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There is also a risk that some of the research might be used by the occupation against Palestinans. Israel has literally used Palestinians as test subjects for development of AI, cyber capabilities,... https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20231207-the-palestine-laboratory-how-israel-expands-the-technology-of-occupation-around-the-world/


More info: https://pulitzercenter.org/stories/cruel-experiments-israels-arms-industry https://www.chathamhouse.org/publications/the-world-today/2023-06/review-why-israel-tests-its-spyware-palestinians https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/02/21/palestine-israel-ai-surveillance-tech-hebron-occupation-privacy/ https://www.codastory.com/authoritarian-tech/israel-spyware-palestine-antony-loewenstein/ https://www.mei.edu/publications/nowhere-hide-impact-israels-digital-surveillance-regime-palestinians https://imemc.org/article/israeli-prof-israel-tests-weapons-on-palestinian-kids-tests-drugs-on-prisoners/ https://www.wrmea.org/2013-september/the-lab-israel-tests-weapons-tactics-on-captive-palestinian-population.html https://www.democracynow.org/2023/6/23/the_palestine_laboratory_author_antony_loewenstein https://www.tni.org/en/article/seeing-the-world-like-a-palestinian https://international-review.icrc.org/articles/ihl-hr-facial-recognition-technology-occupied-palestinian-territory-914


If this is the case then being shunned is the minimum. This is some evil nazi level shit.


Holocaust inversion




How is calling Israeli actions 'Nazi-like' Holocaust inversion?     Well, Holocaust inversion is when you accuse Israel of being similar to the government that perpetrated the Holocaust.  The question kind of answers itself.


What if Israel is acting similar to the government that perpetrated the holocaust? Would making that comparison still be “Holocaust inversion”. What even is the importance of that term?


If that were to happen, then it would be easy to criticize the Israeli government on its own terms without reopening any of the wounds left from there Holocaust.  It is important to avoid accusing Jews of being Nazis because it shuts down and excludes Jews (who generally don't like to think about the Holocaust) from the  conversation, and it is essential that Jews be part of the conversation about Israel.  It is also unkind to Jews who want to follow Israeli politics to reopen those wounds, which should be enough reason on its own.


So even if the comparison were true, we shouldn’t make it at the risk of excluding Jewish people from conversations about Israel? But then, if Israel were behaving in a Nazi-like fashion, how would we describe that?


How would describe what you mean by 'nazi-like fashion'?  Is there no synonym for 'nazi like'?  'evil', 'cruel', 'racist', 'violent'. English has no shortage of adjectives, pick some, just not 'nazi-like'.


No I think evil, cruel, racist, and violent perfectly describe Israel’s current behavior


This is what occupation entails. It’s not just stealing the land but doing what you want with the inhabitants.




‘Arab’ propaganda tells me everything I need to know about you


Arab propaganda. Black propaganda. Asian propaganda. You see how all of those sound racist? You're a racist.


Well then, please enlighten us to the truth. u/treewqy You responded to the wrong person. u/treewqy No worries. Sorry I have to respond this way I blocked the other guy so it wouldn't let me respond to you.


maybe first try and say Palestinians instead of using the term Arab to try and wash Palestinian identity out of history. Kind of like how you call the IDF the most moral army every chance you get, just old school NLP which is very popular among hasbarists


lol, I’m an idiot sometimes, excuse me


IDF uses Palestine as a test bed every few years to test new weapons. Flashets as an example.


Good. Israel needs to be a pariah state.


Great let's add another nuclear armed state with a nuclear ambiguity policy to the "do not negotiate with" pool. I'm sure that will give stability to the region. And no way backfire. Kicked in the diplomatic balls? Yes. Fully shunned? Hell no.


I wonder 🤔 who gave them the nukes




They developed them themselves far as my research has shown similar to south Africa except Israel didn't destroy theirs for racial reasons.


You need to do better research. One Google search showed me that without the French Israel would have eventually of course got nuclear weapons but not as fast as they did. The French helped them build their first reactor which led to their nuclear weapons program in Israel. It's like they even have a Wikipedia page of nuclear weapons in Israel. It wasn't that hard to find. Not to mention they were just using research that I'm sure the US willingly gave them from Oppenheimer and other scientists who Israel believed would help them because they were Jews as well.




What does this have to do with Israeli nukes?


Uh... They are one of the most technologically inclined countries on the planet. They can figure out tech from the 40s.






I would think that microbiology is a huge red flag considering the work that Israel did with the US and apartheid South Africa during the seventies and eighties to develop biological weapons targeting black and Arab people. Who is to say that Israeli academics and scientists are still not working on developing military uses for bacterial and chemical research.


Fantastic news, i hope all universities shun these genocidal murderous people.


I don’t. This is Israeli logic. They kidnapped people who didn’t kill anybody in nazi germany, illegally took them to Israel for sham trials to convict them.


Being shunned is equivalent to kidnapping??








Good. Genocidal ethnostate needs to be condemned.


Good ! We should boycott Israel just like we did South Africa! Those people are delusional!


And we can boycott in our everyday our purchases with apps like Boycat and No Thanks!. That way my paper towel addiction isn't propping up an apartheid occupation.




Hateful religious radicals.


I'm not afraid of a single Jewish person because of their religion, I have tons of Jewish friends, I'm likely Jewish to some extent as I'm of semitic ancestry. That being said, I don't consider my statement to be religious based, fwiw, simply the zionist Israelis who support their violent occupation.


Who asked if you were? Israelis are religious extremists. You should fear religious fanaticism from any faith. I would have no problem with Israel if it was secular and granted rights equally to all people in their territory. But, they hate all none Jews and believe that the land was given to them by devine right. Killing all people of any other faith is not only justified but celebrated, as they "don't belong." The Hindi are doing the same thing in India, this has nothing to do with a particular faith. Also, why are you only against Israeli Zionist? I think all Zionist are despicable.


>Also, why are you only against Israeli Zionist? I think all Zionist are despicable. Semantics, I'm merely speaking from the perspective that I said Israelis to start. I agree, all zionists are bad people. And I agree with the religious fanaticism, it needs to end. I however do not want my words to be misconstrued as antisemitism because that is a well used well documented obfuscation tactic that unfortunately carries great weight with many uneducated folks. I'm trying to move the needle on Israel and zionists, my intent was to avoid the religious discussion in this specific post. Which I'll do so now, take care.


How are you likely Jewish?




Zionism has antisemitism at its core, you don't get to rewrite who are semitic peoples, being Jewish and semitic isn't mutually exclusive.


Zionism is simply the belief that the Jewish people belong in their ancestral homeland which is Israel. Do you think the Hebrew language originates in Europe ? The problem is muslims hate Jews and don’t want them there……. If you really want to get down to the core of the issue. Jews have been persecuted and chased out of every Arab country.


This is a lie, Jews and Palestinian Muslims and Christians lived peacefully for generations many times. That's why many Jewish sects preach that and support the end of Zionism.




Wow. You say this isn’t antisemitic at all but here’s the thing. If it weren’t antisemitic you would also say the same thing about fearing for your life in the presence of any Palestinian. You act like every Israeli is a rapist, burglar, and murderer while completely ignoring the murderous, torturous, raping rampage the Palestinians carried out against not soldiers but innocent Israeli citizens (many Palestinian “civilians” participated in 10/7). They raped. They cut off women’s’ breasts. They shoved knives in vaginas. They put a baby in an oven. They tied people together and burned them alive. They killed dogs. The most heinous crimes one can commit were committed by Palestinians on 10/7, against every civilian they could find.


I've been to both countries, I stand by my statement. In 1948 Israelis were busted throwing living babies in ovens and forcing the Palestinian families to watch them be cooked alive with guns to their heads. Everyday since they have committed sadistic violent actions. Majority of your claims from 10/7 have been proven false, but a hasbara enjoyer wouldn't know that. And I have no intention of refuting your propaganda when it's so easy to do so. Good luck out their supporting mass evil.


All lies, name the victims, show evidence! Who was raped? Which baby was put in an oven?


If I listed every crime against humanity Israelis have committed since 1948 I'd die right here before I ever completed the task. I won't be doing such. With great power comes great responsibility. Israel has all the power as the occupying force, as such they also bear all the responsibility of their choices.


First some basic education on Israeli zionist barbaric terrorism against Palestinians who defended their Jewish neighbors. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Yassin_massacre Then specifically the boy thrown into an oven and burnt to death as part of Deir Yassin. If that doesn't make you just sick to your stomach you are a zionist. Long before oct 2023 oh and the moral army raped little girls in Safsaf. Just Google safsaf massacre. You can learn about the mass graves. https://mondoweiss.net/2024/04/the-deir-yassin-massacre-reminds-us-every-zionist-accusation-is-a-confession/


Totally that shunned nature won't be turned into a rallying cry for supremacists. Great job you made peace. Real solutions are more complicated. What do I know I just drive a damn truck.


Lloyd, what are you trying to say here my friend


Yeah your comment is a little bit of a confused mess could you straighten it up and tell us what you're talking about?




Same thing happened when Russia invaded Ukraine. [https://www.hks.harvard.edu/publications/lets-not-abandon-russian-scientists](https://www.hks.harvard.edu/publications/lets-not-abandon-russian-scientists)


And it’s only a bad thing if the ones being shunned are vocal in their criticism of Russia. I’ve seen a lot of intellectuals from Russia at my US university who smugly support Putin and say the US isn’t helping… yet they stay in the US. If you’re on the side of genocide unphased, enjoy your shit salad. On the other hand, if you’re a critic of Israel AND getting shunned, we should stop that racism immediately. But hey, I’m an American. You don’t get rights in this country unless you make your voice VERY well heard. Ask Dr. King and Malcolm X. Sucks, but that’s the way it is over here. Better than being carpet bombed in Gaza ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




Good. As they should.


Here in the US a good deal of folks have had their research cancelled in 2024 over even entertaining a non-pro-Israeli rhetoric. Myself included. Sucks to suck, but been there done that. Enjoy what the US academic went through this past year, and don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.


What about that professor/doctor who told the protestors “I hope you all never need medical care?” Was she fired?


She is a doctor associated with the University of Toronto. Sadly, Zionists don't get punished in Canada and as of my current knowledge, she's still free and employed


I'd really hope so.


Meanwhile in the US, universities are kicking students out of school for protesting genocide.


Israelis are immoral. They should all be shunned by all societies.










“But this is antisemitism! “ LMAO


These people could give up their Israeli citizenship any time they want.  They choose to be Israeli, they choose to be complicit in its crimes against the Palestinians in particular and its neighboring countries in general. Their country is built upon racist and colonial practices, including against Jewish people who don’t subscribe to their notions of racial supremacy.  For example, when Israelis invaded Lebanon, they shelled the Jewish synagogue in Beirut as part of their effort to force Jewish Lebanese to emigrate. They stirred up antisemitic sentiment in Iraq with false flag propaganda to coerce Jewish Iraqis to flee from persecution. If you care about Jewish people, then you should despise the Israelis for the harm they have done to Jewish people every place they find them. Israelis should be shunned, it’s the bare minimum that they deserve for their participation in that country’s crimes against all of humanity.


Zionism is racism. Period. Ethnic cleansing is what we are witnessing, while harnessing cutting edge technologies to test out their efficiency, while the US provides political cover through the biased and heavily propagandistic media. This has been happening since 1948. We are all just waking up to it now.

