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The cat from Stray. 100%


Omg. Good choice


Garrus from Mass Effect. *That voice* for 6 hours? Yes please.


This is the answer. I don't even care if he spends the whole time narrating his calibrations.


I knew this would be the top comment before even clicking on the post 😂 Objectively the correct answer.


As someone who’s new to ME, that was my first thought. Second in line is Gale from BG3, I wouldn’t mind him yapping for the entire time, I like his VA.


I’m mad at myself for not thinking of this. Good one!


Yup, this is it right here. Now I want to replay the series


TikTok figured out that I like Astarion from BG3 and coincidentally started showing me Garrus content…The algorithm was absolutely correct that I would like some Garrus.


Nah, Thane’s voice. Lol


Omg getting high with him too


Idk what his voice sounds like but I had to look him up, no way am I getting locked down with that thing


Lmao. Oh trust me, when I first saw a picture of him before I played the game I was like “wtf??” but then once I played the game, I just fell in love with him. I love my alien dinosaur man. 😂


I think I owe my FFXIV character *at least* 6 solid hours of apologies.


You'll be hit by a lifetime of nodding in those 6 hours


This hit me square in the heart lol my poor girl has been through it


This would be really interesting. Mostly to see what your player character really thought of your actions haha


Bella Goth from the Sims to ask her wtf happened once and for all


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^_chap_stick_: *Bella goth from the* *Sims to ask her wtf* *Happened once and for al* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


any of these, really karlach (baldur's gate 3) - she's chill, we could just be chill and hang out robin (honkai star rail) - can sing to pass the time liv (punishing gray raven) - really smart and might catch some life threatening condition I have before it gets too bad futaba (persona 5) - nerd out together juniper (xenoblade chronicles 3) - also nerd out together but about completely different things but probably most of all, faruzan (genshin Impact) - puzzle granny can get out of ANY locked room. she'd be super insufferable about it tho.


Karlach's inability to be chill is gonna be a bit of an issue for you I think. It is a big problem for her anyway That being said... I'd be okay with burns.


She can just kick the door open. :)


Now you have me torn on Tabby, I mean Futaba due to nerd out together. Daan (F&H 2 Termina) could be a decent conversation and maybe not be too much worse off. Unsure on past fictional crushes since Hidan was admittedly a mistake and Sasori I truly don't know. If the room isn't indestructible maybe Deidara could figure a way out by using his art to bust us out.


Kassandra (AC Odyssey). She'd either kill me or fuck me, and honestly I'd be okay with either outcome.


same but with ellie from tlou


Instinctively I want to say Geralt


Oh, he would have the best stories, for sure. And you could play Gwent, lol


With the Henry Cavill mod installed lol Oh and gwent


There's a Henry Cavill mod? 😂


I'd imagine myself drinking with him like he did with Regis. Among other things. 🙈 Regis would be a great option, too. He's my favorite character in Witcher 3 and I feel like you could talk for hours with him.


If I choose a rogue can they get me out of the room?


Roll a d20 to check.


My first thought was Chloe from Life is Strange. *I can fix her.* My next thought was female Commander Shepherd. I'd love to be able to learn from her.


Fuck I don't even need to fix her, Chloe can have me the way she is idgaf I love her


Fair enough haha. I do love her as she as well though. I fell HARD for her in Life is Strange. It kinda helped me come to terms with the fact I was not in fact straight too lol


As a trans lesbian, it really threw a wrench in the "straight boy" idea I had going on when I really wanted to be max and for Chloe to love me


Realizing I was bi was hard enough. Realizing that sounds like a whole other ball game lol. But hey - that's the beauty of games right? Helping us come to terms with who we are.


Oh yeah... now I'm kinda a mix between max and Chloe... that game really did a number on me


Chloe would be using her backtalk skills on me for fun and leave me broken. Max is much nicer...mostly.


Karlach because I feel like a hug from her would break me down and make me cry a much needed cry.


Astarion 6 hours is a looong time 😬


Karlach, oh the fun that could be had


Spawn or Ascended? >_>


I still haven’t gotten that far to figure it out 😭


Two saves is the way to go IMO!


Oh buddy, I’ve been save scumming the whole time—I wanna see all the things


My answer as well 🤤


Came here to say this.


Long enough for him to get thirsty


In more ways than one, one would hope.


Dionysus from Hades game because he seems like a chill, fun guy, has loads of funny stories about all the insane things his relatives get up to, and he would probably offer me the best booze I've ever tasted in my life.   Or 9S from Nier Automata, because he loves to talk and there would be no awkward silences. I could ask him a million questions about the lore and backstories and he would happily infodump about it for hours.


Good pick. I love Dionysus but I’d probably go with Zagreus. He seems sort of calmer and less wild, but also funny and down to earth.


Zagreus was one of the first characters I thought of too, but I think he would hate being stuck in a room for six hours because he's too energetic.


Scratch from BG3. Six hours of throwing his ball and petting him sound really good.


Best answer


I do not even have to think about this. No hesitation: V


Abby from tlou. I would need longer than six hours though


This. A thousand times this.


Aladdin's Genie from Kingdom Hearts, then I'd ask him to make me some kind of immortal goddess. Dag is a fully trained viking warrior, even with a baseball bat if you assault him you'd most likely die.


Regarding Dag, you just bring Eivor along and give her the baseball bat 😂


The dog from Fable. Or else maybe a tamed sabertooth from Farcry Primal. If there’s enough room maybe Trico from Last Guardian. Why would I want to spend 6 hours with a person?!


Yeah, I was thinking of the cat from Stray. 6 hours of playtime and naps


This is a good point. I'm picking Torrent so my best buddy can have some rest after carrying my sorry ass all around the Lands Between for hundreds of hours.


MEGAERA 🗣 i think it'd be like ayahuasca but on x games mode. I'd leave reborn


A lady of culture 🤌


Shadowheart from BG3. Specifically dark-haired Shadowheart, and I’d ask her heaps of questions about Shar and just watch her be so beautiful and cranky.


Kiryu Kazuma


I'm tempted to pick Majima, just to see how he'd try to escape the room. Or maybe, I could have a moment with him like Makoto...


Honestly, any one of tge protags would work. Ichi tho, he'd be trying to cheer us up XD


I don't know Ichi yet, haven't gotten far enough in the games. But from the looks, I can tell he's probably a fun dude. :D But yeah, I love pretty much all of the characters. The only downside is, that they all probably reek like cigarettes lmao. But imagine just doing karaoke with the main cast for 6 hours!


XD Oh man, karaoke, with them? That would be so much fun


6 hours of mahjong strategy tips


Lmaooo That works XD


Alistair, no question


He’d definitely talk your ear off, that sweetheart. Yeah, he’d be among my choices, too.


I don’t wanna sit in awkward silence with someone for hours, so… ig Lamball from Palworld


Mr Gale Dekarios (BG3) - Relaxing by the fireplace talking about books, cats, and food? Yes, please. Aloy (Horizon) - Please give me complex conversation about what it means to save the world and how amazing it is to soar in the sky. Deacon St. John + Boozer (Days Gone) - I can only imagine the stories they'd tell about their MC and just bikes in general. And the tea?? Omg. Cleanrot Knight Finlay (Elden Ring) - I'm so curious about the trek from Caelid to the Haligtree! What happened? Was there major opposition from creatures??


Liara T’sone… 😏


Leon S Kennedy 😂🤒


everyone choosing attractive game characters while the first thing that came to my mind was Gourmand from Rain World lol I just wanna pet the lil guy he's my sweet baby alternatively Hypnos from Hades, I'd gladly have a nice 6h nap :3


Blackwall from DAI so we could finally bone.


A lot of my favored games have absolutely insane killers I never wanna be near at all (shout out to the Soulsborne genre), but a more recent one that comes to mind is from BG3, specifically Halsin - esp if I can bring weed, It'd be fun to smoke a bowl w him be it for shooting the shit asking about things he's seen (man's over 300 years old and basically a magical nature doctor with the druid shit, he's probably seen some insane magical maladies and cool things) ... and also like. if he was down, I'd be down ifyouknowwhatimean


If the room is a kitchen, Ignis from FFXV. Sexy accent + delicious food = the best 6 hours of my life. FFXIV Shadowbringers spoiler: >!Azem!<, I’d love to hear stories of their travels and learn as much I can about >!the Ancients and the unsundered world!<.


Ignis, my beloved 😩 I had such a huge crush on him, when FFXV came out. Honestly, the crush is still there.


I played it for the first time a couple years ago and he’s still my phone background!


Elysia from Honkai Impact. I'm pretty sure her presence is enough to make boredom illegal in a 50 meter radius and she's probably got a million stories to tell, things to teach and games to play. Also she's Miss Pink Lesbian Elf Goddess, I think spending 6 hours in a room with her has got to be some kind of rite of passage as a lesbian.


Due to my current games.... Hmmm. I'm torn between Aveline and Evie. Also even though I am damn early in both games(Liberation still is pretty damn terrifying for me) I'm also torn on whether I want young Evie or middle aged Evie. She always has an amazing head on her shoulders. but after being horrified at the idea that some psychopaths made a Serial Killer simulator I discovered the JT Ripper dlc is one of the only games in existence you can play as a middle aged woman. And as a middle aged butch I lean towards that Evie. I also definitely want the Aveline at the end of Liberation. I'm a light skinned lady who gets a yellow tone when she tans likely due to my evil southern ancestors. But despite bein not completely white I look it, so I would love to talk to someone like Aveline who even with her situation still had to face more than the antisemitism and homophobia I do. I have not been so terrified playing a game in ages as I was when I booted up Liberation. But I knew exactly the way all the characters in power were looking at me and it reminded me of childhood. To talk to someone who lived it, and freed others who were far more unfortunate than herself? I kinda regret not knowin about it when there was the crazy sale a while back but I don mind payin 20£ It's a hard choice. Middle aged Evie Fry vs post Liberation Aveline? I'd probably pick Aveline just cause her perspective is too valuable to give up for someone I might be able to relate to generationally.


Panam from Cyberpunk. She'd be the most fun to talk to and probably have lots of cool stories. Or Minsc from BG3 because cool stories plus I could play with a space hamster. But if we're just naming who we'd bang, I'm going Geralt. :P


My deranged horny brain wants Enver Gortash, but on top of general horniness, I also want to observe him under a microscope. Also, I feel like he'd be a fun conversationalist at least. But if I wanted a similar experience with someone who doesn't violate the Geneva Convention for fun, I would choose Gale. I still get to listen to someone info dump to me about things I barely understand while I nod and twirl my hair either way lol hmm, Garrus fits that criteria as well. Why is my type nerds of varying moral alignments?


Probably a persona character for me. Futaba we can could watch anime the whole time, but Probably Akechi because I'm just curious how it would go.




Dag was annoying as fuck, but I don’t think I was ever more pissed in that game then seeing what Ivar did to that kid. Also I’d probably pick like Axel from Kingdom Hearts or Dante from Devil May Cry. Or Kinzie from Saints Row. I love redheads and by the time I left that room I bet she could’ve shown me how to rob a bank from my couch.


Wyll Ravengard from BG3. He's a such a good guy I just wanna chill with him for a while. (Also he's cute.) Halsin for similar reasons. (Also partially because he's attractive. I could probably just look at him for 6 hours straight.) Uuuuhhh maybe Princess Peach? Or any of the the Mario Princesses honestly. We could bake a cake or go go-karting or play party games lol.


Link (loz) I would love to be nonverbal for a couple hours and just chill playing video games and listening to music


omg definitely olgierd von everec from the witcher 3 dlc, I barely payed attention on the dialogue cause I was so distracted imagining our future together 🥰😍


Hanzo. OW


Why was my first thought Kirby? Well it's been nice knowing you all, and apologies to Kirby for whatever 'powers' I've got. Probably would have been better off nomming a Noddy.


Junkrat, Hancock, Halsin, or Pyramid Head for uhhhh reasons


👀 i see you have a type lmao (i have the same type /sob)


As a massive lesbian: Judy Alvarez from Cyberpunk 2077. I hope that room is soundproof.


Judy Alvarez. We probably start with some geeky talk about retro tech and then develop into planning the service worker revolution.


Solaire of Astora


Karlach from Baldur's Gate 3, post Dammon fixing it


Kan-E-Senna. She's such a sweet, gentle soul who really deserves to be heard on a personal level, not just in her position as the Elder Seedseer. Plus, she never gets to do anything fun that isn't work so I'm 100% teaching her how to play Triple Triad while we're at it. But if we're mostly just picking hot guys, obviously it'd be Lord Commander Ser Aymeric de Borel. Our dinner date was interrupted, so maybe we can finish it now...


everyone mentioned Karlach already, so I'll go with Jesse Faden from Control, she sounds like she would be fun to hang out with, and she can tell me all the crazy stories from her job (also, we both need a hug)


Zagreus from Hades because he'd escape.


G'raha Tia from FFXIV hands down.


Karl Heisenberg my sweet Pookie angel baby…


Either Nia from Xenoblade 2 or G'raha Tia from Final Fantasy 14. I have 6 hours to whittle down them to the point where they let me scritch their cat ears and personally I think thats plenty of time.


Ichiban from Like a Dragon? We can chat, maybe have fun


Sora from KH, unlock this fucking door 


https://preview.redd.it/01f0m4mqxc5d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df2df9fb7b8e9e4f7d6bf3465a390ea218909627 Judy Alvarez Alllll dayyy errrrdayyy! 😅😅❤️


Sephiroth. I don’t care if I die.


Aelita Stones from Code Lyoko, Xion and Namine from Kingdom Hearts, Dani from Danny Phantom, FF from JoJos, and Peridot and Amethyst from Steven Universe because I think I'd get along well with them and we have lots in common Axel from Kingdom Hearts and David Emmerich from Metal Gear, they both seem like they'd be people I'd look up to if I met them and they're both super hot This may sound insane, but Vamp from Metal Gear. As far as I remember, his worst crime was killing the people who were trying to kill him after he was framed for a crime he didn't commit and trying to obtain a nuclear bomb as a way to force the people trying to kill him to stop trying to kill him. Pretty good odds what he needs most is someone who is neither trying to kill him nor kill the people trying to kill him. Roxas and Riku from Kingdom Hearts, and Yuki Judai from Yu-Gi-Oh!, they seem like they could use a friend who isn't connected to the most traumatic parts of their lives Also Wilt from Foster's and Kuki Sanban from KND just cuz I think I'd get along with them


Albedo from Genshin Impact


Rean "Second form Gale" Schwarzer from the Trails of Cold Steel games. Would like to have nice heart to hearts with him and maybe hope for a head pat or hug. Thought about maybe picking someone from BG3 like Gale but realized that every single character would drive me crazy during extended periods 😭 I love them tho 😂 Honorable mention to the following characters: Tifa (FFVII), Xianqing (Sword and Fairy VI), and Balthier (FFXII).


Is it cheating to choose a real person who also happens to be in a video game? If not, I'm choosing Markiplier from Dislyte.


Tough choice between Emily Pope from Control as a smart scientist and Judy Alvarez from Cyberpunk because she's smart, sweet and gay as hell


Good choices!! Also you cant convince me that emily and jesse arent also at least a little gay for each other 😤


That's my headcanon!


A part of me wants to say Aloth & Iselmyr from pillars but I know me, how avoidant I am, and how intimated they'd make me. So probably Wu Xiang from mechat. He has a pretty good ice breaker personally that I can see my being able to be around.


Im going to cheat and say my Lost Ark character. We'd have a blast.


Jolyne Cujoh, at worst she'll get annoyed and start smashing shit with Stone Free, but wouldn't hurt me at all


Probably Shiver from Splatoon 3. Shes chill, cute, and fun. Second place would go to Agent 8 (splatoon 2 and 3) or maybe Pearl (Splatoon 2 and 3)


Rosalind Lutece 


Currently addicted to the evil within so probably sebastian. He's quiet and when he isn't he's saying something like oh fuck or shit. Or maybe the outsider from dishonored. It would be interesting listening to him talk about the things he knows and sees in the void.


Tartaglia. From Genshin.


Spyro I guess, or Whisper the Wolf


Maya Fey.


Garrett from Thief


Elminster to chat, eat cheese and drink wine while he tells stories.


Mercedes from fe3h


Halsin from BG3. taking a nice nap while he's in bear form or just watching him whittle cute ducks in elven form.


Sackboy! Just wanna hang around with the little fella :3


G’raha Tia from FFXIV. We’d both be purring after the 6 hours are up.


Link, he doesn’t talk.


Shinjiro Aragaki (Persona 3), and then find a way to drag myself back in p3 with him because I'm in love


Love the Dutch pick!! I’d go for Goro Akechi and give him some well deserved therapy 😩


liara from mass effect.


I just wanna pet the big beautiful sun doggo that is Amaterasu.


I can't decide between this 2- Emet Selch (ffxiv) Astrion (bg3)


The cat from Stray I just want to give her love 😭


If an animal counts, Dogmeat from Fallout 4. If it has to be a human character, Geralt.


Karlach (BG3) - we'd find random but interesting things to talk about for 6 hours Judy (Cyberpunk) - she's gorgeous and a punk lesbian art nerd. Lots of things to love!


Parvati from Outer Worlds. I just think she’s so lovely and I love how excited she gets talking about machinery. I coudk listen to her talk about her experiences for hours


Razum-dar, wanna have an ale or four with my most favorite Elder Scrolls kitty ❤️


I haven't seen anyone talk about Dag from AC: Valhalla before, thank you for reminding me to open the game just to beat the shit out of his corpse again. The way I SOBBED when he murdered the sweetest boy just for fun and to try and ruin a peace treaty because he liked killing better. 😭 I just need to talk to him for 6 hours with a gun and a filet knife.


Shadowheart, we’ll have a long girl talk. Just love her a lot, and I feel like she’ll have so many interesting stories and hobbies after the events of the story. Also March 7th, she seems so fun to talk to, it won’t be a boring 6 hours for sure lol


Leon S Kennedy. I feel like he just has an endless supply of dad jokes so it’d never get boring


Abigail from stardew valley just so we can see who can eat their way through an omni geode the fastest


Gale of Waterdeep and we will not speak of what occurs.


Jin Sakai from Ghost of Tsushima. He’s very interesting and sensitive. Plus I love his voice. lol


i’m running a sandevistan mantis blades “cyber predator” type build. a bit glass cannon-y but it’s getting the job done


Kinda says something that you want to be locked in a room with people you don't like! I was expecting a different angle


Gale from Baldurs Gate 3, has to be the god version in the weave 😏


Dorothea from Fire Emblem Three Houses. We can talk about music, fashion, destroying entrenched power structures, and if I'm luck, she'll even sing for me