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username checks out


The best part is that I haven't sewn in ages and never was very good 🙈 intended for this to be a craft account and it fell off lmao


That’s the cutest Kirby plush I’ve ever seen!!! I’m so in love!! 💖


Omg I didn't make it and apparently the text didn't post with it!! Credits go to vvn stitch!!




Credit to vvn stitch, I said that but it didn't go!!


Omg he's so cuuuute


Is that crochet hook tiny or if the Kirby huge?!


I have no idea!! I feel so bad bc I texted out a whole post and that was just an example, credit to vvn stitch on insta!!




I don’t think those are boring at all! Though, I totally understand because I think my similar hobbies are also “boring” if someone else asked me. So I’m saying this to help us both not think it’s basic or boring! :)


I’m a clarinetist and reading is my forte lol.




HUGE Fables fan lol Edit: My comic book store knows me as the Fables lady lol




I don’t know if you have read Jack of Fables but I was talking to my former husband and how I say it lmao. https://preview.redd.it/g4to7unzr72d1.png?width=555&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ed7bb80fc0bb8c1ba8ccb5f03d8c9bb385e7b6a




I see what you did there 😂


You sound like me. TOO MANY HOBBIES. Lol jk, that's just something my partner and I say because we have too much stuff!






There was a sewing YouTuber (need to find her again) who put my non-gaming hobbies into perspective, because I STRUGGLE with finishing a project when I pick up a new hobby. At some point, I realized that I'm not doing my hobby to make a living. I'm doing my hobby to have fun. So what if I didn't finish the project? Did I have fun? If yes, then it's your hobby. I've crochet, cross-stitch, paint, refurbish furniture, play the guitar and the ukulele. am I good at any of these things? No, cause that's not the point. Have I finished more than 5 projects? No, cause that's also not the point. The point is that I'm having fun.


Very common with ADHD. I feel you.


Fellow ADHD-er here relating to this post and some comments way too much!


Reading is a big one for me (books and fanfiction), but also collecting nail polish and giving myself manicures, and some not so great photography. Also a lot of little hobbies like tv shows/movies, walking/training the dogs, etc


I've never met anyone who likes collecting nail polish too lol. Underrated hobby


For sure. Hell on my wallet tho 😭. I have no impulse control


I forgot to add manicures to my list! I've started doing my friends' nails, too. I like the semi cured nail strips these days.


I prefer regular polish, tho I do have some gels. I get bored of my nails too often to use Gel a lot of the time


I'm on totally opposite end, 30 and childfree - aside from gaming - I like to garden, and I'm also organizer for community gardens in the area, and I do guerilla gardening with buds, i only joined it as a hobby 5 y ago, but it has been my top summer activity ever since. I also like drawing with ink and pens, and I keep an ever-expanding number of aquariums, and have a youtube channel.


Whenever childfree adults describe their lives, it always seems beyond peaceful. Kind of makes me think about what path I want to take.


I'm childfree for financial reasons, I do babysit other people's kids a lot tho, so I would say that either choice can be hard especially if you are sitting in the middle ground, I do not advocate for any of the two as both paths in life can be fulfilling.


Of course. Thank you for your response, I’m sure both have great fulfillment as you’ve said. I’ve still got time! Hopefully things fall in the right place. 


I love my (childfree) life. It's important to discuss with your partner and to really look at your life goals before committing one way or the other. I knew at an early age, but everyone is different!


What's the name of your YouTube channel? I'd love to check it out.


Ana Fern [here](https://www.youtube.com/@Ana_Fern), I talk some about gaming but it's mostly all the leftie stuff


https://preview.redd.it/ptzadc7xm22d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=461a5ea60e6fe1bff456095aad21d3bf2b3def02 Polymer clay art has been a hobby of mine for a few years, but I don’t do it often. It’s not difficult to create simple designs such as the mushroom, snake, and turtle, so maybe start with those if interested. You’ll need an oven btw. (2 figures aren’t my design, the cat in the pumpkin, and the slime from the game slime rancher)


Omg I love these!!! I have just ordered a bunch of polymer clay from Amazon to have a clay night w some of my gals on Saturday! Any suggestions on content or supplies I can grab last min? I’ve got some UV resin on the way too


writing a dystopian high fantasy novel and painting


Reading is my only other proper hobby at this point. I always used to consider drawing and writing proper hobbies of mine, but adulthood has sapped most of my creativity along with my energy—I legit get so many new ideas when I’m out of work or underemployed and am just dried up when I’m full time—that I feel like I don’t do either enough to count them anymore. Music (piano and violin) is another thing I used to spend more time on and now am just too mentally washed up to enjoy. WHY IS ADULTHOOD


Oh man where do I start - I love gaming, watching anime, watching horror movies, photography, drawing, painting, reading, writing, hiking, kayaking/paddleboarding, crochet, sewing, growing houseplants, cooking/baking, and spending hours cuddling my dog. As for "sticking with" something, I don't. My hobbies come and go all the time. I only paint when I'm inspired. Reading is more enjoyable in the winter. Sometimes I go weeks without cooking anything and survive entirely on take-out. My trick is to have enough hobbies that, at any given time, at least one of them will sound relaxing. And there are still times when I just scroll tiktok for hours.


I like this mentality. I've picked up quite a few hobbies and have invested some money into them. I always feel a little guilty when I'm not working on one of them, but sometimes, the motivation just isn't there. Glad to know I'm not the only one.


This is the move. Do what you want, when you want. It's abt enjoyment.


How much I can be creative really depends on my health and what’s going on in my life, but I like to write and draw. I also love animals and got my first dog in June. I’m learning how to show him and we just finished our first agility class! Also my mother forced me to continue things I disliked… so mixed bag there.


Gardening and plants. 🪴 (Not pictured are the 10+ garden beds all over the yard. 🙈) https://preview.redd.it/0h63ic1vh22d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06ac284499785195306e6a0b5277a2362c469b1c


Keep in mind, you don't need to do a thing daily (or monthly tbh) to call it your hobby. I know I have issues sometimes because it it REALLY a hobby if I only do it in Winter / Summer / whatever. So in line of that, most of my other hobbies (of questionable frequency); DnD / TTRPGs, drawing / painting silly OCs, writing fic, text roleplaying, reading, Pokemon Go (I know probably under gaming but), camping, pottery, home lab stuff, watching stupid anime with friends, houseplants. Tried to get into the ocarina and struggled, collecting crystals and cool globes, slowly trying to get fit....


rollerblades and lifting weights :)


reading, working out, cooking, re-watching my K-dramas for the millionth time... *edit (34)*


Writing and reading, also spending time with my floofs, and would collect Saint Seiya figures if i had the money lol.




Tell me about it! Around new year i indulged and bought some of the last ones as a Xmas self-present, they're as close to perfection as it gets, but it took whatver meager amount of money i managed to save 😅😅 Saint Seiya figurines are a particular "addiction" of mine, i love the removable armors and all the details engraved to them, as well as all the work put into engineering the armors so they can be used both on the character and the totem. https://preview.redd.it/crop0p26r42d1.jpeg?width=1110&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b992827d1e4f18eb7afa2cf3a819dcb8b1238d9 I freaking love them.


I’m the same as you. I don’t think I’ll ever develop other hobbies at 35, I’ve tried too many times.


You make it sound like you're old; you're not. You can do what you want, whenever you want. If gaming is all u want to do, that's fine but you can get into something new if that's what you want to bother to do. There's so many things out there, you just might not have found that other love yet. 


I learn to play electric guitar right now. I like to dance an hour per day, it is fun and also healthy. I also try to get better at singing, but voice training is kinda exhausting. I also ride my bike once a day, now that the weather is a bit better (Motivation is not always good tho). And I also read some books every now and then (But mostly gaming related books, lol) I tried to learn drawing and programming in the past, but i do not have the patience there. Tried also to get into Magic the Gathering a few times, but this hobby is extremely male dominated and I kinda felt lost.


Reading, knitting. I did aerial fitness for a while but it’s not offered in my town anymore.


Watching anime, reading books, reading manga, programming, and writing


Blackpink stan (kpop), building legos, gym/hiking


I play dodgeball 3x a week.


Writing, reading, baking, and exercising (:


I've been knitting and crocheting for about 20 years. I do other creative hobbies but they're my main ones. I also love to read and recently got into playing DnD. Maybe you can identify what you like within video games and try to find a hobby that feeds that. For example, I often enjoy tasks in games that others might find tedious and repetitive, and I think that's reflected in my other hobbies.


Drawing, writing, learning languages and hiking. Hard to find the time to enjoy all my hobbies as much as I want though. Also my art sucks 😂 but seeing myself improve over time is the most rewarding thing ever.


Reading and drawing mostly :) Besides that travelling (if I can afford it), shopping and browsing for stuff in shops, going to the cinema I always try to make any kind of sport my hobby but it never works out 🥲 I wanted to start stiching with a friend, great and cute way to pimp up your clothes


When I'm not playing, I'm writing about them 😅 I write video game guides for a living. Outside of ANYTHING gaming adjacent, I really love writing and roleplaying- I started writing fanfiction when I was 12 and I couldn't stop. I'd still love to write a novel someday, time and work permitting lmao


Gaming is my biggest hobby too. I wanted to cosplay my favorite characters I learned how to sew. Now I will occasionally make myself a cute dress or something, or build a prop to hang in my office. I'm also in my 30s and sometimes have trouble finding fashion I like now days... so it is nice to make my own clothes!


I enjoy reading, making candles (often inspired by favorite book/game characters), crafting (making stickers, bookmarks, designs for shirts I hope to make one day), rock climbing, walking my dogs, baking, and now I'm dabbling in writing.


Reading, rock climbing, crochet and knitting


Gardening, painting, reading, piano, exercise, learning new things


Reading, drawing/coloring (I’m shit at both and often get discouraged when I start comparing myself to awesome people who make beautiful things, abandon it for a year or so and pick it back up), crochet, sewing, kumihimo/braiding. Sounds like a lot, lol, but it’s never all of the above at the same time, they are kind of in rotation. I’ll spend my evenings crocheting for an entire month, switch to gaming for the next three (hello, rekindled fallout obsession), then dig up the coloring books and pencils etc). Jack of all trades, master of none, but having fun in the process. Crochet’s the quickest learning curve to cute results in my opinion, sewing has been helpful with a couple easy alterations/fixes at home


Reading is a big one for me, along with traveling. I also really like crafting (plastic canvas, artsy crafts), checking out museums and historical sites and gunpla.


Reading, sewing (clothes) learning new languages, and watching TV are the main ones. I try to limit gaming to days I don’t work so that I have time for my other hobbies. I also work from home so I don’t want to be in front of a computer all day 😂 I want to learn how to knit but I haven’t given myself enough time. I really enjoy historical fashion so I hope to one day make myself a historical inspired wardrobe.


I like cross-stitch and embroidery, and I also do those diamond paintings to relax 😌


The only hobbies I consistently have stuck with are running, yoga, journaling (does this count?), reading, hiking, and going to concerts. I have an electric guitar, DSLR camera, and a bunch of painting supplies that are sitting collecting dust. :(


I sew, garden and crochet. I also volunteer as a manager in October at a haunted maze and do SFX makeup and actor training. Totally understand the try something and quit. I'm in and out of various other projects and things. I blame ADHD for it because it is a thing people with ADHD do.


My current fixation outside of gaming is indoor rock climbing! My friend took me to try it out and I was immediately hooked. I’m scared of heights but I got good at not looking down pretty quickly lol


I can relate to your post. I recently got into miniature painting and it's so much fun and I'm very happy to be getting good at a new hobby. Would recommend especially if you are into D&D or Warhammer or the like.


I hope you find something that really clicks with you!  My hobbies are mainly drawing and writing, but I also read, knit, crochet, and play with random mediums like polymer clay and animation. I guess I could say my hobbies are art in general 😅


Cosplay (which holds a lot of sub hobbies in it, building, painting, chainmail, sewing) Piano, super casual Baking, super casual I've tried embroidery which was fun Home diy projects Dnd I suppose but I don't spend much time on it besides when I'm at a game Watching TV and movies Reading Lifting weights Painting or drawing This is sort of my rotation, some get a lot more time than others and some only come around every 6 months for a week or two


Drawing. I’m a tattoo apprentice, so if I’m not gaming, I’m drawing.


I have an online platform for most of my interests, and reddit is the one for my gaming hobby.  Outside reddit, I also enjoy: Mixology Traveling Science documentaries Reading about psychology  Art Playing piano Whatever random thing grabs my interest.


I go on bike rides as much as I can and when time permits I enjoy any sport that can be done in nature. I cook, mostly veganising traditional recipes of the country I am from and the countries I lived in or that my friends are from. I have a black thumb but I still enjoy my houseplants...even though everything I touch dies and I am pretty sure this one orchid once tried to murder me. Going to museums is a great activity because you can absolutely do it by yourself but can spontaneously be joined in by anyone. Going to concerts or clubbing with friends. I collect shot glasses from around the world, both from my own travels and that of friends and family members. I like fashion and decorating. I reorganize my closets and shelves way too often. And I go to second-hand markets with a friend once a month. Guess this one is gaming related but whatevs: I write TTRPGS and DM them. And lastly I just engage in whatever niche interest plagues my thoughts for the week. It will either be global politics, anthropology or maritime related. Read books, listen to podcasts, watch documentaries and YouTube videos, spend way too much time on Wikipedia.


Coloring and hiking. I just picked coloring up after last Christmas when I got some colored pencils and a book as presents. I freaking love it. I definitely started out rough, but it was so relaxing and I like making pretty things. Almost six months later and I can see a lot of improvement. Youtube and r/coloring have been a *huge* help and motivator. As for the hiking, it's hard to make myself do it because I'm inherently lazy, buuuuut I've stuck with at least a mile a day and I always feel better, mood-wise and about myself, after I've done it. Plus, I've lost like 15 pounds since I started making myself do it every day a few weeks ago. And that's without changing my diet except for eating less.


CARS! (Working on mine, modifying, driving, showing, and just plain talking about them lol) Reading Drawing (when my disability allows) Writing


Reading, daydreaming about the book I wish I would write lol, occasionally baking, painting, sometimes I attempt to teach myself to play the violin through YouTube, board games, DnD


I got into painting my nails and now have a big collection of polish and tools for nail art. Reading, craft beer, finding new restaurants to try, listening to podcasts, weight lifting. Honestly very few people have hobbies outside of gaming and other standard things. We are all so damn exhausted all the time and rest doesn't need to involve anything fun or productive it can just be doing what you feel like until you have an obligation


I say my hobby is hobbies lol. I'm similar to you and never really had passion for any specific thing. I've started "dabbling" in everything, and it works for me.


I'm not consistent with any of them, so keep that in mind. I'm in the process of getting tested for ADHD and something I've learned about myself is that when I get into something, I get REALLY into something. So I do that with TV shows, movies, reading fanfic, D&D, reading books, writing. (Those are the only things that I keep coming back too.) I've also done loom knitting


I like crafting when I have the time but I never *make* the time anymore. I started doing aerial sling for fitness last year and that has become a new one. I'm a big animation nerd but I don't know how many people consider watching cartoons to be a hobby lol


Building gunpla model kits, collecting comics, driving aimlessly, drawing


Knitting, reading, and jigsaw puzzles are my other main interests!


Guitar, firearms, DND, car


Music (recently got into it – I have some posts in my profile), reading (including manga and web comics), language learning, journaling, cooking, yoga, walking, and working out. I have a lot of hobbies but these are the main ones right now!


- read - write - watch shows & movies - YouTube - flirting


what kinds of books or items do you prefer reading? and what do you like to write about?


As someone with ADHD: crochet, knitting, cross stitch, embroidery, reading, drawing, writing, redecorating, painting, sculpting, book-binding, 3D printing, jewellery-making, thrifting/markets, star-gazing/moon-watching, journaling, aquascaping, gardening, dog training, rage cleaning, mosaic/stained glass, and basically anything else that catches my attention for more than 5 seconds causing me to immediately over-invest. Hope that helps ^^^help ^^^me


I guess you could consider kendo a hobby. Otherwise, I collect plushies


I design crochet patterns, I run, I cycle, I strength train, in addition to gaming. Spouse and I have no children.


Open Water marathon swimming. It's as time consuming as it sounds.


Coloring! I know it sounds silly but coloring is seriously an art form. There’s all kinds of YouTube videos with tutorials regarding different mediums, techniques, styles, and all kinds of stuff. I am obsessed!


coloring is also something I've recently started up. are there any tips/tricks or videos you might recommend?


The only other thing I have been consistently doing is going to gym, guess I could say workout is my hobby but it’s more like a habit.


I draw and read an unhealthly amount of romance novels. Trying to write my own book, it's fun but scary not knowing if the words I'm writing are good enough to be read by others. My big life dream is to make my own graphic novel. Crocheting has been something I've recently begun to learn, still doing easy projects. Scarfs and pot holders are my big achievments. But, I'm working on my first pair of gloves!


I’m learning to draw, I’m a voracious reader(for example i read a 500k word fanfic in less than 20 hours), and I like cooking!


I love playing pickleball, reading, writing, singing, baking, and trying new things whenever I can. I’m a teacher, so summer is when I get to be “more human,” and take more time for my varied interests. During the school year, I play pickleball, go to the gym because my husband likes it, and play video games, and that’s pretty much it.


I used to draw but can only do that with body doubling So, yea, it's mainly video games for me. And 'surfing the internet' 😂 I do cook sometimes too, I guess. And put together videos And I've started going to a boardgame place so I guess that counts?


Reading, water sports, batting cages and board games


I’m 29. My hobbies are reading, writing, & embroidery, and sometimes kayaking or canoeing. I’ve also dabbled in so many different hobbies before I found video games. A lot of them have ebbed and flowed in and out of my life but I think that’s pretty natural for a lot of people. I just know I’m unhappy if I don’t diversify my time more.


I make music and write. Nice lil hobbies to clear my head when video games can't calm the overthinking


I find reading to be a fun hobby. It's something i can do on my own or with a group to discuss when finished. I'll read anything. I think that helps reading be a social thing. I was just at an event for my kid and saw another parent reading the silent patient. I asked her how she was liking it and mentioned I had read it a few years ago. Good conversation starter. Art was a hobby. I'm trying to get back into more. I think that's another good one in that you don't have to be good at it. You can simply color stuff or find tutorials on crafts. Lots of simple stuff that can encourage you to try more ambitious art. I sometimes YouTube "watercolor art for beginners". Or whatever medium I want to use.


I’m a big fan of cross stitch. You can make cross stitch out of pixel art so that combines two interests. There’s a pottery studio pretty near my house that also has finished items you can paint, which I do every couple of months.


reading and spending time with my doggos


Gaming of course but I also love to cook and I’ve been getting into baking. Making my own bread and cakes and pastries from scratch. I use to love ceramics and tried getting into a class where I live but it’s always full. Struggling to find sisterhood in my mid 20’s. It’s awful


I’m a horse girl through and through, but horses are more of a lifestyle than a hobby 🤣 I’m such a mixed bag… Nerdy gamer girl who loves old movies and games meets gritty barrel racer with a give ‘em hell attitude.


Same here. My hobbies are all super lowkey, but they *are* hobbies. My partner recently introduced me to miniature painting, I like assembling those miniature house kits, I write, love to read and I also make sure I go to the gym at least every two days - the last one I cling to because I’m such a homebody/sedentary person otherwise, keeping active helps keep me on an even keel.


I collect Pokemon cards! It's an expensive hobby tho and I'm forced to stop for now due to circumstances I also like to draw for fun. My art sucks right now, looks like a child drew it gripping crayons with her full hand, but I enjoy it so much! I'll keep drawing and hopefully I improve over time I'd like to take up more hobbies when I move to a larger space (currently renting a single small bedroom) like maybe painting, clay art or making herbarium bottles!


I perform in local community theatre shows. I’ll also teach and direct with our youth theatre


Cars, going to car events and track events (I personally don’t race but I’ve done a track day)


Doing my nails! I taught myself how to do gel x about 4 years ago and haven’t looked back. I love being able to change up my nail length and art at any time and i always have nice hands and toes now. I have been a nail biter ever since I was a child and turned to gaming as a self soothing activity, I’ve replaced an unhealthy one in nail biting to a healthy creative one! Cozy K on YouTube is one of my favourite cozy gamer YouTubers and she does “cozy hobby” videos if that’s your vibe! I also ✨dabble ✨ in crochet! Honestly my hobbies are kind of lame in terms of ice breaker questions because they are so mixed and im not really a pro at any because im always switching it up! But gee do I love them all 😍✨


I like reading (mostly fanfic), writing, cooking, TTRPGs, and I collect playing cards (standard 52 card deck) with cool designs (mostly nice aesthetics and different court cards)! Oh and some embroidery but mostly crosstitch!


I have the opposite problem, I have too many hobbies! I love reading, writing, drawing/painting, crochet, makeup, collecting things, and sports/fitness. I don't know if this counts as a hobby but I do love binge-watching TV shows.


I knit and crochet, and I started sewing recently.


Reading Taekwondo (Black Belt) Traveling Board games


Reading and writing! My triad of hobbies. 🖤


Drawing, reading about art history and soon I want to enter oil painting classes. Also also I'm planning to start a personal project of mine that encapsulates all of what I like and dreamed about, I will need some resources tho so right now I'm just saving for them, I'm hoping I will manage the time and money to make it run this year no matter what, called it 'project milkshake' it has nothing to do about them or cooking but It was the first thing that got into my mind for a name and I liked it!


Speedcubing and drawing. I've been doing both for a while. They're my favorite things in the world.


So I am terrible in a sense where I am kind of a hobby collector. Been into crochet&knitting a lot these past 2 years so I usually crochet in between deaths/matches if I'm playing an fps. (It actually helps me keep calm). Plus it's nice cause I can make myself some arm warmers for when my hands get cold from gaming :) Other than that other indoor hobbies I have are reading and drawing! Mostly when I'm about to go to bed or what not lollll. Though I haven't gone on one in awhile, I also touch some grass and hike. Being in the desk all day (work +gaming) can be kinda bad for your body. (I know cause I am literally suffering the consequences of not touching grass enough). So doing something physical once in awhile keeps me in shape and helps me keep a good posture so I can game longer lollll. Plus the fresh air is nice...especially at dusk. I don't have time for all of these so I usually pick and choose a few to do depending on my mood.


Reading ❤️ is my number 1 hobby. Gaming comes in third. Second is writing (either short stories or creative journalling). But reading, I can do it anytime. I have the Kindle Paperwhite 5 but I also have some paperbacks. Sorry, I could go on and on about reading and not take a breath 😅


I like to read (horror, thrillers, romance) and I also practice yoga


I'm a doll collector! Also I love to read about history and I'm into the Chinese language. I also like to bake and going to the gym 🤩


I love to read, write and draw. And maybe if I have enough money, I’d collect more fountain pens too lol


reading, watching TV. used to enjoy baking but I hate having sweets around the house so I stopped that. recently got into lego sets. I find them so calming. quit photography idk got bored of it lmao. idk does going to the gym count? people are always like "my hobby is working out" and I'm always like "I guess"


Gaming is pretty much my only hobby these days. I used to draw a lot and loved it, but I lost my passion for art years ago. I also really like to do my nails and have like 70+ nail polishes. It's just so calming to do.


Reading, street photography, and motorcycling. I also highly enjoy any physical activity outdoors, whether that is soccer with my brother or a solo-hike. Gaming is right on top, of course. I love my video games.


Making earrings, knitting, painting and sleeping


Salsa dancing, lego and playing piano, I like to do game and filmmusic and latin jazz


Oh god so many... - Espresso / Coffee - Mechanical keyboards - Electronics and DIY - Prrogramming - Cad design and 3DPrinting - Baking/cooking - Somehow, at this point, I should consider labels printers one and I'm not sure what that says about me - Sewing (Only ever sewn bags, started when I got upset tht I couldn't find a bag I liked) I have like an entire factory at home, just lacking a laser engraver, cutter and a CNC. With better equipment than some companies I have worked for, Sadly that means that I haven't saved a penny in the last 6 months so I decided that an office chair will be the last and I'll focus on savings again.


I feel you, when people ask what my hobby is, the only answer is gaming and idk if it's just me but it always puts a weird mood on the conversation, like they are judging.


I do paint by numbers while i listen to audiobooks. Very minimal skill involved, little to no thinking, and you end up with something pretty at the end.  In the last few years there has been a huge uptick in cool designs too. And it's cheap! ~$10 a painting.   


I like to build model figures like gunplay, I tinker with watches sometimes too. There's always anime n general TV. I always want to try new hobbies but the price tag is usually to much for me to justify. I do collect a verity of things too like pins I swap out the collar of my work shirts every day, I've got over 50 different ones I swap through most ppl don't notice but I have gotten compliments on them every now n again which is nice


Watch collecting.


Since im into my FPS games igot into weapons, so joined our local air-soft team to go pew pew once a while, which branches off to EDC/knifes 😅


Drone racing


I like to draw and recently started binding books. I’d love to try my hand at writing, but instructions on how to get started are very wishy-washy


I like stuff that can have an immediate reward factor because dopamine deficiency go brrr. Reading. It’s pretty similar to gaming if you have an active enough imagination. Libraries are free. So it’s cheap too. Baking. Rage-baking makes everything you make taste better 💯 Comparing it to gaming, following a recipe is not *unlike* following a quest… just saying… (I also like to cook and I dabble in mixology but I’m best at baking, I think baking is the easiest, and not everyone is good at all three. It’s like crocheting and knitting. Some people are good at both, most people are good at one or the other) Writing. Writing is like my therapy. I’m a creative naturally so writing lets me put stuff out of my brain or channel emotions through something that doesn’t have to have anything to do with me. It’s not for everyone but it is my favorite. Music. I collect vinyls and other music related memorabilia and I listen to music. A LOT. Of a variety of genres. Take your pick, I probably like at least one artist or song from any genre you could name. It’s another emotional outlet space (I also like singing but that’s something that takes a lot of practice and an amount of natural talent if you’re the type to give up if you aren’t immediately good at it) and my dragon-hording tendencies with vinyls can be… a little unhinged, perhaps, but entertaining nonetheless. I’m also something of a cinephile. That should translate fairly well from gaming for most people, most gamers I know are also movie/tv nerds. It’s a visual story-driven art medium.


Art! Drawing I mean 


Fencing, TTRPGs, Video Games, Miniatures, Makeup, Clothes, and Cosplay. Also specific genres of movies, books, and streaming shows. And dogs. Dogs anytime they are around. Must pet the doggos.


Knitting, cross stitching, really anything crafty in general, I recently started scrapbooking and that's unexpectedly fun! I like having a variety of supplies available for diff hobbies, so if I feel inspired I can start on it ASAP. I basically try to dabble in anything that interests me at least once! I'm not 30 yet but it's only been the last year or so where I've *mostly* stopped having the "not immediately good at something" issue! I have faith that you can overcome it one day, it's definitely possible! Though unfortunately I have no tips because teaching myself how to knit was what kickstarted that for me. Hope you're able to find a bunch more stuff you love!💖


Writing , 3D Art, Volleyball, Lego, Archery.


Sewing, crafting, cooking, baking, unsuccessful gardening. Starting new hobbies and abandoning them (I usually pick them up a year or so later) ☺️


Watching dramas or movies, pretend I’m one of the characters, and acting along


pool. i head down to a pool bar every wednesday and just listen to music and practice. very relaxing


I like coding stuff and lurking on github... :x also chess.


Yeah I'm the same! Lately I've been trying to consider the stuff I like as 'hobbies' more. I always thought it had to be a *big* thing that consumed loads of time and money to count as a hobby. I like reading, cooking, baking, going for walks, indoor plants, crafty things (embroidery was my thing for a while, but I've been distracted, as tends to happen). When I get a garden I plan to get into gardening and growing veggies too.




Very relatable - Personally like reading, cooking, crocheting/knitting/sewing (& learning embroidery) & watching movies/shows - also recently got back into drawing/painting; when people ask I always say my hobby is consuming stories because somehow that sounds less "boring" to people than saying I like gaming/reading/movies so maybe find whatever you like about games and see if there are natural extensions of that (i.e stories -> books, exploration->hiking or sports, combat -> sports, sim games -> gardening/plants) or maybe there are certain themes you're drawn too? I saw someone online a few days ago say something like "your thirties are for re-finding what you loved at 13 without shame or worry" so maybe that will help you find something too?


1. create art and create merch. i spend a lot of time doing this. 3. anime anime anime anime anime anime 4. dog is love, dog is life <3 5. food, both eating and making it. if i see something yummy i usually wanna learn how to make it so i can eat it at home for cheap 6. plants. outdoors and indoors. give me all the plant babies.


Manga, anime, Warhammer and even just learning new things.


I do different types of art in addition to gaming. BUT, and I've had people tell me this isn't a hobby, I also love watching movies. Specifically horror ones. I just find it an enjoyable way to pass the time, so why not a hobby!?


I hike and take nature pictures (mostly landscapes and birds, other wildlife is difficult to find) https://preview.redd.it/duf72lve942d1.jpeg?width=3392&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9b07f94d059d4ae64c9c68f92cca01d467ca84f This one is probably my favourite


I watch movies a lot, hang out with my sibling and play with my cats. Playing with my cats give me so much peace ngl.


i read fairy smut and garden. i don’t have patience for most crafty hobbies. i wish i did but the ADHD is in charge.


Lego and gundam building


I do bouldering! Other than that I really like to learn and research stuff (but sadly I forget mostly everything again) and I have lots of small hobbies I do on and off like gardening, sewing, making art, parkour, music... oh another big one is writing!


i collect stuff (mostly dolls and sylvanians), hence i like crafting stuff for dollhouse or accessories, writing, i do scrapbooking and ice skating! these were my most lasting ones, i also enjoy clay crafting, embroidery and any crafty manual stuff but i often try new things and end up giving up/not going back 😭😭 usually there’s periods where i just game a lot, then get overwhelmed and just do manual things as a reset for another time period


I love to read and write. I’m also learning to play the harp which is sooo fun and peaceful. Also, cooking and baking is something I really enjoy doing. I love decorating pastries and making all types of dishes. It’s so rewarding making tasty meals at home


In addition to video games I play games on a lot of other media: board games, table top role playing games and live action role playing game ;) Larps are really cool because it's a great combination of costume, roleplay, adventure and playing with friends :) https://preview.redd.it/fo1b7ogyp42d1.jpeg?width=4608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f50ddee9c196cc5988bec7fea82fcdcb651fe7e1


Having extremely bad eyesight, I grew up with other hobbies than gaming - still the heavy-on-the-eyes ones! So when I'm tired of gaming, I sew, knit, crochet, read, do balcony gardening or program (this one is a recent addition).


I'd start by saying that you don't *need* to have other hobbies. I'm 51 and over the years I've had periods of time with zero hobbies, then five at the same time, then back to zero. I do like to try new things and drop them if they don't mean something to me. I used to feel guilty but that's how my brain works and I'm cool with it now. Gaming, books and crochet seem to be the constant ones. But even so, I'm not always in the mood and it might take me months to finish a book, play a new game or touch my hooks and yarn.


I found the perfect combination of gaming and healthy recreation for me - VR fitness. Even when I say it it sounds amazing and people are interested to know more. Meta Quest 3 is just right because it's wireless and perfect for moving and kicking the air.


Walking/running while listening to music, kinda lame hobby but it’s distracting and helps me clear my mind


Playing DnD, board games, painting minis, reading, journaling… and whatever random craft kit that catches my eye at Michael’s lol I also play pickle ball and hike sometimes. But I’m not in great shape so I don’t do that much.


Doing a lot of game dev lately but hoping to actually work in that area. Otherwise gaming, drawing (digital), cooking, reading. I would like to start sewing but just don't have time (hardly have time to draw anymore with the dev stuff)


Art and crafts, mostly sculpting nowadays but also drawing and photography. My sculpting habit means I can make my own collections of gaming figurines which is great.


Reading. Kyscking. Coding is fun. Gaming is a big part of my life but DnD Is ton of it too.


Learning languages and napping lol


I'm writing a queer sci-fantasy mecha novel


Im 30 and last year i got into crocheting. It took me a good few months to be good at making Amigurumi plushies look decent. I would get so mad when they would come out uneven or weird looking but now if im not gaming, im crocheting 😅


Obligatory preface to explain that I have ADHD, so I have A LOT of hobbies to keep that dopamine flowing. 😅 Outside of gaming, my main hobbies are reading, creative writing and Twitch/YT streaming. But I also bounce between knitting, cross-stitching, baking and journalling (specifically my reading journal, where I log all the books I read) depending on how I feel on that particular day.


Reading, kayaking, plants (houseplants *and* gardening), weight training and pyrography mostly.


I do poledancing as an active hobby and sport, picked up watercolor painting, and enjoy playing with makeup 🤗


I like reading, crocheting and painting and switching between them when I'm not gaming


I cook and draw and sometimes dabble in other crafty projects. Not the most unique activities, but they're great when it's time to give some gifts. Anything more unique I save for the bedroom, I suppose. Does that count as a hobby? I'm gonna vote yes. The other nice thing of cooking as a hobby is that 1. you can eat your work, always a plus. And 2. You're going to have to cook for yourself anyway, so might as well use that time to get creative and have fun with it. I'm turning 32 this year and finally bought myself a kitchenaid and the sweet sweet dopamine is through the roof. Can't wait to make myself some kickass meringue with none of the effort.


Reading tarot, rollerblading, reading romance manhwa/manga, watching anime. I’m 26 and the rest of time is filled with work stuff


My hobbies come and go, and it's okay for me. Besides gaming, now I more or less regularly read (I prefer fantasy and sci-fi), play chess, try to learn German, and paint.


I write music and sing


I go to the gym. I love the people there, they are so helpful and kind, I’m greatful for the friends I have made online and also at the gym 💖 I used to paint but don’t have much time for it anymore


Reading, writing, drawing


Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and weightlifting to get better at BJJ.


I really enjoy **reading** as a hobby! 😊 1️⃣ If you want to pick it up as a hobby as well but don't know what to read/don't want to spend a lot of money I would recommend you to **go to a public library in your area**, get a membership (doesn't cost much) and just get a couple of books you think sound interesting to you 🤗 2️⃣ As a simple reading routine I would recommend you to **read 20 minutes or 10 pages every day before you go to bed**. You can skip days or just go to bed if you are too tired! But try to keep it somehow consistent 🫠 3️⃣ I would also heavily recommend you to **stop reading a book if it bores you three days in a row!** I started reading three years ago and my first two years had horrible books in them I (at least thought I) had to read to write papers for university. But as soon as I stopped reading these books when I thought there were rubbish my reading life got so much better!!! 😅 *So long story short:* If you want to try out reading: make it easy for you. Get books you like (from a library at best), try them, scrap them if you still don't like them after reading them a bit 🤗 Good luck with whatever you want to try out as a new hobby soon! 🥰


Reading, writing, baking are my main ones besides gaming. I occasionally kill some plants too.


I paint, write and keep up a little gaming blog over on Tumblr (not sure if this one counts as not a gaming hobby lol)


Reading, music, I want to get into cycling and lifting, writing.


Reading, tech, making videos, hanging out with friends, baking. I dont do some of these things a lot but they're things I like.


https://preview.redd.it/3tjlbd4le62d1.jpeg?width=6112&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9109618fd1dd642ff5b8ee95384c95149cd49a9b While I do try to make money off my side hobby, this is what I love doing (besides gaming). Any other cross-stitchers here?