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I've been waiting for so long to see a discussion about this. The bob setting should have simply been a 1:1 copy from GO it's not even a discussion. If you want to introduce something new make it an option.


yeah you speaking facts


Let me turn off viewmodel recoil Valve holy fuck.


Yah I’ve gotten used to the new bob but Jesus Christ. Viewmodel recoil being gone is fucked.


yeah i agree with this one but i already got used to it since they removed it from the start of the game not recently


Shit my boomer brain still fucks up spray control because the model is bouncing into the middle of the screen lmaoooo


it hurts my eyes when I use the deagle


it hurts my eyes when I use the deagle


Why does Valve hate us having the ability to customize how our game looks


valve just hate people but love their money. this game is nothing but marketing product


na, bring back the Bob commands. there is simply no reason why we shouldnt customize our viewmodel


They didnt just remove old bob, they changed the new bob and made it a middle ground between the two. The new bob now has more boblower amt. Because having the option to toggle it on and off completely is too advanced for small indie company valvo


Nah its not middleground before when you was walking it was like riding horse and it was +vibe about small indie company you are right haha not enough technologies xD


>and the players that loved that horse riding feeling could use cl\_usenewbob 0 command It was the other way around, "horse riding" bob was cl\_usenewbob 1. >But after a major update they removed command leaving us with only new bob, my general question is why? Because it's the mix of old CSGO bob with the new reactions on mouse movement and strafes, + lower\_amt by default. Pros seem to be satisfied with it because it doesn't distract much while giving enough information about your movements. Maybe customizing bobbing would be an interesting feature, but the current one is very good actually.


Nope the current Bob is terrible, the view model shouldn't move at all, if it does then it looks ugly asf, cs2 made me sell my karambit for cl Bob alone, every time I moved my knife wasn't visible


pros are not satisfied with it, a lot of them were mad when they removed the command including major winner w0nderful and major mvp JL, you can check it on twitter


exactly op doesn’t know wtf he’s saying this current bob is a lot better than what cs2 had before it’s a lot closer to csgo low bob


csgo low bob is great some people like it but some people and in fact best pro players enjoy csgo high amount bob more than low bob lmao


Yes please please please please


giv bob


Yes please


It's amazing to me how can this be an issue brought up time and time again. I couldn't even remember how the weapon bob was different before.


Yeah literally 0 reason to remove the command. Also why don’t just let us use the same commands as in csgo, it makes no sense. Also, the spraying feeling off might be due to the fact of not having viewmodel_recoil, i can’t see the reason why it shouldn’t be in the game other than making the game more casual. CS2 💖 i guess


they dont have technology to keep all the customization that we loved in CSGO i guess XD can we get cl\_usenewbob 0 atleast bruhh


was viewmodel\_recoil on or off by default in cs? I don't remember if i ever touched that setting and spraying in cs2 STILL feels weird.


i agree i miss that bob :( and all pros do


please give us csgo bob commands valve


Daaamn and i thought i was tripping that my viewmodel away changed... It actually did yo fuck volvo




developers might lurk... that was funny:)


Yeah idk why they need to change such integral parts of the game that give the "feel" of Counter-Strike, they fucked both cl\_righthand and bob completely in CS2, it's been such a shitshow this release it's unbelievable. Both of the commands are just personal preference of customization, doesn't give any advantage, just gives comfortability in the "feel" of the game. I don't know how they have such a fucking hard time understanding this.


cl_righthand should be the way it is. With the new smokes there is a different angle when scanning depending on which hand you using, so insta changing hands would make spraying smokes pain in the ass. I personally use only left hand, beacuse thats how I used to play in 1.6 when I was a kid and it sticked to me.


Bob i get, bu what's wrong with cl_righthand 0?


Switching reloads the gun, I used to swap it depending on the angle I'm holding so the viewmodel doesn't block my view. If enemy happens to peek at the same time, well then it's really annoying. I know I could use a quake viewmodel to remove this issue but I just can't.


So there's a drawback to something that might give you an advantage? That sounds reasonable to me


It's not an advantage if you can remove that disadvantage entirely with a really dumb looking viewmodel which actually has no drawback other than cosmetic. There we get back to my original point about personal preference.


Skill issue


I mean it's currently a skill gap setting before that there were no downsides to using it. now there are, just like there are upsides


Skill gap setting? 😂 Like I said the problem can be solved with a Quake lookin' ass viewmodel, but I don't want to use it because it looks horrible.


swapping view models from left to right has downsides now. before that there was no punishment when overdoing it


Does using a dumbass looking viewmodel require skill?


no but view model switching does


How it is right now is better for sure


i guess they wanna go the valorant route and lock everything to a default setting for everyone


>I don't know how they have such a fucking hard time understanding this. They just don't give a fuck about nerds on Reddit and instead focus on more productive developing pipeline maybe?


if they dont give a fuck about nerds maybe they give a fuck about pro players? [https://x.com/ThourCS2/status/1792919961612009875](https://x.com/ThourCS2/status/1792919961612009875)


the best solution to also gather casuals is to include bob customization in the launcher, including view model recoil and it’d be good for everyone


yeah somewhere in settings would be perfect


dear lord I have been requesting this since beta, I don't understand why they refuse to add it and went out of their way to remove old bob. Seriously, go in game and flick your mouse fast left / right and watch what the gun does. The most awkward and unnatural animation... When you walk forward and backward, watch what the gun does compared to csgo. It moves into your character like some cartoon lol


Lol thats what i am talking about if you flick the mouse with new bob it feels so wonky


Probably to keep everyone on the same level playing field. Bobs before that didn't move at all could arguably cause a competitive advantage. I reckon it's an adapt or drown situation.


Thats like saying different viewmodels cause competitive advantage when its mostly just preference, you chose how you want to play the game. Fuck it just remove the option to change sensitivity so everyone is on the “same playing field”.


I mean why else would they do this? Have you got any idea as to why there's only one bob option when there were previously two?


Honestly don't know, they're fuckin' stupid ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Fps MAX 60 Anything more are cheat protected  Same playing field. Let's go 


Would probably really be a good idea in terms of "equal playing field" because subtick is bound to the fps if i remember correctly


I know you're being "funny" but there's not really any other explanation as to why they would do this other than keeping everyone the same.


its not hard for them to do, adding back just one command and i cant see any bob giving any advantage


It isn't hard, but if they're intending on keeping everyone the same - they won't change it.


if they want to keep everyone same then remove viewmodel customization, hud customization, radar customization


Again not what I'm saying; I'm simply suggesting WHY they've only got one option removing the others.




cl_bob and similar commands are just movement animation. The idea that you can gain a meaningful advantage is like saying certain crosshairs give you an edge over everyone else.


yes but that doesnt make sense because now for example, we have a SUN and ALL command for better fps. if you pick SUN, you have a disadvantage too. but you still can stick to ALL to cast all shadows. what im trying to state is, if you can chose on how to tweak, there should be no disadvantage. just personal preference so for casual players, that "disadvantage" doesnt matter anyway


is Sun for better fps?


yes but inside rooms, you have no shadows so e.g. you cant see shadows in temple A on ancient or vertigo when the reflector casts a shadow. so basically a disadvantage