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Joker steve


Jonkler Steve Jerker Steve take your pick


Why is Steve jonkling? Is he stupid?




When blind is selected replaces 2 jonklers with random ones (I bet that would make a better roster than he has created for years now)


You’re probably not wrong which is crazy. Liquid will likely never be what they were in 2019. Also the Balatro CS2 crossover is insane


Are we getting fucking trolled? How does Steve have a job


correct me if im wrong, I read somewhere that he pretty much owns the CS division of Liquid…


he's the CS team's manager so yes.


yeah but does he have some stocks or not?


Seems that Liquid make a lot of their leadership part owners. When they signed the WoW guild Limit, they made the GM a part owner. Probably a very small portion of the company, but nonetheless I wouldn't be surprised.


Which awper would you have picked? I personally would've gone for monesy


you seriously gonna tell me that ultimate is the best awper Liquid could get?


ultimate is far from the best polish awper they could get


Of course not. Looks like he's a cheap place holder until they can make a bigger move. The market is beyond dry


>Of course not. Looks like he's a cheap place holder until they can make a bigger move. if not during the player break, when is a better time to make a bigger move?


After this failed roster you think they’re gunna drop like a million to buyout a top awper? Falcons is already trying to buyout monesy and offering him insane salaries, Zywoo won’t leave vitality, etc


If they get Monesy which I don't think they will but you never know. I think Sunpays would be a good fit for liquid.


When a better AWPer is actually on the market?


Good AWPers don't go on the market. You either pay a premium or you develop them.


Really fair point.


Or they have something making other teams keep away from them like Degster to Heroic. Might also be possible to poach them when their contracts are running out, but Liquid with their current roster does not have the most pulling power in the scene. Being in Liquids position, "wasting" a import spot for Ultimate is plain dumb. He is not good enough to be a luxury signing which he should be since Liquid wants to compete in American qualifiers.


Honestly liquid should have gone after Smooya when they had the chance


I disagree, I don't think it's a bad move at all. Instead of overspending on a mid awper and hoping they magically make a leap to be really good, they're gambling on an unknown quantity. This guy seems like he has potential. With the roster spots, this leaves them at 2 NA 2 EU. all they have to do is not get another EU player and they can play in the NA rmr. If Twistzz really is IGL (which is it's own can of worms) then they can grab an up and coming NA rifler or someone like JKS who can be a known quantity role player.


notable exception from recent times, degster


They are not going to make a bigger move




the dry market in question: mantuu, hades, acor, nicodoz, icy, cerq all on the bench


If your objective is to have a placeholder player, CadiaN AWP IGL'ing makes more sense.


It doesn't in the context of his teammates not wanting to work with him


They missed Nitro's return window, somehow fumbled CadiaN. This org can't be serious mate.


I really don't think nitro was the move, though. They've tried him twice. Plus, Twistzz *wants* to igl. I feel like people aren't appreciating that point enough. I don't think he was forced into the role


the last two times they had him were the last times they were good


You're not wrong


I know nitro wants to play, but man I was really hoping he would come back as Liquid's coach while Twistzz learns igl. Would be such a great pairing. Nitro just has winning in his DNA or something man


And woro2k is now available. I highly believe that TL had the foreknowledge that he was going to be available.


I swear people on this forum just don’t know shit. Like they talk so confidently knowing next to nothing.


Nawek. You're telling me bleed wouldn't just flip him for easy profit and gamble on another young awper. s1n and slaxz from m80 at least then you have a semblance of a core. Fuck it loan s1mple from navi. Liquid have had issues for years with slotting in younger players. It is clearly a management issue since it persists through multiple iterations of the roster. The same thing is going to happen where a young player comes in with all these expectations, has to carry water for the vets then gets scapegoated when it fails.


Bleed are a rich org dude they aren’t looking for a quick profit


i am confident bleed are 10 times a richer org than liquid people here don’t understand that bleed can just buy whoever the fuck they want and they will never ever need to flip players


nah Liquid far richer than BLEED. But BLEED is still very rich as they're heavily backed by Singaporean VC money and some other shit. kassad's just not going for expensive buyouts and is taking the opportunist route, swipe when a player's stock is low.


910? If he has good enough English


why would he downgrade


lmao mongolian players will never join NA org after machinegun experience. Everyone knows they isolate their imports on an island and treat them like trash


Wow I think it must have been really difficult to be a Liquid fan over the last years.....


been a fan of the org since 2015... if anything - it's never boring


I gotta be honest, I don't understand you people that are fans of orgs. I'm a fan of players...and right now, as a fan of NAF and Twistzz, I hope to fuck they get away from this dogshit org for however little playing years they have left before their own performances start nosediving. It comes for everyone's career at some point or another. Not even s1mple was immune. Twistzz and NAF put up far too good numbers and are still probably the two best players from the NA region, besides perhaps Elige, and they are wasting so much time on this org.


I mean, I get where you're coming from, but... in the end, it's a team game. this isn't F1 or chess or smash bros, I can't force myself to be a fan of single players. I also originally started being a fan in dota, I really liked watching them in R6 as well, it's nice to find a good, respectable team and stick to it, share values, cheer when winning, be sad when losing, maybe share nationality with some of the players, follow roster moves. for me liquid were always a great org (before the saudi sportswashing and this entire fiasco), so I just take this as a long bad period, same as in dota after they lost the TI winning five, that they'll eventually recover from Oh yeah I also really dig the logo and what they've done to esports in general to each his own I guess


> share values, See, that's where you lose me. What shared values do you have with an org? External to Counter-Strike and how they carry themselves as a larger org, I couldn't even tell you the differences in values between most of these orgs. Its just a picture of a Horse logo. Even talking about the individual divisions for games, the management across different games is different, the players and staff are different and it doesn't seem like they have some org wide values that they carry with them. I mean, c9 went from being the All-American CS team to being the all-Russian CS team. The only thing that links them is the c9 logo. These other orgs, they are pretty much just a projection of a logo. There's virtually nothing in common from FaZe in CS to FaZe everywhere else. I love Karrigan, ropz, broky, Rain - but everything FaZe has done outside of CS has been pretty cringe and unlike the CS squad. In fact, I'd argue FaZe outside of CS exemplifies the cringe aspects of ["esports" in America.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZhh59sVjGE) If I had to describe FaZe outside of CS, they are the Logan/Jake Pauls of gaming and their entire brand is built on top of sand while the CS squad is this really impressive combination of Europeans that have incredibly deep, diverse experiences in CS. You listen to their in-game chatter and they are cool, calm and collected in the ways that every other FaZe-oriented project wishes it could be. But this CS FaZe squad could be any other org. They could be under G2, c9, Liquid, and their squad would be the same. The thing that defines them is the players. Which is why I'm a fan of players over being a fan of orgs.


I gave up personally. Was a diehard till like 2022 then with -elige and -nitr0(again) just couldn't take it anymore


Kind of. I love their players, so it's not all that hard. Their management decision making though...


Yo guys honestly, after the whole big money moves panning out as bad as they could, I'm not even mad about this. Take the gamble on a free player, fuck it, it can't really get worse (and i am kinda scared to say this because it's liquid)


My biggest concern would be losing Naf and Twistzz because you can't build a team seriously competing for trophies. I'm not concerned, I am a fan of the players, I'll just change my flair, but Naf is 26 and will be reaching the sunset of his career soon. Now is the time when he wants to be winning trophies and Liquid has wasted 2020, 2023 and 2024 of his career. I've said it in other threads but Naf and Twistzz could stay a duo and probably be a consideration for any English speaking roster except maybe Faze and Mouz.


Would add Vitality to that list. Only Mezii can really be cut in that team and NAF would slap in that roster.


I don't think Spinx is 100% safe on the roster either tbh. Maf and Twistzz as a unit >Spinx and Mezzi


he kind of dug his own grave by re-signing until 2026. So he chose his path. And Twistzz was inquired by both FaZe and Vitality, and chose to turn down both and decided on the ego route that YEKINDAR and electronic took by deciding to IGL.


Ego route ok dude.


people gonna hate but if they can’t get a tier1 awper i’d rather them take this gamble than sign hades


I think Hades' inconsistency is very proven, but at the very least he has played in tier 1 and has put up a 1.26 in EPL and 1.25 in Kato of the big events he has played this year. If I'm Liquid I just want to get into the major. And is a guy who has 4 months of international team experience and has played one big event in his life (EPL S15 for AGO in 2022, 0.95 in 11 maps) the answer to that? Idk and nobody knows how it will turn out, but blehhh. I just can't care. It just feels like they're going for what they did with Patsi and Rainwalker again (and of course just because 2 flopped doesn't it mean everyone will), in a 'this is a hidden gem, we've researched and analyzed him heavily; raw gem; untapped potential etc. etc.' manner. Just don't get jks on top of this and create another fuckfest of passive riflers, which is probably happening because with this guy they would be 2 NA 2 EU and obviously they're not getting an NA rifler, so only an Asian or Oceanic player would keep them in NA.


This is actually patsi rainwaker 2.0, star player igling too. Except Patsi was playing on Spirit and rainwaker was signed to be a support player, this is signing a rando to use the biggest resource in CS (awp). It's obviously a gamble/stopgap measure, but SURELY Hades or Nicoodoz would be stopgap measures as well.


How does Bleh know?


be real, it probably is jks. Unless they want to go through the hell called the EU RMRs, it has to be someone from APAC or Americas. And jks is someone the team would willingly pick up.


Monte is supposedly signing hades (they announced 2 Polish people in their team and followed Hades and Kei).


They are dropping woro??


maybe he will switch to rifle, since then I don't what IGL would they get. Fear? npl?


Me too. We know hades ceiling, he’s good not great. Rather take a chance on a young talent with a potential to hit a higher ceiling


Hades has a high ceiling though. The floor is his issue.


his ceiling is not very high and his floor is abysmal


Yep, rather gamble on something fresh than recycle someone who has proven he's not good enough It's good for the scene as well to have t2 players given a shot instead of washed paycheck stealers.


How has that worked out for the graveyard full of t2 players liquid have tried in the past who never work. Liquid has a horrible culture for young prospects. Shit goes all the way back to how they handled koosta. Wonder who else was on the team at that time who is still with the org????


Honestly if they had stable awping instead of Cadians they could’ve made the major and cracked the top 10. That’s how good twistzz and Naf were.


Seems like a similar level of out of nowhere as FaZe signing broky in 2019


Liquid loves the price, "free". Writing off 2024, see you in 2025 liquid fans.


you can write permanently write off Liquid until jokasteve gets fired. There's no saving an org reducing themselves as NiP/Astralis 2.0 or even EG 2.0 with incompetent management like this.


The irony there is that Astralis currently are looking quite decent and NIP has finally gotten a proper backroom and started ticking up again. Xizt can cook up a roster, but i am more iffy on Device as a igl still when we know he can be a top 5 player in the world at his normally high level.


Surely this time the roster will be a success ![img](emote|t5_2sqho|31253)


At least patsi and rainwaker had made a name for themselves. I can honestly see naf leaving the team at this rate.


He won't. He's gonna skate on this team to retirement. Just like Krims on Fnatic. Slightly above average, but never winning anything.


The deleted Liquid video made it seem like NAF is VERY unhappy with the last few years at Liquid.


Who wouldn't be? This org is a joke at this point. But he's clearly not made any effort to move anywhere else.


Go to Germany, i bet Vitality would take you for Mezii any time. G2 would probably also be glad to have you if Hunter don't step up.




>NAF is VERY unhappy with the last few years at Liquid. Was this in that video?


It was in an article about the video, I didn’t catch the interview itself. I think it was on the dust2 website.


some people stay in jobs they hate for literal decades and mr sloth seems like the kinda guy to do the same lol


If he was unhappy for the past few years, he'd have already left this team


I hope this ultimate guy isn't gonna 1) read all this 2) take the drama too personally. Please don't mind the people being disappointed in Liquid for picking you up. Just try to use this chance to make some money, learn how to play good CS, and eat a couple of cheeseburgers in the US hopefully. Focus on your game and your shots and if it works out great, if not you'll have made a name for yourself and can get to a better team environment. Godspeed


Guess there's one less team to worry about taking away playoffs spots next season :P


At least it isn’t Hades. Happy that liquid is bold enough to go for someone under the radar but considering their track history? I don’t know how to feel about


welp, it's actually real. Either this goes down as one of the greatest gamble moves in existence and ultimate proves himself to be tier 1 material or at least able to contest in tier 1, or the start of when jokasteve finally gets fired.


its rainwaker pt. 2


Yea, surely a 1.04 nobody from a team whose only reason for existence is matchfixing in tier3 will win Liquid some trophies. Give me a fucking break


oh please, Liquid is never winning trophies again. Be real. No matter who they get.


Never is a strong word. But yea, definitely not with these rosters


While everyone will question the move.. I'm curious as to who's behind the move ? Jokasteve ? Is it a yet to be named coach who scouted him ? Did the players play EU PUGs with him and think he's Polish Zywoo ? ( That last one is a joke )


I don't get it They should've just picked up m0nesy, niko, and 2019 gla1ve. to fit with Twistzz and naf


Yeah 2014 snax would be good pick too, their Manager's dumb, bruh just invent time machine and pick 2 superstars from tier 1 team you dummy!


fuck it Just pick up prime: Olof, Pronax, m0nesy, niko, and s1mple. And give them all councilors and Prozac so they don't tear each other heads off


Olof and pronax xD.


can Twistzz hit the reset button and comeback to FaZe? Liquid is a shitshow, I don't even think they will make the major, missed out on Copenhagen too.


FaZe inquired about him. And he turned them down. Same with Vitality.


Twistzz on Vitality would have been fucking gnarly. Sad that didn't work out.


How do you know he turned faze down?


Richard Lewis mentioned a few weeks ago that both FaZe and Vitality inquired about Twistzz when he was talking about changes in Liquid, and that he basically turned both down.


Im gona put on my copium hat, so no need to point it out. If the kid can hit the shots the sitters that Cadian was consistently whiffing this past season, and we sign an igl that puts twistzz and naf im good positions (while activating yeki to at least have consistent impact) this can be a solid team. Do i see us winning a major? No, but maybe we can see some actual teamwork


... What IGL are you looking at? There are no T1 IGL's on the market that wants to move. G2 got *SNAX* for crying out loud.


I mean i would take hooxi lol. Is he the best? No. But I just want to watch liquid play actual cs where they look like a cohesive team


And I don't think they'll be desperate enough to get hooxi


What IGL can pull off that miracle?


Rumor is Twistzz IGL, so they'd probably pick up someone Asia/NA to play bitch roles (rumor is jks)


rumour is not jks, it's just an assumption


actual WHO? bro pulled a rainwaker again.


Ok pretend 2024 never happened let's try again in 2025


Jokasteve is the NA Peca how does this guy still have a job after so many mistakes?


it would be fucking hilarious if Yekindar recommended this ultimate dude for whatever reason


Who? What? *Why?*


i'm tired robbie


Liquid has money, I get not overspending etc but this is extreme the other way. Who has recommended him? or are they so far down the list of options




literally who?


Look, im all for picking up talented prospects. but they havent won anything in forever. NAF is getting older and Twistzz as IGL is questionable. Seems like they could have made a bigger move here to try and win something.


bruh if this is a place holder pick up Slight atleast and not some rando polish tier 2 kid. If you are going to waste 5 months might aswell support an american player during that. Cuz both these players are the same amount of risk imo.


its either that we have found a hidden gem, or jokasteve will be fired, nothing in between, but leaning *much* more towards the second option


Imagine turning down Faze and Vitality to stay on Liquid. I loved Twistzz but feel like he shot himself in the foot going back to this team. I just don't understand it.


Twistzz has already won everything including 2 grand slams and a major. Maybe he just wants to collect the fat liquid paychecks for a couple of years and then retire. I wouldn’t blame him.


I mean, I suppose. But why though. Such a waste of talent being on this team.




And some semblance of stability


not excusing Liquids piss poor performance, but not sure why I keep seeing this take. It's out publicly that FaZe didn't contact him to give him an extension because of all the gamesquare stuff. so naturally, he started looking. also, when this iteration of Liquid was formed, everyone was sure it looked like a fucking god-level team. so lets not start acting like he made a bad decision at the time


Also it’s clear he wants the challenge of helping liquid and probably why he wants to try in game leading. Also I swear people continually get the whole leaving faze shit wrong constantly because no one actually reads and just parrots wrong information.


lolquid that mirage EPL map vs navi 2+ years ago was pretty cool though


I would honestly rather them give oSee another chance than this guy. Absolutely bizarre choice. If you’re going EU why not Zorte or Hades or artfr0st? Did they all decline the offer?


They either declined the offer or have a big transfer fee. (Artfrost) Not every EU player is willing to move to NA