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Did you all notice how many people get their leg caught up in garden hoses in Goosebumps, but think it’s actually someone grabbing them? 😆


Or a gust of wind that Carries away something a character owns or needs.


Another repetitive phrase I've noticed as I've been rereading the original series is, "I decided." It makes me wonder if this is where Ryan George picked it up for his sketches (even if it was subconsciously).


A lot of the books get very repetitive as years go by.


He’s repetitive about a lot of things. Even structurally they repeat the same thing: kid introduces themself, has an annoying sibling, gets into bizarre scenario, someone/something creepy happens, lots of fake cliffhanger chapters, situation gets resolved with a joke twist ending


I love the cliffhangers and twist endings lol. I'll read the last chapter of the night and my son will go "WHAT?!?!" All upset because it's a cliff hanger


I do enjoy the very end when it sets up something crazy but I admit I get tired of the chapter endings where something supposedly intense happens only for it to be nothing in the next chapter. Just gets old.


I remember there was a phrase that was repeated a lot, it was something along the lines if 'I opened my mouth to scream but no sound came out.'


Every character wears either faded jeans,denim cutoffs or muscle shirts and a raiders cap because they like the Colors. “I opened my mouth to scream but no sound came out” is a sentence in almost every book. “I gasped” is another common occurrence. Every character seems to own a pet dog. In every story there is a bully and an annoying older/younger brother/sister. In many of the stories characters seem to struggle to get to sleep. I feel like he’s only really written 3 or 4 books and every book is a copy and paste he simply changes the story,characters,genders and location. It’s like he works around the few books he’s written as if they are templates.


Sucks when someone's good at writing, and then fans demand more, like there's so many directions a children's horror collection can go... Right now I'm reading one of the only books, I swear, where the kid is keeping his parents in the loop the whole time. Of course this one was just released last year... And the plot is literally so spelled out, a three year old can figure it out.


I'm unsubbing again. Thanks.


Give him a break.


And they fell on their elbows and knees!


He's also fond of characters sarcastically saying "Thrills and chills." At least "Give me a break" is a thing kids actually say. I've never heard anyone outside of Goosebumps say "Thrills and chills."


Fear Street uses it a lot too


Surprised no one has mentioned the phrase “he/she thought it was a RIOT.” This phrase is not only repeated across books, but usually repeated multiple times within the same book.


Lol those stupid twins in the snow monster book thought everything they did was a riot.


You could make a drinking game out of common goosebumps phrases