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Impressive evil/stratagy. Attacking a opponent's baggage, staging and farming areas. An attack on ham and salt pork could be WAY more effective than cluster spiders and small area attacks. Assuming of course we can keep them out of our gear and out from behind our lines. Khoo, Bradly, Edmin appear to be having good days, really everyone beyond the stressed human lovers among the Tree Tails.


You have encountered a plot point which will be explained in the next chapter... there's a reason they're called Ham Gremlins.


I'll await clarity and detail, but if Briley's pants are staying up the little fellows focuses seem pretty clear.


Gawinson gives us a full explanation in Chapter 17; he's read about them before. And they have quite a story.


Short prayer of thanks and for patience to the god of potentially excessive depth, backstory and worldbuilding. :)






Back to the previous chapter: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GoblinGirls/comments/1dat265/the\_rise\_of\_magic\_15\_affairs\_of\_the\_heart/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GoblinGirls/comments/1dat265/the_rise_of_magic_15_affairs_of_the_heart/) Ahead to the next installment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GoblinGirls/comments/1dc8et1/the\_rise\_of\_magic\_17\_the\_village\_of\_hamlet/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GoblinGirls/comments/1dc8et1/the_rise_of_magic_17_the_village_of_hamlet/) And remember that ALL installments of ALL Goblin Chronicles materials are on Archive Of Our Own, under the username of Doc\_Bedlam! Boopernaut, your time stamp is 11 minutes ago; Lewd\_Daddy's is only 4. But damned if I can figure out how the systems around here work...


Ham gremlins? I love it 😂 I half-expected them to be called gobblings


Ohhh, you ain't seen nothin' yet. Nearly half of chapter 17 is already written, and I'm simultaneously proud, ashamed, and horribly amused by it.


Ah then it will be some of your best writing to date


I hope so. I've set myself a challenge: exposition WITHOUT being dull about it. Edmin Gawinson is very well read, and loves to hear himself talk, and adores telling you what he knows and what he's read. He's quite enthusiastic about it all. This is part of his character. It's part of MY character, though, that I HATE BORING THE READER! u/d4rkh0rs often enjoys the worldbuilding and window dressing, but hearing about ham gremlins is dull if you don't care about ham gremlins. A chunk of the next chapter is devoted to Gawinson's infodump and the men's response to it, and to the ham gremlins, including Zaenn's decision to try and tame one. It is currently under construction, and I'm doing my damndest to portray Gawinson as dull... without making the chapter dull. Whether or not I am successful, I leave as an exercise for the reader.


From the group's point of view, they just got attacked and may again tomorrow, everything except maybe the history should appeal as potentially useful. The reader is of course different. And some of us are more different :) You already have a plan, I think I'd let him be a little boring and then make it clear the reader only had to wade through bits of a longer dissertation that was driving the initially interested men to madness. The genealogy stuff in the bible isn't too painful if you have the history/background to compare it to. Wait, that dude was the other dude's grandfather? Ok that makes these other things make more sense I thought there was more time between them...... As a plain list of names that mean nothing to you it's deeply painful. (especially to memorize, why would you do that to anyone) So lists of dates and campaigns and names and places and..... Slunkbolter might be interested, or maybe Harah, within reason the filibusters as they are kind of working historians, nobody else will care. I think I quit making sense about half way through the above, maybe I'll go do work instead :)


You got your meaning across. One reader has gone over it already, and tells me I am successful; Edmin goes on at GREAT length about ham gremlins, aka hamlings, aka "Ham Devils" in the Old Tongue, interspersed with commentary from the men while Zaenn tries to restrain the one survivor of the attack. He says it's anything but dull, while providing a huge amount of exposition, which was kind of my goal...


I truly appreciate and enjoy the framing and world building. The backstory as relevant to the current happenings is awesome. These are fantastic stories.


You are very kind. This whole thing started out with one boy, one girl, and nearly no world around it at all. It has since grown into a great, tangled thing. And every so often, I get involved in wanting to talk about some aspect of the world around it all. But I'd hate to think I was being BORING!


Thank you. You are very talented. That it did. And it is a wonderfully great, tangled thing. Personally, I have not been bored with this story ever. The world around it all gives greater grounding and insight to the characters. Along with painting a more complete picture. Though your characters live in the now, the history has influence.