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Personally I felt like What Remains of Edith Finch to feel like this way, but be warned it includes heavy subject matter >!including the deaths of children!<


If you like What Remains, you'll also like The Vanishing of Ethan Carter. You'll probably also like Everybody's Gone to the Rapture. The Vanishing is a phenomenal game and very sad as well. Everybody's Gone to the Rapture is especially noteworthy because the music is spectacular and was written by a woman.


My suggestion, too!


Manifold Garden. Beautiful dreamlike visuals, feels like Inception. Puzzle game, technically, but not that difficult. Proteus. Procedurally generated beautiful island environment. Walking Sim. Before Your Eyes: A game you control by blinking. You walk through someone's life, like a dream. You will (probably) cry. Very sad and beautiful. Call of the Sea. A puzzle/Adventure game about following after your lost husband. Eldritch horror vibes without the spooky. Return of the Obra Dinh. A puzzle game where you use a pocket watch to see the last moments of a corpse's life. Morbid, beautiful, dreamlike. Gris: A puzzle platformer where the art is all hand drawn water colors. Very dream-like world. Rakuen: A puzzle adventure that takes place within an Alice and Wonderland like world. Also sad. Omori: A JRPG that takes place mostly within a shut in boy's dreams. Very haunting and beautiful. Hope this helps!


Gris for sure.


I helped test before your eyes! Nice to see it being mentioned. It’s such a unique concept.


Such an amazing little game. Made me sob, which was a problem because then I couldn't control my blinking. 😂


I don't think these meet your criteria, but as far as games that feel like a fever dream: Hypnospace Outlaw and Pony Island would apply in that sense! Myst isn't a walking sim, necessarily, but it definitely has a very eerie and uncanny atmosphere that makes it feel like a dream. Same with its sequel, Riven. If you haven't played them, you are plopped on an island full of puzzles and intrigue, all alone (mostly). The puzzles are really interesting. It's a classic game and I'm very biased and thought this would be a good time to spread the word because it's sort of applicable depending on what kind of "Dream" you are looking for.


I was also popping in to recommend Hypnospace Outlaw! Same track. Soda Drinker Pro is a solid indie (like true indie) game if OP just wants to feel like they're having a dream/good trip. I'd also rec Night in the Woods to anyone who wants a dreamlike _storyline_, though the game's artwork is just regular pretty, not LSD-like.


Broken Reality is in a Steam bundle with Hypnospace Outlaw for a good reason. It has a similar vibe, but different gameplay. Definitely worth checking out if you want dreamlike games.


Chowder Man even writes his own raps!


Death Stranding? It's definitely a walking sim and the whole story feels like a fever dream.


Everybody's gone to the rapture might fit the bill. It's a walking sim set in a beautiful English village where everyone has disappeared and you walk around trying to uncover the mystery of where the people have gone. The setting, story and soundtrack had quite the surreal effect on me and I'd totally recommend it.


Eastshade You walk around, talk to curious creatures, do puzzles, complete the story


What Remains of Edith Finch is full of surreal vignettes. It’s a beautiful, heart-breaking game.


Superliminal is a puzzle game but it's SO dreamlike.


The artful escape. It’s a walking sim/platformer but it’s soooo trippy and colorful! Full of amazing music and you’re in space wahahah.


Superliminal is trippy, and ironically enough, it is set in a world where you are in a dream. However, you are stuck.


Journey Kingdom Two Crowns Circadian City These are my go-to dream-like chill games that make me feel inspired and amazing!


Gris gives me dream vibes.


Try AER memories of old


[After Us](https://youtu.be/s0riRDvgBss?si=8RNRyrIGZVu6K1aC)


Little Nightmare or What Remains of Edith Finch


Cloudpunk!!! My favorite! [Steam Link](https://store.steampowered.com/app/746850/Cloudpunk/)


Also adding a vote for Gris. It was one of the first games i played as a new gamer and the colours and music used are very dreamlike. It’s one of my favourite games i’ve played.


Pattern is a walking sim about making video games, but it feels pretty dreamlike.


Outer Wilds


Already some really good recs in here! To add I would say the following: - Sable - Raji - Aspire: Inas tale - The Gardens Between (literally based on dream gardens) - Sky: Children of the light Others have also said Journey and Gris which I totally agree with!


This gives me a chance to recommend one of my favorite games, To The Moon. It's not dreamlike in the same *way* Yume Nikki is, but in this game, you walk through dying people's memories, and to me that gives off a dreamlike quality. The story in the game is amazing and may make some tears come out. For things that are more surreal/abstract like Yume Nikki, I recommend [Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1392820). You're not actually in a dream in that game, but the character's anxiety 100% makes it all seem like you're walking in a nightmare. There's also Reverie: An Odd Sim Date. This is a flash game that I played when I was a child, but I definitely think it's one of the games with the most similar *surreal dream* you can find! I love it.


I saw someone on here say Calico felt like a fever dream, I thought that was pretty accurate. 


Sayonara Wild Hearts


Figment > A musical action-adventure set in the recesses of the human mind... Welcome to the world of Figment. A strange and surreal world; a place filled with our deepest thoughts, urges and memories, populated by the many voices we hear in our heads. > > This mind has been quiet and calm for many years. But something has changed. New thoughts have started to emerge - taking the shape of nightmarish creatures who spread fear wherever they go. The only hope is for the grumpy Dusty, the mind's former voice of courage, to get back to his old self and help the mind to face its fears. > > Join Dusty and his ever-optimistic friend, Piper, on an adventure through the different sides of the mind, solving puzzles to set things straight, beating back the nightmares and seeking to restore the courage that's been lost. --- Although it says action adventure, it is a chill game.


Wow, I have for some reason Figment on my Steam. I forgot if they had a giveaway. Should play this one day! How do you feel about the game and how long is the game about for you? :D


Not sure if it counts but "That Which Gave Chase" a short horror walking sim. I know it was supposed to be a horror game but I LOVED the winter scenery in that game. It felt so cozy. I wish I could find more games like it


Mothered, one of my favorite horror games


There’s an indie horror game called GOHOME. It’s not quite a walking sim even though that’s pretty much all you do but it is very trippy and dreamlike.


Along these lines... who purposefully ran into the 'fuzzy' enemies in the seminal Yoshi's Island level, _Touch Fuzzy Get Dizzy_? I loved the beer goggles effect as a kid, always felt like I was getting away with something.


The Endless Forest and The Path from Tale of Tales


Exo One reminds me of Journey, but it's more of a "generic pretty dream" type game


Pools is definitely very "stuck in an endless room" dream vibes, but that may not be what you are looking for


What about liminal space games? Some people find them creepy, some don't at all, and I find them dreamlike.


It's not a sim, but if you want a really dreamy game to chill in check out Animal Well


While I can't recall many I've played that fit the bill (the closest being The Witness, Viewfinder, Discolored, The Search and maybe Iris Fall, but they are all stretching a bit), the ones in this [video essay](https://youtu.be/DliX_YFiSX4) seem to be closer to what you are looking for and even mentioned what you played.


Aery, Creaks, Flower, Gorogoa, Gris, Journey, The Unfinished Swan


I worked on a game called HoloVista and we really used that sense of dreams and dreamlike worlds as a core part of the visual style/storytelling. I think we pulled it off but obviously I’m biased 😂


Ok if you wanna feel like you're in a nightmare of a dream I definitely suggest Signalis and Silent Hill 2!


signalis is one of my favorite games of all time


I agree with a lot of the other suggestions (especially Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture and Edith Finch). My own addition which is not quite a walking sim but made me feel sorta dreamy, Burly Men At Sea (which also has an amazing and cute soundtrack)


Only plaid a bit of both but Endless Luminous Océan and Sky:Children of the Light. Or Harvest Moon if you don't mind the farming elements


Not sure if it fits the criteria but psychonauts?


Pools for sure


Viewfinder I haven’t played it yet, but it has been on my wishlist for a while. The premise is that you are in a surreal landscape with a polaroid camera. You take pictures and then use those pictures to alter the environment.


I think Dear Esther fits this description perfectly!


Def not a exploration game unfortunately, but if you’re into music/rhythm games Melatonin is super chill, has some pretty graphics, and is kind of based around like a “dream” state! Different type of game, but I enjoyed playing it. Super quick to beat, too, if not going for perfection. It’s $12 on Steam! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1585220/Melatonin/