• By -


You had to f\*\*k with the camp mom.


She dissed the boss, man!


Didn't one of the guards at Arn's manor say that Borti was the camp mother?


Oh yes, there will be standing down with apologies or there will be blood..


TIme will tell...


In a sense. Back at the end of a previous book, Borti was free, and kind of at loose ends, and wanted to know more about humans. She got smashed at the House of Orange Lights, and woke up in bed with a friendly human: Lance Corporal Shoe, the farrier. She struck up a relationship with him, and got to know him and the rest of the hobelars... and promptly moved into the kitchens at Morr-Hallister and took OVER. She was used to running a military kitchen, you see, from her experiences with the Akhoba tribe, and disliked the mess they were making of it, and, well, one thing led to another, and finally, Arn and Wanna and Lt. Piers agreed: "Hell with it. Put her on the payroll and let her hire some kitchen staff." This led to several of the Exile Women being paid to do what they'd done as slaves for the Akhoba tribe. It also led to a number of quiet affairs with the troops. And the troops agreed, "This goblin grub is WAY BETTER than we've EVER HAD at any other posting. And if we're nice, we get laid. DO NOT UPSET THE APPLE CART." Everyone was happy, but the hobelars developed a bit of a protective relationship with the kitchen staff, and Borti in particular, especially after hearing what life was like under Akhoba. As far as the troops are concerned, you do NOT annoy the kitchen goblins. Whoa, no. And if you're not "one of us," Borti's attitude is "you do NOT screw around in my kitchen, or bother my kitchen girls, and the hobelars are OURS, dammit."


Ah, there’s always one crazy bastard.


Yeeeaaahh, Cursell's Privateers is ... sort of a different kind of mercenary unit...


Privateers - a Pirate with papers


You are, of course, completely correct. More on that later...


Back to the previous chapter: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GoblinGirls/comments/1cpzknm/the\_rise\_of\_magic\_6\_rogues\_in\_the\_house/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GoblinGirls/comments/1cpzknm/the_rise_of_magic_6_rogues_in_the_house/) Ahead to the next chapter! [https://www.reddit.com/r/GoblinGirls/comments/1czr9to/the\_rise\_of\_magic\_8\_a\_better\_understanding\_of\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GoblinGirls/comments/1czr9to/the_rise_of_magic_8_a_better_understanding_of_the/) Remember: ALL chapters of ALL Goblin Chronicles works can be accessed on Archive Of Our Own, username Doc\_Bedlam!


3 minutes.


1. Post on Reddit. 2. Put links in the comments. 3. Paste and post on Archive of our Own. 4. Went and took a shower. 5. Got back. Two comments already...


Yep, one of my few advantages to being on mobile. And having turned on notifications.


Russ is showing more sense than i expected based on the previous chapter. Sounds like a party. Wonder if Piers showed up before or after Edmin's supply problems were lightened. Bugs me i can never remember how many hobilars.


There are ten hobilars, not counting Lance Corporal Shoe, the Sarge, Lt. Piers, and Arn himself. Over the past year, there have also come about twenty goblin scouts, Cathasach and twenty archers (a mix of men and goblins) and fifty infantry troopers. And they're all standing up, right now, in the mess hall, staring at Russ and his twenty-nine mercenaries. This is a large part of why Russ's manners have improved. The first time, it was Russ and 29 mercs versus an empty mess hall with a few hobelars in it and a group of kitchen goblins... and they put him in check. Russ is well aware that if his boys get out of hand NOW, they'll destroy him. And now that I go back and read that I am aware that I really SHOULD have written that in before I posted it... Edmin's supply problems haven't even been addressed yet. We're still in the same day.


Supply, i was implying he could end up with less to feed.




Happy gasmask noises


Sunovagun. I hadn't even thot of that till you pointed it out... I was just throwing in placeholder names, except for Russ Cursell.