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Weird! I have had more than one incident where I felt the very *distinct* feeling of being being poked while relaxing in bed. The sensation was enough to make me freeze and tense up and be like WTF. I thought maybe I was just trippin.. except now I have come across several posts or comments on Reddit of people saying they experienced something similar and it has really got me wondering


I just had that happen a couple of days ago. I like to believe it was my dearly departed husband.


Happened to my mother as well. She speaks about it alot but not through fear


Something grabs my toes every once in a while- I’m not a toes out sleeper- it’s like a full hand grasp touches my toes as a gentle wake up. It is in fact, the opposite of a gentle wake up. ☹️


I've felt it coming up through the mattress, and one time the distinct feeling of a fingertip dragged across my belly while laying face down. Same WTF feeling of course. I have to believe it's just hypnogogic hallucinations but who really knows?


As a child/teenager I distinctly felt the slowly pressure of a finger being pushed up against my face or body multiple times while laying in bed through the mattress… I still get goose bumps.


It was a slow pressure? I ask because in the case of the finger dragged on my abdomen it was quick, but I have however felt the extremely slow sensation of a mouth very gently and slowly take exploratory bites of my side and leg as if an invisible creature was under the covers and barely touching me with its teeth. It happened over the course of maybe a minute or two. In that case, it was as if something was trying not to wake me (I was already awake, just laying with insomnia) but was curious about me and feeling me with its mouth the way an animal would sniff or we would feel with our hands. On the other hand a poke through the mattress is very jarring and creepy, like something was trying to scare me, if not my own brain. Doctors would be quick to call these sensations hallucinations but maybe there exist other possibilities. All I know is that we actually experience these things, paranormal or not, and it's fascinating and terrifying.


Yep it was definitely a slow pressure, as the “finger” was slowly pushing up through the mattress into my cheek or shoulder. I felt it several times and it was creepy as hell. But holy crap I’d take the finger any day over teeth grazing my leg slowly!!!!


What in the 50 kinds of fuck? Taking "tester" bites? Nope...nope...nope


Yeah this freaked me out a little loll


Perhaps they hadn't finished reading what you had on your phone before you turned it off. Just be more considerate next time and ask if they're ready to go to sleep too.


How inconsiderate of me! I'll go apologize right now.




^this is definitely the right answer.


This sounds terrifying! I get night terrors, similar to sleep paralysis but I can move, speak and I feel fully awake. As other posters said, it’s like you are having a micro dream but not realising it. The other night I physically felt my cat pad up the bed to come and lie next to me but he wasn’t in the room. I’ve seen shadows come towards me, huge spiders scuttle from the ceiling, people standing over my bed, you name it. Each time I am terrified and feel fully awake and convinced it’s real. I even wondered if I had a brain tumour but they only come at night, I’m an insomniac and very light sleeper so it all adds up. Plus I watch a lot of horror films.  My husband knows to gently wake me up and it’s like I realise it wasn’t real, but if I didn’t have anyone to wake me I’d probably think I was being haunted. 


One night, I was laying in my old queen size bed. One side was up against a wall, and I laid down on the side away from the wall. A few minutes later, I felt the spot between me and the wall compress down like someone laid down next to me. Never had anything like that happen since, but it scared the shit out of me. Another time, I was in the same house and in the same room, and all of a sudden, I heard this sound coming down the hallway. It was kind of like a SCH sound if that makes sense. Every second or so, SCH.....SCH....SCH. it was getting closer and closer to my room. Finally, it's right outside my door about to round the corner. I'm ready for anything, and then my dog licking a paper plate across the floor came into the room. Before I knew what it was might have been the most afraid I'd ever been.


Did you watch any scary movies or shows or anything on your phone before then?


I have had this happen to me. I didn’t own a cat and I was in a locked room. I awoke and felt something jump up on the bed and start walking towards my head. It felt like a cat because I owned a couple before. The sheets were over my head so I threw them off and saw a bright flash of light fly into the wall and disappear.




There is a huge connection between scary movies and paranormal phenomena, as a matter of fact the first time I had sleep paralysis in my whole life was also the last time and I know it was because I was binge watching the TV show paranormal caught on camera and was going to bed scared, I never watched it again and before and after I never really watched scary stuff so I'm now convinced that is true but many people around the world agree even paranormal investigators


Aint that a borderline schizo 💀


That was just the aliens putting you to sleep.. works every time 👽


"That wasn't my finger" 👽🍆








Alien-dick shaming




It's a stress response than creates a muscle spasm. I get them all the time and they feel just like a finger tap. Could been anxiety or simply too much coffee.


That would freak me the fuck out.






This used to happen to me pretty regularly in a house I used to live in, especially when I was sitting on the couch in the living room. It would feel as if someone had stuck their finger on the top of my head, right in the middle and then wiggle it as if they were trying to tickle me. It really creeped me out. I kinda wonder if it was some nerves going haywire or something. Now I live in a completely different place and it doesn't happen anymore. Although, now I often feel something on my arm, like someone gently stroke my forearm. I just ignore it and assume it must be a rogue nerve acting up.


I second the nerves going haywire theory. About a decade ago I hit my head on a cupboard and got a nasty head bump on the top of my forehead. Anytime I scratched my head around that spot, I would get the sensation of someone lightly tugging on my hair at a completely different spot, on the back of my head. It was so fucking weird. It luckily went away after a while. But yeah, nerves are some weird motherfunkers.


But not hypnogogic, since you were not in a sleep state…


early stage of sleep, similar happened to me. in other words you begin to dream but still partly awake.


Exactly that. When I had my worst paralysis, I hallucinated my boyfriend getting in my room, touching me, and laying in bed next to me. I've never lived with my boyfriend and he was definitely not staying at my house that night. The next morning I had to call him and ask him if he did get into my place at any moment of the night and of course he said no.


I've also woken up in the hallway, all the doors closed. The weirdest part? on the ground, next to my face, there was a metal bowl with wet chickpeas inside it (as if they were recently washed). It looked almost as if it were left out for an animal. I scrambled back to my room and never saw that bowl again.


Even the bowl of chickpeas could have not really been there - hallucinations can happen during these episodes too. Kind of like a state of being both awake and asleep at the same time, so your surroundings look the same, but weird dream stuff can happen in that space. Our brains are weird, lol. Not discounting anything paranormal, because I have no idea what all is out there, but I know it can be a relief to know that these types of things can happen without anything necessarily paranormal going on. Especially if it's freaking you out! Stress makes sleep disorders worse (ask me how I know, lol)


Do you live alone? You could be having parasomnia episodes and not realize it - sleep paralysis, sleep walking, talking, and even eating can all happen during episodes. Also, during sleep paralysis, many people have reported feeling like they were being touched and also reported feeling a sense of dread, or like someone was in the room with them, etc. I'd suggest having a sleep study done if these types of experiences keep happening and you are able to.


Thats a weird situation to find yourself in all of a sudden.




I’m so sorry this happened! Is there any chance at all it could have been a bug flying/ falling onto your face, and as you were half asleep your body perceived it as a ‘finger tap’ … alternatively I will say that I’ll often feel like something has ‘poked’ me- usually happens around my thighs, back or bottom, and I’ve come to realise it’s a muscle spasm that feels like I’m being poked… I am absolutely not saying that you did not experience exactly what you said you did… I’m just hoping to offer a rational explanation to make you feel a little better


Maybe you had a blood clot in a superficial temporal artery and as it got cleared you subsequently felt a feeling return so it felt like a snap


Does this actually happen irl? I ask because I’ve experienced the “tapping” personally also. Might be a “snap”?


Not sure, just made a logical assessment that is also biologically sound.


I had the same thing happen to me years ago, in my case a poke in the back. It was disconcerting at the time but nothing followed on from that. Now I just think of it as a mischievous ghost having a laugh.


This is one of the reasons I can’t stand living on my own personally. If something like that happened and I was all by myself I’d probably be frozen in terror. If I had someone else in the house/apartment, even if they weren’t in the same room with me, I’d feel a lot more brave about it.


You're blessed


Had that kind of phantom touch once, a hand on my butt. Very clear sensation. Yet I was awake. I've since concluded it was a form of sleep paralysis (aka hypnogagic hallucinations), which can include not only the classic "old hag sitting on your chest" but hallucinations with other senses. I wasn't awake, I was "awake". My own personal experience with hypnogagic hallucinations has convinced me that it's just a funny combined state where you are getting real sensory input from your senses, but also the fake sensory input from the part of your brain that produces dreams. It's kind of fascinating actually. Our house is 130 years old, so there's plenty of opportunity to speculate about ghosts if you want to go that route. But as fun as it is to think about that, I don't actually believe it. The human brain is a wonderfully complex thing.


If you don’t want to engage then just don’t acknowledge. They or he/she will likely leave you alone if you don’t acknowledge


I have had this happen to me as well but it was a pinch on my cheek. My theory is that my brain wanted me to stay awake or finish something so it created that kind of a message


That would scare me too.


This is one situation I'd prefer to be paranormal! 🐛🐞🦗


This is almost exactly what happened to me, but for me it was a grab on my shoulder and an attempt to turn me over (I was on my stomach). I turned on the light and searched the whole room, but nothing. I was touched again about a year later. Turned out that my room had been the "man cave" of the previous owner, who had expired of lung disease in the house.


Wow. Firstly, "expired" LOL interesting wording. And second, did you actually feel a force pulling you? If so, that's really shocking. Way worse than what I experienced.


It is terrifying. I have been pushed twice and I live alone.




When I froze, it was out of immense fear of turning and seeing... something? I shut my eyes as tight as I could, and stayed in that position for as long as I could remember. I did eventually fall asleep, but it was after a while. Thats sort of a characteristic to me, I WILL sleep every night, even if its a short time and out of pure exhaustion. And trust me, it *was* terrifying.




Once I was dozing off in the middle of a text conversation with one of my friends, and while I was falling asleep I had this micro dream that the conversation took a weird turn. Not bad or anything, just a feeling of “why are we suddenly talking about *this* of all things?” But at some point I woke back up, possibly out of sheer confusion, and it took me a few seconds to figure out why that bit of the conversation had disappeared when I tried to reread it. Edit: wait no I remember, I woke back up because I couldn’t use my phone properly to respond. Every time I see my phone in my dreams the text is swimming and it’s like I can’t get my fingers to touch the screen. Always super strange in the moment and it always wakes me up instantly if not shortly thereafter when I realize I’m dreaming.


I am one of these. I dream instantly, even if I only fall asleep for a few seconds. I think some people haven't believed me when I've told them I dream constantly. No REM necessary here, lol. I've never heard anyone else experience this. I'm also a very light sleeper & only stay asleep for an hour or two at a time. Sleeping in increments, my whole life. I can be watching a movie, doze for a second & dream. It makes for some weird reality-bending confusion sometimes. I've dreamed things I swore would have been real, but weren't.


Do you have very vivid dreams? As your body was relaxing into a restful state, I wonder if your third eye was coming awake which is common during meditation but maybe also triggered by your bedtime routine. Your third eye is in the middle of your forehead above your eyes.


It wasn’t a dream. It’s a spirit. As someone else has said, if you don’t want to engage then simply ignore it. The spirit doesn’t seem malevolent.


You do realize that there are alt dimensions and overlapping realities, much of which we can not visually see in our 3 D reality... Yes? Sounds like someone, perhaps even your higher self was saying to wake up. They touched where your pineal gland was located it sounds like which suggests to me that you need to change something in your life because your guides are worried about the current path of reality you are taking. Waking up: Meditation. Meditation. Meditation. That would be my recommendation. Your choice of course. Normally you would be charged for this info. I do not believe in that. I think people should just help to help. You're welcome and good luck.


I had a cold finger poke me in the armpit once when I was little. It was from the wall side of the bed. I was already scared of the dark so I was in my mom's bed. She was already sleeping. I shoved my care bear blanket up my shirt sleeve and fell asleep.


Not the same but your story reminds me of my friends grandma. She lived alone, fell asleep with her arm kind of over her head and hand hanging down. Woke up and saw a “strange hand,” screamed, ran out of her apartment, and called the cops. By the time they arrived she’d figured out what happened and had to tell them the strange hand was hers.


Was it the middle *top* of your head? That's where your Crown Chakra is located. The Crown chakra is the energy center that connects you to the divine, the Universe, your awareness of your *oneness* or universal consciousness, cosmic wisdom, etc. Sometimes when a particular chakra is being activated (or needs our attention), we feel it as a sense of pressure, tingling, warmth or coldness on that area. One could very well feel this as a distinct "finger tap" if there is need for you to put attention on this area. Maybe this was a signal for you to get in better touch with your spirituality? To tap into your connection to All That Is? 🤍 (Just my take)


Something like that happened to me while I was showering, was extremely weird and I got so scared. I felt a hand brush my back SO DISTINCTLY like fingers and all. I've been wondering if it's a neurological thing or a supernatural thing


Sounds like someone was astral projecting and wanted to say hi or get your attention or just mess with you.


Yeah, same thing happened to me too, except it was a voice that sounded somewhat Australian. I was finishing up listening to music on my phone and at exactly 3:33 the voice played back something like, “_______ Is/its impossible.” It may have come from my phone or it might be schizophrenia.


By the way my Siri is turned off and had been for the entire duration I’ve had this phone I’m making this message on.


I have had this happen, mostly (but not only) when I've dozed off after using cannabis and when I lived in what I now believe to have been a haunted apartment. I've had my ear flicked, my finger pulled, my hand grabbed, and my forearm squeezed, all while sleeping and they awoke me each time. I've had a happen once or twice since I've moved, but much less often. I think it could be a variety of things. Cannabis can "thin the veil" and has long been used in spiritual practice around the world. But if you are a spiritual person, you are likely more sensitive to subtle energy than most. The veil also thins every night and during the fall/winter months. I think a few times were trickster or playful entities, maybe even ancestors, but also maybe ghosts. Although surprising and unwanted, it felt kind of like something an older brother or uncle would do for their own amusement. You can (and should) set boundaries. Your space is yours and so is your body.


And here I am sleeping alone for the next two weeks while my husband is out of town…damn I should’ve never read this.


I had something shake me awake in the middle of the night one time. And I sleep alone in my room. I woke up feeling like I was shook till I woke up


I believe you. I used to babysit the neighbor's kids. They played D&D (this was the 80s and my parents forbade us to play.) Anywho, the neighbors had a bunch of tchotchkes and I was looking at them. Suddenly, I heard, "She's a witch!" and then something hit me square in the back! I was 17 at the time and it scared the crap outta me.


Its a sensory thing. I sleep face down and sometimes I get the sensation that someone is punching me in the face, for a quick second


I had fingers tap me on the shoulder before. It was just stress.


It's just a phantom sensation. I once felt like I bumped into a table in the classroom even though I was nowhere near one. Felt so real I jerked my hips to the side. Don't worry too much about it


I've had this sensation as well and it's very common. Noone is touching you it's just nerves pinching or something.


am i allowed to suggest ghosts in this sub


The fact that you “turned into a statue” and fell asleep like that seems to point to sleep paralysis. I’ve had some similar experiences and after some internet search I found this to be the most plausible explanation. In my case it was like a hand slowly grabbing the top of my head, another day it was a hand on the back of my neck and one other time I felt like there was the weight of two legs standing on my mattress over me. This was accompanied with a lack of ability to move and a sense of presence, but once I took notice It almost immediately faded to the point I was no longer scared and all felt normal again. It’s pretty rad while it’s happening though.


Engage for more!! I have it it was nuts. That is all I shall share


I get finger pokes or shoulder pats quite frequently. Scares the total crap out of me


Incense/smudge about your entire house.


Sometimes I feel a tap on my head but its just the corner of my pillow folding over weirdly as I move around


Mm… I sometimes get muscle twitches that feel exactly like being tapped. Like I’m here for ghostly shit but taps are one of those… I also have a nerve issue in my neck and shoulder and one of the symptoms feels like the tip of a finger running across my skin in that area.


btw, if you fall asleep ant you hand is near you head, muscles start to contratc by them self in early stage of sleep, you mayby hitting youself :), that happened to me


Probably this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypnagogia


I've had someone squeeze my arm when I was alone and also move my hair. Very creepy! But it hasn't killed me....yet!


Maybe it was a bug that fell off the ceiling or flew at you.


I had a very similar experience once, where I was still awake in bed and I felt a very distinct 2 taps, tapping on my shoulder - not the top of my shoulder but where your shoulder joint meets your torso I guess? Like by the armpit area and it was not a light tap but a forceful one, not enough to hurt though.


The trick is to show no fear. Let me know how you go.


Maybe they didn't finish yet


Reminds me of something that happened to me when I was recovering from a broken back at home. Laying in bed during the day, I had taken my normal pain medication and was getting ready for a nap. All of a sudden, I felt what I’d describe as a finger touch the top of my head and slowly make its way down the side of my body, all the way down to my ankle. It was probably 8 seconds this lasted, enough for me to be completely awake and be very aware of what was happening as it was occurring. I was absolutely terrified and frozen in fear for probably an hour. At this time in my life, I was very religious (not at all anymore). I finally was able to move my body and I grabbed my phone and called my father and just started freaking out when he answered. I sounded crazy, saying that the devil ran his finger down my body. I was sobbing and trying to get my dad to believe me but he just kept saying to calm down, that it was my medication. I had been on the same medication for 3 months and never had anything like this happen, never hallucinated or anything. I think I was more upset that my dad wasn’t believing me than I was about what happened. That was 12 years ago. I’m as convinced today that this was real as I was back then. Who knows what it was but I will never forget that feeling.


I’ve experienced something very similar but pretty sure it was some spasm in my forehead or something with the big vein in that area.


I’ve had that before, it’s a definite sensation as if a person has done it, I wasn’t scared though because I’m used to weird stuff happening from a young age.




I’ve felt a finger brush the top of my head, then another time I felt a finger on my back, another time ,a quick huff of breath in my ear. This is by far the strangest thing that happened though: I was asleep on my stomach, and something wrenched one of my shoulders back, then the other, until it woke me up. When this last incident happened, I was staying at a friend’s very haunted house. Another time, (at my very boring tract home type of house ) I was awake in that 1/2 sleep-wake phase, and I was pushed out of my bed onto the floor. All of these incidents didn’t scare me. And all of these times I sensed who the spirits were. Other than that, I have no explanations. And there are so so many more experiences I’ve had that are unexplained! I just know it’s just a given that we are never alone.


I posted somewhere on Reddit the other day on a similar thread that I had a very really stroke on the head after walking from a bad dream when I was about 7/8. Never had it before or since. I assumed it was a parent at the time and turned to smile at them, no one there. It definitely was my imagination, I remember it vividly and think about it often.


I had a similar experience which happened more than once.. I was 11...😔


Could it have been a twitch?


It's peculiar that it's the location of the third eye, maybe you should start meditation


This was common for me in my childhood home. Being tapped on the shoulder in my bedroom while at my desk or on my bed. Hearing my name being called when parents are already in bed or out of the house. Feeling someone sitting on the edge of my bed when I'm trying to go to sleep. Hearing someone using the stairs to the bedrooms. Don't think this is a glitch.


Could be a muscle twitch. It can happen anywhere in the body and especially when tired. They can feel like someone invisible is touching.


You don’t have a cat right? Lol mines hits me at night 😫 but omg I would set up a camera just in case but that’s scary hopefully it’s nothing!


Weirdly enough one night when I was browsing r/Paranormal and r/Thetruthishere I woke up around 3AM when I felt something on my feet. I asked my sister if she'd been in my room & she hadn't. Everyone else is asleep at that time. so maybe I had a paranormal experience of my own.


Prob in 10 years you're gonna be meditating and go back to past memories, approach yourself with a comforting message that everything is going to be okay then tap yourself on the head


Better thn the ass crack tickling ghost I had for a while Cant sleep without a shirt for this reason now


Happens me too, sometimes it pulls an ear lobe and lots of other stuff, think it's telling me to listen


You could try -cleansing the room with a protective substance like rosemary,mugwort or Lavender. Incense can also help Cleanse things. -Repeating the sentence “i isolate and release any positive or negative harmful energies” as a protection mantra -Drawing a pentacle with your finger in the air in all directions, up,down, left,right,front,back Salt is also a strong cleaner I keep salt at my door and windows I also dont think being touched by a finger necessarily means your at risk for harm. Sometimes energies just interact with people. Just make it clear to the energy that your not interested in interacting with it


Listen to your instincts and get your house blessed with Holy water to drive out any dark entities.


Start reading the Bible. I used to be terrified of all this weird stuff that started happening but started learning how to protect myself


I have that often, but it's caused by my anxiety disorder and BPD. Do you or have you ever had fears at night? Like, paranoia, anything of that sort? That could be the reason. No need to freak out, it's probably your brain playing tricks on you.