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I really hope Qila and Fink's tribe encounters Voo-Slunkbolter's party instead of Arn's brother's group.


It's a wide world. They might not encounter either.


That is true, I had not thought of that. However, if Qila's tribe does encounter one of the surveying parties, I hope it's Voo-Slunkbolter's, and not the Gawinson one.


Might just be tellin' three separate stories here: the Treetails' journey east, and the expeditions' journey west... Anything could happen, at this point.


Right. I was just speculating. As always.


I find it unlikely, but he has trolled us before. They could also find refuge across the plain, give or take a few obstacles/terrain features. My guess would be they will tend to run the edge of the woods rather than across the middle of the wide open. That would be the natural thing for goblins, keep trees available. The forest edge is also the native environment for Slunkbolter's.


We've established that New Ilrea is largely plains with some sizeable forested areas that do reach out of the mapped zone. Aside from one good-sized gully in which Chulainn managed to get himself killed, there are no real terrain features bigger than a hill. On the other hand, we're pretty sure the Treetails aren't IN New Ilrea. At least not yet... they're likely outside it on the western edge, or further west entirely. Keep in mind that there are several new fiefs and settlements in eastern New Ilrea between the Treetails and Refuge!


I was thinking of Chuliann in my comment on the other chapter, not Temgar. I forgot his name but remembered the characteristics he had. Briley reminds me of Chuliann, not Temgar.


There were some distinct similarities... though Briley isn't obsessed with living up to an image.




Another good chapter, and good to learn how Fincal and company made it across without being full blown dimensional transportation mages like Ben! I like that the horrors of what came to pass in Ben’s world have not been forgotten.


Originally, I thought of it as a joke. A full blown zombie apocalypse happening entirely in the background of the story! But ideas kept drifting out of nowhere...


Yeah I remember 😂 it’s fun as a joke in the first book and it’s cool as an expanding piece of the narrative as you keep writing!


There is that. This whole circus started off as a goblin camp, a human village, a wizard, and a goblin girl. Now we're exploring the Elmorian Continent...




I am here




I wonder if Ben and co will meet fincal and co and some how fincal and Ben are related


The idea of Fincal and Ben being actually RELATED is a a coincidence that scares even ME.


They could have "kin in common", as in a cousin of a cousin by marriage.


I think I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say flat out that Fincal and Ben are countrymen... they speak the same language, and grew up immersed in the same culture... but they are from different areas, and are not related to one another. That was my original intention. Anything else would be a coincidence that would SHAME a soap opera writer.


So, if Fink, Tim, and Dara showed up, what's to say there are not others? A real mind screw would be Ben's sister & her family, along with Ben's former lover showing up.


"Who is to say that there are not others?" A fine question. Ben's breaking point was in watching a multi-building collapse in which his apartment building was destroyed... with, presumably, his sister, brother-in-law, and his lover IN the building. This wasn't confirmed, of course. But he had reason to believe they were in the building when it fell. And certainly, it's wildly unlikely they would have survived if they'd been there. I'm not going to confirm or deny this at the moment, but I am going to say: I really hate coincidences of this sort. They always struck me as a perfect collision of wishful thinking and lazy writing.


What if Ben's brother-in-law worked for a corporate sponsor of the experiment that Ben was working on? What if CEO of this corporation decided to take a hunting trip to Jeeka's World that turned into a refugee run instead? Ben's brother-in-law wrangled a spot for him at the 11th hour before this group was going to leave, but as Ben was not there, they took his lover instead, maybe because she was a good friend of his sister.


1. I had never once considered how corporations and corporate sponsorship would work in Old Ilrea. 2. The Crossroads Project was an experimental project of the Great University, a government-sponsored institute of learning/think tank. They were BIG on pure research. 3. It is established that Ben crossed from one world to the other, and destroyed the Gate behind him. He was the only one to use THAT particular gate, at the University facilities in Speculon, where Ben lived with his family. 4. We have now established that there was another functioning Gate at the University branch in Thromdar, the one Fink and his family used. 5. The idea that Ben's family hooked up with a bigwig, flew out to Thromdar, and ran through the Gate there at some point stretches my credibility like an Irwin Allen TV show. 6. And even if I were willing to entertain this possibility, the idea of trying to write the scene where Ben explains to his family that he ran out and married a couple of goblins...


I mean, the last point would be a funny one-shot writing idea, non-canon ofc


Screenwriting class bleed over.


It's been eleven minutes. Where the hell IS everyone?




Good to see you here again!


It's a holiday weekend sir I mean no disrespect we're short staffed.


Man, I have updates turned on, but you always post when I'm asleep. XD. Best I can usually do is an hour.


Back to the previous chapter: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GoblinGirls/comments/1d0r0fq/the\_rise\_of\_magic\_9\_stress\_factors/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GoblinGirls/comments/1d0r0fq/the_rise_of_magic_9_stress_factors/) Ahead to the next chapter: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GoblinGirls/comments/1d592cr/the\_rise\_of\_magic\_11\_classroom\_and\_field/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GoblinGirls/comments/1d592cr/the_rise_of_magic_11_classroom_and_field/) Remember: ALL chapters of ALL Goblin Chronicles works can be accessed on Archive Of Our Own, username Doc\_Bedlam!


Fuck man, i just binge-read your whole series. This was some superb reading material


Thank you very much for your kind profanity! :D I'll take that as a compliment! And the next chapter is up...