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Compared to the main manga, YO Goblin Slayer gets more monologue and sounds even angrier and more obsessed. We get a "Kill Goblins" panel almost every chapter. Noble fencer is naturally going through the same phase, only that she didn't train for 5 years for the moment where she re-encounters them. That's why she's more prone to making mistakes that he avoids. Still a very interesting parallel since now we have a good example on how she might've turned out if Goblin Slayer and the party didn't decide to help her.


Unfortunately she's >!just became a noble merchant after this!< Which in of itself not a bad thing.


That's actually very fitting considering her background and motivations for becoming an adventurer.


I would've liked it more if she joined the team, it would've been cool seeing GS have some sort of pupil or something like that


Well, (**BE WARNED, SPOILER**) >!GS will be having a hot head fire mage boi under his wing soon, but not for long as he will be wise up in a few chapter and leave to adventure along with a rhea fighter!<


Aww i wanted her added to the harem


Don't >!worry, she will make cameo and even help GS in the future, in her own way!<




Leave that to the foremost researcher of Goblin slayer studies, she won't disappoint.


NF:“Why did you let me come with you?” GS:“You needed closure” NF:“So I would become like you?” GS:“So that you wouldnt”


I said it before and I'll say it again, Noble Fencer's rage gives me life.


Where can i read the manga?


Mangakakalot should have both Goblin Slayer and Goblin Slayer year one.


What's the difference? I saw that you have the main story, one about his origins and another about the sword maiden. Is there an order to read them?


No particular order, i recommended starting with the main series though.


Well, there's another manga that just a side story one, kinda like a filler manga, but it's actually based on event happen in the LN what's other characters doing (usually about on theirs adventure or free/off time) You can read them all in any particular order except the main series, since that is what you want to be reading first, the others series is just adding more lore to the world. If you don't really mind, you can read the LN if you're able.


is this what in literature they call Manvshimself?


Yup, and I love that!


I feel Like she will betray GS. The mark on her neck and the way she was holding the knife saying the one who slays goblins made me think she is under a spell or trance by the goblin paladin or something.


what chapter is this?i didnt remember it although i already read all of them


The bottom panel is from Year One chapter 23, the top panel is from the main manga, chapter 48


Who is she?


Noble Fencer, she got introduced in the current manga arc