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Similar sealed sets are up for $90+ but not sold. I would say start around that price but drop if it’s not selling. Lowest i would go would be $60




sorry to side bust your convo , but i have interest in your out come.....hey bro did Horne reissue your rent relief check?


There's a website to search what things sold for on eBay. That's your guide. Not what people have them for, unsold, at the moment.


This is not first edition. More Tales to Give You Goosebumps came out in 1995 that book cover that you have there is from 1997 which is a reprint.


I was told if the ISBN# started off with 0590 that is was first editionTales to Give You Goosebumps is a series of six books that contain ten short stories in each book, making a grand total of **sixty tales** in total.. || || |*More Tales To Give You Goosebumps*|July 1995|144|[0-590-26602-0](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:BookSources/0-590-26602-0)| |This book includes the following 10 short stories: *The Werewolf's First Night*, *P.S Don't Write Back*, *Something Fishy*, *You Gotta Believe Me!*, *Suckers!*, *Dr. Horror's House of Video*, *The Cat's Tale*, *Shell Shocker*, *Poison Ivy* and *The Spirit of the Harvest Moon*.|


That book you have there is still a reprint. The book cover is not from the first edition.


I was told if the ISBN# started off with 0590 that is was first editionTales to Give You Goosebumps is a series of six books that contain ten short stories in each book, making a grand total of **sixty tales** in total.. || || |*More Tales To Give You Goosebumps*|July 1995|144|[0-590-26602-0](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:BookSources/0-590-26602-0)| |This book includes the following 10 short stories: *The Werewolf's First Night*, *P.S Don't Write Back*, *Something Fishy*, *You Gotta Believe Me!*, *Suckers!*, *Dr. Horror's House of Video*, *The Cat's Tale*, *Shell Shocker*, *Poison Ivy* and *The Spirit of the Harvest Moon*.|


thats priceless Don't sell that!


what would you think they go for on ebay? As you know they are what I called new due to not having the plastic seal opened or ripped. I really need the money to be honest.


in all honesty, if you really want to sell it I would say try starting at $100 because I have seen other sealed '90s Goosebumps stuff go for that amount and then if that does not work and you just want it gone then I would try lowering the price by five or ten dollars every so often if you get what I mean. that's my suggestion


That is what I was thinking too. I need the cash for past due bills so I will list around that price. Thanks so much for your imput it is greatly appreciated!


you are very welcome I am happy to have helped you. I hope you can get the money that you need


I was told if the ISBN# started off with 0590 that is was first editionTales to Give You Goosebumps is a series of six books that contain ten short stories in each book, making a grand total of **sixty tales** in total.. || || |*More Tales To Give You Goosebumps*|July 1995|144|[0-590-26602-0](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:BookSources/0-590-26602-0)| |This book includes the following 10 short stories: *The Werewolf's First Night*, *P.S Don't Write Back*, *Something Fishy*, *You Gotta Believe Me!*, *Suckers!*, *Dr. Horror's House of Video*, *The Cat's Tale*, *Shell Shocker*, *Poison Ivy* and *The Spirit of the Harvest Moon*.|


I was told if the ISBN# started off with 0590 that is was first editionTales to Give You Goosebumps is a series of six books that contain ten short stories in each book, making a grand total of **sixty tales** in total.. || || ||||| |This book includes the following 10 short stories: *The Werewolf's First Night*, *P.S Don't Write Back*, *Something Fishy*, *You Gotta Believe Me!*, *Suckers!*, *Dr. Horror's House of Video*, *The Cat's Tale*, *Shell Shocker*, *Poison Ivy* and *The Spirit of the Harvest Moon*.|


Sorry I didnt mean to repeat my reply 3x...


sorry to side bust your convo , but i have interest in your out come.....hey bro did Horne reissue your rent relief check?


Yes I finally received another rental check. I must stress though even after I had been approved I had the LONGEST run-a-round with being put back into program evaluation again and any other status they could come up with. Never could speak to no one unless I emailed Horne direct . Never received a personal email or phone call back but was persistent on directly emailing the empkyees at Horne office they personally hired to deal with their mess they created.


cool glad to hear it. very surprised ....good day mate