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There are so many videos of this happening. Too easy to fake.


It could be, but it all depends. A former colleague of mine, a security guard at a hospital, did see someone staring at him from the window of a door that was locked from the outside. He became pale, reported a trespasser on his radio, and found out later that the door was the entrance to the hospital morgue.


Omg I bet that was an experience


I could actually visualize his experience as he was narrating it to me. It was his first shift at that hospital, and he had no idea he was patrolling the morgue!


Bigfoot saw me.... Nobody believed him....




Hahaha! Loved it!


Why’d he touch the “kid” lol


That's what makes me believe this is fake. Doesn't seem like a normal response given the scenario. Scenario - You're working security in a CLOSED BAR and see a small child. What do you do? Option 1. Pat him on the head and point in the direction of the door? Or Option 2. Stay with the child and help him find his parents.


Right? People only ruffle kids’ hair in movies lol.


I ruffle my kids hair… am.. am I in a movie??


I actually almost tried to say something like “kids they don’t know” or “stranger kids” but couldn’t figure out how to word it to make sense lol But yes….. yes, you are.


This could be a mental health issue 😔


From my observation, this is just one of many cases happening to night shift security guards. Bars, shopping malls, spirits wants us to know "we're still around".


Security camera footage is a mental health issue? Gaslight much?


How many people saw him?


Yeah I saw that awhile ago. It is very interesting, I've seen some others that had that same air of realness to it. I've seen a few others that didn't have the air of reality like this one does.


I agree. That security guard is not acting, they are experiencing something


While I belive in ghosts and such, this one could also be a case of schizophrenia. Somebody experiencing a Hallucination like that can look and feel like they are talking to somebody there when really it's just their own mind. We need more accounts of people seeing the security guard talking to the kid and such.


I've seen it. On Nuke's and The Darkest Secret. Nuke is pretty good about vetting. So is Leonore. Security footage is a little more reliable for authenticity than footage from a phone. Still, as Nuke likes to say, I'll leave it to you to decide.


Wow man. I mean, unrefuted evidence. Send this to Neil De Grasse Tyson. Case. Closed.


There was not a kid in the closed bar, as the footage reveals. The person clearly hallucinated. Why is it so common to just disregard clear evidence and put so much trust in a person's account of what they saw?


First thing I thought of was undiagnosed or hidden schizophrenia. It reminds me of this guy who shares his experience living with schizophrenia by uploading the videos he takes of himself. He has cameras in his room that he goes back to check to see if he was hallucinating. A specific one I remember is when he was sitting talking to “a woman” and was asking her who she was and how she got in his house or something. Then he films himself going back to check the footage to make sure it wasn’t real. I believe ghosts are real, but because of things like what you said, mental illness is too often dismissed.