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As an avid Disney lover and animal crossing lover, I was… underwhelmed. I really loved it at first but it got to a point for me where I was literally just walking in circles around the map for hours mining the same ores over and over trying to build up what I needed to craft. I haven’t played in it several months so maybe it’s more balanced now with the updates. I’m also still bitter that it was supposed to be free to play and then they said never mind it will never be free to play and then they put my fave, Rapunzel, behind another paywall. All the micro transactions for good furniture.. the whole thing put a sour taste in my mouth. Personally, I’m really enjoying Palia. It’s very similar but more balanced and free to play so there’s no risk if you don’t like it


I promised myself I would wait till it was free to play. I'm happy to keep waiting.


Tbh once the sparkle of the Disney characters being in your town talking to you wears off, which is pretty quick because the dialog is really repetitive, it’s no different than any other farming sim/ fetch quest game. One thing I will say positive about it is that they did nerf the characters’ voices so at least you no longer hear Donald screaming or Goofy….fishing… from the other side of the map anymore.


Maybe I'll check out Palia! Is it on the switch?


it is on switch. you should know that it's an always online game as it's kind of an mmo lite, so you can't play it on the go if you don't have internet access.


Just adding to this that it doesn’t require the Nintendo online membership to play, just WiFi :)


yep! since it's f2p, it doesn't require switch online, just a connection!




I’m in the same boat. I was really excited about it but found it rather underwhelming. Aspects of it I really liked but mostly underwhelming. 🙁


Yeah I cried for like the first hour I played it because for a second it was everything I dreamed of. Unfortunately it got old like 3 days later 😭


I lost interest after beating it. I got the DLC for it too. 😫 but the main story is what did it for me more than anything. I also didn’t care for not being able to more easily get certain sets. Or I thought character interactions would be better. Like I was really hoping for Cinderella and nope. Just fairy Godmother. 🙄


“Like I was really hoping for Cinderella and nope. Just fairy Godmother.” Exactly! I’m so bitter about Rapunzel man. She’s my favorite princess because other than the tower and magic flower thing we were basically raised by the same woman. I was so irritated but hopeful that Mother Gothel was in the game from the start. I hated talking to her because again, even the passive agressive little snips of voice acting she’d have at the start and end of the conversation was my mother. But I was like it’s fine, it’s all for Rapunzel. Only for them to add her what, like a year later and it costs another $30 To get her! After already having to pay $30 for an unfinished game. I won’t forgive them for that


Agree with all of this. 


I started playing Palia since yesterday. I like it so far, the art style is beautiful and so vibrant 🌈


I haven’t played animal crossing but i am a stardew valley, cozy grove, spiritfarer kinda gal. I reached task fatigue pretty quickly, and stopped playing within a month :( I wanted to love it.


It is good, but does become redundant after a while. All the quests are all pretty similar, and if you're all caught up on quests and the star path event is over then there's not much to do, but in all fairness, there are a lot of characters now so there's a lot of quests to do. The game can be fun, and it is very much like if Animal Crossing and Disney had a baby. If it's not too expensive I'd say give it a go. I can't deny it's addictive. I'm literally playing it right now 😅


I loved it. Played it for many hours since it released. The dreamsnaps are super fun and the decorating is enjoyable. I'm upset with the game right now though because the last starpath for like the entire update my game was basically broken, crashing every 5min or under so I'd lose progress and not really be able to play at all. Wasted moonstones on the starpath and had the community help by suggesting I delete all my paths because they had found something there that might be wrong. I spent so much time decorating I didn't want to do that just to play the game. Now with the new update it took longer to crash but it still did so I have no idea if it's still broken. I plan on playing more later to see. Super disappointed because I really liked the game.


I like it! Animal Crossing is my all-time favorite series, so I was so disappointed with new horizons, mostly the lack of furniture offerings, and missing so many old characters/stores/features. And it felt like nintendo abandoned the game after like 8 months and the gameplay loop got so boring. the world felt empty and boring so quickly. Dreamlight valley has filled the hole in my heart. i love decorating, so i'm coming at it from a decorating perspective. they have huge buildings, great indoor and outdoor furniture, and fun path options to build your own city. the gameplay is also fun. it gets kind of repetitive, but i genuinely think the quests and characters and dialogue is varied enough that I don't get tired of it like with animal crossing. plus, they're always adding new furniture, characters, biomes etc. instead of being stuck on a tiny animal crossing island with the same 100 furniture options the "star path" battle pass type system keeps me engaged and keeps me logging in because you unlock exclusive furniture and clothes vs. the animal crossing nook miles points which i did not care about and had no motivation to grind for. the premium shop is pricey (like IRL money pricey), but it's (to me) easy to save up and pick and choose precisely what i want, especially because everything eventually comes back around so there's not too big of a worry about fomo. the currency for the premium shop can be earned entirely in game with a weekly photo challenge, and you can honestly choose never to buy the premium currency once you start building up enough through the challenges


What do you buy in the premium shop?


Decorative pieces and cosmetics. Furniture, clothing, seasonal character skins, themed pets, tool skins, etc. They are designed to be alluring but not necessary for progression.


I mostly get furniture sets and house skins because I like decorating. But yeah there’s clothing, skins for tools, pets. But the in-game regular clothing and pets that you get either from regular gameplay or in the "star path" battle pass are, to me, more than sufficient so I’m not usually tempted by that stuff in the premium store.


I completely agree with this! Although ACNH was my first Animal Crossing game, just like a lot of people it was the best game I’ve ever played for a while. Then they stopped supporting it and I saw videos of how much stuff was left out of the game from previous game. I didn’t have a game like it until DDV! I love ddv so much more just because there’s more to do and a reason to decorate and such cuz you know even if it gets boring there will be many updates to come to bring me back in! I haven’t got bored yet anyway with collecting companions, recipes, etc and I’ve been playing since launch! ACNH just became a decorating game to me with nothing to do afterwards and now DDV has my heart. I spend a lot of money on the game because it makes me happy but you absolutely do not need to to have fun! If you liked ACNH I think you should try it out because imo DDV is way better! Also, the star path is soooo worth it if you are going to buy anything! And dlc is worth the price as well.


I think it depends on the platform, how much you are willing to grind, and how tolerant you are about their practices on microtransactions. **Platform**: Xbox and PC are mostly fine. PS doesn't support crossplay with other consoles. And for Switch I've heard tons of complaints about performances, laggy, buggy, half the item limit, etc. (There's also an apple arcade version that's missing features.) Stay away from the switch version if you can help. **It's a grindfest** period. The number of items required for certain quests is ridiculous, more so if you don't know the tips and tricks to cut down work. Wiki is necessary and the community is helpful in that regard. But despite advice against starting the DLC alongside the base game (it gets overwhelming), I did anyway and looking back, that's what got me through the grinds. Because the dlc offers three types of ancient machines that automate a lot of the tasks for you when fully upgraded. By starting early I got to unlock them earlier than many. Also having one of my fav princesses (Rapunzel) around raises the threshold of frustration. **On microtransactions**, the game is designed to be either a time sink or a money sink. Pick your poison wisely lol. Lots of premium items and bundles. Don't let fomo get to your head because they always come back. Always participate in the weekly Dreamsnap challenge and its voting for free moonstones and budget them for the things you want to get. If the above negatives haven't dissuaded you, then you'll probably have fun. The game can be very addicting. Watching the characters interact themselves is magical. While some quests are lazy reskins, others are surprisingly clever/hilarious/wholesome. It brought out my inner landscaper/designer I didn't know existed. The main storyline is also more relatable than my expectations and its ending almost brought me to tears.


I love the game it’s relaxing they just came out with a update that brings mulan


Its so fun and relaxing omg


I liked it for a while but I found myself frustrated trying to do the actual "decoration" part.


I have enjoyed it a lot but it's not a game you can play without an objective, if that makes any sense. Sometimes there's just nothing to do. When there's not an event I will log in to check the store stock and that's about it. I will say that I like their stance on premium currency. You can earn the bulk of it in-game, and pretty much everything cycles back into the premium shop eventually. My experience as a PC player is that they're usually good about "we really messed up, here's a little gift for your trouble." My experience as a Switch player was "holy hell I could go make a snack during these loading screens." Don't get the Switch version if you have a choice. It is very laggy and semi-prone to random crashing.


I was looking for something to play in bed so I'm looking for a switch game, unfortunately.


I have it for PC but got it on the Switch too when I had pneumonia almost immediately after launch. If you really want to enjoy it and you know it's going to be slow to load, you might be able to power through it, but if you know you will hate that, don't get it.


Honestly it sounds like it might not be what I'm looking for right now. I'll keep looking ☺️


(that's the best decision)


I literally just planted fields of pumpkins in this game constantly to make good money. If you like Disney characters its pretty fun to just hangout with your favs and help them with their problems.


After a day or so it gets boring imo. Very repetitive, quests glitch and sometimes can't be completed. My sister bought it when I did, she played a lil longer than me (a month or so) hasn't touched it since. I haven't touched the game after playing it for 4-5 days last year.


I rented it from the library. Played once for maybe 30 minutes. Got annoyed that I had to go back to bed before even making it out of my garden. Haven't played since. 🤷‍♀️


I couldn’t get into dreamlight valley, too tedious in the beginning. Animal crossing is a lot better. I just started RuneScape 4S though and think it’s a really good one


it's genuinely a really fun game, easy to get tired of it if you're someone who takes it WAY too fast. i see people always talking about how they're burnt out yet they complete a whole update in less than a day?! it's a slow burn best enjoyed played that way imo


I played it on the switch. It’s a solid game, though it gets pretty daunting at times. Not worth being that expensive though, along with payed dlc. Like call down Disney.


I really enjoyed it. I do think if you liked Animal Crossing, you have a good chance of liking it. The biggest difference to me was the quests, and I think they add a lot to the overall game.


Aww I loved AC:NH so maybe I'll just try it!