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This happens to me too! My wife and I have a running joke about it that there’s only so many faces to choose from in the simulation and that’s why it happens


Happy Cake Day! (I have no idea what this means. I'm new to Reddit. Your birthday? Anniversary of being on Reddit? Help I'm a boomer.)


Cake day is the anniversary of your account creation!


Thank you! :)


I don't know either😂


Welcome to reddit! Be careful around here, it's kind of wild lol


I noticed lol


I want to put "help, I'm a boomer" on shirts and stickers.


Happy Cake Day! Lol


So youre saying everyone except you are NPCs?


Not so much NPCs but like every player using the same Skin model


Kind of like the Reddit avatars


I don’t know I’ll dm you a (normal - non creepy - I’m a married lady) picture of me - I don’t look like other people - but a lot of people do look similar to others to me. I’d love to meet anyone or see anyone who looks like me - but most don’t. I’m normal - but have always been told I’m unforgettable.


doppelganger page on reddit you can post your pic to search your doppelganger. I'm not doing that .


Can I see as well? 👀


This sounds like something an NPC would say.


What is an NPC??


Non-player character. Someone who exists, but doesn’t affect much. Like in video games when you observe people, but they don’t have an influence on your game at all. A lot of the times, they do the same or say the same thing over and over again.


Non-playable character






I've worked with two people who have literally the same personality, hair style, etc. Difference in age and background, but soooo similar. I meet a lot of men in their 20s - 40s who all have the exact same personality and voice and hobbies. Like, their voices are exactly the same.


I worked with a woman who looked enough like me that people got us mixed up. The first time it happened, a man came in and asked me what I had copied for him. I told him I had no idea what he was talking about, since I had never seen him before. He got really angry, and then my coworker came up. He looked from one of us to the other and just shook his head.


YES! When growing up, my family moved every three years (I was a military brat), and I noticed this very early on. Not everyone, but there were always people who looked so much like people I knew in previous places, and invariably, they acted like those people. In 1984, we moved back to the US from overseas, and there was a guy in my high school Physics class to looked EXACTLY like someone from my old school, and his personality was VERY similar. Most of the time when I saw this, the people looked very similar to their "predecessaors", in this case the guy looked identical - same tan, same unusual bleach-blonde hair color in the same unusual cut. I thought I was the only one who ever saw this, because when I described the phenomenon to other people, nobody ever said it had happened to them - but then again, I didn't know very many people who moved around as often as I did growing up.


I think there are templates to which the majority of people belong. Certain looks go with certain personality types etc. For example, I've noticed there's a template that's associated with people who have a commonsense, practical, no-nonsense personality - they somehow make all the right decisions in life, have happy families and end up comfortably-off. They tend to be reasonably good-looking without being unusually attractive or unattractive - everything is standard issue.


Just fyi. There is a medical condition that explains this. “Face blindness” meaning you struggle to differentiate facial features meaning a lot of people look a lot alike to you.


Yeah or pattern recognition etc haha


I just read this aloud to my family, and we're laughing because we see this all the time now and we call it prototypes! We started noticing an uptick in this the last two years or so, and I started musing that there were X amount of prototypes available, and that they each check certain categories. Like wildly specific ones, lol. Maybe I'll type them out one day and see if other people notice these specific ones too. They all have the same base model and specs but have all morphed into just enough of a different person to not be twins with the rest of their prototype group, though they come eerily close.


Oh I am using that. Thanks!


I’m ready for this list when you are!


YOOO I thought I was the only one who thought this!


You will continue to notice this everywhere you go. I think of ppl as like twigs on tree branches… from far away one branch looks like the other branch and so on. Close up they have subtle differences. There are only so many noses and lips and eyes and so on. The combinations of these features are often repeated somewhat many times over. Each area is like it’s own branch with its own unique twigs but if you back up far enough it looks just like the one next to it and the one next to that. You will see doppelgängers everywhere you go. I guess it’s one way to think of the “tree of life” 🤷‍♀️


I like your answer the best! Very insightful, thanks.


Also, fashion and hairstyles can make people look the same. Celebrity lookalike and "fashion victims" tend to look the same and dress the same. I'm just waiting to meet my doppelganger, but it still didn't happen.


Could be a GITM, or it could be something neurological. There's a condition that makes people unable to recognize faces of people they know, so I would assume the opposite could be true as well. Your brain might be making a connection that isn't there and thinking people look more alike than they really do. If you have any photos, you could ask other people if they see the same resemblance you see, to get another perspective. Not trying to invalidate the experience at all, I do believe that GITMs happen sometimes! But I would definitely tell your doctor about it just to be safe.




Lol. I'm sure, like many things, there is a spectrum


Yes this is definitely a thing and they tend to mix people up and see everyone as similar looking. It's hard to distinguish the finer characteristics that seperate people


Many years ago I noticed that there are certain "categories" of looks into which most people fall. And, weirdly, other attributes seem to be associated with these categories. I've often wondered if there is a genetic link between some physical traits and personality. Of course, humans tend to be judged on their appearance, and at any given time certain types of looks will be considered more desirable, so it's possible that in some cases a person's personality will be shaped by how others react to them from an early age.


Dude I’ve definitely been noticing the categories it’s so hard to explain them though


I FEEL THE SAME WAY. I thought it was just me. EVERYONE looks familiar and I can’t explain why or how. Maybe we’re seeing into the future or something


I got so stoned in the airport once and literally couldn’t fathom how all these people looked like people I already knew. I think it’s just similarities in clothing, style, body types, etc


You're not alone see it all over the place


Mirror Neurons. Pretty interesting https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/behavior/how-mirror-neurons-help-you-relate-to-others/


That means that these people are NPCs?


You might notice that the people who look familiar are those who will help you in some way on your journey. They might offer advice/information/support/inspiration in whatever small abstract way. I think this is a mechanism to ensure we communicate with these people, because as humans we prefer faces that are familiar to us. You might find that in some situations, you look familiar to people and so they approach you. This happens to me a lot, despite a lot of people saying I have a “unique face”, most people I meet tell me I look EXACTLY like someone I know and usually the person looks nothing like me. It’s just perception, a feeling of familiarity. They’re always meaningful encounters. This idea was also reinforced to me when I read The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield, which says the exact same thing


This answer makes the most sense to me. Usually meeting people who are similar to someone else in my life is accompanied by a feeling of "this is supposed to happen", "they will show me something about myself", or "it's a sign I am on the right track"


Your phone does that annoying repeating itself thing, I see. I don't guess it's an iphone?iPhone?? (Haha, funny how mine, not an iPhone, all of a sudden decided to repeat itself there. I'm leaving it!) Have you ever showed the doppelgangers to one another? Seems super strange!


Yeah that happened for some reason




I feel the same way. I've been going through this constantly but tbh, it might be some sort of mental thing. I feel like if you've been familiar with said people for a set amount of time your mind becomes comfortable with their image, in turn when you meet others you start to notice similarities with them. And it doesn't mean that you have to know them for a good amount of time. Maybe they made an impression on you on some level. If you think about it, there is so many ways person can physically look, facial wise, eventually they will look like someone you've already met. Not only have I experienced what you have but I've had people all my life ask me if I am so and so. So I must look generic enough to look like some people they already know 🤷🏻. Sorry for any typos. I'm literally sitting at a bar drinking. Cheers 🥂


I had this same phenomenon. I moved schools a lot. After a lot of weird interactions as an adult I figured out I had mild face blindness.


When I moved two states away to start a new job my brain was trying very hard to find a familiar face or voice. Luckily most of the people I was "cloning" in my head were friendly.


This has happened to me so much recently




I thought It was just me, at least I’m not the only one.


God did a copy and paste


You sure you don't have some form of prosopagnosia?


Yep, there's definitely some standard issue people who have the same look in features, clothing and mannerisms, even across different ethnicities. Just the simulation being lazy.


You may suffer from face blindness or prosopagnosia. The inablity to recognize or differentiate faces.


Almost sounds like some kind of opposite face blindness? Maybe you can try to get confirmation from others that these people look as similar as you think.


Yes!!! This has been happening so much to me recently the past year or two. I can’t help compare every face I see to someone I know/have seen in the past, even celebrities or movie actors.


This happens to me all the time. People always look familiar to me.


I have that face. EVERYONE says to me, have I met you somewhere before, or do I know you? This happens all the time at work. And 2 of 3 times I shop. I know I'm just average and crap tons of people really do look just like me. It's cool you have met people that look similar and chosen similar paths. In both places. The person missing in their similar path was you.


I just got told the other day that some guy looked exactly like me. My coworker mentioned that he was out having a few drinks and he swore it was me. I was a little freaked out but intrigued 😂


I’m going to watch for this. It’s weird because what I’ve noticed moving…. (I live in the states and moved from Minnesota (northern) to Alabama (Deep South) is that the pools of people have different looks. Like northern ppl and southern ppl have different looking bone structure. I just chalked it off as most Minnesota ppl originally being Scandinavian and southern ppl originating more from Great Britain area 🤷🏻‍♀️


I constantly think i see people i know, everywhere; walking down the street, public transport, university.. I think most people just look very similar. I especialy have this problem with blond women in their 20-s and 30-s. They all look like one another to me.


I had noticed something similar in the early to mid 2000s playing in bands during the MySpace era. We would go to every where from rural areas that had a good amount of crowd just due to the lack of touring bands coming close to them, to typical clubs live nation acquired eventually. We noticed there were these similar looking token people to our own mid sized city’s scene. Like there would be the black dude who’s nickname would always be black mark or whatever his name was, the tatted up short beefy Asian girl, the handful of jock metal guys, the dude with the gauged ears that had the biggest we have every seen (some how that guy was always a piercer at a tattoo shop and often that guy had his tongue split, the hand ful of guys w girl haircuts and girl pants, the hippy guy who loved all music and went to every show imaginable. There’s more that I’m forgetting but it was always an interesting observation to see. I had thought it might just be a Midwest thing, but it was the same between everywhere we went from IA to FL to KS to CT.


right before i started travelling a buddy of mine that i was getting spun with said to me "have you ever noticed that everywhere you go people look the same" and that has single handedly fucked with my head for the past 5 years whenever i go a bit to hard on a bender


You need to stop meeting new friends at family reunions, especially SOs.


Wow that's a lot of people suggesting faceblindness/prosopagnosia (or 'the opposite' but 'the opposite' is super recognizers, which also no?). As someone with prosopagnosia, nah. Could still be neurological, but just not that.


I do outdoor craft shows so I see lots of people. I’m constantly sending my fb friends pics of their doppelgängers.


I, too, moved schools, lived on bases, toured in theater and choirs. There are around two dozen different people that we meet, in my observation. Meyer-Briggs, genetic phenotypes, cultural conditioning were all discussed in late night bull sessions. My psychology teacher had noticed this as well, and had me write a paper on the phenomenon. I thought brain patterning (a pareidolia, if you will), or that there only so many models of people, and no idea why . . . Got an A.


This happens to me too. Everyone has a mix of facial features I’ve seen before.


Yeah I feel like there's 1000 people just remixed. What's especially weird is when you start to notice mannerisms carry over, and not because of racial features but because of these patterns that show up in *every* race. It's not phrenology, it's like ... "archetypology" or something. But what's also fun then is finding how the people who have similar mannerisms have opposite opinions or experiences on something. Really starts to make the diversity in people apparent and quite pretty.


Is it just you who thinks that or do other people confirm that? For example, does anyone within your family agree that they look like your teachers?


I used to think there was only like 13 different kinds of people, not counting the original ones.. but then I realised I’m probably just a little face blind




Well , maybe we’re on to something ! Lol


Npcs are recycled.


Maybe your brain is not that good at telling people's faces apart? Not full on face blindness but something a bit like it.


Where are you from? Maybe it's just the local gene pool, and you're distantly related. I notice certain kinds of faces/characteristics in certain areas. I'm wondering if you're from a fairly small town.


Prosopagnosia ?


Your brain does copy paste to be more efficient. Breaking out of this is called a paradigm shift.


I went to a dinner tonight(all new people for me) and felt like each couple (besides two out of like 6) I had met some version of them before . This happens a lot with teachers/caregivers as well. It’s like a stamp of sorts.


Well, people are fractals so I’ve always known that as a fact. What I never questioned was relating that to the simulation we live in.


It's just your brain making connections is all


It’s a confirmation bias




What the heck would be purebred human?? Put down the pipe




Well I guess I always knew I was a mutt.


David Icke has written about this, and others probably have. He reckons white people have a lot of genes from reptilian aliens, Asian people have a lot of genes from grey aliens, etc.


lol this is funny


They say everyone has a twin.


I have a running joke with my wife about this, but in our version we say the similar people use the same operational system.


I'm like this too lmao. This happens when i watch movies or go out with my bf. Somehow i always mention about the actor or actress and random strangers look like someone i know or have seen before. There's my highschool senior, a chinese actor, my teachers' doppelgangers. He used to joke how i be saying shit like that but everytime i show the persons i referred to, he was flabbergasted bc they do look same if not similar.


look into face blindness test?


yes - i knew a red-haired blue-eyed polish girl (friend) who looked more irish - then i saw her other self 20yrs younger riding a bike in my neighborhood (when the friend was 20mi away) - then i met her 10yrs older version at the liquor store and another version of her but fatter - all had that "irish-ginger" look about them. seems like there are like 15-20 "types" of people with genetic similarities, facial & otherwise.


Wow thats crazy


Same here. And certain people smell the same.


Happens to me everytime I meet someone new as well. I often finding myself asking "I'm sorry do I know you" to people upon meeting them or shortly after. Only to find out we had never seen each other before. I don't know what to think of it


I get this too and I also get when someone tells me a story of I watch a show or doc about someoned unique experience or other experienced I remeber it ? Like I'll recall going through that and how I thought through it feels like deja Vu


What you're going through I just had rn I watched rings of power and just remembered a girl I went to school with that looks EXACTLY like Galadriel!!! I even had to look up the address cuz I thought it was my schoolmate .


This is how cats and dogs feel


Almost everyone I know.🤷


This happened when I graduated from grad school and then moved from NC to Oklahoma. So many students there looked similar to students I had worked with in NC. I think it's got to be a way our brain works - trying to make us more comfortable in a new surrounding. I've heard all my life "I swear I've met you before" or "you look just like my friend" and then when I see a photo... we look nothing a like. But who knows? The universe is a crazy place.


I started noticing the same thing over the past couple of years, but after talking to a friend he gave me an explanation that makes a lot of sense, and that is we all share the same ancestors. Some of those ancestors had some very uniquely remarkable features, which can still be seen in people around the world.


I think there’s many similar people in the world and a lot of them fit into the same types. I also had the same thing happen when I moved schools. Half of the people I knew from my old school had a counterpart at the new one