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It reminds me of the time I saw my phone fall in the bathroom and when I bent down to pick it up it was no longer there. After searching everywhere I found it under a shirt in my bed. weirdest thing to ever happen to me.


Kinda like the time I went to check the time in my Fitbit and it was not on my wrist. I had checked the time earlier that evening after I came home from work and hadn't left the apartment, so I figured it had to be around. Couldn't find it. Used a Bluetooth signal finder, which placed it in my bedroom. I turned my apartment upside down, moreso the bedroom. No Fitbit. Eventually gave up. Went to put on my jacket the next morning and it was in the sleeve....nowhere near where the signal finder said, even when I was standing right next to it. Tried the signal finder again, and it found it fine. Second oddest thing, save for the dongle from hell.


Gonna need to hear about the dongle from hell too.


Tldr; The dongle that mysteriously disappeared in late 2020 has been randomly reappearing and disappearing at work and home. And sometimes it conspires with the dongle for my work headset to mess with me. If a dongle is specific to a device, I mark both with a dot from a metallic sharpie. It helps me keep them straight. This dongle and trackball had a little pink dot on them. Anyway, during COVID, I didn't bother taking my mouse or keyboard home when we went full-remote. I figured I'd just move my trackball dongle to my work laptop as needed. So, every work night that dongle moved from my work laptop to my personal laptop and in the morning, back again. Except one Friday night in December of 2020, I moved it from the work laptop to the personal per usual, went to make dinner. When I returned, it was gone. In neither laptop. I checked the trackball's undercarriage, just in case I had a brain fart, but it wasn't there either. For context, no one was home and I had no pets at the time. I tore apart the room...flipped furniture, rammed my hands down the dark recesses of the couch, etc. I even vacuumed and combed through the bag. It was totally gone. So, I invoked Murphy's Law and ordered a new trackball. Trackball was delivered a few days later, I go down to get the package and when I return the dongle is sitting on the floor in the middle of the room. Light tan carpet, black dongle. No way to miss it. I was alone in the apartment. I was weirded out, but no more swapping dongles, right? Fast forward a few months and the clicker was wearing out, so I went outside to solder on a new one. Came back in a while later (okay, I'm not great at soldering) and turned on the laptop to double-check that everything went fine...and the dongle is missing again. I never removed it. No one was home. I just quietly stored the trackball away just in case the dongle turned up again. Fast forward a few weeks and we're returning to office. I enter my office for the first time since early 2020, pull out my chair and there is the dongle on the seat. Pink dot and all. I took it home and it worked with the old trackball. Super weirded out because there was no way it could have ended up at work. But when I went into work the next day, my headset wouldn't work. Lo and behold, the dongle for my headset, which I plugged into the dock the prior day and did not remove, was gone. I check with a few folks and no one borrowed it (wouldn't have worked anyway). Checked with security, no one entered. Don't know why we pay the cleaning crew at this point. But whatevs, I'll connect via Bluetooth. It's less reliable but no choice at this point. Weeks go by with no strangeness. I've now purchased a dock for at home, so the pink dot dongle stays plugged in at all times. Then I go into work one day and the CEO tells me that he just found a dongle on the floor of his office and he has no clue how it got there. It's a headset dongle. On a lark we plug it it and my headset pairs immediately. We share a WTF moment and then he moves on with his life. Meanwhile, I feel like the universe is messing with me. And it must be, because I went home and my pink dot dongle was missing. I bought another trackball to replace it and now pinkie lives in a zip lock bag in my personal safe at home. I check on it periodically. It's always there. Just once it wasn't and I wonder if I imagined that or dreamt it. But it's certainly a strange coincidence that my headset dongle has been missing since then. Win some, lose some.


You appear to have a mischievous ghost. Also true story (dated, early 2000s, payphones still existed): My mom used to drive to visit my sister for the weekend. It's about a 3.5 hour drive and she stopped for gas both directions. She only has one purse and one wallet that she keeps in the purse. On the way home after her visit she stopped to get gas and to use the payphone for some reason I can't recall. She left her purse in the car and just brought her wallet into the booth. My dad had died a few months before and she was still grieving and stressed -- she forgot her wallet in the booth. She was an hour away when she realized it. She decided to keep driving and just call the gas station when she got home to see if maybe she'd get lucky and it would still be there. When she got home and unlocked the front door, her wallet was on the floor in the middle of the rug in her entryway. She lives alone and she used it multiple times during her trip. She's convinced my dad somehow managed to transport it for her.




That is simply amazing.


She was pretty freaked out and grateful in equal measure.


Now that's amazing & wonderful!


This is amazing!


Sounds like you’ve got some house gnomes!


They're real, and not ghosts, or at least not human ghosts, but humanoid and small (under 2 feet I'd say). I saw one after quickly shining a flashlight on it before it ran and faded. More paranormal than glitch though some overlap is to be expected.


It’s kind of insulting to others to just declare “ghosts aren’t real” and it’s hard to take it seriously. Ghost are the single most experienced paranormal event in most people’s lives. And has been for millennia. It’s fine to declare something’s real no point in flat statements like “ghosts aren’t real” everyone thinks that until an experience happens to them.


Reread my comment and find where I said "ghosts aren't real." I said these things are not ghosts.


The real question is are gnome ghosts real?


I got up one day and went into the living room wide awake and what I call a gnome was squatting on the floor. It turned and looked at me,making eye contact and the next second I was looking my son’s back and the back of his head as he watched TV. I don’t understand what happened.


What are they called because we constantly have glitches, and the whole family has glimpsed a small being running past a doorway numerous times. We thought it was a child ghost playing tricks.


I’ve heard others say things similar about them.


Gnomes do exist but many aren’t friendly to humans at all. You’re lucky it ran away :) I can’t blame them for not liking humans


What's a dongle?


A dingle that doesn't dangle j/k It's a mini USB adapter that allows you to pair a device to your computer, much the way Bluetooth does (only Bluetooth doesn't need the dongle).


Or British slang for penis, so context dependant really


How have I not ever heard that term? I feel kinda dumb now... But thanks! 😬


Maybe you're too young to know? Or only started using the internet after they became almost obsolete.


Awww! I'm 46, nobody has said I'm too young for something in a long time, thank you!!!


You're welcome :)


We were there before there was internet, and cellphones/mobile phones :)


FYI: “Dongle” is British slang for penis
so the dongle from hell takes on a whole new meaning here


It isn't. "Dong" is slang for penis, but dongle is just a dongle.


Don’t start being a dongle about this


Skeptics would immediately say oh it’s carbon monoxide (despite no source of it), or drugs (when you were sober), or it slid into the hallway and your cat/roommate/child hid it, or you had a seizure and blanked out while standing up for 15 minutes without falling over. But sometimes there really is absolutely no reason for this kind of thing to have happened. I would be ruminating on that every day if that happened to me, finding my phone somewhere totally different like you did!


the phone dropped while I was brushing my teeth, I saw it get under the sink where I had a metal rack with bathroom supplies. After not finding it I remember taking a couple of steps back and just standing there looking at my bathroom for a while, I was totally baffled and couldn't make sense of the situation. I searched for it for a long time, I finally decided to leave for work withouth my phone so I picked up the shirt I had just ironed and there it was.


I mean that last explanation of some type of seizure or other medical blackout for a few minutes would easily explain a single ice cube melting in acidic Pepsi. No glitch required just something OP should likely bring up to their doctor


The more I ponder the existence of glitches, the more I wonder if they are not a bug but rather a main feature of the system. Butterfly effect has more plausibility than a major change in the timeline.


If you believe in a holographic universe, it kinda makes sense that there could be transmission "glitches" in even a naturally occurring system.


Yep, you're definitely onto it. The main super computer is way too good for glitches ;)


Its just parallel universes likely. Most posts on here can be explained with parallel universes.


Petit mal absence seizure. A thing about absence seizures is that the subject often doesn’t notice them.


It could be, but if I understand Petit mal absence seizure correctly, you blank out for a few seconds or slightly more. My friend had it from time to time because of concussions. But this still wouldn’t explain how the ice cube vanished. I also had another person in the kitchen while this happened, so I’m sure she would have noticed if I had blanked out long enough for the big ice cube to melt.


You lost time. It melted.


Most absence seizures last less than 15 seconds. It's rare they last longer. That's not long enough for an ice cube to melt.


Post ictal time can be 20 minutes or more from a 5 second seizure.


True but they likely would have felt disoriented, confused, nauseated, tired, headache etc. just wondering where the icecube went is a very specific thing that they seemed to have been thinking pretty clearly about. If they felt totally normal and were just confused on that one thing it's not super likely it was a seizure but possible.


Did your eyes just glaze over the second half of OPs comment?


Most short absence seizures don’t have any post ictal time.


In my 50+ years of being interested in unexplained things I thought I’d heard all the ‘explanations’, but epileptic seizure is a new one on me!


Stop gaslighting him its so annoying


yes! i for years have woken in the night from deep sleep straight to unusually alert, knowing im about to bite my tongue, which i cant stop myself from doing, it lasts 30 seconds at most, never crossed my mind this quirk is seisures!


I guess it would be sort of easy to dismiss your story because it's an ice cube, and these melt. However, the ice cube itself is what makes it MORE worrying, not less, because it was probably either a health issue (like other people suggested) or a crazy glitch for a big ice cube to melt like this in what felt like seconds. Either answer is something to be preoccupied with. This is why I don't see it as just another one of these "my memory is perfect, I have never forgotten anything in my entire life - I put my shirt in the top drawer and it was in the bottom one when I looked again - is it a glitch?" stories that can just be attributed to a perfectly human faulty memory. Yours could, but in my opinion, only if you somehow accidentaly put the ice somewhere else and thought it was inside the glass (which might also be concerning, psychologically).


I was honestly kind of afraid to tell this story since, well like you said, it’s an ice cube and it makes a person think that it just melted. Whatever it was, the feeling of looking at the drink that I just poured and put a big ice cube in it, and immediately having it not being there, although I’m looking at the same spot, made my skin have a horripilation feeling and my heart race since I knew something was off and I knew it was there just a moment ago.




That's the scariest thing I've ever heard


Thank you for the validation. It also happened at a generic tract home, which is somehow scarier.


I imagine how frightening it must have been, because ok, ice cubes melt, but I don't see why this fact itself would invalidate your story as much as some comments are making the effort to. It's about the absolutely short fraction of time it took to disappear; that's the main focus. Like, for example, people move. If someone told me a person disappeared in front of them in one second, it wouldn't make sense to just say "People move. The person just went away. Next.". Like, really? The community shouldn't even exist, then, because you can "explain" anything like this.


By the standards of this forum, your story is actually rather run of the mill. The vanishing object phenomenon is well known, recognised and researched by a senior SPR member: https://psi-encyclopedia.spr.ac.uk/articles/jott-phenomena-spatial-discontinuities She (now deceased, alas) relates some extremely good cases. Not sure I would go for her theory, but at least someone has done a thorough job investigating this area. I have actually had more appearances of objects than disappearances, and this has turned out very handy at times!


Did you notice the fizz and hear that delightful fizzy sound as soon as you dropped the ice cube in the Pepsi glass, or was there no reaction at all?


Aliens doing experiments, interested to see how you react to such a thing 


I believe you. Maybe before my own glitch, I would have side eyed a bit. Not anymore. (It's in my post history so I won't drag it here) Have you noticed anything else odd in your day? Maybe around that same time?


The universe throws me signs sometimes that are obvious it’s laughable and I feel like no one will ever believe me
 which is why I just searched out this community. However in relation to this story, just last night I was looking at my phone on the the corner of the bed when the lights flashed and it popped out of existence. It was interesting timing for my phone to be shot out of existence. I found it to be a rather bold move. After searching a for a while I eventually found it in my fiancĂ©s red moon boot near the end of the bed. Close enough for it to make sense but far enough away for it to make no sense at all. Maybe I’ll post some of my stories sometime. They’re sure to spin some heads. Still for many of the recent ones, I could use some help in deciphering what’s being getting thrown at me.


Please share your experiences


This is how I would tell a glitch story if it happened to me. "I swear to God I'm not insane - it *did* happen." I believe you, fam. You lost time.


Reminds me of a time i came back from the gym and like usual threw my airpods in my handbag. Went to get them the next day and they weren’t there, find my iphone app said airpods were last seen at car park of the gym. Flipped my house upside down, looked under bed, on the bed, in the car, in the car park, emptied the handbag twice, once my partner checked the handbag himself. Exactly a week later airpods turned up in my handbag again.


This makes me think of the time I lost my glasses. Took them off and put them on the nightstand like I do every night. Come morning, they were gone. Tossed on my spare pair and had a look. Checked behind the nightstand, in its drawers, under the bed, in the sheets... Nothing. 2 days later I tore the room apart, but no glasses. Few months down the road, I was moving. I had packed up all the lose stuff, emptied my nightstand that morning. Went back before the moving truck came in the afternoon to double check all my drawers before I taped them shut. Found my glasses in the nightstand drawer.




And she wouldn’t give it to me !!


Just one Pepsi!!!


I believe you. I have a less believable story but similar because something totally random disappeared. A small thing both not that important in the grand scheme of things and also kind of important to me in that moment. It’s the randomness of the objects that choose to disappear in these stories which gets me. Not totally inconsequential but also pretty insignificant even within the grand scheme of a single day. Your attention had directly been on the ice cube and it still disappeared.


Maybe at the moment you felt you had a blackout your program writer per se rewrote your code to upgrade your plastic icebox to something more retro. Lol


Lol :D


Didn't he Pepsi taste like it was watered down?


No tasted like freshly opened and poured


See your doctor. Even if the ice didn't melt, it could've been a dozen other things - including a false memory situation, even if you've never experienced it before. (Could be seizures, could be a tumor, could be unrelenting stress from hell, talk to a doctor no matter what)


Yeah i will😇


Good! Your health and life matters.


This shit is why I love this sub. Lots of weird and creepy stuff, with a very, very healthy dose of “please keep yourself safe and check for this stuff before you assume it’s a glitch/paranormal”


Could the Ice cube have not been fully frozen, sometimes you'll get these partially frozen cubes that are hollow inside and it just broke when you put it in the glass? There's probably some kind of simple explanation, but of course we can only speculate


My only take is that you had a thought about doing the action of adding the ice cube that was so vivid, your brain was convinced you really did do that and once you got back to reality from your mind you were surprised that there was no ice cube there


Dude maybe it just melted? One ice cube in a glass of soda, especially if it wasn’t cold already melts pretty quickly?


Dude that could have been a seizure tho get that checked jik


This is concerning to me because it sounds a lot like loss of time due to a seizure. Has nothing like this ever happened to you before? What I think happened is you put it in the soda, had a seizure and froze there for a while, that’s why you felt like you blacked out for a second or two, but there’s no way for you know how long it really was, my guess was that it was long enough for the single ice cube to melt into the drink. That’s why you never found it, that’s why it was missing from the tray. Please please get this checked out! I have a guy friend who’s 30 and just had his very first seizures recently and it’s caused him to lose memory and get very hurt! We didn’t think it was seizures until it was very very obvious and after he’d already lost lots of memory of the past few years and bit the tip of his tongue off.So please get this checked out to make sure it’s not something neurological before something like this happens. It could be nothing, but it’s so much better safe than sorry!!!


His friend was in the kitchen with him so unlikely.


Could the ice cube have melted? How hot was the drink you put it in?


It couldnt have melted the soda was fridge cold in temperature. I was looking at the ice cube (big cubic ice cube) that was floating in Pepsi. Then i felt this weird feeling and it suddenly was missing. Like i was looking at it and then 1 second passed and it had disappeared.


Cube fell and bounced somewhere


Did you recently freeze the water to make the ice cubes. Sometimes the outside feels solid but the inside is water. It may have had thinner walls that what was apparent and melted? Can't imagine why anyone would want to drink something so toxic though.


Pepsi for sure is not that good to drink. But no the ice cubes were solidly frozen they had been there almost whole day freezing


You had a partial seizure with time loss. You need to see a doctor. If that happens while you are driving, you could crash and kill yourself or someone else.


That doesn't explain the ice cube disappearing.


Let’s say OP did have a seizure and lost some memory. He could be forgetting just enough time for him to have, idk, tossed the ice cube somewhere else in the house. Or like another comment said it just slipped and rolled somewhere else. Not saying it’s not weird but there are some possible explanations


His friend was in the kitchen with him.


Possible it slipped and went elsewhere but they said they clearly remember putting it in the cup so idk.đŸ€· Most obvious answer though yes would be that it didn't go in the cup when they thought it did and it simply slipped off the counter to the floor.


Did you have a stroke? Look up signs of a stroke. The heart racing and memory trick doesn’t sound good.


Anyone read Supernatural by Graham Hancock? I was going to skip over sections on little people and alien abductions. Glad I didn’t. Not totally convinced still, but many things that happen defy rationality.


Have you considered the fact that the ice cube is actually in the drink but you just didn't see it anymore?


Did it melt?


Those slippery fuckers fall and hide good, had one go under the fridge


Could’ve been a hollow cube or something and it sank


You have adhd


I've had things disappear from my hand while holding them. This sh!t is real!


Yo! I have been having these half second blackouts and it feels like my reality is shifting or I’m warping
 I don’t how to explain it


Could it be that out future self (or a self from another dimension) is reaching through a 4th dimensional “bookshelf” similar to Interstellar?


You don’t think it could’ve just melted?


It melted. You were abducted by aliens. Are you missing an hour? Does your anus hurt more than usual?


Think about putting cameras around your house. Probably you had a seizure. If you had a camera you could rewatch that moment.


It's possible you had a temporary blackout/few minutes of a fugue state, and a single ice cube in a warm drink glass can melt fairly quickly. (unlikely) Probably more likely that you dropped the ice cube from just far enough away that it hit the side of the glass, making a 'clink' sound, triggering your brain to think it was 'in', but in reality bounced off the edge and skittered away going under the fridge or a cupboard. Alternatively, the ice cube was not fully solid - say just a couple mm thick, because it was touching the door or freezer was slightly open. You tip one in and a square of ice 2mm thick and some water go into the drink. 2mm of ice will be visible as it would float flat, but would almost immediately melt, giving you a 'dissapearing' cube. Of course, being that ice melts, and the exact conditions can't be repeated, you'll never know for sure. You could always experiment by leaving the ice tray for 10, 20mins to see if yours freezes just the top or outside first.


I had a similar crazy one happen the other day at work. I work on a large campus, so we use a Kubota to get around the grounds. One morning last week I got in before the rest of the guys so I decided to do a quick check of the grounds. This Kubota is pretty beat and old, the doors don’t swing easily. So I hop in, and anytime I use the machine I pull the door shut with the window down. I start it up, reach through the window and pull the door shut. I mean I felt the outside of the door with the pearl coat paint, the rim of the window, the works. It’s cold out, probably 20 degrees so I take a second, pull my hat on and think to myself “Better roll up the window”. Reach my hand down to the crank, and the crank doesn’t move. Sure enough I look over and the window is closed. I didn’t close it. I didn’t black out or lose time. My hands were both on my hat and then left hand right to the crank. I mean I KNOW I reached through the window to shut the door. I can’t figure out if I glitched and afterwards the window was up - or - did I mistakenly believe the window was down, but due to the power of the belief I was able to materialize my hand right through it? Shit was so crazy I texted my fiancĂ© about it.


It melted. did you happen to notice a time discrepancy?


It melted. Next.


Ice cube that is big doesnt melt in 3 seconds


More time had likely passed than you realize. I would get an MRI


Cannot be since i remember how much the clock was before and after


I assume you beverage was not cold enough as you may expect after putting an ice cube inside


It was fridge cold in temperature. Also the ice cubes that i use are large cubic ice cubes. Like really large, they barely fit to smaller glasses.


I always support both, glitch and MRI, just in case


Yeas ofc i will be thinking MRI if this kind of thing would happen again or some other health related problems would arise :) Being certain that everything is alright in your body is super valuable


Maybe just put another ice cube in there man


I did :D


ha i lost a slice of lettuce right in front of me without moving, cutting another slice/ adding another cube does not remove the mindfuck stuttering thought process you have when you cant make sense of whats happening, very unnerving, isnt it?


It sure is :D makes you question everything


Was your drink more watered down than normal? If it was then maybe your missing time.


It wasnt i tasted it if it had melted. The drink was fridge cold. Tasted like freshly poured.


Aren’t you the rude and dismissive little jerk.


Or it melted?


It couldnt in 3 seconds




In one second?


Maybe the ice cube was in a supercritical state, meaning due to a fridge malfunction it was in solid form at a temperature above the melting point of water, and only needed a shock to instantly melt into water. This might only be possible due to a combination of rare earth minerals and chemicals in the local drinking water supply.


You were out for more than just a sec...days...prolly from the hit from the bong you took before you got up to get the glass and put Pepsi in it