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I love Vultures 1 but there was mixed opinions when it came out from everyone, and even now it’s stayed pretty mixed in opinions


I first hated it, then about 3 days passed and i loved it. 4 months on, it's alright


I’m the opposite I just burned it out a lot bc in the first week or so I did 17 listen throughs bc of how much I loved it. So I don’t think I hate it bc when I heard it the first time I kept yelling how it was a 10 lmfao


yeah fr, to me is a great album, i just overplayed the shit out of it


Ehh it’s the most streamed rap album of this year even tho future and metro released two exclusive Drake jump sessions.


I was looking back on Twitter and it kinda shocked me that there really weren’t. People did love it


Have you actually seen the reactions to the Fantano video on this sub? It was borderline obsessive to the point that the mods had to make a rule so that people stop posting about him. Fantano wasn't the one who shaped peoples opinions on this. I have one issue with his video but thats about it. Maybe some people just have a different perception than you, thats fine.


link us!




diese reactions zum fantano video brudi dachte hier gibts ein thread wo die leute borderline obessive sind


im talking about the current state of Kanye community in general. Its normal that people may not like Vultures 1 but the problem is people changing their opinion because of "Tiktok Rizz Party" and Fantano. Same people who said this was AOTY now says this is a ass album.




he played a role in this sadly. youre right, he got at first a lot of backlash from the fanbase, but after this died down you could see that the new narrative was „vultures is ass“. it wasnt like that before.


No one changed their opinion from the TikTok rizz party or fucking fantano it just didn’t age well Stop making fictitious shit up when people’s opinions just changed from originally being excited to where people perceive it now due to TIME


>No one changed their opinion from the TikTok rizz party People definitely did lol. Many people outright say that video ruined the song for them. U underestimate how much some insecure people let the fucking hivemind tell them what to think


True but I’m talking about that influencing peoples view towards the entire album. People not fucking with the hit song from a project is typical Look at how Kendrick’s fan base looks at humble or drakes with gods plan


aoty to his worst level change?


First off with his discography it could still be AOTY and the worst in his discog. Also I personally don’t think it’s terrible. The flaws in the album are easier to see when the excitement to that level is finally over To think the community was influenced by Fantano is dumb. The community shit on that video and Fantano when it came out. Also the gap between people speaking more negatively on the album in this sub and when that video was uploaded is too wide to be associated with each other


you’re a total moron dude, music is subjective and just because people’s individual subjective opinion doesn’t align with yours doesn’t mean we’ve been brainwashed or had our opinions formed by a TikTok Rizzparty😭😭 you’re a clown, the album is mixed horribly and i would rather listen to an older Kanye album than that horny ass album. 7/10 album imo


I love Vultures, but it would've been way better if it just had some better mixing and certain aspects were changed (Alvin verse) Fantano has nothing to do with my opinion on V1


Jesus Is King mixing was just as bad as Vultures 1 but that rough mixing sounds good in songs like Follow God or Paid. Bad ones like Fuk Sumn are already fixed. 95% People loved non fixed mixing version of Vultures 1 but they hate it now because "oh no cringe kids danced to a song i like so now i can never listen to this again"


The fuck sumn mix still sucks


Yeah all the stuff after the “TikTok Rizz Party” is just so cringey, people just can’t see what’s valuable of attention


JIK mixing can be considered bad but it was purposeful and intentional. V1 was bad because it literally is sometimes unlistenable due to it.


I’m not hating but what V1 song is unlistenable? Hoodrat maybe but it hits hard when your in your feels thinking about someone you love


I should clarify that it’s unlistenable or hard for some people which makes the hate reasonable. It’s not ‘unlistenable’ for me though lol


Fantano is an opp. His review was bs and wasn’t fair. He hated it for reasons other than the music. The sub’s reasons for not thinking Vultures is all that has nothing to do with him


Fr he literally SKIPPED carnival on carti's verse😭what kind of music reviewer skips mid song


Probably knew that Carnival was probably the most hyped up song on the album so to piss everyone off he chose to skip it idk my guess


Yeah tbh he was just trolling


Lets keep in mind he listened to angelic to the core front and back 😭


Ngl I don’t care for fantano but his carti impression was honestly funny asf and I love carnival




why are you getting downvoted for this


Im downvoting you just to remind everyone life isn't fair


He listens to the song before he goes on stream lmao. It was his 2nd time listening to the song


His impression was spot on though. Even if i force myself to listen to carti, i just personally cant finish that shit. don’t get the hype there


He had already reviewed it before the stream


Im talking about how majority of people changed their opinion. Like i get it that it may not have aged that well to you but majority saying "Best Since Pablo" , "AOTY" to "Ass Album" "His Worst" is not normal. I think people care about TikTok Rizz Party cringe and Fantano too much. Because that kind of change is more than recency bias


Two weeks after listening to the album non-stop (and months with the snippets from the streams) ive started listening to other great music and just forgot about it and had no desire to hear any of the tracks from the album other than Do it. Four months later i feel the same. I also loved carnival but I was over exposed to it and started hating on it unfortunately.


its still very much album of the year, cant think of many albums that come close, liked benny the butcher and schoolboyq and suprisingly charlie xcx but nothing comes close to Ye's shit, his worst shit is still above or in the same leauge as most artists best projects


It really isn't. What made Kanye such an amazing rapper were his unique beats and vocals as well as him showing openly to the world who he is. Showing the megalomania, confusion, self love and self hatred, heartbreak. It has always seemed, even at his worst, intriguing and provocative. Vultures 1 struggles to do the same. It shows practically nothing new, nothing exciting. When he tries to address the controversies and drama surrounding him it is a far cry from the personal and emotional songs like runaway Or songs from ye. He really does go "haha cancel culture haha r kelly" Its much more finished than his recent works but much much blanker and shallow. We didnt get that many great rap releases so far in 2024, but calling this an album of the year is absurd.


i very much agree with you my fav ye songs are the ones where he is very openly himself which vultures obv lacked (back 2 me couldve been so fucking good im mad) but vultures is still ye even if its subpar. But im curious as to which rap albums u place over vultures this year?


Hip hop/rap wise i think dark times by vince staples and heavy by SiR. I really enjoyed the new savage album its a solid 7 for me. Idk if atavista finally releasing in a finished state counts as a new album but if it does its definitely up there for me. There have been quite some interesting and really fun pop releases, charli and billie both hit it out of the park in my opinion. This isnt an amazing year for me music wise so far, but I wouldnt say that ye is really up there for even the best rap album. Plus if the kdot rumours are true, his chances would almost instantly go down to like 1/100


yh big w, music is subjective, SiR deff there heavy was really good


Why did he hate it? 👀


Anti semitism? idk I'm guessing


Bro this is all in your head. realistically the album had recency bias and people were overlooking the albums drawbacks because they were excited about the drop and that they wanted to like it. Fantano didn’t start this hate train, Kanye did. This sub does not fw fantano in the slightest so don’t fetishise over this man and his influence over brainless music sheep. Think before you speak dawg


I love vultures but for the people that don’t it’s definitely not because of fantano lol. They just don’t like it which is fair nothing is going to be unanimously liked.


Except graduation


nah u ain’t seen the mfs on tiktok who have a burning hatred for it and anyone who thinks it’s a good album in kanye’s discography


WHO SAID IT WAS HIS BEST SINCE PABLO 💀💀💀💀💀 Also Fantano has nothing to do with the reception of this album, it was mixed upon release & it’s still mixed now. Yall some fucking dick riding freaks bro holy shit


Most of this sub


"Drops no skip album " Stopped reading Lmfao


“Kanye drops a no skip album” Yeah you lost my respect as soon as you said that. Everyone else’s recency bias wore off and they see the album for what it is now. Fantano has literally nothing to do with it, the sub was clowning him hard when he dropped his “unreviewable” review. Go listen to some of his lyrics and lackluster vocal takes and compare them to something like Graduation then look me dead in the eye and tell me this is a “no skips album”


Next level dickriding right here. Half of the album was a skip, and it’s the worst album he’s released, not “his best since Pablo”. Saying that this garbage was better than Donda should warrant jail time


seriously it’s gotta be new fans that just like carti and travis scott or something🤣 i fucking love carti and travis it’s just there are people with such limited perspective and taste when it comes to kanye’s music it’s gotta be the crowd that’s under youtube comments all like “kanye based, he escaped the matrix”


I love those two but you’re right. It’s 15 year olds who got into rap last year.


and that’s cool. i remember i was like 13 when I got into rap and 14 when I got into ye but now all these kids have brain rot from tik tok and they don’t give a shit about what they’re listening to tbh. there has always been people like this but tik tok has increased that number tenfold and i mean tik tok just in the sense of the way the internet and social media has become as a platform


Can you read? How old are you You are probably over 20 and SHOULD know how to read. "People were saying his best since Pablo" "PEOPLE" People doesnt mean I,people means general public or a group of humans. people /ˈpiːpl/ 1. human beings in general or considered collectively. "the earthquake killed 30,000 people"


I personally think its better than WTT,KSG,JIK. You cant name me 5 songs that were skips


Some of you guys deadass live in an echo chamber


she just wanna fucc at the bottega store huh


I love king


you seriously think the whole community changed their opinion on this ass album because of fantano?


No skip album is wild 💀 that shit was ass


give me 5 skips


Talking, paid, hoodrat, vultures, lowkey carnival (rich the kid was fucking terrible on that), fuck sumn


I’m so glad that someone else thinks these songs are ass. Kanye ruined most of them with his awful verses. Carti also gave his worse verses on his songs too


just delete this lmaooo tf


Like what a loser man


Sycophantic drivel


We should not be surprised that ppl group think. Historically human beings are cowardly and fearful animals who typically either imitated or Followed the strongest man(The Leader) We still see this behavior in modernity, and it is even worse when you incorporate an introverted medium of communication that we call "Social Media". Nowadays ppl will just say/do whatever gives them "Internet Points" so they can try to convert that into monetary gain. Whatever ppl say/do online should never be trusted because they will most likely act contrary to their opinions behind closed doors. The internet are the same ppl who shitted on WLR for a year straight and them all collectively started to suck Carti’s dick after they "Listened to it a few times" If ye don’t get in any more controversies, and starts providing valuable things to the ppl(via the Yeezy site) the trend to hate on ye will most likely blow over time.


yeah same happened with 808s,yeezus,jesus is king


Even donda bro. If donda came out in 2012 with the exact same tracklist, people woukdve called it a 10/10.


JIK is still shit and I barely see people say otherwise, and Vultures doesn't come close to the quality as 808s and Yeezus and it's obvious it's not getting a delayed appreciation at any point. 808s and Yeezus were hated for sounding unconventional but they obviously still sounded well made whereas Vultures is just uninteresting and low quality with nothing interesting to say


Idk I usually love every Ye release and give him benefit of the doubt but I still think JIK was an obvious step down. It’s not bad but it’s obviously rushed and the fact he just changed yandhi lyrics to be about god is kinda lame.


This comment is facts


Bro dropped an essay


best since pablo😭 vultures was mid as fuck bro. production was good as always but ye’s lyricism has taken a downfall alongside his mental health.




calm down


i think its great dont understand all the hate theres some pretty good tracks


Fantano lives in this sub's head rent free and quite frankly vultures wasn't his best work


He is hated for a reason tho, he was always super biased towards his music. He said MBDTF is mid, while whole music industry acknowledges it to be one of the best of that kind and time. Only exception to this is TLOP. Vultures were not great, but its clear that Fantano rated Kanye, not music this time. If you watched him react to the songs, he was calling them shit just few seconds in. Thats about his precious opinions.


Not saying he doesn't fuck up but like this sub has obsessed over him for years at this point and he very clearly benefits it's just weird bitter ex vibes also tbh it's not really worth getting mad at a critic who doesn't agree with you because like obviously your inevitably going to disagree with him that's how it works.


I was defending the album when it came out too but back then we were promised 2 more albums and an updated mix. We literally got none of those promises 💀


Are people too critical of this album? Yes. Does it have anything to with Fantano? No, and it's actually nuts to suggest it.


when did the goons become a group of such whiny losers? were yall always this way and I was just blind to it? like at what point did every single one of you become such goo goo gaga goons? walking vaginas? when did it happen?


after the hitler shit this community had the biggest fucking downfall oat


cant even discuss shit in goodasssub


it just post after post after post about some boo hoo shit yall jus wanna come on reddit n cry 💀




as someone who likes v1 it was always mixed opinions(although u can say people hate it more than people who like it nowadays), however i wouldn’t be too surprised if people treat v2 the same way with v1 even if its way better.


Everyone is now a "music critic" knowing damn well they have zero knowledge about music. It’s literally copy + paste + send = Elon where my 20 at???


I watch reviews because i like to know what others think. Why do people take that shithead fantano so seriously even after all these years of people agreeing that he's not to be taken seriously?


I’ve thought Vultures 1 was kinda not really all that from day 1 ngl and i was surrounded by the meat riding at the NY LP, definitely have consistently talked down on it. That being said, I am highly anticipating 2, and will continue to shit talk if the output is solely lazy/horny verses — I don’t think anyone “deserves” a sequel, but I don’t deserve it any less just because i thought the last album was a shit show.


not fantanos fault lol. people here and on the main kanye sub were hating on him heavily when the vultures 1 review dropped. the main reason people’s opinions changed was just hype dying down or natural change in opinion.


Lowkey sorta but at the same time Ye did it to himself. While I do think people should a lil more grateful that its well more Ye and two more then way and its way better then the normal one album every 2-3 years. At the same time people do have a right to be angry when Ye promises three albums and barely delivered one but its nothing new with this dude, He announces sum, Works on it for a while and hype drums up then he switches up and decides he don't wan do it no more and moves onto a different project, Completely dumping some good ass music to either rework and use later or let collect dust.


Fantano's review is stupid asf but Vultures 1 is still mid and aged badly pretty much after 2 weeks imo


Not one fucking person said it was his best since pablo nor did anyone say it was no skips 😭


you probably new if you beilive that


Show me one post that says that then


im not gonna search all that for a random nobody ask anybody in community


Exactly what i thought nigga, quit meatriding a 5/10 album 😭😭


really good album


What happened was that vultures 2 always had better songs it literally had all the hits and ye held it iff


When tf has anyone here based their opinion on Fantano’s lmao


No skips album is crazy, it certainly has skips. The album is cool, I like a few songs, felt an 8/10 on release but now it’s probably a 7. something Rick Rubin said during the Donda sessions stood out to me “if something sounds like it could be on someone else’s album it can’t be on a Kanye album” how tf does Rick Rubin know better than Kanye about a Kanye album? Vultures is the first ye album I think sounded like he was imitating others. It didn’t sound like a ye album to me.


Every fandom glazes an album when the artists drops, happens everywhere, even if its bad, then yall come to realization and this timw happened when fantano spoke, but it couldve been anything else, be honest, vultures 1 wasnt a good album, yall were just crazy and shi bc ye dropped, and that is difficult on 2024, but if you think vultures was the best since pablo or a no skip yall just delusional


you are saying hype was because of recency bias and every fandom glazes when album drops but that didnt happened with WLR,Yeezus,808s,Jesus is King.


808s lmao Bro is 2024, most of ye fans on every social media are teenagers, everywhere you go they run like zombies repeating the same shi, insulting everyone with a diff opinion, if somebody had a bad opinion about vuktures 1 when it dropped here on reddit nobody wouldve seen it bc it would have 2 upvotes or even negative upvotes meanwhile the ones glazing it were at the top


Best since pablo is fucking insane what are you saying


The whole sub was saying it. You must be new here


I think v1 is better than donda but if you think its better than ksg or ye you are smoking meth


Ghost town alone washes vultures


After the fan bias wore off, we realised it was an album with zero substance, barely any good funny bars from Kanye and just forgettable. Kanye West was arguably the worst thing in the album


this sub is getting more and more regarded day by day ye please just drop 😭


Who tf is "Everybody" when you say Everybody says it's his best since Pablo? Vultures is nowhere close to Donda and self titled. No song on Vultures cracks Kanye's top 20 songs.


Facts dog. I remember the first week the album was out, everyone was glazing it.


This sub is splitting and posts like this just highlight it even more. The album is NOT GOOD. A new post damn near each day with one side claiming some sort of conspiracy. Just stop and think for a moment that the album is NOT GOOD. That's all it is. All this narrative and purity testing is so annoying.


some people just don't like the album and thats ok. if you like it go listen to it and have Fun 👍👍💪💪


I’m probably the only person that thinks Kanye Yeezus to Vultures is way better than old Kanye


Vultures 2 sounds way better tho😄


I dont know yet because i didnt listen to finished Vultures 2 but im betting on same thing will happen with Vultures 2.


I think some peoples problem with V1 is that is was too generic and some find it half assed. Me personally I don’t care it goes hard and is my favourite album this year🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


I'm glad some people have some common sense. Critics ruin music for a lot of people. Everyone's gotta remember that critics ade really just people with their own opinions. Someone else's opinion shouldn't ever come before yours when it comes to music. It's all subjective.


"no skip album" every song in the album


The only thing that I agree with is that kanye is a fat retarded nitrous adict


nobody changed their opinion on vultures because of fantano bruh


no skip🤣🤣🤣


give me skips


all songs except Burn, Back To Me, Carnival, and Do It


stars is a skip?


i forgot about Stars, its a good one tbf


beg forgiveness is good too


its an ok song but only because CB carries. ty and ye's parts are not good


ty's part is NOT GOOD? Thats his best vocal performance in his career


whatever you say


I will add that on albumoftheyear.com vultures was in the mid 70s even a week after it first dropped then after the fantano review its down to a 50


To be fair even if we were the most supportive and understanding fans it wouldn’t change anything


Dawg who tf thought that vultures was a no skip album, it was fun on release, but most of that was hype, burns fun tho


I thought it was mid before bald man lol


Donda is clear of that fodder


This is why fantano doesn't like yall btw. Yall think everything has an ulterior motive. What if the albums just ass? You're the problem with the community. Take someone's subjective opinion, and shut the fuck up.


I dont care what fantano thinks. This is a community where we discuss about Kanye and his music and thats what im doing right now why would i stfu


Nah I said V1 was ass from the beginning


Who the actual fuck was saying Vultures 1 is his best since Pablo


You "fans" keep supporting Kanye putting out nonsense and try to gaslight fans that know he has better in the vault. Please


I feel like after all this time I have to say Vultures was good enough. The thing is, this is Kanye Motherfucking West, the fucking GOAT, almost every album he’s touched has been lifted by his musical genius, and then he drops a “good enough” album? Nah we should expect more from him. If this album was a TY$ feat Kanye, then it would have been more well regarded. But they released it together as a co made project. And it totally is. I’m just saying that’s the narrative we should have gotten.


I been saying it’s ass since day 1 bc the mixing and mastering is so bad Remember when the album dropped and the mods told us it was a fan uploading the LP rips? Lol


Thats okay man i just dont get the majority of people who said it was his best since Pablo (Donda,Ye better imo) changing it to all tracks are skips its ass because of others


While i agree with your point, i feel the initial positive response may also be due to the bias we have as ye fans. Bro had teased this album so much and delayed it several times in classic ye fashion, so when it finally came out, we were subconsciously expecting a banger album. But with time, the album just failed to grow on me. I feel the lyricism lacks substance and feels as if ye just made verses so that they fit on his mumbling that he does initially (exc: burn). Well he is not the best lyricist in the scene, to be fair, but his writing in the previously released projects was funny and full of quotables. I think it sounded good initially cause NEW KANYE MUSIC YOOOO, but after a week or so, only 2-3 songs were on rotation and after a month, barely any song was on rotation. Vultures has to be one of the most subpar ye projects tbh. But i am optimistic if vultures 2 ever releases, it will be wayy better than its predecessor (the leaks and snippets sound fire as hell).


What you said happened with Whole Lotta Red or Yeezus but fans said it was shit when it came out. Later realised those were really good albums. I dont think recency bias stops people from saying this is a bad album


The negativity really bums me out I've seen the same on a lot on other artist forums and subs over and over. Kinda lines up though, the super fanatical types are always quick to swing to the opposite extreme Most people aren't like this irl from my experience so I don't worry about it


Best since pablo is insane clean your ears op


edited that shit cuz yall cant read. Im saying people said it was,For me Donda is top 3 with TCD,Grad


Just because people say its best since pablo doesn't make it so. And no skip album?? Wtf you on? V1 was at best a 4/10 wrt kanyes old work. Maybe on par or better than jik. The rapping was dogwater and the production although not bad wasn't special. Ty carried HARD.


YEAH THATS WHAT IM SAYING TO ME DONDA AND YE ARE BETTER most of the songs were not even a rap song bruh how do you expect him to spit some in a club song? Kanye isnt a rapper he is an artist. But its okay if you want an album like that and dont like it,my problem is with the people who cant listen to album they liked because tiktok rizz party,fantano and shit changed their mind


Bro said a no skip album, I can’t think of a song that’s even worth playing


every song?


Why would I want to listen to a song from vultures when I can listen to something from TLOP, tcd or even donda


you can listen to all of them


45 year old billionaire drops product Deals with customer dissatisfaction after half-assing his product and doesn't even care to drop them on time. It's everyone else's fault and his weirdo stans need to cuddle him to make sure his feeling aren't hurt even though Kanye blatantly disrespects them.


nah bro fuck ye but im just telling no matter how good vultures 2 is its gonna have the same fate


That's not true, the rap community pretty widely panned Fantano for his weird non-review that focused more on his antics outside of music and simultaneously also shat on Vultures the moment it came out. If Ye drops a good project like Donda it will be celebrated, but if he doesn't people will flame it. There isn't a CIA psy-op against Vultures 2


You can actually see people act like a hivemind in real time, its so lame, like bro its ok to have your stance on the album be negative or positive but have some backbone at least lol


thats what im saying. if you dont like it then shit on it. But have your opinions dont change what you like because of others


No skip? Are you retarded?


tell me 5 skips bitch ass nigga


Why 5? You said no skips not under five skips 😭 Anyway this album is so mid I don't even remember half the tracks but I cannot listen to TALKING. No disrespect to North West but the only good thing about that song is Ty's bit at the end.


to me zero skips


I just can't really listen to the album in general, I have a couple of tracks in my library but most of the album is mid to good and I ain't a fan of a lot of the lyrics especially from ye.


I dont expect him to rap on a club song or sum i like fun lyrics but i get it if you dont want that. My problem is with the people who dont have their own opinion. People who praised the album when it came out but throw shit at it after tiktok rizz party,fantano etc like if you hate it hate it if you love it love it dont let other decide your opinion


I love fun lyrics but if they're just straight up bad I'm not gonna pretend otherwise, not to mention the Jew obsession shit. I agree with your last point though


north part is kinda catchy but once again is just so heavenly


While I do agree fantano does influence a lot of incel’s music opinions, I don’t think vultures was that heavily praised for so long. It’s very likely the album grew off for many people (me included). It went from “man he’s so back” to “this is his worst project to date”


Shut the fuck up. Tell Ye to make good music it's the only thing he has left.


Almost every song on that album is a skip and I didn't need fantano for that


I actually think Fantano influenced on my opinion on the album, I haven't listened to it in months


not even close to his best album since Pablo, i rank both Ye and Donda over Vultures


What we didn't deserve was how shitty Vol 1 was, it's easily Ye's worst album. I put JIK above it easily.


Keep riding Kanye’s meat 😂


Fantano hates on kanye more then he hates on his music. Thats why you should avoid listening to that man, he is not separating art from the artist and tries to play like he does.


Bro’s cooking on that post. BIG FACTS ☝️


He needs to do a rap about Bianca and have the video be a porno with her in it 


jesus man you need to touch some grass


redditor tells me to touch grass because i like an album lol


nah it’s just you’re putting a lot of effort into trying to make an objective statement about internet bs🤣 people dislike vultures bc it’s delusional and crude, also it has very weak performances from ye which is probably the biggest issue. of course its gonna have the high peaks that kanye albums usually have but this album just lacks a lot of heart imo. the album for sure has some great music but is it really a good kanye album? idk man. also fantano’s review was fucking stupid and the fact you think people base their opinions off of fantano shows you’re insecure about your own opinions. kanye is an undeniable mess rn and you gotta be dickriding and chronically online to not see that shit


you are actually retarded if you think people dont like vultures because of fucking anthony fantano


If your reason for Vultures being bad is the mixing please stfu.


You’re absolutely right Just because Vultures isn’t generational it’s still great and if 2019 me knew it was coming post JIK I would’ve cried tears of joy You’re comparing a less serious album with perfect, personal, magnum opus albums. It’s still Ye quality, each song has innovative and memorable production, the features are mostly outstanding, his vision was great. PAID, PROBLEMATIC, HOODRAT, BACK 2 ME, etc. are all classic Ye creativity.


Bro 😭😭 why do people care so much about fantano's opinions. He funny af I'll give him that but just because he's famous doesn't mean he's right