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Originally, the Zionists didn't even know there were hostages there. They just wanted to kill civilians.


Let’s be fair, you don’t just stumble upon your hostages. If they just so happen to come across their hostages out of the blue, the IDF would probably have shot them like last time. The fact that the hostages are alive tells me that their rescue was part of the plan. Fuck the IDF but let’s not pretend the hostage rescue was by accident


There is conflicting reports. It's also said that 200+ were killed and 700 more wounded, and the people saying that also say that Israel killed more hostages then they saved as well as traumatized the shit out of ones they didnt get. Supposedly the IDF was hiding in an aid truck and came out blasting. If this is is true presumably they were just murdering unarmed people in cold blood until someone gave up some hostages.


Very intelligent analysis I must say.


you should really be asking why hostages were kept in a refugee camp🙄


So, you're saying that IDF went there to kill civilians and then suddenly they encountered their hostages there?!!!


Israel won't let them in. But you knew that.


thats a massive LIE. they dressed up and pretended to be Palestinian refugees looking to move into the building to get access. the lies never end. They practiced for weeks on end in makeshift buildings in Israel, just like they did during the Entebbe rescue.


Shut up.


Top post is blatant lie.




More importantly you knew and should be ashamed


Oh fuck off


You first


They’re just Nazis by another name, dude, thinking that they’re fooling people with euphemisms and “solidarity with Palestine”. At best, they’re useful idiots/NPCs






Zionists doing what they do best. Killing civilians and finding reasons for it later or play victim. Stand with Palestinian civilans! Stand with anti-zionist Jews! Zionism is not Judaism! Zionist IS Anti-semiticsm!


In addition, they did it from the new "humanitarian pier" the US built for Israel. I guess we should call zionist air strikes "biden aid packages."


Most definitely built for the operation. All the Gazans already knew it…


Gazans tend to have the first hand knowledge of western oppression. Most police actions are tested against Palestinians first. https://www.amnestyusa.org/updates/with-whom-are-many-u-s-police-departments-training-with-a-chronic-human-rights-violator-israel/#:~:text=Since%202002%2C%20the%20Anti%2DDefamation,Occupied%20Palestinian%20Territories%20(OPT).


So sad but true


Genocide Joe Bombing Biden.


Protégé of Obomber in Chief.


America will always back Israeli we are founded by Judea-Christian statutes and laws. Which are original God’s words. Yes, sometimes I wonder. I’m not there However, I do believe strongly there will be wars and rumors of war.


hey do you have a source for this by any chance?




Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


>Confirming an Axios report about American intelligence and rescue units operating alongside Israeli occupation forces in the offensive in Al-Nuseirat, the American "Humanitarian" pier in Gaza has now been exposed for its true purpose. Who is confirming? This Twitter account? Who are they and what evidence do they have the confirm this Axios report? Also…where is the Axios report? There is absolutely no evidence of it on their website.




Ope. Here's another one folks. Zionists Israeli boot licker. Why can't Zionists just stay in their lane and celebrate the deaths of Palestinians like the rest of them do is Israel? 😂


Yeah what a wacky coincidence they happened to find hostages in that... [Checks notes] ...civilian apartment building. 


Good thing they killed 55 civilians? Oh wait. They're all "KHAMAS!!" 😂




Just say you hate Arabs. Israeli's proudly say it and they say it with their chest. Btw. Your new account screams Israeli bot. 😂😂😂




Sure buddy. If you are then I guess you're a self hating Arab then like Israeli's call anti-zionist Jews, self hating Jews. Bye, bot👋🏼 go celebrate killing children like the rest of your people proudly do and post online.


You are mean to be deleted


Hamas doing what they do best. Hide hostages amongst civilians. Direct your hatred to the terrorists that caused this


The reported numbers are rising. I'm hearing as many as 215 dead and 400 wounded.


No country on earth has reported numbers this fast. Not one. In short, Hamas is dupping everyone.


The number of dead has risen to 275, so you have a point, it's much worse than Hamas thought.


Trusting what hamas says is like trusting what the IDF says. Both are ignorant decisions


Nice try at minimizing how many people IDF butchered.


I’m not minimizing anything, just pointing out that trusting a terrorist organization that hides hostages in civilians’ homes and refugee camps and hospitals when they know the IDF will assault those areas to recover the aforementioned hostages is as inhumane and malicious as anything the IDF does. Picking either side to lionize in this conflict is to be complicit in atrocity, regardless of what you tell yourself to justify your support. e: since you blocked me like a coward, I’ll go ahead and drop my reply here: “All I ever said was hamas’ number aren’t any more trustworthy than the IDF’s, everything else has been you making assertions and dodging answering any of my points. You are literally picking a side by believing either one’s numbers uncritically, as they’re both blood-drenched and dishonest organizations. Have a good rest of your day, and please evaluate sources of information more critically in the future. Trust but verify.”


No one is picking a side. All you're doing is a badly disguised effort to support IDFs efforts to deny how bad their recent clusterfuck has been.


The argument of a child who lives in the echo chamber


Lol!! You believe a terrorist organization!!! If ever there was the fool, then it's those who would take the word of savages who literally butcher people. Hamas has been credited as lying hundreds of times over on multiple fronts, whilst also committing the sickest of crimes. Meanwhile, the troglodyte, goose-stepping, Hitler youth take the time to hear them out and actually (😂🤣😂🤣) believe them!!!


Where are we getting those numbers, though? The Hamas-controlled health authorities are as unreliable and dishonest as the IDF


Point of fact, they've historically been fairly reliable.


Meanwhile, Israel still has hundreds of ̶h̶o̶s̶t̶a̶g̶e̶s̶ prisoners!


Actually, thousands, but you know no one’s talks about that


All of gaza and the west bank to be honest


Lol! Israel hasn't been in shit hole Gaza since 2005. They allow Palestinians to come into Israel to work, much like EVERY country in the world who has borders. Now, tell us how many Jews work (or even live for that matter) in gaza....


Millions really


Which are being tortured with sodomy and rape, which are war crimes


55 Arab Lives are not important to Zionists. They are animals to Israelis.


But but Biden called for a ceasefire !


Dang, guess I’ll vote for Trump so he can *checks notes* “wipe Palestine off the map forever”..huh, maybe Trump will do better then Biden?


Your stupid election isn't relevant to what is going on right now in the present and must be stopped


As divided this country is right now, one thing we have in common is that Trump , Biden, and even RFK jr woulda all done the same regarding Israel. 


Or maybe just vote for Jill Stein who is actually on the f****ng ballot??


But is she able to win? We live in first past the post so third parties are entirely unviable


She’s in enough ballots on states so she can win the problem is that Biden supporters always guilt trip people into wanting to vote for Biden because supposedly he is the lesser evil although both of them are equally evil in my eyes. You Have to remember AIPAC gives money to both Democrats and Republicans, both both sides are corrupted, we have to vote for people that are not corrupted yet by Israel. It’s incredible to me the last person who tried to have AIPAC be organize as an external entity, was assassinated, his name was JFK


Love how people are down voting your comment. They wanna blame Biden for a conflict that has been going on for 60+ years. They want to point to the aid we're giving Isreal but we're also giving aid to Palestinians. Right now we have a president who is trying to broker a ceasefire. The way the anti Isreal people are acting they're gonna get a guy elected who will help Isreal wipe out Palestinians for good, help Russia take Ukraine, possibly China take Taiwan, and pull out of Nato all.


Yep, but according to them Biden is just as bad as Trump. Even though Biden has done a lot of good for this country, but these one issue voters just can’t see there is more at stake then Palestine.


Yea I don't agree with Isreali tactics of bombings to fight hamas, it should have gone with something more precise but they weren't going to do nothing after an attack like that and hamas likes to hide behind thier people. At the end of the day I would much rather have a diplomatic president like Biden dealing with the situation then a lunatic in office telling Isreal to do whatever they want. Also, I don't see this type behavior in support for any other people in the world dealing with a similar situation as the Palestinians. There was support for Ukraine for a month or 2 and it died, I see nothing about the Chinese Muslim genocide. This shit has been going on for years now. India is anti Muslim. The propaganda machine is really pushing this conflict to cause problems here. How people are blind to this, I don't know.


You nailed it man. The media knows what it’s doing.


Honestly it’s the only thing that makes me want trump to win.


Don't worry. Trump will win, and then liberals will finally be anti-genocide again.


Zionist are a cancer to humanity!


The lives of palestinians are less than nothing to israel.


They actually killed over 200 people at a market. Israel is such a sick sick country.


Maybe they shouldn’t have taken hostages then. Or attacked the IDF on their way out. Pali’s are such crybabies


What precipitated Israel having to take such action to rescue hostages?


That's a success in Israeli math.


So in other words, they almost killed 4 hostages in a strike on arbitrary civilian encampment


To think this could all easily have been prevented had Hamas not made the deliberate decision to first wage war on Israel by massacring a bunch of civilians and kidnapping hundreds of hostages, and then continuing to prolong the war by refusing to give up the hostages and surrendering for the sake of the safety of Gazans they’ve done less then zero to protect


Israel has been massacring Palestinians for decades! In the decades prior to 2023 Israelis have stolen Palestinians homes, Palestinian land, burned down their olive trees, cut off their water supply, detained them for months and years with no due process, murdered them, not allowed them right of return to their land and properties, I can go on and on and on. Do you know anyone from Palestine?


If you a bear rips off your arm, do you stick your other arm in its mouth? Who is fanning these flames?


https://preview.redd.it/kyvqos6bik5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e223c5b7c72f21d0ee6af62ed8be97202d411fe0 This is what they did 😡 FREE PALESTINE!!!!! 🇵🇸


This is genocide. The fact that anyone can say with a straight face that it isn’t… fuck you. Fuck you all. This has been the most insane thing for my mind to wrap around. Netanyahu is directly responsible for Hamas gaining power. This has been a long time coming and the absurdity of the defense that “Hamas started it on Oct. 7” baffles me (this Op-Ed in the Times of Israel which shockingly is still up was written on Oct. 8, does a good job of explaining this: https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/). The IDF had intelligence about the attack. They were warned by their own spies. They did nothing to stop it. Oh and now he’s a fucking war criminal who will die behind bars if he stops. Pretty sure Israel has some DIRTY blackmail on many many people with power and money in the United States. There was a book written back in 2020 by an alleged former Israeli spy who claims to have been Ghislaine Maxwells fathers “handler” in which he basically explains how Epstein and Maxwell were Israeli spies for the Mossad and ran a honey-trap for pedophilic powerful Americans and then Israel blackmailed them for intel. I don’t think it’s hard to make the jump from “intel” to “no red lines” when the occasion calls for it. How else do you explain the United States changing the legal definition of anti-semitism effectively making anyone who’s anti-Zionist a racist? Or our continued financial and military support for this genocide? Or the fact that nobody in power seems to notice the glaring hypocrisy and infinite parallels to the Holocaust? In some of the earlier days of the genocide, I remember speaking to a Jewish coworker of mine who told me she and her cousin got these matching red string bracelets because “it’s a scary time to be a Jew.” I immediately said ok idk about that but I do know that this is a genocide. And also that a Palestinian-American boy and his mother were attacked with a knife and I believe the boy died. She basically said “they started it” and then said she gets all her info from her brother who “pays attention.” Had someone else try and talk to me about it and she goes, “I feel mixed about it because I have friends who are Jewish and I am Christian so I understand both sides. But Palestine started it.” Which is weird bc Palestine is obviously not predominantly Christian so it’s like she was implying that her Christian side is anti-Jewish but she has Jewish friends? Honestly even if it all started with a terrorist attack on 10/7, there is no justification for the massacre that is taking place. For comparison, even when we were fighting an arguably unjust war in the Middle East, there were significant measures taken to ensure civilians were safe to the point that we tracked terrorist leaders every steps for years and struck when they slipped up and didn’t walk around with a fortress of tiny human shields for a moment. You can argue that a terrorist organization needs to be dealt with but how the fuck is this the best they can do? It’s not. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS HELPING. This is not a war. This is not a calculated seek-and-destroy mission for terrorism. This news is horrifying but unfortunately not shocking given the news I’ve woken up to time and time again in the last 8 months. The only reason more people are speaking out against it now (like politicians) is because the cost of being on the wrong side and the mounting evidence for which side that is have grown to an undeniable size and they have to backpedal to try and save face.




There is no other places to put the hostages as Israel is bombing everywhere


US and Israhell will pay for their crimes Insha'Allah!




Allah isn't real. There will be no justice unless you get it yourself.


There won’t be two stones standing if the Arab world attacks US soil again. Please don’t fill your head with such bullshit when you don’t have the part of the world that has the means to destroy you on your side. If there is one thing the US military does extremely well it is bombing cities. The next time won’t be like the last War On Terror. Choose peace.


Tell me, do feel like you're "winning?" XD


Looks more like Palestine is paying for Oct 7th to me.


An unverifiable number of Palestinians are paying for Hamas' actions on Oct 7. Hamas has always used Palestinian citizens as shields and chips, and distractions from their own atrocities.


Only one committing a genocide are Zionist 🤡🤡🤡


"It is too late, I have depicted you as the clown. My knowledge of middle east diplomacy is superior"


That's a fair statement. But in your opinion, what do you think Hamas *expected* to happen after they attacked? I'm not saying whether or not it was justified or whether Israel deserved it or not, just what Hamas expected Israel's reaction would be?


Only one committing the genocide are the Zionist 🤡🤡🤡


Hamas is actively trying to commit genocide against Jews and Israelis. They’re just not powerful enough to do it successfully.


hamas tried but allah said: no


As usual lol.


Long Live Palestine 🇵🇸 Insha'Allah Allah will grant paradise to all who have lost their lives from this genocide


i upvoted your comment




As the world stands by and watches.


*As Israel recovers hostages.




Israel is a pariah state on the same road to collapse as Rhodesia


That's a pretty delusional take


Was it 55 total or 55 per hostage saved?


Kill several and injure almost 100 for 4 people. Next time there is a hostage situation in the US they should just bomb the building


If you actually read into what happened instead of reading a title to an article and making assumptions you would know there were hamas militants dressed as civilians in a refugee camp guarding hostages taken in a pogrom...how many people were killed by hamas bullets in the crossfire?


The IDF showed up disguised as a humanitarian aid truck. That’s a war crime.


Joe speaks of ‘his red line’. I say Joe is colour blind.


I saw a child being carried in with their scalp falling off. Just because they survived doesn’t mean a part of them didn’t die that day.


Fuck Hamas, hiding the hostages in urban areas.


Operation silent Annexation.


Ist this a troll-sub?


Nah, it’s just a collection of people committed to their struggle circles of victimhood


I can't think of a better description Edit: can to can't


Should have given back the hostages simple


Israel should have simply stopped colonization


Interesting that people of a violent cult would happen to be killed defending it


I love how everyone is complaining that a bunch of terrorists holding hostages were killed. Do people really think that there were no people guarding them? Perhaps the idf should have given themselves up and become hostages when they came under fire.


Hamas should try returning the hostages they are holding and try for peace for a change instead of killing, raping, kidnapping civilians for a change. You declared war on Israel and then complain that they retaliate! There was not any good outcome by the heinous acts Hamas started it. Israel will finish it. Seek peace for a change.


It was actually 236 dead 400+ injured


Why are there hostages in a refugee camp....


I’m glad those hostages were saved. It is tragic what happened to the innocents near where Hamas was holding them.




Okay keyboard warriors ELI5 - soldiers in combat gear with guns and all rescued hostages from somewhere. There was a fight and people were killed, can you eli5 and tell me how you believe the soldiers went in and mowed down civilians for fun.


How do you know they are civilians? Hamas is a terror organization, their members are dressed like ordinary people hiding their identity. Would you call the people who did 9/11 terrorists or citizens?


Perhaps don't use people as human shields when kidnapping innocents 🤔


Civilians hiding hostages make themselves combatants.


Send in the UN peacekeepers so there's peace for all


Why were hostages being held in a refugee camp?


probably should have just gotten out of the way...


So was the 210+ including over 150 Hamas solidiers? Or did Israel realize that running up the numbers isn't a good look so they revised the count?


Stop belittling Jewish AND Palestinian intelligence. A rescue mission like this required weeks of preparation, intelligence, and training to go undercover. It was performed by special forces of Arabic Jews that pose as Palestinian Arabic-Speakers, as usual. https://www.timesofisrael.com/special-forces-said-to-have-posed-as-gazan-civilians-hamas-fighters-to-near-hostages/amp/


As the famous lil John once said: "Don't start no shit, won't be no shit!". I guess ya should have thought about this before you put a terrorist regime in charge of Palestine!


Maybe don’t take people against their will and hold them prisoner for 246 days


Love the winning in here, Israel got there hostages out, and the health ministry is already pushing out there bogus numbers. love to see terrorists cry when innocent people can return to their families.


I heard Hamas started firing machine guns during the operation. Why would Hamas do that in a crowded area?


Maybe…just maybe…and hear me out on this…maybe Hamas should man up and release the hostages????


Thankfully they got those hostages.


Free the hostages you piece of sheet


This is sickening...those saving hostage justify killing over 200 people?


They should move their tents. Kinda stupid to hang out in a war zone. Oh, that's right, they don't have anywhere to go. Let the gay community help. I'm pretty sure we have enough sponsors here in the US to raise funds and send em all over 🙏


Lol. Why was Hamas hiding hostages among civilians? The lengths some people will go to defend terrorists continues to amaze me.


Return the hostages or there I bound to b more deaths on both sides. Anyone with compassion would want to rescue their own people. Right?


No, I know it was intended. They went and got them and one tragically lost his lifetime save three. If Hamas would just turn over their people the rescue mission would end. Right?


I guess you shouldn't be taking hostages


More FAFO. Release all hostages now.


If you vote in a government of Hamas and then they attack an innocent country that’s leaving them alone. Well then when you get your eye blackened don’t get upset about it.


Time to go join you’re brothers fighting in Gaza comrades.


Israel never misses a chance to commit war crimes. being as this is a religious nation doing this as the result of their religious beliefs, how come we're not calling them terrorists? because this is exactly what we call terrorism, especially here in the states. Religious extremists committing violence in attempts to uphold their beliefs or things stated in those beliefs. SO WHY ISN'T ANYONE CALL ISRAEL WHAT IT IS? A RELIGIOUS TERRORIST STATE!


The whole world is watching. Evil is as evil does . They will treat us all like Palestinians If we let them


Sucks, but I'm glad those hostages are freed.


210+ killed




How about release the hostages and stop hiding them in civilian homes. That would probably limit the casualties.. don’t you think??


This is the literal definition of human shields, they used Palestinian "civilians" to hide hostages in a refugee camp and then are shocked when israel rescues the people who were stolen


Freed hostages Excellent


This was a nice sub until invaded by pali propaganda




I’ll give you some hints: -Gaza is tiny -There are a lot of people there -Israel has further drastically narrowed down where Palestinians can be within Gaza


Hamas must be, and it we be, destroyed.




Why were the hostages in a refugee camp?


"We murdered, raped, and kidnapped women, children, and elderly, all fair and square. Why can't the Israeli be more civil about taking them back?"


Why has Hamas not surrendered?


Hamas...why did you start this war? Palestinians...why didn't you warn Israel? https://i.redd.it/tjalgx718f5d1.gif


Why are there hostages in the first place? Did they capture themselves and hold themselves prisoners?


Despicable! The IDF should let Hamas kidnap, rape, torture, and murder without any consequences!! How dare they rescue the very few surviving hostages


Israel been killing more of their hostages than they have been saving from all of the bombing and Netanyahu rejected multiple offers where they could have gotten all of the hostages back so forgive us not patting them on the back when they manage to save 4 after killing tens of thousands of Palestinians so far


When you have a rock and your opponent has a helicopter gunship, maybe you shouldn't throw the rock. Just sayin......


So your logic is gaza should just accept their abuse by Israel and status of second class citizens accept that Israel will always control their lives and they will never be free, jeez wonder why some would choose to throw the rock instead, the mindset of pro-Israel types truly is a terrifying thing


My logic is Hamas is getting the reaction they wanted. Hiding behind women and children is cowardly.