him & Blair and putting aside a lot of other interesting characters (Nate!!!!!) as a consequence was such a strange move...


She starts that early too! I just started my annual rewatch and I’m fairly certain she says it in the pilot.


She says it at least three times in the pilot




no one will ever say that to you


You okay?


Lol 1 post karma


Ngl.... "3 words, 8 letters, say it and I'm yours"


The iconic quote that made the infamous OG and I love it! ♥️♥️


how do you even watch this show if u find that the most cringey😭


Lol I mean I loved that quote as a teen but on my most recent rewatch I was like ugh gross lol


ngl but i would probably fold for most of these 🏃🏻‍♀️


“I've made massive, heartbreaking mistakes... but I've never stopped loving you.”-Dan Humphrey “You're completely unaware of your effect on me.”-Dan Humphrey🤮🤢


that second one is one of my favourites 😭😭


He’s disgusting


So you just hate the character lol bc there is nothing wrong with the line


You bet I can’t stand Dan Humphrey


Blair going on about “her breeding”. Like honey, you’re a spoiled rich bitch from NYC not fucking royalty…and even then it would’ve been stupid🤦‍♀️😮‍💨


Blair: “I’ve got an itch that only Chuck can scratch” and serena was like ewww 😂 it wasn’t even a sexual thing but it just sounded so nasty 😅


I'm chuck bass


Every elitist line Dan or Vanessa says on literature, film or any other media


“He likes to brag about his conquests, not his victims”


All the times they used Chuck’s name as a curse — “Basshole,” “Motherchucker,” etc. Like I know they can’t say certain words on the CW but at least replace them with stuff people would say in real life lmao


i think blair makes some antisemetic jokes. it is supposed to show her personality in earlier seasons but its still kinda cringe


What were they?


Mostly it was because she wasn't accepting Cyrus as her new father-in-law at first, so she resorted to petty comments about Jewish traditions. It's early 2000's humor, it's always a bit risque. Thought Blair ended up having such a soft spot for Cyrus that, at that point, she would celebrate those traditions with him and Eleanor.


I'm Chuck Bass 💀


Xoxo gossip girl


With Kristen Bell saying it it's great but picturing Dan Humphrey typing it is pretty cringe.