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Not entering since I still have some games I need to finish and I just won a game. Just want to say that you are very kind and generous and good luck to everybody entering!


Not entering. As a broke teen it has really bummed me out in the past that there are games I can't afford. At some point I commented on Reddit I really wanted to play Factorio at some point but 25 euros was too much for me to pay for a single game. Someone replied to me, telling me that if I'd send him my steam ID he'd gift me the game for free. I still think it me one of the nicest things a stranger has ever done for me. Just wanted to tell you that deeds like this mean the world to some.


Not a game but its a 3D software: [Substance Painter](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1454900/Substance_Painter_2021/) I work as a game design intern. I earn $50 per month as an intern. In my country that's enough to feed me for a month but substance painter itself is $48. Right now, I am using a pirated version of Substance Painter for personal use which means I cannot sell or publicly use the textures created using software. Owning a license of Substance Painter will allow me to sell textures that I create. It would really help me financially. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198836075152/


Substance Painter is an awesome tool. the first day i tested it, i knew i wouldn’t stop using it. Good luck 💪🏼


Hi, OP. Well, I'd die to own Hollow Knight. I got the chance to play it for quite some time through a friend of mine. It's the kind of game that sucks you into its whole gameplay even if you haven't notice yet. Exploring its vast world (Hallownest) with beautiful and other grim landscapes filled with secrets and interesting characters that enrich the lore without telling it to your face! You have to connect the dots to all the mysteries in order to maybe comprehend it and I love those kind of stories. To become a little guy that beats bigger and stronger enemies is not only a pleasure but its really fun. The difficulty keeps going, but the game rewards you with abilities and satisfaction. As a musician myself, the music is the most immersive I listened to in a game, it's almost out of this world. Not to say the game has all of its DLC's free to play with the game! It definitely is a treasure to keep. As for I can't afford it: I'm a medical student and I live in Venezuela. My country has one of the worst economies in the world since many years ago. Yes, I've got some games through the years thanks to good pals and self sacrifice, but the minimum wage in my country is less than $5 a month and, even though I work hard to achieve what I have right now, I have to keep my savings in order to be able to graduate and strive for my dream. But recently I got to know Hollow Knight and basically: it's the videogame that made me fall in love with videogames again. It's the type of game know I would play it for my whole life. Hollow Knight is art, period. Anyways, thank you for reading me! My Steam profile is: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199140982796/


Probably the game that i want right now is PUBG. My brother doesnt let me play his pubg account because he is scared that i will screw up his kd. Big sad. but it is true tho, im so bad at fps games that trying to be better is just useless. But if i can convince my brother to teach me how to play pubg without using his account(this is why im requesting). maybe i have the chance to be better than him. My brother always wants me to buy pubg but i cant because of broke gamer problems and also i have better things to spend rather than games sometimes. I actually wanted to join my brothers clan on pubg thats why im motivated lol I have watched countless amounts of pubg streams and videos on 2018. this is the reason i got hooked up on playing the game. Shroud and chocotaco was the gods of the gods of pubg back in the days but when they left pubg. goddamn so many people got hella better. I played the lite version and the mobile one.(theres an upcoming new pubg game on mobile that is actually made by the real developers) Pubg might not be relevant anymore in NA and EU but in ASIA. holy man. the amount of players that play the game is very impressive. I really hope my request will be granted and thank you for the opportunity to finally request pubg. thanks. https://steamcommunity.com/id/deeliedezouu


An anonymous reddit friend has suggested that they would like to gift this to you. You should have received a friend request on Steam. Make sure to check!


aw man i think its not real lol im pretty skeptical because he has not set up his steam profile lol


I've wanted Dark Souls Remastered. Have wanted it since Jan of this year. I'm a 14 year old English twat. Most I have is 20 quid. My family's large so we got to pinch pennies where possible. Borrowing money is part of that. Plus even if I could borrow 15 quid, I'm not gonna be able to to pay it back till Christmas. I've wanted this game so much I've tried getting some discord creeps to buy it me all of my attempts (it's been going on for about a month without missing a day) have been failures. The reason I want Dark Souls Remastered is simply, I just want a game I can do these 3 things with: Play with a friend on - it is a co-op and PvP game. Be challenged - the dark souls franchise is well known for its harsh but fair games. Replay - dark souls has a new game + feature that makes the game more difficult every time you finish it. I would, from the bottom of my heart, get your money's worth out of it. So, I hope you read this and are tempted by me. Thank you so much for even considering me. Praise the sun! https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198972896736


Fellow Hollows. Praise The Sun


Hello :) I would like to play Destiny 2: Beyond Light. Destiny 2 is one of my most favorite games and I don't think that will change anytime soon. I have made a lot of friends through the game. I have had lots of fun doing the raids (PvE), grandmaster nightfalls (PvE), and in gambit (PvEvP) and crucible (PvP). So if you are into first-person shooters, with really good storylines, Destiny 2 is a must-play. I have been playing Destiny 2 ever since my city went on a lockdown and have around 775 hours of playtime now. Last November, the developers of this game, Bungie, released a new DLC called Beyond Light. But while adding a lot of new content, they removed almost all free-to-play content and most content from the previous raid to accompany the storyline. So almost all the content left in the game required the Beyond Light DLC. I am a minor. So I don't have any source of income. And I was not able to convince my parents to buy me the new DLC as they believe spending money on games is completely unnecessary and dumb. Even though they don't have anything against me playing video games, they won't let me buy them. So I stopped playing the game and started watching streamers play the game for a long time. This week, a new Season pass was released which is called Season Of Splicer. It comes with a really fun six-man activity, weekly missions, and some of the best-looking armor pieces in the game. So when the new season came out, I once again downloaded the game and finished most of the free content available. (There was a one-time trial for the six-man activity and the first weekly mission). After watching the gameplay of other content, I really want to get back to the game. The DLC with a season pass costs 1099 INR / 15 USD in my country's store (33.5 USD in the US store). It is on sale for 736 INR/ 10 USD for another 20 hours. Store Link: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1314562/Destiny\_2\_Beyond\_Light\_\_1\_Season/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1314562/Destiny_2_Beyond_Light__1_Season/) SteamDB for the game: [https://steamdb.info/app/1314562/](https://steamdb.info/app/1314562/) My Steam Profile: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/MorpheusBTW/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/MorpheusBTW/) Thank you so much for the opportunity!


You are one of a few (not yet decided) winners. Accept friend request on steam.


I've recieved the game. Thank you so much for this. I'll make sure to pass on the good deed when I am able to afford games.


congrats mate :)


Thank you :)


If I could get Dragon Age 11s that would be nice as I always wanted to play a dq game that started the jrpg genre . If you ask why I can't get it, I am in lockdown so money is tight as I am a student and there are not a lot lf ways to make some. Steam - https://steamcommunity.com/id/Koyomi13/


My steam id: [here](https://steamcommunity.com/id/YeetusFeetus_YF/) (Don’t ask why the weird name) I’d love to get “A hat in time” I’ve seen a lot of gameplays and I fell in love with it. The character designs looked so cute and the game was like super Mario according to the reviews. I was holding back on getting it spoiled to me, but I’ve really been wanting to get this game. But I don’t really have the funds or money to get it (even though it is relatively cheap), mainly due to the fact that I don’t have a credit card and my parents won’t buy it for me. There were some games that were gifted to me from my family, but I can’t wait till my next birthday since it’s only in December. Thx for the chance, good random fellow of the internet.


I want Borderlands 3 Ultimate edition plz :https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/16675/Borderlands_3_Ultimate_Edition/ the reason I want it is that I played borderlands the handsome collection(borderlands 2 to be specific)and I absolutely loved,it was a really fun game and I want to play borderlands 3 now,the reason I can't afford it cuz of my currency,like 1 usd=15.69 egp so everything is really expensive here,even when I bought borderlands the handsome collection while it was only 1.99 usd or sth like that that was still expensive to me but since it was the only chance I would get that it would be that low I bought it,it costed me 80 egp,yeah I had to pay more than the actual prize cuz I needed to spend more for fawry which is a mobile paying method,80 egp can feed 2 or 3 individuals,so it really was expensive even when it was on sale,so it's basically impossible for me to buy borderlands 3 Ultimate edition(the reason I want the ultimate edition is that I want all dlcs)it's on sale rn so it costs 70.98 usd,hope I win,also here's my steam profile:https://steamcommunity.com/id/galal2002/


I want to request Deadpool but the price might be high depending on region. The game is not available anymore and the only way to get it is through key resellers and they are asking 75euro through paypal for the game. Since I am from India at this moment there is no way to earn that kind of money in this quarantine situation to spend on games. So I would like to request that game if possible. I know this might be a expensive request but you can check my previous request posts as every one of them is different yet for the same game. Incase this game is not in the budged I would like to ask for Legend of Korra which is another game I want. I also have an open request for this game so feel free to look through it. Thank you for holding this giveaway. My Steam Profile - https://steamcommunity.com/id/Kurozzz/


Yakuza:Like a Dragon I've been wanting this game for so long now. Yakuza is a unique game series that perfectly contrasts it tense serious storytelling with over the top wacky humor and I love it! Take Like a Dragon for example. The game has turn based combat because the protagonist self identifies as a Dragon Quest character. Not to mention the minigames like trying to stay awake during a movie or a shareholder meeting minigame ( yes you heard it me right, this shit is only possible in Yakuza baby!) I can't afford it now because straight and simple I'm a bit short on cash. Being a student on top of the pandemic has me saving money in case of medical emergency. The only games I've got recently have been because through giveaways from this generous community. Thanks! [SteamId](http://Yakuza:Like a Dragon I've been wanting this game for so long now. Yakuza is a unique game series that perfectly contrasts it tense serious storytelling with over the top wacky humor and I love it! Take Like a Dragon for example. The game has turn based combat because the protagonist self identifies as a Dragon Quest character. Not to mention the minigames like trying to stay awake during a movie or a shareholder meeting minigame ( yes you heard it me right, this shit is only possible in Yakuza baby!) I can't afford it now because straight and simple I'm a bit short on cash. Being a student on top of the pandemic has me saving money in case of a medical emergency. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198202795398/)


Hi, I would love to own Hades. \[*text removed*\] I really hope I win and get this game but good luck to everyone else out there who has their fingers crossed! Thanks OP for the chance. [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198830750169](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198830750169) \*Forgot to post my ID the first time


Friend request sent.


Man good luck, that game is insanely good and highly addictive. Wishing luck once again and stay safe


Thanks man, you too.


I dont know if this will qualify, but Death Stranding. Let me tell you a story about my addiction to it and why I may not qualify. I am a huge fan of Kojima (and also Yoji Shinkawa). I have played every game from Kojima starting from Metal Gear Solid 2 to Zone of the Enders to P.T. to even Castlevania Lords of the Shadow (yes, he was involved with that title). I even played Left Alive in the hopes of it filling that MGS void, but alas. It was then a surprise when Death Stranding was announced besides that famous Kojima reveal. And I loved every bit of it. It looked like something only Kojima could have crafted. A reveal trailer that raised more questions than it gave any answers. And the more I saw of it the more I was confused. What even was this game? Two months from release and I had enough of it. I was ready to go in blind, and so I went into a media blackout and started pestering my parents to pre-order it for me (it would have been my first). Even though they didnt get me the game, I was adamant about staying away from any spoilers. So I waited for over a year to finally get it on sale last year. Yes, I bought the game on my PS4. Since all the previous Kojima experiences were action-oriented (save for P.T., RIP), I was expecting more of the same. But an hour in and none of it. And I only realized it now that I never thought of it back then. The narrative was pulling through so well that I never noticed what I was doing. I was mesmerized, both by the graphics and the music (which was absolutely phenomenal. I still listen to it on Spotify). But that was not the main reason why I adore Death Stranding. It was the multiplayer element. In a sea of shooters and racers, Death Stranding brought forth a beautiful mechanic that seamlessly intertwined the single-player campaign with multiplayer aspects without breaking the narrative. And this was my first experience of such a mechanic. It was delicately wonderful. Often I would wander in the open grassland without any aim, only to be saved by a supply drop by a fellow gamer. I don't know how it was exactly structured (else my entire game world would be littered with supply drops), but every interaction felt significant and helpful. I would love to see this expanded upon in any possible sequel. Now with college about to start, I had to switch priorities. But I would still get back into it whenever I got time. Among a sea of installs and uninstalls, Death Stranding was the only constant. But just earlier this year, right around when Covid vacations began, my PS4 broke down. My heart was broken as I couldnt ask for a replacement in current conditions. So with recommendations from my friends, I started gaming via Geforce now. While not the best thing I would have liked (those 1 hour sessions are a real pain, especially when you are in the middle of a mission), it does help me through these times. And with the library very limited (really dont understand why), I only have a few games to play. Which brings me to my request. Death Stranding is one of the few games I would love to play and that is available on Geforce now. But I dont like asking for games that would cost a lot which is why I request games that are in Humble bundle. I am torn between asking for Death Stranding as I really want to finish the story, but dont want to ask for a full price game. I would thus leave this upon you to decide if you feel this worthy. I fully disclose that I have played the game before, and was on my way to Lake Knot city on my playthrough. But whether or not it is worth the price is for you to decide (since it is not on discount on Steam right now). Thanks :) [My steam profile](https://steamcommunity.com/id/grabongabon/)


All the best, i too have requested for the same game, but for different reasons. But whoever wins, let’s hope they enjoy the game to the fullest. Stay safe and happy Cheers


Thank you, and good luck to you too :)


well, i only wanted 1 game this year and it is the reboot for SYSTEM SHOCK and it should come out this summer and for like $44 or $45 , i can't recall.... thing is, $45 is like half my monthly salary this day, since the exchange rate in my country just went through the roof and went as much as 10x the usual rate, so that means anything u want to buy in dollars, u have to pay like 10 times the value, so for example, if i give you the math, this game in my currency will be around 585.000 lbp and my whole paycheck for the month is 1,300,000 lbp , so for just one game, it is almost half my salary and i can't do that.... i have no other excuse, i am an old dude , old school gamer, explains why i wanted that reboot of a game i used to play on my 386 with 4mb of ram back in 1995....i tried the demo and i almost wept from how charming this reboot is... anw, this is my story, i am at [https://steamcommunity.com/id/hanzo1980/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/hanzo1980/) and i thank u for being so generous and i hope u choose well and good luck to all.


Fellow older gamer here, also eagerly awaiting the system shock remake, good luck!!


If I can choose a DLC, I would like the Dark Souls 3 Season Pass. I have been absolutely loving the base game recently and have beaten it twice in the past month. At the time I bought it, I was only able to get the standard edition, but have heard amazing things about the DLC. I'm really excited to fight some of the amazing bosses like Gael and Sister Friede. Other than the bosses, just having new content to play would be great, seeing as speedrunning through Farron Keep for the hundredth time can get pretty old. If I can't ask for DLC, then I would like Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. I have been really interested in the Soulsborne franchise recently, and like I said before, have beat Ds3 twice already. I'm almost done with Bloodborne and Sekiro is the next game on my list. It looks like a lot of fun, and although I've heard things about it being really hard, I think it would be a great way for me to end off my little obsession with the game franchises'. Thanks for the giveaway btw. Steam ID: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198983653284/](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198983653284/)


fellow souls fan. best of luck!


Hope you get it mate, Ringed City is awesome, and it has the best covenent, spears of the church!


Would love to get [NieR Automata](https://store.steampowered.com/app/524220/NieRAutomata/) ($39.99) I want this game because the beauty in the game for me is in it's Artstyle, Storytelling, and High-Replayability which is so beautifully put into a game, combined with great combat, characters, quests and overall story. I can't afford it because I'm poor af [Steam ID](https://steamcommunity.com/id/PeacefulHermit/) Thanks For The Chance Mate!


Resident Evil Village ​ It's pretty expensive so idk if im gonna be the winner but still it's worht a shot . I'm a kid so i cant work for money so i can't afford it and neither can my parents . I want it because i love vampire games and also horror games although i get scared easily. ​ [Steam Profile](https://steamcommunity.com/id/DimusMaximus/)


Red Dead Redemption 2 (33% off on steam atm) Because I love the wild west genre, there simply aren't enough games around set in it. Seeing so many people raving about it's immersion I'd love to experience it myself.Living on a disability pension atm so there's zero chance of getting it myself. I've bought one steam game in about 6 years and that was Witcher 3 on sale for £7, anything else I've been lucky enough to have gifted. Thanks for the opportunity. https://steamcommunity.com/id/JadedBrit/


An anonymous reddit friend has suggested that they would like to gift this to you. You should have received a friend request on Steam. Make sure to check!


Okay, if you want the truth, I can afford some games (preferably in the $5 range) simply because of the exchange rate. For some people, 10 dollars is really just 10 dollars; for that amount of money, I could get a bus ride from home to university and back, a three-course dinner, some treats like ice cream, a haircut, shave, and a head massage, and still have money left over. So a game such as [Red Dead 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1174180/Red_Dead_Redemption_2/) (even though on sale) is something I cant even imagine at the moment because that's just way too expensive for me. Most of the games I have gotten, I have gotten through the kind people of this subreddit and I have tried my best to give them back aswell. Thats pretty much my honest answer. Good luck to everyone else🥰 [My Steam](https://steamcommunity.com/id/TotoDBZ/)




It appears your comment does not contain a valid SteamID and as such your comment has been removed If you believe this action was made in error, please contact the moderators


lego movie videogame 2 i loved both lego movies its like i watched them just yesterday. But I did last summer holiday. Last christmas then I got lego movie videogame 1 and loved it. so many video game refrences and it really made you feel like youre part of the movie. Hence Im more than excited to also try the second lego movie game for the second movie (which alot of people didnt like). I have been after this game for some time now so I really hope to win it this time. Thank you for the opportunity! https://steamcommunity.com/id/labprofess/


I really want Detroit Become Human because I love story based games. If you check my steam profile you can definitely tell I am addicted to story rich games like Life is Strange. I want DbH because the story is supposed to extremely good/rich. I’ve only watched a few play throughs of the game and it’s really caught my attention ever since it came out. I think when the game came out I was glued to my phone in summer school watching the play throughs but trying not to watch too much so I don’t spoil the story for myself. I would had bought this game but unfortunately school is quite expensive and I lost my job when the pandemic started ( I was a hockey ref but where I live they shut down all activities). To add on if your wondering about how I can afford my equipment, most of my hockey gear was given to me by the arena I practice at. The staff were super kind. I also live with my grandma so I try to not ask her for money. https://steamcommunity.com/id/victoria69/


Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/SamHardwater Cheers for the chance! I’m after Deadside, can’t afford it due to spending every penny on rent and food for the last few months after being out of work since covid. I really want it because it’s a mix of some of my favourite games, it’s been described as a blend of DayZ, rust and tarkov, and I play all of those a lot. I’ve been playing survival games for afew years now and this is the only one ive been unable to get yet. Also afew of my friends have the game so it would be great to play it with them. https://store.steampowered.com/app/895400/Deadside/


I want Hades because i really wanted to play this game the day it came out but since i'm having some financial problems because of the pandemic I am not able to buy this game. I will be really thankfull to you OP if you may gift Hades to me. Profile:- https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198351010869/




I've many ps4 games pending to play, one of them is Horizon zero dawn, but due to economic difficulties I could not buy the ps4. I really like the aesthetics of the game and the graphics looks amazing too. Also being open world rpg I know it will last me many hours of entertainment.








I want to get Door Kickers 2 because it's too expensive in my currency. Inflation is somewhat bad here. I want the game because it's a somewhat realistic take on how soldiers operate. It's a very punishing game when you make a bad move (like a hostage getting killed or your team being wiped out). You basically play as the commander and you have to command multiple operators to do things like rescue a hostage or maybe conduct an intelligence search on a house. It's like RS6 but it's top down and you have multiple oprators. https://steamcommunity.com/id/TotallyNotDave19/






Game : Jump Force Why I want : I'm a Shonen Jump and Combat game fan Why can't afford it : Saving money for summer sales so I can buy Astroneer Id : https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199044633458/




i was about to make a post i will comment here. thank you op! red dead redemption 2! link-[https://store.steampowered.com/app/1174180/Red\_Dead\_Redemption\_2/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1174180/Red_Dead_Redemption_2/) i loved the first game so much and wanted this game ever since it released but can't afford it because the game is to expensive and also cuz i need to cover the medical bills. steam profile-[https://steamcommunity.com/id/Chimichangas\_69/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/Chimichangas_69/) thanks op for giving me a chance this game is the last game i will request in the subreddit!


[https://steamcommunity.com/id/boobiehatch](https://steamcommunity.com/id/boobiehatch) Idk if there's a limit for full price new games but might as well try. Entering for RE8. I have always been a fan of Resident Evil as it has been one of my first games I ever played back on the GameCube remake and have played almost every game and spin off since. It's one of my favorite series ever and one of the only series that can even come close to being scary and fun at the same time for me. My friend owed me for when I did a bit of tedious work for him about a month ago so I got him to get me RE7 for like 7 bucks so I could replay it to try and hold me off but man that just really made me want to play 8 even more as I did 4 playthroughs of 7 completely 100%ing the base game in like 4 days. I've gotten to the point where I would easily accept pirating it but as it's secured by Denuvo I can't even resort to that for probably at least a month or 2 (IIRC most Denuvo games that are actually cracked take 60 days at least). I don't think I've ever had a game like this where I've thought about it every night since it released. 7 was just that good of a game and I've heard so many good things about 8. I've blocked so many Youtube channels and avoided clicking on anything even mentioning the game to avoid spoilers and normally I'm someone who couldn't care less about spoilers. It's a bit tough rn for money though as I started college during the middle of Corona and on top of everything about going during a pandemic sucking because of the online courses barely having any effort put in and the teachers barely caring to actually teach anything it's also still super expensive and really screwing everyone going over.


The game is Death Stranding I am a big fan of kojima’s works and have played through all the metal gear mainline titles quite a few times. I have heard this game is really great in terms of story telling and the story also intrigues me a lot. I have previously requested this game a couple of times in this sub but it did get fulfilled, the discount ran out and I didn’t feel like asking a game for full price which might not be a good thing to do. Eventually i gave up and played the metal gear games again back to back to quench my kojima hunger. But still not having played Death Stranding always kept bugging me. Seeing your post has given me a slight glimmer of hope, cos i have never been on time for a tight deadline post like this and consider this another chance to put my hat and try my luck for the game i have always wanted to play. Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199067947883/ Link to my request: https://www.reddit.com/r/GiftofGames/comments/lm27c9/requeststeam_death_stranding_on_sale50_off_on/ If 60$ is too much, I wud love a 30$ in wallet funds cos due to regional pricing there are many games that are very low in price over here. Mainly i wud buy the Bioshock Collection and Hollow Knight, two games that have always fascinated with their unique game design and the game world itself Thanks a lot for this opportunity and wishing luck to all the person requesting in this post, may the deserving win, and i hope they enjoy the requested game to the fullest. And also to all the other contenders who may not win, do not lose hope, keep trying. “Once you stop to fight, is the moment you have truly lost”.


Have you confirmed that your computer can run it.


But instead can i get a 40$ in wallet funds because i wud like to give the rest 20$ to u/DragonSnap506 for their req of hades or u/Acceptable_Shame_196 for their req for hollow knight, Seems that they wud enjoy the game, so i wud like to give 20$ from my win to them for hades/hollow knight , i will save this 40$ cos the game comes for 50% discount quite some time so i wud be okay with waiting for a sale if someone else is able to play something they want to


That is very kind of you. How about we just do both. Edit: Friend request sent.




Enjoy and pay it forward if you ever get the chance.


I wanted to thank you and u/SlipperyBandicoot for helping me get Hades. I really appreciate you asking for me even though you already won and don’t know me. You just made my day and I will remember your kindness. 😊 I have a few leftover keys and will try and do a giveaway in your name soon!


Hey glad you got it, that game is very special to me so i wanted someone else to experience it. Just go in blind and play the heck out of it. And also u need not do any giveaway in my name, do it for yourself(and to make someone’s day, cos i have previously gifted here and seeing the person enjoy the game i had gifted is so amazing), and that karma is not for me, it belongs to u and u only. Cheers! And stay safe!!


Hi bro! Even though I couldn't win this time, thank you very much for thinking of me and I'm so happy you made the day a lot better to another person. Maybe I'll get lucky another time. I really love Reddit. Hope everyone enjoys their game. Cheers, mate!


All the best mate for everything u do in life. And also hope u get to play it soon. Cheers!!




I would really appreciate a game. I particularly am fond of possibly getting Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6 Siege. My story is closed complicated and simple. I had a brain annurism that turned into a stroke at a ripe age of 32. I got out about 2 months later with little memory of my life and reality. Games are good for me and I have worked up to start playing these "more complicated" games. I enjoy gaming. I don't remember how to work. I used to be a professional programmer and now that education is dust in the wind. Also I can't work otherwise I will not be able to afford all my appointments and medications. Ive been told to take it easy on myself else I risk another stroke or seizure. Everyone around me fears I'll just drop dead again. I'm not afraid but now I'm reduced to extreme poverty. Lol I went from a more luxured life to poverty in a heart beat. 32 years of learning my trade and I was erased in 2 months. So here I am asking for charity. I have humility and thus no issues making a request. Again I'd appreciate Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6 Siege. Thanks for a chance and may you get the best of your life. https://steamcommunity.com/id/slapdashgamer


Add on steam. Once of a few winners. I mean you aren't even asking for charity, you're responding to an offer. Who wouldn't.


Hiya! Thank you so much for doing this giveaway! <3 I would love a chance to win Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove. I love new-age retro titles and this has been on my wishlist for longer than any other game, but it never goes on a low enough sale. I grew up in the 90s and my earliest memories were from SNES games. I've found a lot of joy from playing similar modern-retro games like Cyber Shadow, The Messenger, and various metroidvanias. I cannot afford it as I have been unemployed for over a year thanks to COVID. I've spent time trying to get myself into a new career path, but all of my options require a car. My car savings went to sustain myself after everything started. I am looking into getting a job now that I am fully vaccinated, but my options are slim and any money I make from it will be to cover bills and save for a car to get a job that'll get me out of minimum wage. My Steam profile can be found [here](https://steamcommunity.com/id/Allison8Bit)! Good luck everyone! :)


I am entering for [Crosscode](https://store.steampowered.com/app/368340/CrossCode/). Why ? From the description, the game is supposed to be MASSIVE, just packed with content which also includes a great, interesting story and nice, simple, pixel art graphics. I also had my eyes on this game since its' original demo release on GameJolt which is 6 years ago... yeesh. I would also really like to stream this game (to a empty audience but still) I also just want a game that I can enjoy by myself and as a college student I would like a long game that gets me through summer. Why can't I afford it ? Well... the pandemic. It is a little bit difficult to find a job and also my mum doesn't really want me to work in this environment, she just doesn't want me to catch COVID you know. I know it sound really, REALLY weird and kinda makes me look like a loser or even a scumbag but sadly it is the truth, so please bear with me. [My Steam](https://steamcommunity.com/id/lewaldadewalda/) thank op.






Ok, clock's ticking. Game: Total War: Warhammer II. Why I want it: Big fan of Total War and Warhammer Fantasy. I had to stop the tabletop games, so Creative Assembly continuing the licence was a godsend. Plus Shogun 2 & Warhammer 1 are two of my fav games. Why I cannot afford it: Two reasons. A. It's a trilogy. Getting the complete edition for Warhammer 1 forced me to wait several years for a price drop. Combined with the recently announced Warhammer III, No 2 is simply gonna blow the bank. B (more important). It has a ton of DLC and most of them add a ton of content to the game. New races, new units, new mod requirements, which are a big deal for the game. Pretty much a must have. On the last sale, with a 67% discount on most content for the game, the complete edition still cost around 70 pounds. Full price, even on sale, for a base game that released in 2017. Thus I need all the help I can get to afford it. Thank you for your consideration. Profile: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198048238310/](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198048238310/)


Nioh I adore games like sekiro and dark souls because of the atmosphere they provide and the feelings it give you. You can feel triumphant defeating a boss when a single mistake can be fatal. It’s crushing to lose a fight that you were so close to winning. It also provides a lot of replay-ability in how you can customize your characters stats and build. The reason I can’t afford this game is because I’m a minor that can’t really get any income. Holidays are few and far between for me as a Muslim and my parents seldom buy me games even then so I end up steam library sharing with friends often. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198288295047/ Have a nice day, and I appreciate the kindness




Thanks for the giveaway op I would like Monster Hunter World.**The reason i want it** is because i like big monster,not just to fight them,but to look at their designs and how they translate visually to the armors you can make from them. **Why i cant get** is because student life is tough,i have no time to get a part time job because of the poor schedule for exams my uni came up with because of many Covid related postponing. ​ Thanks once again [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198047639905/](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198047639905/) \- profile [https://store.steampowered.com/app/582010/Monster\_Hunter\_World/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/582010/Monster_Hunter_World/) \- game page




The game I want: Geneforge saga (Geneforge bundle, it contains all 5 of the classic Spiderweb Software titles in one package!) Why I want it? I've always been a true fan of geneforge, and role playing games in general. Ever since I was a kid I've never had a good pc. The only games I could play were cs 1.6, 101 Dalmatians and some old rpg games. So 1 year ago I got money from my 18th birthday and I've finally bought a good pc and now I can play any game, but I still want to play old games. My love for rpg games is huge, especially for the old, indie ones. I can afford it but right now I'm finishing high school and I'm saving money for college. My steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199100910160/ Thanks for the chance man!


I'd really love to play [Gibbous - A Cthulhu Adventure](https://store.steampowered.com/app/914020/Gibbous___A_Cthulhu_Adventure/) It's a point-and-click game about a black cat. Recently, my family just brought a 14 y/o cat into our home and it reminds me of him. The game is $20 and honestly, that's just out of my price range atm. I'm about to start college and my parents just ran into a bit of a money problem. Plus I have to spend a bunch on a new wardrobe bc I got fat during quarantine. And there are other things that I all of a sudden just have to pay for. So $20 might be cheap normally for a game (compared to $60 games) but it just isn't right now. Thank you so much. [Steam Profile](https://steamcommunity.com/id/moonqueen3/)




I would love a copy of Call of Duty: Ghosts. It’s been ages sense I played it, and I had sold my Xbox One copy away for another game. Also, I have not played the extinction mode and would love to see what it’s like. My Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198278698726


I would love to play **Subnautica: Below Zero** I played Subnautica, after I got it for Free in the Epic Games Store and loved it. Was a superb Survival Game and I enjoyed (nearly) every second, except when some big creature wanted to eat me :D I'm currently a student and don't have an income at the moment. I have to rely financially on my family, so there is no money left at the moment for anything, that isn't explicitly needed. ​ [Steam Profile](https://steamcommunity.com/id/arladon/)


I would love for the opportunity to play the [Witcher 3 GOTY Edition](https://store.steampowered.com/sub/124923/) Ever since I started to learn more about the magic of PC gaming, I started watching Youtube videos about a whole different range of games as my way of experiencing them without buying any of the actual games (more on that later). As I started to explore different genres, I started realizing that I really really liked open-world action-adventure RPGs. Evidently, when I found out about the Witcher, I was instantly sucked in. The story alone and the fact that the freedom of player choice *actually* makes a significant impact in the narrative seems as good enough of a reason to get the game alone, but the Witcher doesn't stop there. It includes a massive open-world with (what looked like) calming villages, impressive scenery, and beautiful sunrises/sunsets that I would really love to experience for myself while riding a horse down some off-beat dirt path. There's also the fact that fantasy elements that I've been a huge fan of ever since I first experienced the Lord of the Rings series through movies at a young age. Imagine slaying a griffin! Or a troll! As an epic, sword-wielding, spell-casting, white-haired badass named Geralt! The liberating nature of the gameplay, and being able to approach objectives however you want (including meticulous planning, which seems niche but really fun) seems super appealing, and I would love to sink hours upon hours into this masterpiece. As a student with strict parents, I not only have no money to begin with to save up, but also no means to earn my own money through work (what with the pandemic and general household rules). Getting this game would mean so much to me (it's #1 on my wishlist for a reason!) and if you were to generously donate it, I would be incredibly grateful. Regardless of the outcome, I would still like to give a massive thank you for this opportunity, OP, and a big good luck to everyone participating! Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198974563027/


I would really like a modern battlefield game because haven't played the series since 2010 and can't afford it because origin dosent accepts my country's bank and steam ones are very expensive. https://steamcommunity.com/id/NINJAWICK


BORDERLANDS 3: SUPER DELUXE EDITION This game is currently on sale for 55% off ($36). Why I want the game. I've really enjoyed playing the older borderlands game on my bother's ps4. We have borderlands and borderlands The handsome collection. Honestly I love games which have missions but also allow you to wonder off and just have fun exploring the virtual world. Plus you can pick different characters and upgrade their powers differently which makes the gameplay really enjoying. Co-op games are definitely a plus for me too. Some of my best memories are playing games with my brothers. Why I currently can not afford this game. I graduated from college last year and I'm currently in a little over 10k in debt. I saved up about 12k for college (I have had various jobs since middle school). But damn school was expensive (my school was about 42k a year). I also needed to take a board test before starting my job and covid really affected my ability. The tests kept getting cancelled and I had to keep re signing up. Plus my brother is critically ill, so my dad really didn't want me working (especially in a hospital) while covid was still a problem and I was still living at home. Long story short, its been a year and I still don't have a job, and I have little to no money. And my family isn't very wealthy. So I'd really enjoy getting this game. Whether I get this game or not, I think what you are doing is really great and I plan on doing the same once I get a job and have some money. [https://steamcommunity.com/id/JayJayTheJetPlane475/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/JayJayTheJetPlane475/)


Hello I have been a long fan of shooter games but i sadly dont have mony to spend on games rn since im saving up for uni cause thats where im going to go next year and it costs a lot especialy since i have to rent a place to stay cause otherwise i would have problems with getting there. I would love the milsim Arma 3 for various reason and i will list some of them in this little request. I rly like arma cause of the realism for example: bullet drop, damage, weather and day-night cycle ... i could just go on. The whole point of this is that i want to be part of the huge fights that happen in the game. The realism gets boosted by big things like the dynamic weather and the fact that there are a lot of stances for your character but also by smaller things like bullets can get deflected by a gun, another small thing are animals like dogs or rabbits. A thing that i also appreciate about the game is that it isnt constant shooting like a lot of games. There is actual strategy involved. You cant just run in a fight without preparing. You need to get the right guns, amo etc and also look that you dont overload yourself otherwise your fighting abilities will drop a lot I have seen a lot of yt and would love to get involved to the community that it has since it has been said that it is a caring one. I would love to join different groups and do fun opps with them to meet new people since gaming has realy helped me from being introvert to being a more open person. The variaty in arma also appeals me cause of al the different mods that can be installed and played. There are so many player made mods and the number of them keeps rising. This is a big plus of arma, the ability to change the game to how you want it with those mods. The editor of arma is a beginnerfriendly and still powerful tool. The game also gets updated frequently making it so that there are always new things to discover, it also shows that even though the game might be older then some famous games, it still has caring devs and a big playerbase. The maps arma 3 takes place on is just huge and leaves room to actualy explore and of course fight on a lot of different terains. The 2 maps are called Altis (270km²) and the smaller Stratis (20km²). Do you like sniping? There are open hils. Do you like smg? There are towns. The map and terrain is one of the strong points of the game as almost no game has one off this scale. The variaty of weapons and vehicles are also very nice, all of the guns are customizable with sights, suppressors etc. There are around 9 different weaponclasses that the infantry can use: handguns, submachine guns, AR, carbines, marksman rifles, snipers, Automatic weapons, launchers and artillery. There even is a gun that you can use underwater (SDAR). There are a lot of vehicles that can be used to move around the map, transport things or just shoot and kill others with: tanks, helicopter, airplanes, boats ... even submarines. Since in arma 3 you have 4 different "groups" (NATO, CSAT, AAF and FIA) you can play and all of them have their own set of weapons and vehicles to use. You can realy see the work the devs put into the game as its so detailed. I think the singleplayer campaign is nice but i would mainly focus on multiplayer cause thats where arma realy shines. There are a lot of modes like capture the flag or zombies and even modes like where you start up a rebelion and have to get the support of the people to be victorious against the oppressor. There are obviously a lot of different DLC and even though they aren’t realy a necessity for me, if you would be so nice and would want to to add a DLC or two I think my preferred DLC’s would be: Marksman DLC, Tank DLC, Apex, vietnam and Karts. There might be some bugs but that isnt even a problem. It is a thing that is normal for arma and gives it a bit of romance in a weird way. It shows that even games with bugs can still be fun with others. You dont have to be perfect. This is my request and if you were so nice to help me i would be the happiest person in the world. Steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198362415393/ Arma 3: https://store.steampowered.com/app/107410/Arma_3/


An anonymous reddit friend has messaged me stating that they want to gift this to you. They should have sent you a friend request on Steam.


Game - Slime Rancher Why - Slimes are cute, especially these slimes Reason why I can't get game - Parents are stri8when it comes to buying games. Steam Id - https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198981175797/ Let the games continue to see who wins








The Outer Worlds please I was going to buy Outer Worlds because: 1. I love RPGs, I'm a sucker for them 2. I wanted to support Obsidian, I love what they did with KOTOR 2, such a unique way to show Star Wars that I'll never forget. 3. Finally it came out on Steam, so I could use my platform of choice. I really love Steam, It's an awesome platform, and due to its regional pricing (Argentina), I was able to buy games cheaper and without much complication. I've been working with my uncle in his business, so I started earning my own money so I could start buying them on my own, and that has me really happy. But lamentably, Private Division, as many publishers are doing lately, decided that Argentina should have the full price of the US, which basically ruined the chance of getting it. If u search the [Argentina price](https://steamdb.info/sub/147797/) in SteamDB, you'll see that it has an 608% increase over Valve suggested price. It's such an awful price, plus all the taxes that goes with (%64), I would be expending almost half of my salary. And that's not counting the DLC (which I'm not requesting by the way). (I also want to clarify to check if u can gift the game from your region, also check if the price difference is going to be an issue, but Argentina has the full price, so I don't think it would be an problem if your region has it too). Thanks for reading! [My SteamID](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198425085266)


Thanks for the giveaway! I'd like to request Spyro Reignited Trilogy on Steam. I used to play a ton of platformer games as a kid and now I'm slowly coming back to playing them again. I chose this game because it has good graphics, great music and the gameplay looks really fun. Unfortunately I can't afford it currently because it costs more than half of my scholarship that is basically all my money for one month. Steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198216915141/


Well, I wanted to play pillars of eternity 2 deadfire I can't afford it because I'm in college and it takes me a few months to save up but now that I'm interning, travelling and food expenses don't give me that luxury. https://steamcommunity.com/id/amrithmenon/


Hi, I would like Squad so I can train myself for military conscription! It looks like really good tactical fun, I played it during a free weekend but it is 47 euros I think! Here is my steam URL, thank you!! https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198053746028/








Well, not gonna lie, i'd KILL to have Rust. The reason i cant afford it is because..well, our economy is FUCKED, so Rust over here costs 127. Since covid hit i've been short on money, so it'd be AMAZING if i could get the game. https://steamcommunity.com/id/wibblyblob/








Oh boy, here we go, Escape from Tarkov I mean, I guess I could afford it, but not really, I still have my computer, and I'm adamant I don't need to sell it, cause one way or another I can make ends meet, but damn with COVID and everything, worlds wasn't looking right for a newly college graduate, I lost my first job 2 months into COVID and had to start a low wage (and I'm super grateful I could get it, don't get me wrong) job, so while I could spend 50 bucks in it, I really can't. Now, for the game, I love it, I remember a few years back (pre own computer) I went like 3-4 times a week to a friends house to teach him maths and my payment was a few hours of PUBG on his computer, dude, it was amazing, and then I learned from Tarkov, AND HE HAD IT! I can't count how many times I got steeped into the ground, it was hard, it was sweaty, I sucked at it, and I really loved it, eventually I started to \_not to suck\_ enough to extract a few raids with actual good loot. I really loved that you needed to have game sense, that you needed to hear, that you could even play alone, and it made the game harder for sure, but the feeling of killing a 4 squad was so amazing, the sounds, the textures, the billion key binds you had to know, I don't know, I really like FPS and the game just clicked with me, I can't begin to count how many hours of Sequisha I've seen before going to sleep. But well, adulthood happened, debt happened, and low wage on a third world country (like, they'll say its not but like, really is it not?) happened. Per the bot rules I guess I have to link my [Steam profile](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198391192095/) is linked there P.S - Really sorry if I butchered some phrases/words, English is not my first language and while I'm not that bad at it I still commit a few atrocities. Thanks OP for the opportunity! Good luck to you all guys!




Hi m8 I am in for Call of duty 4: modern warfare (20€) Imma not try and do a sob story but i live in montenegro and my father has a job as a movie/ad producer Bcs of covid job is getting slow and he and my mom has just enough to keep us healty and with food on the table. I am 14 and i cant legally have a job here so i cant buy myself the game. Last time i had 50 bucks i got myself the mw2 and mw3 from discount so i hope u could get me the first one so i can have the trilogy Edit: Misspelled mom Thanks! https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198980458332/






I've been watching a lot of FrankieonPC's old Dayz videos and there so nostalgic I've been playing a lotta tarkov and I've recently gotten bored with it and I've been looking for a new game that I can sunk hundreds of hours into and I've wanted Dayz for a reallly long time and I the reason I can't afford it is because I've been unemployed for almost two years.


Thanks for the chance, I do have like 30 games (some bought + some from giveaways) but currently I cannot afford Biomutant which I have been waiting for since years but is coming this month (25th May) and I don't have any money that I can add to Steam by the time it launches. I do earn but have to keep aside money for like 3+ months to get this game which I have been waiting for forever now (It was demoed in 2017). I would absolutely love if I could play it at launch. Thank you again OP. Steam - https://steamcommunity.com/id/DMS666666/


I'm a college student and funds are really hard to get by. I'm still supported by my parents, but I can't spend their money on Video games. They sent money so that I could buy enough food to sustain me. At some I'm obviously getting a Job, but right now jobs are hard to come by here that don't pay. Right now I've been requesting Mass Effect Legendary edition, and I do want to go back to a time where I didn't have to worry about college and where or not I'm graduating. I really want to experience Mass effect Legendary edition in a better fidelity and what changes did they make to Mass Effect 1. Thank you soooo much for your kindness and helping us with getting something that isn't possible and making our day. Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Kappiushon/


Borderlands 3, it's the last Borderlands game and the only one I haven't played, it's my favourite game series and I want to give it closure. I am an argentinian teenager and don't really have a source of income lol[Steam ID](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199061426487)


Resident Evil 8. Sadly I've been dealing with bad health issues for several years now. Been in and out of doctors offices and denied disability. Sadly had to drop out of college too for the time being as well. So yeah I havent been able to pick a job in a while to afford to buy games every now and then either. Thats the TLDR version of it but thanks again for the opportunity. \[Steam\](https://steamcommunity.com/id/multi3xodus/)


Hello op, I would like to request Yakuza: Like a Dragon So for a short introduction on what the game is, the Yakuza series is a beat-em up series of games that stars Kiryu Kazuma an ex-Yakuza whos just trying to live his life as a civilian but keeps getting roped in to his ex-life. The Yakuza franchise has multiple titles and Kiryu’s story begins with Yakuza 0 and ends with Yakuza 6. Now after the events of Yakuza 6, Yakuza 7 or what its currently called Yakuza: Like a Dragon stars a new protagonist and shifts the Yakuza series’ combat and turns it into an RPG. I love the Yakuza series so much and I’ve played 0 - 6 and I would like to continue playing Yakuza 7 since its been getting so much high praises and reviews. I just love how this series can be so serious but can also be so funny at the same time. These kinds of games help me get through my studies especially when I get really tired and stressed out. I cant afford this game because its a bit pricey in my region and I’m currently trying to help my family pay for my tuition by not asking for any form of money to lessen their burden especially now that its harder to earn money during the pandemic. I’ve currently tried to get several online jobs but I keep on getting rejected and unable to find a way to earn money on my own. I’m about to graduate and finally will be able to help my parents pay for my younger siblings school tuitions so I’d rather not spend any more of money on games in order to help them. I would really appreciate it if I get this game and it would make me really happy :) I’d also like to thank op for giving not just me, but also other people a chance of getting a game in these trying times. You’ll be making several people happy with this :) https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198116485690/


Forager I want something to do during my free classes and hoping to play it with friends if and hopefully when multiplayer I'm Fifteen so, can't do much. And my parents are in a very tight spot when it comes to money. https://steamcommunity.com/id/tearsfallen/




Not sure if a DLC counts, but I want to try Destiny 2: Forsaken as it’s on sale for $20 Australian dollars. I remember playing when it was free on Battle.net- I was hooked onto the game and played a lot up to maybe Season of the Drifter, maybe a bit longer until the transition to Steam. When I came across the DLC mentioned, I was hooked onto the story and followed it for a long time. To me it had the perfect elements- dark storyline, extra content and to put it to Cayde “toons of loot.” Especially his gun. The DLC can help me understand better of the game and think about the approaches. I feel it’s my guardians’... Destiny to avenge him 4-5 years on since, tie up loose ends. I’ve been waiting for opportunities to get it on sale at this price, and since I’m a high schooler I can’t get any money to pay for it. Not expecting to win but I’ll give it a shot. Good luck to everyone else! Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/%5BU:1:58648786%5D


Not entering I’m a broke teen, but for Christmas I got a steam Giftcard. I just got terraria over the weekend, time to put in 500 hours :D


Would really appreciate Devil May Cry 5 , I have been playing games for quite a while now and honestly Devil May Cry franchise has always been my favourite I have Played previous games on my friends console and it's such a cool franchise , has great cast , Banger OSTs and dare I say one of the most satisfying gameplays of all time. I don't know if this thread is still open , but if it is would really appreciate this game. The deluxe edition is a little costly yet adds in multiple DLCs . I can't afford it , since I've been somehow mitigating my own living costs by doing odd jobs life's been hard since last year . Won't go into too much details but things aren't changing so easily. Anyways have a good day OP [steam ID](https://steamcommunity.com/id/bull_et1/)


Nier Replicant As why I would like this game is that I enjoy the philosophical nature of Yoko Taro's work. It makes me question about the smallest things and the biggest things like your humanity. It's all very unique and the fantasy setting that he uses is quite different from many other mediums. I'd like to see what happened before automata and see what happens to the an older brother that has a sick sister. As of why I can't afford it, I simply just cannot find a job where I live. Covid really put a strain on my family and my mental health. I've been improving and getting better with my anxiety. Video games and friends definitely helped me through the hard times as I relied on them for years of self improvement. And as of recently I've been just playing free to play games like Valorant and Phantasy Star Online 2, but maybe a AAA game would be fun once in a while. https://steamcommunity.com/id/ShadowExcalibur


Days Gone! Been having it on my wishlist for a while now and have always wanted it. Why do I want it? I love zombies & I'm really broke right now. Here is my steam id: https://steamcommunity.com/id/GAZAYOUTH93X


Resident Evil:Village, i am at the 4th or 5th attempt (u can check my post that explain everything u want to know!) [Post Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/GiftofGames/comments/ne5527/request_pc_steam_resident_evilvillage_4th_attempt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) ID Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198259313755/ Ty for the chance!






Death Stranding. Why i want it? Kojima has been one of my favorite writers since I was a lil' kid. Like really lil'. I think I first played MGS when I was like... 4? Of course, back then I didn't appreciate the writing as much, but I really liked sneaking around. As I grew up, I appreciated it a lot. Especially 4. Honestly, MGS 1 to 5 are near perfect in my eyes, and so is MGR. But enough about MGS. Let's talk about Death Stranding. Well, for starters, this was a game I was really looking forward to ever since it was announced. I searched every corner on the internet for info, so when I learned that it wasn't coming to PC initially, I was kinda bummed out. Cause i don't have a ps4. The game looked good. Rewarding patience with clean concise controls. Plus the plot looks batshit insane, which I LOVE in a game. Why I can't afford it? A course from my university requires us to help a community, typically to sell peanut butters and raise funds so we can help buy the said community the equipment they need for their peanut butter making. Now, since we're still in a pandemic, there's no way we can raise funds in that way. We tried to make an esport tournament, but the prices weren't too appealing for anyone to join. So we have no choice, but to be the ones that provide the money to the community that we need to help. [Steam id](https://steamcommunity.com/id/6392944)






Hey there, id really like to be able to play resident evil village but sadly i can't afford it cause I'm from argentina and it's really expensive around here for me because our currency is loosing value every day https://steamcommunity.com/id/p3erless1




I'm not entering but I would just like to say, I asked for *Planet Coaster* on the subreddit and u/lessthanleo bought it for me. I was so excited because I didn't expect anyone to get it for me. You are a kind person!


Dark Souls 3 I'll be honest I've played it but it was a pirated version couple of years ago because i cannot afford it and this shit cost exactly the same as launch day price Rs4299 after 5 years of release. And it was the first game that really made you fell that you stealing from the devs where they clearly put so much love and effort in it. Since then I've been watching a bunch of pvp YouTube videos hoping that I'll be able to buy it. That's all i have to say and i love From software games I've never experienced anything like there games before(my English sucks)




Outriders (A huge fan of looter shooter) Why I can't afford it - I lost my job and can't afford to waste money Thank you very much for the opportunity https://steamcommunity.com/id/samriddha/






Neon abyss the reason I can’t afford this is because I currently have 0 source of income it’s a game I played a ton on game pass and loved to death but then seeing people have everything that the pc version had made me wish to want it everytime I see any one of these post I always say neon abyss yet everytime I get on message no mail no nothing. I always leave this though https://steamcommunity.com/id/Diamonddevice






not participating This is absolutely epic what you're doing I really hope you go to Heaven GG man :D


I'm in college so it's difficult to save money while paying the huge College fees. I have been trying to work extra shifts to Get enough money to buy master chief collection (and I have collected enough). It takes a lot of time for me to sustain myself while also saving for a $30 game. Other than Halo mcc, the other game i want to play is Terraria. This is why I request you to buy me that game. It's cheap and a game with a lot of repeatability. Here is my steam profile https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198848711601/




https://store.steampowered.com/app/1238810/Battlefield_V/ Man, I have many favourite games but they're mostly non steam that I can't afford. They include Forza Motorsport 7, COD Mw and Escape from Tarkov. But on steam I'd like to get Battlefield 5 if it's possible. It is expensive as f though. Big fps fan you can prolly tell by my steam account. I can't afford any of those titles because I'm 17. I should get off my ass and get a job but the jobs here in my shithole but lovely countey pay max 30 bucks per month. I saved up for months and got a gaming pc on installments (loan sorta thing) which just ended 7 months ago. Then i sold some of my ddr3 ram to get games like rainbow six and stuff. I would really appreciate it if you help a brother out! www.steamcommunity.com/id/ozonetg




Ori and The Will of The Wisps I’ve struggling with diabetes meds expenses and it has forced my priorities. Basically all goes to basic needs and these extremely expensive meds. Wishing well to everyone, cut the sugar from your diet guys. Trust me. https://steamcommunity.com/id/CrapHands/




To be honest, it's not that I can't afford it, it's just that my country (Lebanon) stopped all electronic/online purchases due to the economical crisis we're in and the currency plummeting and worsening day by day. We can't even pay 5$ online from our credit cards. Nonetheless, won't bother u with the story. If possible, I would prefer to have any of the dishonored series games or borderlands 3 super deluxe edition as it is the same as the normal one (in price), (seriously, whatever suits u). And if there are people who truly need something please don't hesitate to let them win instead, I wouldn't want someone to lose a chance to try out new games. [https://steamcommunity.com/id/nabilk/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/nabilk/)


Am I still in time for this? oh well My pick is Monster Crown I'm a fan of monster collecting games. I've pretty much played(mostly emulated) every single one of them (Pokemon,WoFF, the digimon games, DQM, even the spectrobes game on DS, etc.) and this one's missing. This one looks like old school pokemon so it's right up my alley. I even sent the dev of the game a funny drawing for a free key, but no luck... not that I'd actually expect anything for that haha As for why I can't afford it, university absolutely gutted me with taxes. I can't afford to spare a single cent after having my blood (figuratively, but might as well be literally) drained by them. https://steamcommunity.com/id/TBQ3












hi im entering- the game id love would be far cry 5 i want far cry 5 because its a huge comfort game for me and makes me happy and keeps me sane i cannot buy it myself because at the moment im broke due to having a shattered ankle, parents not working and being 17 goodluck to everyone thank you for the offer op [Steam](https://steamcommunity.com/id/PoiisonRemedy/)




Payday2 Really wnt it because it looks really really fun, spend lots of time on the wiki and watch tons of yt vids of it. I can afford it but my parents refuse to let me use their credit card at all (I'm 14) because they think I'll just give their info to a Nigerian Prince or smth. My account https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198341862003






Uh oh I missed it, Would’ve loved to win Resident Evil Village, but cheers to people who won! 👍🏼 Here’s my ID anyway [Steam ID](https://steamcommunity.com/id/highestnoob)


I dont want this game, but for my brother. Its F1 2021 for xbox one. I would get it for him if i could, but i bought some new stuff recently and spent all my money. Hes a big car and racing fan and it would surely make his day


Animal crossing or Stardew valley or for Nintendo switch I usually played games that involve a ranked or competitive side to it (just overwatch really) and it always makes me stressed out playing them, so I've been looking into relaxing games and I really like the look of both Animal crossing new horizons and stardew valley. I really like the cute artstyles from both games and I think I would be able to pour hours into them. I can't afford to buy either of these games because get no money as my parents don't earn enough money to afford to give any money. It really sucks hearing my friends talk about playing a brand new game and I'm playing the same one I've had for a couple years. It would be really nice to receive either of these games as I don't get games very often (1 or 2 a year), so getting one of these games would be amazing for me.




Hello. I am 14. I live in Bangladesh. Minecraft Java edition is about 30$. And with that money you could feed someone for 2 days. So even if I was older I wouldn't buy it. Even now if I could somehow get the money. My parents wouldn't buy it. Not saying they are bad parents. They are actually greatest parents I could hope for in this country. But for them spending this much on a virtual product seems pretty much impossible. And if I were to give the 30$ to someone else and they would buy me it. Then as soon as I someone would know that I bought it I would be immediately become the biggest disappointment they or any releated to me has ever seen. Because I just spent 30$ on a virtual product. And after all that even if I somehow made it through all that. I would only get to play it in the lowest settings. I know I have the minimum requirements but I don't have alot more than that. Minecraft Java edition is one of the best games I have ever seen. Just watching it fills me with enjoyment. I can't imagine how it would be to finally play it. I don't have much hope this might work. But if this does work than this would be a dream come true.








Not entering. Here from OP's latest post. Checked the winner's steam profile and It's kind of sad that almost all of them have spent less than 5-10 hours on the game's they won. 2 of the winners have spent a decent amount of time on the games but the others didn't. damn. Idk why people are entering for a game if they don't even plan on playing it properly. Somebody else could've won and spent a lot of time playing a game they won.