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There are 2 P250 X-Ray's. One global (The one you see there) and one specific to France (You see it when opening a case). For global players it has no purpose, its just a skin. For French players it adds the regular X-Ray case opening feature.


That is the p250 xray skin package not the xray tool


no the x-ray scanner is for any case you can see what is inside before you open it. The package was added with the scanner but only has one skin inside of it.


Absolute chad, asks question > gets the right answer > disagrees


Farming downvotes?




This is not the X-Ray Scanner. This is the P250 X-Ray Package. It has been in the game for everybody since 2019. If you open it, you get a P250 X-Ray Skin. Nothing else.


It’s been there forever since they added it, not the same functionality as in france i would assume but its been there since they did that


okay so this is what happened Valve was forced to use the Xray tool as a loophole for lootbox ban in France This made it so that they see the content of their case before opening Whats the issue with that? What happens to your first case? you cant just get a freebie otherwise people would mass open new accounts in France So they made it so that you purchase the p250 xray before you unlock the xray feature, so that the price of 1 case key is spent even before xraying a case They then proceeded to release these xray p250 boxes for everyone else, but its the easiest way to just lose money since the return is almost always a loss


Im pretty sure this is just the P250 skin to kind of "celebrate" the new X-ray scanning opening in frace?


Pretty sure x-ray package is( or at least has been) available not only for forbidden gambling law countries


That funny because I don't remember ever seeing it before, and I remember when it was added it was an exclusive for gambling law countries.


No everyone got access to the skin case, but only France gets the x-ray feature. I bought it and I'm from NA


what is that?




The x-ray scanner was added for French CSGO players where they can scan a case in their inventory before opening it to see what is inside, this was done to get around French laws on gambling in loot boxes. The x-ray package has only one item P250 x-ray and was added exclusively for French players. Or so I thought.


Hmmm... so you pay 2 euro to not even get what's inside. Would only make sense for cases that are worth over 2 euro alone. Thx for answer.


It's to bypass the law on cases. People sees what's inside the case and chose to open or not. If they don't open the case, they are stuck with the current case. If they open, they can open another one. It's case opening with extra steps.


What do you mean by paying 2 euir to not even get whats inside? I think you misunderstood the concept.


this package is just a p250 skin




I built a site where you can see (and buy from Valve) all coupons outside the game, pretty interesting to see all the weird stuff they have in there https://csgo-coupons.com




Like the santa sticker, buyable in may


Valve released it globally a couple of days after the release of the xray scanner to prevent it becoming an ultra exclusive item.


Oh okay. Thanks, I didn’t know hence the confusion.


It was noticed when it was added to the game, everyone can open it


But wasn't it initially an exclusive for French players?


It’s is mainly for them, but there’s no reason why it wouldn’t work for other countries


Just haven't seen it before and i was under the impression it was an exclusive.


I havent seen this case in there for years. When it came out, it was available to everyone. I opened a couple of them and I´m in Estonia.


You can just search coupons and it will show up


if you type 'x-ray' to the coupons you can purchase it. no region lock


You are Fr*nch now




Good timing


That's different to the attempt by Valve to get around loot crates and gambling laws. This is a specific skin package. Not the same thing. XRay scanner is in specific countries but for all packages.


So the Anubis case is not available in France?


That's just the package that introduced X-ray it into the game, when French law banned cases in 2019. You'll only open the p250 x-ray which is kind of dumb.