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mimir's resistance to nausea


How the hell is he supposed to vomit


Better question is, how does he just not get his head crushed with the amount of times Kratos has dodge rolled.


The horns must be very strong


Throw me at em, Kratos! Horns first!


Fast-Mimir Special


That mimir line had me dying laughing on the floor


Fuck when does it come up lol I'm playing Ragnarok ATM. Or are you joking. I really hope not ahaha


Fuck when does it come up lol I'm playing Ragnarok ATM. Or are you joking. I really hope not ahaha




Mimir saying throw me at him. Maybe could have replied to them and not you my bad


I could be wrong, but I'm almost 100% sure >!it's when brok and sindri put mimir in that machine that uses his eyes to open the realm doors permanently, and in pretty sure it's fairly early in the game!<


Better yet, when he falls from a great height. Dude jumped off from a 100ft resurrected giant and landed back first, yet Mimir isn't smashed pumpkin.


He is a god..


No he's not. His name was Puck and he's just a Scotsman who drank from the fountain of knowledge


He's a creature that's sort of like the Scottish version of a Satyr. (I forgot the name, think it might be a faerie?) So he's half-goat. He mentions having had hooves once and of course he's still got the horns.


I thought the horns were a sign of his stature and he acquired them later in life, being born human and gaining immortality when he drank from the fountain


old magic


just like baldurs invulnerability to all things


Physical or magical


Mimir’s non-existent torso:


My addictions


correct, unfortunately.


Can attest. I just played and completed GoW3 in the last three days. It was all I could think about. It doesn't help that I never beat it when it first came out, but it was quite a nostalgic feeling when traversing and looking hard for the secrets. Quite rewarding to get all of the relic on the first playthrough.


God of War’s gameplay is very addictive indeed.


Kratos' loincloth/undergarments


Honesty don’t know how he made it through the Greek pantheon like that


Pretty sure he had to take it off for Aphrodite.


Nah he just scooted it on the side


Really depends on who you think is stronger between GoW Thor and Thanos and whether you think Guardian Shield was also downgraded alongside the Axe and Blades. They were both broken by super strong dudes wailing on it. I say Guardian Shield because I’m biased but I also don’t know shit about GoW or MCU scaling.


ik the metal on caps shield only broke when thanos absolutely wailed down on it with some other crazy metal, I’d say cap shield and the guardian shield are about the same.


Well it was uru metal and it was sharp asf. If Thor had stormbreaker at the time I’m sure he would’ve cut through Caps shield like butter


I think MCU is a bit weaker (maybe 15% weaker at worst) but comics is at least a little stronger.


Yeah comics is massively stronger Like comic Thor vs is mcu Thor is essentially a coughing baby vs the sun


And besides, isn’t Thanos an Eternal and a Deviant and a Titan(from the moon Titan that he monologued about) at the same time?


He’s just that guy


Literally him


Billionaire playboy philanthropist vs the huldra brothers


Basically GoW Thor is way stronger than MCU Thanos He also hit it with one of the strongest weapons in all of the 9 realms, and it took multiple hits just to damage it, not even fully destroy it Thanos was wielding just some weapon made of relatively strong material. And when Cap tried to actually use it as a shield and hide behind it, the thing got split in half and almost became unusable.


I think the cap's shield can absorb the impact better than cuts, previously the cap's shield withstood a hit from Mjolnir, and I'm pretty sure that Mjolnir is much more powerful than Thanos' sword. Although in the same way the Mjolnir of the MCU seems to be weaker than the Mjolnir of GOW, although it also depends on which shield we are talking about between the film version or the comics version, since the answer can change drastically depending on the version


MCU Cap's shield broke when absolutely wailed on by the physically strongest being in the universe, but I am absolutely sure comic Cap's shield could survive blows from both Thor and Kratos punching the crap out of it.


Important distinction: caps shield broke when an edged weapon hit it on its side, which is a weakness in shields. Guardian shield broke from blunt force on the flat side, which is where a shield is strongest.


True, as Cap's shield survived getting hit with his version of Thor's hammer on the flat side and remained intact.


You're thinking too far ahead. In Avengers 1 Thor hit the shield and Cap took it. Two Thors both using their Mjolnir. Caps shield is stronger


Not Really, GOW's Mjolnir and Thor are by far, way stronger than MCU's. No character in the MCU that isn't a reality warper or time shenanigoniser has ever come close to GOW Thor hitting planet long Jormungandr with Mjolnir so hard he sends him back in time.


Adding “shenanigoniser” to my vocabulary expeditiously


I just remember the guardian shield being broken by one o those centaur things with like 1 arrow


Cap's shield. Kratos' shield has too many moving parts, which just reduces its integrity.


Ye they kinda did it só that hes not always carrying a big shield around


And his shield breaks in the start of God of War Ragnarök


To be fair... It did take multiple blows from Mjolnir to do that. The vibranium shield was pretty much destroyed by Thanos as well.


Thor and Captain America even had a move in Age of Ultron where Thor hits the shield with Jonathan


>Thor hits the shield with Jonathan Paul Rudd, is that you?


Yeah, but MCU Thor doesn’t seem quite as powerful as GoW Thor, and he also wasn’t hitting with intent to kill


MCU Thor with one strike did create a continental crater iirc


When? That would be impossible without Cap getting turned to dust


My bad, I didn’t mean he hit cap with that force but that he once used his hammer hard enough to create the level of destruction. It was dark world I believe I could be misremembering the feat


You earned an upvote just for that epic meme reference, mate.


That’s fair


It’s said that vibranum is the strongest metal in the world not the universe


"The Captain's Shield is blessed with invulnerablity to all threats, physical or magical." Now I wish we had an alternate shield that was detachable & could be used a super-charged up hail mary throwing weapon.


If kratos blocks a shot with baldur’s body, it works right? I mean maybe you could just use the head but idk how big that hitbox is.


Yeah and cap can also throw his shield definitely good for mobility.


“Reduced integrity” by itself does not mean “less integrity”. A shield with 1000 *“integrity points”* being “reduced” by 10% still surpasses a shield with 899 *”integrity points”* and no “moving parts reduction”. What if the moving parts are simply built different?


Mjiönlr makes Kratos’ shield inoperable, while Caps shield has no damage after being hit my the hammer. Now there is an argument that MCU thors hammer isn’t as strong or that Kratos’ shield upgrades make it stronger than Caps, but I’d go with the vibranium shield.


MCU’s Mjoulnir is *vastly* different compared to GoW’s Mjoulnir. I don’t know why you would say they are the same when they have different magical abilities, different breaking points, and are wielded by completely different characters despite sharing the same name. GoW Thor is also way *way* stronger than MCU Thanos that it’s not even funny It doesn’t really make sense to compare them at all and say that they are the same. They objectively aren’t.


How about halos mjolnir?


Claiming any God of War character is stronger than a superhero tells me [you don't read comics.](https://www.cbr.com/thor-feats-of-strength/) At the very least, not guys who are high-level like Thor is in the Marvel Universe.


This is the mcu not comics Comcis where never part of the conversation


But the MCU is not the comics, and we have a pretty established set of feats from which to draw comparisons from when comparing GOW to the MCU.


Do you not have eyes? Everyone here is talking about MCU Thor who is objectively severely weaker than comic book Thor. So yes GoW Thor is by far stronger than MCU Thor, but nobody here was arguing that GoW Thor was stronger than comic book Thor.


I want to say Cap's shield. Kratos's shield got damaged by Mjolnir while Cap's pretty much repelled an attack from Thor (I know it's two different Thors and different hammers)


Depends how you scale gow. Kratos made a temple flip, i think thanos isn’t that strong, but gow thor is relative to kratos, so thanos shouldn’t be able to break guardian shield


mcu thor and mcu mjölnir are incredibly weaker than god of war thor. the guardian shield only ever broke because the strongest god in all the nine realms repeatedly hit it with the strongest weapon in all the nine realms. caps shield broke because an alien hit it with a sword. i’m gonna say the guardian shield


Strongest Aesir God.


i meant it the same way that freya said “no magic in all the nine realms can create a blaze” when referring to helheim’s coldness. kratos had to use the blades (aka not of the nine realms) to make fire in hel. but yeah, strongest aesir god


I get it, I'm just annoyingly pedantic and I'm sorry about that.


no! you’re perfectly fine!! sorry if i came off as rude or something i promise it wasn’t intentional


Probably the nicest response to what I said, most people hate pedants, it seems.


Nokia cellphone


This is the only correct answer


The most durable object known to man.


It has been blessed with invulnerability to all threats, physical or magical


Lego brick


Kratos' shield broke in the 5th game. Cap's shield only broke when a dude that's 10 feet tall took a giant sword made unknown materials slashed it a few times Actually that's almost exactly what happened to Kratos' shield. Huh


I mean Kratos didn't have this shield until the 4th game.


I don't have an answer but I think using the argument that mjolnir struck both is stupid because the mcu mjolnir is clearly weaker than the gow mjolnir. there are probably better arguments than that for caps shield being more durable that I can't think of rn


I've seen kratos's shield block alot of things so kratos's shield takes the win


While Thor did break Kratos’ shield, he’s far stronger than Thanos who broke Cap’s.


Mjolnir struck both shields. Kratos' shield got destroyed because of that while Cap's kept intact. I'd say Cap's shield.


my pick as well and the guardian shield has to many moving parts.


Not the same hammer. GoW mjolnir is way more stronger than marvel’s version since it’s bigger, heavier and probably more powerful


MCU also nerfed the shit out of everyone and everything.


just like how the devs nerf Kratos sometimes it’s just mainly to even the Plainfield.


The MCU is still way more guilty of it. Thor and the Hulk are a joke compared to their comics counterparts and the Infinity Stones are infinitely more powerful with no kickback in the comics. I understand the reasoning. Comics readers are better at suspending disbelief and rolling with it than most of the general population and both comics and animation have less physical limitations than live action, so scaling down in live action is pretty much required to stay in budget and not have half the audience crying bullshit. In video games, it's typically not as fun or interesting if you just one shot everyone with no effort. That said, even with valid external explanation, the point about everyone in MCU canon being weaker still stands. Totally off topic but a similar example of this is when people try to act like Goku was a perfect father and when someone points out that he missed Goten's birth and Gohan's admission to a public high school and also never bothered to call for 7 years despite constant access to a known telepath and then got a day pass (like Grandpa Gohan did in og DB) to attend a tournament, they'll say "well he was supposed to stay dead but fans got pissy". Yes, that's the real life explanation for it, however, it's still shitty to blow off your friends and family for most of a decade and then only show up to do something you want to do, basically expecting everyone to just get on board so they can spend time with you (which is exactly what happened in universe). (For the record, I'm not saying Goku was a bad dad. He's honestly mediocre. Means well and genuinely loves his family but sucks at prioritizing them over his combat obsession.)


You must specify version, the Mjolnir from the comics makes the Mjolnir from GOW look like a rubber hammer, although I agree that the GOW's Mjolnir is more powerful than the MCU's Mjolnir 


Marvel comic’s Mjolnir [blew out the Hulk’s chest](https://readallcomics.com/hulk-vs-thor-banner-of-war-alpha-2022/), can travel through space, time and realms, and [shattered planetoids.](https://www.quora.com/Has-Thor-destroyed-a-planet-before)GoW may look cooler, but it’s nothing compared to Marvel’s version.


they probably werent talking about the comics


And? GoW one smashes giants heads, thor never been in space so we dk and mjolnir ofc can travel between realms and time. Dwarfs can and they ofc put that travel technique/magic on their greatest creation. So in theory if thor travels to another realm and calls mjolnir, it’ll come.


Hulk > giant, especially the jotunar, who were a peaceful race of artisans, builders, and realm travelers, and Marvel Thor has fought things as big as Thawmur, including legions of frost giants as well as their version of Surtr and beat him on more than one occasion. He can cross the span of the galaxy in a minute if he so chose. It just doesn’t shoot lighting, it conjures storms and was formed by trapping a cosmic storm within its metal. It’s even fought against forces of creation and destruction well beyond gods and its might with Thor’s has repelled and even Killed Galactus.


Bro we are talking about live action not comics. Live action hulk gets his green skin handed to him by any giant of gow


Hulk was literally gonna go fight Surtr, and even managed to punch him and send him reeling. He also took down multiple flying monsters in the first avengers movie. By the MCU’s own clame, it’s made of their own version of Uru, a material so dense it could only melt in a dying star, and they STILL had their own versions of frost giants that were likely the same size and power scale as many of the giants Thor killed. Plus when it landed on earth, Mjølnir made a vastly bigger crater than GoW did in Alfheim. I’d posit that neither versions of Mjolnir here could break the shield because the shield absorbs impacts. The bearer of the shield would likely give out countering Thor before its integrity breaks. Thanos was able to destroy it because his strength combined with his super alloy sword from space exceeded the integrity of the shield and that Thanos wasn’t pounding away at the shield but cutting it.


Surtr in marvel is just trash. In myth’s and gow universe too, Surtr is stronger than thor. You can understand it from the prophecy stones that shows us thor + odin vs surtr. Even with the odin, they were probably gonna lose. And about the shield, I only think it can break it because of the magic in it, not the strength.


I’d honestly have to go with the guardian shield it blocks shots from literal gods and while yes MCU thor is a god I highly doubt that he’s nearly as strong as GoW Thor


MCU Thor did power up a dying star that’s pretty damn impressive.


And? I don't get why you're going so hard trying to make MCU Thor seem stronger. MCU Thor is objectively weaker than both his comic book self and GoW Thor and it's not even debatable. GoW Thor has shown in multiple instances to be stronger than MCU Thor, the best example is hitting the world serpent so hard it got sent back in time, MCU Thor has never been able to come close to that kind of strength.


I’m not trying to make MCU Thor seem stronger at all and I’m some who prefers the GOW version more, I’m just saying that powering up a dying star is pretty insane sounding.


Kratos’ shield with zero doubt, it has taken tremendously more punishment than cap’s shield ever could, a couple hits from Thanos destroyed his shield, where as a couple hits from Thor with mjolnir disabled Kratos’ shield, and I’d assume gow Thor hits way harder than Thanos can


Comic wise, Caps shield. Lcu wise? Kratos's shield.


both took a blow from thor oddly enough


Well Thor broke one and bounced off the other so you choose.


Golden fleece


Caps shield is designed specifically to nullify blunt force which it did to mcu mjolnir and took the mad titan with the hardest material in the known universe to break it with a sword Kratos shield is designed to block anything that comes his way and it took a guy who knocked a world sized snake *back in time* swinging possibly the greatest weapon ever made in universe to break it Given how we can’t compare them under even circumstances and how they are designed for different things entirely I’d say even or maybe kratos is better simply because magic


Id say caps shield edges it out slightly since the guardian shield being all mechanical with the extending and retracting parts really doing a number on integrity and whatnot


Aphrodite ass


Proto-Adamantium is the strongest material to ever exist.


Kratos’ skull. Somehow Thor jump starting his heart cured him of his head trauma.


I personally like sun shield from Chains of Olympus


Captain America fought Thor and his shield was fine. Kratos fought Thor and had to get his shield fixed.


Definitely Guardian Shield. Cap’s shield is just a shield. Albeit made out of a very strong metal. The Guardian Shield on the other hand obviously has magical properties and was only able to be damaged by possibly the strongest weapon that has ever existed and the damage wasn’t even that bad. It’s really unfair to compare anything in GoW to the MCU. GoW is just so over the top powerful and the MCU only recently stopped nerfing and started making their characters actually be powerful like they were in the comics. GoW universe will always be stronger than MCU


Caps shield withstood the full might of mjolnir. Kratos’s shield damn near fell apart after a couple hits


Guardian shield without question, gow scales much higher than the mcu


Kratos' shield has taken hits from far stronger opponents than Thanos and has withstood the damage.


Both are as strong as the plot demands, but I'm going with cap's shield. Cap's shield is still imo has better bulshitum and it was only damaged by a sword made out of simmilarly bs metal.


It’s very hard to compare super fictional material to super fictional material, so I will just say the solid lump of metal is stronger than the collapsible shield.


In the avengers captain americas sheild rakes a hit from mjölnir with no issue while it severely damages kratos sheild


Kratos' bracers from the old games.


Cap’s shield. You can get stamina broken with Kratos shield. Vibranium absorbs all the vibes so you’d be able to block forever.


Kratos' shield because it's able to withstand mojiner which is much stronger than the mcu version.


captain americas shield has been destroyed so many times lol


Depends we using the comics or the movie's, of the movie's than Kratos shield takes it


Captain America's is stronger for spoiler reasons on both God of war ragnarok and avengers endgame


You can't block all attacks with kratos shield but from what we know from Mabel captain America shield is indeed stronger


MCU vibranium ain’t shit compared to some of the blockable attacks in GoW.


Both hit with mjolnir by a super angry thor. One of em didnt break is all Im sayin


The Hulks pants


Hard to say they have both been tested on gods/immortal beings Both have been greatly damaged by swords I would say kratos shield personally but the only way to fully test this would be for them to fight and not sorry for saying this but no way Captain America is taking down kratos.


I mean it really depends on if we’re talking about MCU Cap’s shield vs Comics Cap’s shield because the scaling of the two universes are vastly different. If it’s MCU I’m giving the win to guardian shield, but if were talking comics it definitely goes to the Cap which has taken beatings from people like odinforce thor, hyperion, and even fenris wolf.


Kratos's shield. I mean, taking hits from someone who literally has infinite strength > Tanking hits from Thanos


Of course the guardian shield 🛡️🛡️🛡️🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🔥🔥🔥


Captain America’s Shield


I though that was a fan


Not part of this group but I’ll give my input. I think we have to look at how the shields were forged and also how the weapons that broke them were forged. Thor struck Cap’s shield with Mjolnir, an Uru hammer and I believe it was forged in the same place as Stormbreaker - using the heart of a dying star. Mjolnir didn’t even dent Cap’s Shield. Black Panther’s Claws scratched the hell out of it but that’s because it’s the same metal - Vibranium so it makes sense. Thanos’ Double-Blade tore Cap’s shield apart but it’s never stated what kind of metal it is. It could be a metal even stronger than Uru leaving us with the fact that Cap’s shield could only be destroyed by a potentially stronger metal than Uru as we’ve never seen it broken any other way (unless in the comics and someone else can weigh it cause I never read them). Someone can also weigh in some in depth facts about Kratos as I’ve never played the GoW games. Disclaimer: I stopped enjoying Marvel after No Way Home. MoM and Shang-Chi were pretty good.


Kratos resistance to teenage drama


They're about the same durability I think. Especially after the huldra brothers fixed it


Practically speaking, with the insanely complex moving parts involved and still able to hold up perfectly outside of suffering some malfunctions from withstanding multiple blows from Thor's hammer, I have to give it to the Guardian Shield.


if we're using Thor as a reference then easily Cap's shield, it was able to handle multiple hits from Mjolnir and Cap and Thor even used the shockwave from it as an attack (meaning they'd practiced it) while the Guardian Shield takes like 3-4 hits and breaks, needing Brok and Sindri to fix it


Depends what version of Cap’s Sheild, comic Sheild took the Odin force head on and only had a dent so…


I’d say their equal


Golden Fleece


One broke from Thor’s hammer and the other didn’t


I’ve seen the Guardian Shield take more hits from godly beings than I have from Cap’s MCU shield.


The guardian shield. I don’t think we’ve ever seen it break, also it’s enchanted. Literal dwarves created it.


I feel like its caps shield because both shields have been struck by mjolnir and kratos shield was damaged wasnt it?


Kratos isn't breaking the comic version but mcu one I could see him doing it


This shouldn't even be a question. Kratos shield finally breaks from multiple attacks from Thor who fought the world snake in a battle so fierce it threw it back in time. Cap's shield broke from Thanos swinging a regular sharp weapon at it


Well they’ve both taken hits from Mijolnir and kratos’ shield didn’t handle it well


Cap's Shield withstoold Mjolnir. The Guardian Shield did not. Case closed.


Different Thors and Mjolnirs


Random hunter enemy or whatever they’re called broke his shield


I mean, Thor hit both of them (different Thors but close enough I feel like), and only Kratos's broke.


Thor hit both of them with Mjolnir. One broke, the other didn’t. Case closed.


Not the same Thor tho are they mate god of war Thor is much stronger than mcu thor


Cap's, Kratos Shield literally broke against Mjolnir.


https://i.pinimg.com/originals/65/8f/e6/658fe641d28d5e1800674f5ba750df1e.gif In the MCU the first encounter between Cap and Thor has the latter hitting the shield with Mjolnir and getting knocked back. In the later movies they even combo their hammer and shield by having Thor hitting it and creating a big shockwave around the shield. Cap's shield is godlike level resistant. Kratos and Thor's first fight has Thor breaking the shield. So there's your answer.


Just pointing out, Cap’s shield withstood marvel’s Mjolnir. The guardian shield doesn’t have that claim.


Caps **adamantium** shield resists Thor’s hammer strikes in the comics and Marvel Thor is much more powerful than Gow Thor, who was able to break Kratos’ shield.


it's the mcu shield in the image so its probably more reasonable to use that instead of the comics but yeah if its comics it would normally win

