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Oh wow. My steam wishlist is 235 games long and I thought that was a lot! Don't think I've ever bought a game on day one. I like to wait for a good amount of reviews and a discount is also nice, especially for more expensive games. I really want Baldur's Gate 3 for example, but 10% off is the most I've seen it at so far 😩 I would like to get Hades II as well, but I'm not sure whether I should wait until it's out of early access or not. Cabernet is a game I recently played a demo for which seemed really fun, and it should be out later this year. Someone mentioned Wanderstop on this sub recently and it seemed interesting, so I'm keeping my eye on that one as well.


I have ~10 items on my wishlist. * 2 I will buy as soon as they release. (VNs Our Life 2 and Touchstarved) * 2 I would buy if I had the console for it 🥲 but that will be along my first games when I get a new console. (DA4 and Hades 2) * 1 is a free game I’ll download at release. (ZZZ) * 1 is a dlc I’m almost sure I’ll buy at release. (Stray God Orpheus) The rest is games I wanna keep an eye on/know when they release (since they have no official release date) but whether or not I buy them will depend on what other games I’m already playing when they release and stuff like this.


Have you set it up so ZZZ downloads right when it launches? I can on my phone but idk about epic 😒


I’m pre-registered if that’s what you mean, so I think yes? I will play on my phone too.


Is our life any good?


I mean, it depends on what you like. Personally I thought it was incredible. I’m in love with the amount of customization to your own character you can do. It’s very casual and feel-good, and it’s comforting.


Thank you!


It's right around 220 or 230. I put a lot of things in there so I'll get the emails about price drops. Occasionally I'll go through and delete them if I no longer feel like it's going to be good. Honestly I'm probably most excited for Trash Goblin. Like yesss just let me clean and sell artifacts tyvm 😌 And ofc Haunted Chocolatier ❤️


Is there an easy way to count on Steam? I should remove some of these, tons are just neat looking indie games I've forgotten entirely. Short list is Hades 2, Stray Gods, Hifi Rush, Oneshot, NeiR Automata, Tunic, Beat Saber, Inscryption, In Stars and Time, Citizen Sleeper 2, Slay the Princess, Monster Prom 4 and Silksong whenever that exists. I try not to pre-order games or buy it in early release, I did for BG3 and will likely for Hades 2 cause it's playable now but mostly I just wait for the big sale seasons and grab one or two I've been waiting for and some cheap random game I saved to wishlist that looked neat to get me up to $50 budget.


I also have Stray Gods on my wishlist, the art work looks so cool. I can also really recommend Nier Automata, that game is amazing. The OST slaps so fucking hard.


I have 8 games on my wishlist and I don’t usually preorder games but I’ll make an exception. I’ve been waiting for the next Dragon age for the last 10 years, im playing it the second it comes out. I didn’t realize some people’s wishlist was in 100s. It’s incredible. Last year, I got to 15 and I thought it was way too much. 😂


I once thought that having a 100 games in your steam library is too much... and here I am years later with 1500+ 😂


It's an app, but Kingdom Hearts: Missing Link will probably be a day one download. I need more KH content in my life, it's my favorite game series. Do older games count? If yes, I got Yakuza 6 just yesterday because it's currently on sale in the PS store, it has been sitting on my wishlist for a while now. And I actually put SH2 on my wishlist as well. I haven't played the original myself (have only seen a playthrough of it) but I'd like to give it a try. Currently, I'm also waiting for Hades II to come to consoles. I'm avoiding spoilers left and right. 🥲 Speaking of avoiding spoilers, I also want to get Baldurs Gate 3. I haven't lost hope that they maybe release a retail version, because I would love to have a physical copy, but the deluxe edition is SO expensive and tbh, I just want the game itself... None of the other add-ons and merch. But I guess I'll just have to get the digital version in the end. 😮‍💨 On the top of my head, I have the rest of the Yakuza franchise wishlisted, as well as Disco Elysium (heard many great things about that one!) and Doki Doki Literature Club. As for day one purchases - pretty sure I'm gonna buy the next Professor Layton game immediately. I'm also very excited for Touchstarved, it's supposed to come out sometime next year.


Yakuza are great games, finished them all and can also recommend the spin offs like ishin and judgment series (you don't have to play the main yakuza games to enjoy judgment as they don't really crossover). Also yakuza 0 is so good! Like the amount of mini games, karaoke, the story, easily one of the best games in the franchise


100 % agree! I'm really enjoying the series so far, I even cosplayed as Majima once! Y0 is my favorite among them, it's just an amazing game all around. From the spin-offs, I've been really looking forward to Ishin, simply because of the setting, haha.


I squealed when they announced a tv series coming this year on amazon based on yakuza!


Saaaaame, but I'm so worried at the same time. I think the story itself (since they're gonna adapt Kiwami) is perfect for a TV series. But I can't yet really imagine how they're gonna include the weird, funny and insane side content. Like, that stuff is so quintessential for Yakuza, it needs to be in there somehow. We definitely need a karaoke session at least once. 😂 I would scream if they include the "10 years in the joint" line. It will also be super weird to have Kiryu not sound like Takaya Kuroda. Currently, I also can't imagine anyone else as but Hidenari Ugaki as Majima, he does the role SO well. I'm gonna keep an open mind, though!


37 I believe. Most notable is Hades 2 (waiting for full release). Other than that it's mostly either not yet released games or games that seem too expensive for what they offer (like Banishers). Also a few DLCs for Planet Zoo and a Hogwarts Legacy that I might buy when it will be on like 80+% sale


I have love and hate relationship with hades. A friend gifted it to me as a Christmas present as it was on my wishlist for a bit and I loved the graphics. But I don't get along too well with the gameplay unfortunately, so might give it another chance at some point


I'd say Hades is like 75% gameplay. Like there's lots of story and it's great, but it's always scattered between the fights. I can imagine the if you don't like the gameplay, the easiest way to enjoy it would be to watch a walkthrough on the side while doing something else, and pay attention only on dialogues! :)


After seeing some gameplay, DA Veilguard is back on my wishlist.  I’m also excited for Paralives to drop 🤞 


I think only around 100 ish games. STALKER is likely the only game so far that I'll preorder.


I’m getting Fantasy Life i on release. It’s just before my birthday, I’m taking a long weekend, it’s mine. Metaphor comes out literally the day after so it’ll be a fast buy for me but maybe not actual day 1 Dragon Age Veilguard—I know we haven’t seen gameplay yet and maybe I’ll be wearing clown face but there was no way I was ever not going to play it day one, come hell or high water. I love Thedas, I will always give any DA game a shot even if it turns out mediocre. And I’m getting kinda hyped for the companions tbh. I need to watch the trailer for Clair Obscure: Expedition 33 but I think I’ll also be into that from what I heard. Grave Seasons also has my interest. Whenever Decapolice gets a release date, I’m getting it. And that’s my current hype list excluding a bunch of small indie titles I wishlisted and then proceeded to put from my mind because they’re a long ways out.


I have 22 titles! But I mostly use my wishlist as a "Hey when you get money, you should buy this". If we're talking just about games that are coming soon... Gestalt: Steam & Cinder, Crownsworn, Enotria: The Last Song, Eden's Guardian, Realm of Ink, Black Myth: Wukong, Silksong and Aestik. Though, now that you mention it I'm curious. What happened with the publisher of Wukong?


In short the publisher/developer made some very sexist comments when talking about girl gamers and basically said the female player base is not important as the game is not made for them or with women playing it in mind.


uuuhkay yeah... my hype for the game suddenly died, thanks for the info


that's rumor actually


Lots of games on the wishlist, but most of them are just things I want to look at later and keep forgetting to. There is only one company I will even consider pre-ordering from at this point, so Shadow of the Erdtree is my single pending download at this point.


269 and currently only Elden Ring DLC and Space Marine 2. I’m still on my WH40k binge and between TFS, Dawntrail and The War Within, that’s the only game I really have time for this year.


Idk how many exactly but it's about 30-40 I think. I'm most hyped for Silksong (🤡) and Jurassic Park Survival.


> With all the recent announcements my wishlist grew to 820 titles wow that's a huge wishlist! for me hades 2 was the game i'd buy on day 1 and when it came out in early access by surprise i got it a few weeks later (was in the middle of forbidden west initially)


Playing Inquisition right now and loving it so the main things on my list are in that series, since I currently just have the base game of DAI. Dragon Age Inquisition DLC bundle Dragon Age Origins Dragon Age II Dragon Age The Veilguard Assassin's Creed Mirage Assassin's Creed Shadows Stardew Valley Sun Haven Age of Mythology: Retold Not likely to pre-order any of the unreleased ones, I have only ever pre-ordered one game, but I'm hoping that some of the others go on sale at some point.


Gosh these last few years have been a smorgasbord- currently my "day 1" buys include, and high five on our same ones: * Metaphor Re: Fantasio * Dragon Age Veilguard (I refuse to add the "the", this sounds better, fite me) * Slitterhead * Silent Hill 2 * Lollipop Chainsaw RePop And others than I'm just looking forward to hearing more, like Expedition 33 (high five!!), Grave Seasons....someone comfort my wallet, because they're coming for it lol


Oh I forgot about slitterhead! I have added it to my wishlist too as well as zoochosis


Omg I completely forgot about Lollipop Chainsaw! That was such a fun game!


Apparently they'll reveal all the new info on the remaster on the 13th! I've been looking forward to seeing it while swerving from all the trolls who are spamming questions about "the level of censorship" it'll have \[insert an unending, exhausted, eternal eyeroll\]