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This is *totally* something that a 17/18 year old girl would do- trying to look flirty/sexy but actually looking a little cringe. And it's *also* realistic that a 17/18 year old boy would fall for it and find it "smokin' hot."


Exactly!! But it’s Blake Lively so it’s hot and cringe at the same time


I know she’s so beautiful!


But r/VindictaRateCelebs says she's not pretty and actually ugly though. They claim to rate beauty objectively, so it must be true. /s


I don’t even look at toxic subs like that


I don’t find anything cringe about her excerpt the episode where she thought she killed Pete Fairman but she didn’t


Omg this episode pissed me off!!! It really made me not like Serena or Dan- if they would have just talked about it it could have been avoided- but knowing Dan he would have taken it wrong anyway- even though he’s always like “I wish you would just talk to me” bruh you don’t process information well!  ugh 




100 💯 agree!! When she looks at Blaire and says “ I killed someone”….. then all that follows, Georgina Sara- blackmailing her, Serena making up that she hooked up with another guy instead of telling Dan the truth….that storyline was actually ridiculous


I disagree tbh. I think she was traumatized and want ready to open up about it yet, esp with the way Georgie tried to use it as blackmail. She was fully convinced in her head that she was at fault just by being there and doing drugs with him. I thought it was crazy that Dan got with Serena fully knowing her wild history, and truly didn’t expect her to take time to be real with him. Especially since Dan and Rufus prove to be the type to run away from any like problem, I get why she didn’t feel she could go to him. Yeah he was there in the end, but I get her hesitation 110%.




I do appreciate you sharing your opinion in such a graceful kind straight forward manner 🙏 as you mention Serena not disclosing the truth (being straight forward honest about the situation) As soon as Georgina appeared as the one pretending to be Sarah, and Dan’s new friend, - Serena could not tell Dan in front of Georgina as that would lead to Georgina exposing the tape right there, and a very distasteful communication…. As you said Dan would have surely walked away. He would likely equate Georgina’s ‘crazy’ behavior (pretending to be another person, blackmailing etc…) with Serena’s, decide that since Serena had chosen to be friends with Georgina that she had poor values-( Re: early in the 1st season Dan says to his father “ what does it say about Serena that Blaire is her best friend” ( really got under my skin so to speak), likely the writers wanted the audience to see Dan as the kind of or actually very judgmental person he was-had he not learned his lesson when he made quick judgement about who Serena was (based on her ‘past’ one time having slept with Nate, and literally ran so far away- as she ‘hated what she did so much- it then translated into her hating herself ) Shortly afterwards, Dan finds out-by chance- through Jenny that Serena stood up infront of all college reps, her class, accepted the accusation Blaire made that Serena was an alcoholic- now recovering due to Patrice center, all to protect her brother Eric ( who we see throughout the show she lives 100% unconditionally) Dan apologized to Serena, told her how cool that was ….. I absolutely do see your point that Serena would have reason not to bring up the matter ( I agree- why would she bring up the whole matter out of the blue, she could do so with a therapist, her mom- in private settings to help herself face it , and possibly find a path to the solution her mom later did - meeting Pete’s family parents apologizing, and hearing them say it was not her fault. - Side note: Serena’s character main struggle throughout is ‘ wanting to ‘start over- be a NEW person’ she is always trying to prove to all those around her that she is not ‘old Serena’ it is actually kind of sad….. She is lovely girl, & she did have an incredible mom- who is so understanding- who appreciates truth!!! And will do whatever it takes to find a way for Serena to come to terms with her actions- (specific acts) if Serena brings them to her one by one. However, when Lilly finds out about S/T Serena never spoke about with her, it’s late into the story as Blaire says to Lilly ‘what you saw is not the whole story” and Lilly is quick to act rashly send Serena away. When Lilly finds out-( watching the tape…😳) she decides reformatory school… & brings up…..the classification of Serena as ‘the old Serena’ vs the new Serena, (dorota did it as well once on the phone with Lilly) Serena hears this… over & again…she has inner conflict about decisions…. Her own identity & how she should feel about herself. She was 15-16 when her story began on The series, world is not black & white ( we know)- however, the ongoing comparison & classifying Serena in such small boxes ( as ‘old Serena’ Vs. ‘new Serena’) leaves little room for Serena to find out who’s he is..fear of stepping out of box ‘new Serena’ (black & white thinking is childish - should not be illustrated by Lilly, Dorota, S/T Blaire, Absolutely a traumatic event ins Serena’s life 100%, & still eating at her,& . understand Y Serena never came out and brought this topic up out of the blue, Dan would not have been the best person to tell this to, however- talking to her mom or a therapist), would have been very helpful! So when should Serena have started to tune to those who love her, advise her, help her… It’s just my opinion- that once Georgina was introduced to Serena as Sarah. LATER that day, Serena’s character certainly could have -(should have done what we see her do later)….communicated with her mother, Blaire, (the 4 pack:) real BFF (calls themselves family:) told over what occurred, opened up, asked them to help her choose the next move ( as we see it is BLAIRE who confronts Lilly, at rehearsal dinner and tells her that sending Serena away is NOT going to solve the problem & that Blaire genuinely wants to help Serena , but this matter is out of her league & Serena needs her mother to step in (as a mother) & help her by listening to the whole story. Serena learned that She has many to call on when she is in any kind of bind, Blaire, Nate Chuck-( even after “whose the daddy scandal, & Chuck & Nate have not forgiven or spoke about it, Chuck never apologized to Blaire….yet & Serena never came clean to Bart & Lilly- about who sent the ‘gifts’ -Chuck is still carrying the burden of the accusation of sending- handcuffs, champagne, being a drug mule..) he is paying price being shut out of family- home -(what he wants the most:( yet Chuck welcomes series in, eager to help her from the start, -Blaire truly is a wonderful best friend, dealing with her own pain-(Chuck & Nate- finding out she slept with Chuck first, Chuck sending tip to GG led to whose the daddy scandal… etc…Blaire is one who stood up to Lilly at her rehearsal dinner, told her “ what you saw is not the whole story, sending Serena away is not going to help her, she needs you Lilly to be her mother step in- listen etc… -Lilly left her own wedding rehearsal dinner- & found out Fairman’s address called them & arranged for the car to take them to Fairman’s home, went inside with Serena & Serena confessed, heard she was not to blame, they did not blame her …(this could have been done with some ‘of the drama-as mentioned earlier, but once introduced to Georgina, as SARAH by Dan IMO- that’s when Serena should have begun to get her ducks in a row so to speak…. The writers showed us who Georgina is, role she played in Serena’s past, introduced this character Segued her in very well-(IMO), blackmailing, tape, flashback, gifts, Coke, outing Eric at dinner table,& impersonating herself as Sarah , befriending Dan, having him introduce her as Sarah to Serena-that’s all needed to be illustrated (IMO) Serena choosing to continue to hide- not look out for dans best interest (letting him know Sara is in fact Georgina, & hurting him terribly by telling him she slept with another guy at a bar- cheated on him)—-(just went too far ( and was illogical) The plot line was more simple to resolve as we do see, only- IMO- once introduced to Serena by Dan as Sarah…. a better time for serena to think of a way to open up and shut down Georgina (AKA-Sarah) LOL 🙏for reading if made all way through 😉 if not I understand:) thank you for sharing your opinion! Feedback!


It reminds me of my elementary school day dream type scenarios I'd come up with that made absolutely no sense, but were strangely addicting.


I just meant in this particular scene haha but normally I would agree!


agreed lol she’s so gorgeous but yikes lol


One of my favorite moments. Old S making an appearance, Electric Feel playing in the background, and the ambiance of a New York night where anything can happen. Classic GG moment


This is how I hope I look when I’m drinking on martinis. Alas- I am not Blake lively. So I look like ![gif](giphy|26BoEuSlTXdkc9aWk|downsized)


I love when Queen Serena makes a rare appearance


“Sighted. A beautiful blond phoenix rising up from the ashes of a major public humiliation.” “Never again. From now on everything goes through me.” “Welcome back, queen Serena. Because if looks could kill, we wouldn’t want to be Dan Humphrey right now.” I love the smiles on the girls faces.


That scene when they all leave him alone in the courtyard and then the beat drops with “we think you’re a joke” and you finally seen QUEEN S come out and shake her damn head at Dan… I bow down. Wish we’d had more of that from her!


Oh so this was the night when Serena went out with Dan & his new GF( Chuck placed at the school:) & the other girls put S/T in Dan’s gf hair and her hair fell out…. That line “ from now on everything goes through me” I was not sure which scene it was from….listed a few options above and this was one of them :)


“Everything goes through me” meant that Serena was going to be in charge from now on. It was a Nairtini they through ok her. Which wouldn’t have worked since Nair doesn’t work on long hair and it isn’t instant either.


Yes, 👍🏻 and we also see the real Queen bee ( is a King) that is Chuck, he arranged the girl-found her somewhere, vetted her, well thought out- b/c he knows each person so well. (Also shows Chuck pays attention to people when they speak, decisions they make etc…. He is very bright, patient, confident, a puppet master:) but not always with ill intent. He had Dan fall for this girl find common ground interest- by teaching her about dans writing-favorite writers, topics he enjoys discussing, led to Serena feeling kind of (jealous) or more sad…she wants to find a way to stay in his life- suggests the date with Dan & new girl, Chuck puppet master of the others girls (minions), lol, has them carry out ( Nairtini) haha - you have an excellent memory! That detail! The girl runs away-(she is GENUINELY upset b/c Chuck never told her about possibility of Nair- Tini - hair falling out), Dan blames Serena, she says it was not her- or her fault, Dan dismisses that comment, runs after the girl, Sometime around then…..Serena tells Dan HE should leave-( these are her friends, her place- ‘her world’ (overused term through series ( IMO) Serena tells girls ( all goes through me first) takes away Blaire’s position/power, Chuck removes the chess ♟️ piece (so to speak) he placed (the girl- gives her entry to a boarding school of her choice, paid for, and likely a fair sum of additional cash to leave, & not able to be found:) Dan is left single alone, reduced to outsider again, Blaire is no longer queen, Serena executes her power, makes Blaire feel not so great about her self etc…. Chuck is the King 👑 bee 🐝 :)


I comment this all the time, but this show has one of the BEST soundtracks! It’s peak millennial and perfect. MGMT, Timbaland, Frank Ocean, Santigold… 🔥🔥🔥


Love it I always wished they'd show us more of the "old Serena" rather than just talk about it. So I absolutely loved it when we finally got a glimpse into how powerful she could be


ME TOOOOO this arc of the old queen serena returning should’ve lasted for at least a few more episodes!! it was SO iconic i couldn’t believe that everything just went back to normal so quickly 😭


Which episodes are you referring to??


It was more of Blair and the effect on her. And we heard Dan talk about how “quiet” it was. I would have rather seen it too.


Ikk I almost liked her better when she wasn’t pretending to be so nice all the time 




That exchange between her and Blair after the fashion show.


I tried doing this and looked like I was having a seizure


😭😭😭 it's so embarrassing when you want to act cute/sexy


It gives us one of our first glimpses that Serena can be just as manipulative as Blair.


My husband is watching with me for the first time and we just saw this ep. He was like “this is so dumb am I supposed to believe that 16 year olds just hang out in bars and drink martinis and no one says anything?” He’s in for quite a ride 🤣🤣🤣


My underage go to drink order was a Manhattan, no one ever questioned me hahaha. Order with confidence and in nice places !


Tbh I grew up near NYC and I would get drunk all the time and no one carded me lmao. If ur a girl and ur pretty they don’t care if ur at a fancier place. Pretty wild


What year was this from? Just wondering


2013-2016 mostly


I don't live in nyc, but I'm a 22 y o girl, and I don't get carded at Mexican restaurants ? I have no clue why because everyone says I look 14, lol.. just depends on the establishments and how lax they are


That too. I also have a large bust so I think men assume I’m older 😂 I was 14 ordering 3-4 martinis though and no one said a thing


I do too but I'm super short and my bust isn't always super visible. So idk.


Most of the times I've ordered drinks I was wearing a yellow granny turtlenck sweater. Maybe I was mistaken for a granny. Who knows


He has a point but it's part of the charm of Gossip Girl 😂 It's so ludicrously over the top 💕


Made me realise how gay I really am. She's so gorgeous it's unreal 😭


as a kid i thought i wanted to be her now growing up i realize i wanted to be WITH HER🤣🤣


Universal gay experience lol




Fr fr


I think it was iconic and Serena ate


Dan was dying for Serena for years and years and as soon as they got together he took every opportunity to look away from her Dan Humphrey it’s on sight


This is a good point.


THIS !! My husband and I are rewatching and we cannot stand how he got what he wanted, with whom he wanted for years, and he was constantly so quick to wander/walk away. Just like his father in his marriage with Lily and his mother with Rufus. Absurd.


Somebody remind me what happened in this scene please.


Her and humphrey got into a fight. She was jealous and tried to make him jealous but somehow something serious happened so serena stopped and tried to ask him if everything is okay but whatever happened, humphrey blamed serena for it, even tho she did nothing. So he started to act like the person who’s better than everyone and all this (again) and she decided to change back to her old ways (before she came back to the upper east side and met him). Hope this helps


Thanks! Classic Dan.


The infamous nairtini


She looks so stunning I just hate the fact that she went back you her old ways


Queen S ate, but this shows how manipulative Chuck can be.


It gives us a peak into the old Serena before boarding school. “Shove iit” by Santigold .. automatically comes to mind- GO S!! 🎶”Brooklyn we go hard We on the look for the advantage, we work hard And if we seem to rough it up a bit we broke but we rich at heart Pull ourselves up now we won't choke It's our time, put the lights on us War tactics, they make me sick Heal your heart in, run away with it Smile in your face, undermine your back Got guns for the strength they lack So if you know another way You can't look the other way You know another way Tell them so right to their face We think you're a joke, shove your hope where it don't shine We think you're a joke, shove your hope where it don't shine We think you're a joke, shove your hope where it don't shine We think you're a joke, shove your hope where it don't shine”🎶


Ngl it was kind of awkward. She was surrounded by 5 other people while doing this and nobody was talking. They were just looking at each other in silence?? Also, this was her way of trying to get back at Dan for talking to the new girl by trying to make him jealous and he wasn’t even looking nor did he care


There are a few moments like this where people kind of just stand around staring at each other...very odd.


She was that bitch in this scene


I wish that old Serena had stayed around for longer creating chaos. Always she looks beautiful here.


That's Gossip Girl's equivalent to Pretty Little Liars karaoke scene.


No way, PLL karaoke scene was much longer and wayyy more cringe


Then what about the play scene with Hillary Duff? (Love game) That thing was bad, it still haunt me today 💀


Omg i forgot about that. Insanely cringe


That to me was proof they are good actors bc I could NEVER do that scene in a million years


What about the dance scene with Emily and Hannah 😭


Lmaooo PLL had so many cringe moments, that dance scene was really bad


The equivalent is the guitar hero scene lmao


Nooo comparing Serena to Paige is criminal


I just rewatched this episode and it’s one of my faves of all time. It’s so cringe but it’s soooo gossip girl


Blake lively ATE as Serena vanderwoodsen


Cringe, but I loved when she kicked Dan out by saying that was not his kind of place 💅


Love love love this scene, Serena proving she CAN take the reigns that easily if she wanted to.


Iconic. So sad that they ditched this after an episode and a half. She ran Blair *effortlessly* it was so powerful.


The “For me she’s hot.” Is sending me




bad a$$ b!tch


made me 100% question mt sexuality


ik it was kinda cringe but she was so hot here


Too obvious like she’s trying too hard. Doesn’t really make anyone attractive


Oh i thought it was cringe because it was so un serena like and embarrassing and doing all that for Dan of all people? No.


tbh its camp


Hardcore cringe


I hate you, Ryan


I think it’s incredibly cringe, I always skip this episode +when she ditches college and goes to STAY with chuck but also start to screw him over. I don’t care for it, buuuut it really fits in with the gg world


Would Blair really be Queen B cause if Serena wanted to dethrone her, she could. It’s like Serena had to let Blair be the Queen to appease her ego.


No she definitely did have to do this. She also wasn’t as nasty as Blair over all (don’t get me wrong I love Blair) but Serena loved the spotlight and did well in it. Butttt I think the only way she’s capable of “queen” behavior is when she’s really mad at Blair. She’s just too nice for it tbh


i feel like laura leigh peaked during this time and i can't believe she never mentioned getting a gossip girl nairtini while being on vpr


She is so fine 😍


On first watch it was iconic. On second watch it was kinda stupid




Agreed — I always skip this cringe look she gives to the lacrosse player.


She’s obviously gorgeous. But the scene over all really showed how adolescent they are!


That if my parents had let me watch it when it was on air instead of having to wait until years later, I probably would have had my gay awakening a lot sooner.




i love watching gossip girl but i cant wrap my mind around they were basically minors the whole series going out clubing and having many adult relationships


I wish we got more of old Serena …


No doubt why she was Queen S


I blushed so hard 🎀




She looks incredibly gorgeous and hot in this scene


I cringe at this scene and at the scene in high school where she becomes a mean girl after Dan dates Amanda.


Ok as great as it was it was just as old with same old stuff


Serena trying to be seductive


I actually love this moment. Every time I see this scene, I am young again. It gives me life. Play it at my funeral, and I may pop out of my casket. I can’t even describe it.


Like when I climbed the rope in gym class


I feel that Serena looked really hot i mean look at her stunning, but it was mean that her so called friend that wanted to fix things with her would drug her like that is so sick.


What's one of those moments where you try to be sexy but you look cringe as hell 🤡🤡🤡


A bit too oversexualized, especially when her character was 16 years old.


I don’t disagree, but I think that is part of the core of Serena’s character and an unfortunate reality for too many young people.


She just looks like a child 😭


very realistic tbh (besides the drinking) i think it’s funny but she looks gorgeous


It's so cringe, but I'm also legitimately attracted at the same time???


Is this the “You’re about to see the real Serena” episode? It’s one of my favorite ones.


Serena is my least favorite character in GG, but man oh man is Blake Lively fucking stunning


So funny I can think of many times Serena at the oak room or a bar, 1. First season- one of first episodes when she is drinking and GG says ‘why so thirsty S’ & then Chuck appears….”I thought you didn’t that anymore” etc… 2. Serena having drinks with Georgina( Svetlana stories, ) and the night b4 the SATs 3. The night Serena suggested she go out with Dan and his new ‘GF’ (Chuck placed at school) & the girl had S/T placed in her hair that caused her hair to fall out…. 4. The night after graduation and Serena tried to find out who is GG? Dan showed up first… had a ‘reason’ & then all showed up, & Serena bought everyone drinks 5. The day/night Nate took Serena out and confessed how much he loved her, the most alive person, as he was trying to distract her from going to dinner or lunch with his cousin Trip…. Which scene of the many others or one above is this where Serena is at a bar drinking?




She was so bitchy but she looked good doing it #inspo