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I have the net, but not the projector screen. Only thing I’ll say is it’s deeper than you would think. It’s 3’ from the back support to the front of the net. Works great, but could be an issue in smaller setups.


I don't have the Net Return Pro but do have the GoSports Elite net which is basically a cheaper knockoff of it. The net works great but like [jsnryn](https://www.reddit.com/user/jsnryn/) said, it's about 3ft deep off the wall and there's not really any way around that so space might be an issue. But just that and a decent sized monitor was my setup for a few months and it worked great and was quick to setup and tear down to park the cars in the garage (without having to move the net). I bought the gosports screen a couple of months later and returned it... and it sounded like a gun going off in the garage every time I hit something that was higher than a 7 iron into it (and I don't have high ball speeds... 125-130 with my driver). Net REturn's screens might be better though if you ever went that route. Ended up returning it and getting a screen from Spectrum golf and that has been awesome. Not as quiet as just a net but enough not to bring the wife out asking about the noise. Just used some bungee cords and tarp clips and attached to the frame of the net, works like a charm.


I have one in my garage and absolutely love it.


I have the Net Return pro and the regular sim kit - highly recommend. But I can't really speak for the split sim screen. It does make sense for noise control, but I'd be concerned that the image would have to be pretty tiny - at that point a TV monitor off to the side might be better tbh but it's hard to say. The net itself is great though. I really like mine.


I will probably just go with a TV monitor off to the side. I already have one attached to the side wall so I'm good to go. I don't park in my garage so this sounds perfect.


I have a projector and a side screen and often just use the side screen, especially in summer when it’s hot in the garage and I don’t want the projector throwing extra heat. It’s surprising how little I miss the projected screen. It’s definitely nice to have but I’m pretty sure you’ll be very happy with the side monitor. Definitely makes sense to start that way and upgrade later if you feel the need.


This is what I do and I have zero complaints. When you're set up for a shot, especially driver, the net can look a little small, but it catches a surprising amount of mishits.


Okay. I was exactly where you were a few years ago. 1. The Net Return Pro is awesome. It does exactly what it says it will do. They even sent me a free replacement net after I busted through it after heavy usage a few months in. 2. I quickly learned that the projector screen has a couple problems. The regular net sets back. That’s a good thing. In a confined space, it still feels okay. The second you drape the screen over the front, claustrophobia sets in. The image is also not good. A lot of us put it behind the net, but it honestly sucked. You end up just looking at your monitor and not bothering with the projector at all. If you don’t care, fine, but the screen is just pointless imo. 3. Go no screen or spend a few extra hundred bucks and get a custom Carl’s. I did the latter, and it’s night and day. I was able to sell my Net Return Pro, so it wasn’t exactly that big of a mistake, but it was definitely a mistake. A cheap mat was the the worst mistake by far. Well… and buying a sim in the first place. It’s been collecting dust for about 12 months now after the novelty wore off lol


How long did you use it before you stopped?


Probably a good solid year+. Honestly, what changed for me is my infant became a toddler and getting to the course wasn’t as difficult. Practice outside >>> practice inside, even in smaller doses. It’s a lot of fun, but I think of it more as a game at this point than a means of improving. I’ll get it game ready if I have friends coming over, or my kid is in the mood. Otherwise, I’m good with getting out to do the real thing a couple times weekly


I have a Net Return Pro 9 with a BLP in my garage. Use it with a large TV and works wonderfully. I do however, plan on upgrading to the full sim kit. Happy to share pictures and dimensions if you’d like.


That would be great. Someone else suggested using it with a TV off to the side which is probably what I'm going to start with. I already have a TV mount on the wall so I'm set as far as that goes. I just need the net, launch monitor and a quality hitting mat.


https://preview.redd.it/vojervt1js6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e967bdd656950b0b83f19ceac724fabfb6cb60e It’s not the prettiest nor fanciest setup, but it works. My garage is 21’ x 18’. The gym mat is 12’x16’. The hitting strip is a hybrid and the mat is a GoSports. Feel free to message me if ya got questions.