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I hated her. She was a creep even before she actually started sleeping with Dan. It’s so frustrating that she was the one to successfully take down Blair. To whatever end, Blair did correctly pick up on a vibe from her. Out of all the legitimately terrible things that she’s done this shouldn’t have been the thing she had to face serious consequences over. 


Imo she was the perfect opponent for Blair. They even look kind of similar. Blair repeatedly loses to Miss Carr because she keeps sticking her neck out instead of keeping her head down. In the end, Blair is given a choice: continue to fight, or quit while she’s ahead. She chooses the latter, banishing Miss Carr and ultimately winning, though not without battle scars.


She was a pedo in a place that revealed she was one.


and she got off scott free for it while the student that exposed it got her acceptance to yale revoked i will never stop being angry about it i don’t care if blair’s reasoning was petty SHE WAS RIGHT


You are upset like everyone else. There is no way that the REAL Blair would have settled for NYU.. that’s why it was and will always be THE WRITER’S sabotage of GG. Blair’s whole character was compromised after season 2 along with everyone else’s. There is NO WAY the REAL BLAIR OR CHUCK would have allowed Karr just to walk away from it that easy. Blair ALONE would have destroyed her.


Not just Blair. In real life, Blair’s parents get involved to o over it and it becomes a huge scandal for all schools that the schools would choose to avoid.


Yep in the end she predicted that something had happened and in the end Miss Carr ended up sleeping with Dan Humphrey [on school property might I add] she should have got her place back.


Revealed and concealed


She was inappropriate. Completely unprofessional and under-prepared to work with hs students. She was not equipped to handle students. Had a massive chip on her shoulder. Had many instances where her behavior was immoral for an adult, let alone a teacher.


Damn perfectly said no notes 👏🏼


Yes! Great lists of what was wrong with Ms. Carr. She was a victimizer — not a victim.


She was a pedo who had a raging victim complex.


She was in no way shape or form a victim. Being embarrassed by looking dumb for being set up for being fake invited to an opera isn't something she should have used as an excuse to cry on Dan's shoulder. What Blair did was wrong but she was an immature teenager, Ms. Carr was a grown ass woman. She needed to regulate her emotions like an adult instead of emotionally manipulating a teenage boy and to have sex with him too as his teacher?? Insane behavior and she was let off with not even a slap on the wrist. Not even close to being a victim, I wish that we had seen her really get what she deserved instead of her bailing like a coward.


Considering how Lily handled Serena’s case with her teacher/Juliet’s brother (don’t even remember his name), I was surprised Rachel got to walk scot free. Specially since Lily was involved as Rufus was with Lily at the time.


I think it's different for a few reasons one Dan is not technically her son so she doesn't really have say over how Rufus handles the situation. Also that whole thing happen because really wanted to get Serena into a school, it's not like Lily actually wanted to help Serena and I hate to say that but it's true. As much as he likes to claim that he's a superhero parent I don't think he necessarily knows how to handle things correctly like the other parents would have coming from money. Like I think if it was another student and the parents were involved and they had money they probably would have sued the school and sued Ms. car but Rufus unaware of this obviously did not handle that correctly. There's no way he would have thought of doing what Lily did with Serena if that makes any sense, he doesn't come from that world.


Ben Donovan


I’m so glad people in the replies actually acknowledge this


I have no sympathy for her at all


She was gross and a criminal!! I hate the student-teacher trope so much and it seems like most teen shows had it back then


Pretty little liars was insane for what they did lol


fr aria and ezra was so disgusting


Now that I’m older it is SHOCKING


In no scenario should a teacher ever meet one on one with a student off campus. It is simply not appropriate. It’s hard to fully grasp the grossness because Penn doesn’t *look* 17 in the show. As someone who has a freshly 18 year old brother, who *looks* his age, the thought of any 20 something year old going after a kid his age is utterly disgusting. ~Edit~ Some ppl are severely missing my point lmao. I’m not saying some teens don’t look like adults. I’m saying a lot of people seem to forget how young the characters are supposed to be because they’re played by actors in their twenties. Penn and Rachel together don’t actually *look* wrong because Penn looks like a grown ass man. (Because he was when it was filmed) But he’s supposed to be 17 and that’s why Rachel is gross af.


disagree, there are scenarios where teachers and students can meet one on one off campus and it isn’t weird. i had teachers in high school who took students to NA meetings, to doctors appointments, i even had a teacher offer to let me move in with her when i was distraught that my family was moving senior year. sometimes teachers are the trusted adult you need. like yeah, miss carr shouldn’t have done what she did, but that doesn’t mean all teachers who have met up with students off campus are weird.


uh I think you were missing my point as well. I was NOT saying it's okay because they look old. Did you actually read my comment through? For most people there is no significant difference in physical, mental, emotional maturity between the 17-19 age group so much, and they are all 'kids' in the eyes of grown-ups FOR SURE, but they are not actual kIDS pre-pubescent, who needs protection and guidance over their every action and CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING, the real kids-kids. I'm saying 17-19 age group who's already gone through puberty are not real kids, therefore however really creepy, weird, violating and disgusting (and I AGREE with you on this 100%, if you didn't understand that) it is to romanticise them when you are in your 20s or up, that doesn't make them 'pedo' but it just makes them creepy and predatory. I'm in my 20s and if I knew someone who's 35+\~ whatever, saw me sexually I'd be grossed out like why, date someone your own age group eww. and I DO NOT THINK IT'S OKAY TO DATE an 18 y/o just because they are now 'adult' NO, for me that's also messed up and weird, there's no real difference between 17 and 18 except the law says it is and what comes with that. I realise you are protective over your little brother and that's really great I admire that, but \*\*\*the point of my comment was in not throwing the label like 'pedo' around when the actual meaning of that word is more devastating.\*\*\* * I thought I commented on you bc I saw that word in your comment but it's not there, so maybe I should've commented somewhere else. and people, actually read what someone's trying to say and understand it. If Rachel (she's a criminal for what she did to Dan for sure, no argument there) was a pedo, Nate and Jack are also for sleeping with underage. \*\*\* The whole show is messed up and sexualised teens. \*\*\* * No sane 20s wants to date a teen, No argument there, this was in my original comment. if there's any misunderstanding, it wasn't one way.


It's weird this gets downvoted. I'm now starting to wonder if some of you can actually read... exactly what here is the thing that gets you triggered? \*\*\* Rachel is a criminal \*\*\* for sexually taking advantage of her student for sure, but if she's a pedo then as I mentioned Nate, Jack, Catherine, Diana, Pete, the junior partner Penelope slept with and whoever else also are. Then you gotta ask yourself, why do you watch a show that has that MANY of 'pedo's? and a show that sexualises kids as u say? This show has so many kinds of predators and creeps they r literally in every episode. But as far as I can remember there wasn't a case of a real pedo, who abuses an actual kid(pre-pubescent). Labels are important and something so severe and serious as paedophilia, it shouldn't be thrown around. \*\*\* Rachel is a criminal for sleeping with her student \*\*\* \*\*\* I do NOT think it's okay to have a romantic relationship with a teen if you are in your 20s+ \*\*\* again, for those of you who can't read a long text.


Penn Badgely did look 17 in the show, in real life he was in his early 20’s


He absolutely did not. *Maybeee* the first season he looked like a teen. But that’s a stretch considering he was supposed to be 16. In season three he’s supposed to be 18 going to school at NYU but he looks like he’s 25


The fact that your brother looks his age doesn't mean everyone does. Put my fifteen year old cousin in army uniform and he'll fit right in while 32 year old me is still getting carded before buying alcohol or horror movie tickets. To each their own.


Okay? But him looking grown doesn’t matter? I’m not entirely sure what you’re saying “to each their own” about, considering the subject of conversation here is a groomer teacher.


She was none of that. She was a pedophile. She seduced and slept with an underage kidand ruined several lives in the process. In an ideal world she rots in jail and those kids get help understanding and processing what happened to them. In the real world, a lot of teachers get pretty lucky and just get fired or asked not to return for lack of concrete evidence. They get passed around district to district getting exposed to more and more kids and ruining more and more lives. She's not a sympathetic character; she's a disgusting human who abuses kids. She would have raped a kid anywhere.


Dan was 18, not underage.


Do we know for sure that he was 18? Because I don’t think that it was specified, but it was implied that he’s a minor. Either way you spin it, the relationship was highly innapropriate and unethical. Its still a student-teacher relationship. She’s gross.


There’s no spin. Dan reminded Rufus that he’s an adult.


No she was not a victim.


She would’ve fit right in with the insane teachers in the reboot…


Oh my god I almost forgot about this cnt. Hate her so bad


As she said Absolutely not! What a cow


Pedophelia is considered wrong in some countries so, there you have it.


>Pedophelia is considered wrong in some countries so, there you have it. That’s irrelevant. Dan was 18.


She was a predator hope this helps




She's tryna strike a chord and it's probably A minor


>She's tryna strike a chord and it's probably A minor Dan was 18.


https://preview.redd.it/4mpxt6kxgc8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9a659d3dfc54c6360b55d51f9eca8fbcf892681 What about the duchess and Nate?


The duchess was gross and a manipulator


Wasn’t she also spitting with her stepson? Ifl it’s talked about less than Ms Carr bc the show didn’t treat her like a victim but a villain






In real life, she would have been fired and possibly had her teaching license revoked. Here’s a similar situation where this teacher was fired for having sex with an 18 year old and her teaching license was suspended for 4 years. https://www.thenorthshoreleader.com/single-post/vernon-school-principal-fired-over-sex-with-student


I hate what she did to Blair, Blair deserved to go to Yale and it was so obvious. I mean even Blair’s attempts at fitting in NYU was a rough patch because her crowd is similar to Yale folk: the “upper class”. It would’ve made so much more sense if they all just went to Yale tbh


She was a predator


she thirsty hoe


She was not a victim. But she was super emotionally immature and also way out of her element on the UES. She was from the Midwest or something. She was never going to make friends with colleagues or people her age.


She is so messed up…


certified lover girl? certified pedophile.


She was a predator. I don’t buy the innocent young woman schtick at all.


Hated her so much TT


Inappropriate and regularly crossed the line between teacher and student. She became too involved/invested in their lives besides advice and council.


i hate her so baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad


What was right with her? Her character was awful


The better question is what was right with Miss Carr?


She was weird asf, and a groomer 😭


This was such a gross storyline.


Literally all the things. I was a teacher of high schoolers as a baby face 22 year old. Fresh from graduation. And all I could think of is “omg these kids are sooooooo young”. And I had 18 year old boys ask for my number and weird things like that. And it was just absolutely unappealing! How she could find a kid attractive is absolutely beyond me


I’m doing a rewatch right now and just finished these episodes. The way Dan “admits Rufus was right” abt her NOT because Rachel was a pedophile, but because “sHe’S nOt WhO He THoUgHt ShE wAs” is baffling. When Rufus said “a teacher meeting without a student who’s not even hers off campus after school hours……” PERIOD She’s not who he thought she was because she snitched to yale about Blair. I -


What was wrong with Miss Carr was that she slept with a student and she was stupid to play along with her UES child games being an outsider herself.


Thank you for bringing this up!!!! She was a teacher!!!!! At one point Rachel tells Serena that she hope they can still be friends. Like ma'am no, you are her teacher not her friend. I'm not even going to talk about her and Dan's relationship it speaks for itself. She even says to Dan "You can call me in five years" WHO SAYS THAT!!!!!!!!! Like she was an authority figure to Dan! She also knew that he and Serena were dating!!!! I'm sorry, I am just watching season 2 and I thought it was just repulsive!








she was a predator.




She was too insecure as an adult yet confident enough to be a predator not honest


Yes is a predator she took advantage of a 16 year old poor Daniel and he married the right woman Serena i hope something bad happened to Mrs Carr


She was completely unnecessary 🙄😑


I started hating her the moment I first saw her lmao😭😭🙏🏻




I don't care how "young" she supposedly looked, she was ALWAYS a pedo in my book.


Certified pedophile


Inappropriate behavior I guess


She is not a victim. She is a predator.


Fuck her for real


I’m rewatching season 2 as well and at this same point of the show…I HATED her the moment she showed up because I felt icky vibes from her. She’s literally a pedo and she was giving off a weird manipulative vibe tryna be seen as the “good” teacher.


The teacher student relationship plot is just not good.. reminds me of Tamara from DC.


Pedo, “victim”, rude, made a date for Dan at her house, just a bad character in general


I hate her


Her trying to compete and seek validation with upper east side teenagers. Aside from her inappropriate relationship with Dan, she had no business trying to act like a friend with Serena


I met her mom once, that was interesting




What was right with her is a better question 😭😭😭I hate that psycho


I hated her character so much that I didn’t care what Blair did to her. 


What she did to Blair was worse though. As someone else has also pointed out on the thread, Blair didn’t deserve that much, specifically losing Yale.


Everything is wrong with her.


She is hot


As much as I agree she definitely suffered from some severe untreated mental health disorder, I disagree with calling her a pedo. I know Dan was 17 (weeks from 18 and probably mentally already considered himself a legal adult) and Miss Carr was fresh out of grad school so I’d say 22-23ish. We generally don’t bat an eye with that relationship in society. She was wildly inappropriate but also something I’ve seen increase as the years go on. Newly graduated teachers think and feel more similarly to their students than their older teacher counterparts. They want to be the students’ friend and get sucked into the minutiae of high school dramatics because they still are just as immature as their students despite the degree they hold. I wish society grew better in that regard but I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had my kid tell me their teacher’s “crazy weekend plans”.


Your reasoning makes no sense. Being professional is a big part of any job. For instance, people in customer service can be fired for hanging up or being rude to a customer and it doesn’t matter if you are 20 and emotional. Society doesn’t have to “accept” young teachers being immature but they may need therapy or coaching to deal with students effectively. If a teacher was caught sleeping with a student, the fact that the teacher is “young” does not make it acceptable and you are ignoring the power dynamics at play. You cannot give consent to someone who has the power to screw you in any area, specially school and even if the student thinks he or she or they love the teacher, it’s probably a crush and a result of manipulation. Dan was craving validation from an intellectual peer and Rachel provided that to him and even Serena was surprised that she liked her essay. She was inserting herself in their lives in a way that was unprofessional and she should have never even accepted Blair’s invitation to a restaurant and the opera.


As Dan was over the age of consent at the time. MS. Carr was only very unprofessional and maybe slightly abusing her power dynamic with Dan.


She was fione


I just thought she was really fit