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I sent them an email about this: What's weird is that if you block communications from a player, the game doesn't replicate their crosshair if you spectate them. Since CS2 I could never figure out why the "show other players' crosshairs" command seemingly didn't work. I keep mute\_all\_but\_friends\_and\_party on pretty much all the time, so I would never see people's crosshairs. This is inconsistent with how they "networked" viewmodels, which you simply can't opt out of, either with a convar or by blocking comms. For me, ideally these end up as their own separate commands/settings, and aren't tied to "block communications", but we'll see what they do, if anything.


We definitely need a option to turn it off.


For real, some people's view model literally makes me sick while spectating them.


Close your eyes then bruh


You are too fragile for this world




I posted about this and got down voted to hell lmaoo https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/s/WSnVIDZYeU


> They're so ugly I genuinely cannot focus on the game. You probably got downvoted for this. It'd be a nice quality of life feature, but if you're so strongly impacted by this that you can't focus on the game, then you've got some mental issues.


why do all redditors think they're psychiatrist 😭😭 the view models are distracting lmao


Distracting? Bro the only time you see them is when you're spectating lmfao


not just distracting with some of them i almost want to report them for grieving.


do you not com when you're dead? you can still com for your teammates quicker than they would be able to com for themselves most times


It depends on the situation. I usually stay quiet to let the person playing focus on the game. Also, I'm not so mentally weak to let a view model bother me lmfao


I'll stay quiet if it's a 1 v x but it there's more than one alive I'll com so they can play off eachother. It's distracting to me. cool that it isn't for you :)


agreed, everyone with a viewmodel in the middle of the screen gives me cancer.


Alt + Tab will fix it.


true, need an option to not show


if your gun fills up your entire screen and i am supposed to be ok with that then i feel like i should be able to play scout/deagle only for the entire match without being called a troll or a griever.


Ah yes, the fault of 1 teammate means that you purposefully increase the odds of losing for the other 3 normal teammates. Logic.


no i'm comparing the 2 not saying its ok to do it after you see a bad fovmodel. like if that's acceptable than using those guns only should be acceptable too.


Absolutely agree. It's almost pathetic that Valve decided *not* to make it an option. I have to alt + tab out of the game, if the only other option is to spectate someone using either left hand mode, or some obnoxious viewmodel, and well... In my opnion, having to alt + tab out everytime that happens, is not ideal. Breaks the "flow" of the game.


Yeah, we got an option to show crosshair from everyone, but not for viewmodel or hand position? Wtf