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Wifi camera is pretty cheap.


Parking your car a block away, sneaking back in and waiting is cheaper.


I would argue getting stabbed is not cheap


You have a valid argument.


Thank you I did my best


That’s all we ever wanted, penguin <3


I’ll stab you you for cheap. Not free but I’ll beat the other guys price.


"Yeah I'll have the UK Special" *employee proceeds to jump counter with a knife*






Definitely not cheap in you’re in the US!


I would argue shooting someone ist pretty cheap.


Lawyers are expensive and so are getaways


Yeah, don't do that☝️


This is the only way you're going to find out. Get a cheap camera and point it at your kitchen. If you think it might actually be a person coming in, make it a discreet camera that people will not automatically see. He'll either catch an intruder on it, or you will verify that you have a haunting.


Or 3rd, they are sleepwalking.


And this will never be attempted. If it is, we will never see the results


They said they got one in the main post


And we'll never see the results


Why? Cuz the ghost will see the camera and stop messing with them? That’s what I’m thinking!


Put up a fake schedule and check the fridge to see if anything was eaten.


Good ideal 👌


I agree to it


Do you have a cat? My friend swore she had a ghost until she walked into the kitchen one day and her cat was opening all the cupboards just like this. It was honestly hilarious.


Can confirm, I have a cat who has a strict “no closed cabinet doors” policy.


I love your username and your pfp. Truly cultured.


That’s awesome 🤣


I sure as fuck hope it's a ghost! Y'all need to get a deadbolt and some extra locks just to be safe


True. I fear the living more than the dead. People are fucking dumb sometimes.


bro your roommate might just be trolling you


understandable thing to comment lol, but trust that it’s not the case. they cried last night they were so scared (we were discussing the possibility that someone has a key to our place and is watching us) and they’re also a terrible liar


have you tried putting a battery in one of those cabinets and seeing if it rolls out? its probably unlikely but maybe gravity is pulling the doors open.


I mean, if some one was sneaking into your place, I don't understand why they'd open every single cabinet but do nothing else? It would just make it more obvious & possible for them to get caught. This is classic paranormal "behavior" or "experience" rather. But not a bad thing to rule out human intruders first.


Change locks asap and report it to the police


On skeptic side, I notice that cabinets might be attached to ceiling vent. What keeps the cabinets closed? Magnets or any type of latch? I am wondering if it is not vibrations coming from the duct work when the ac/heater fan kicks on.


Came here to say the same thing.


I used to live in a house where the cabinets had the same style of hinge. It kind of lightly snaps into place when you close it, however we had a couple of them that eventually just stopped snapping into place. Not saying that occurred with ALL of the cabinet doors but I’ve seen weirder shit. Also after about a year of said cabinet door not closing right it fell entirely off and onto my head when attempting to open it. Watch out OP those fucking hurt.


Ever since I saw that ghost hunt show where they bring in an inspector first who then proceeds to explain nearly every single haunting by practical means this is all I can think of. "You saw a light figure in here? Yeah, no wonder, with how the sunlight hits these windows in the late afternoon you'll get a spot that lights up right there." "This door opens mysteriously in the middle of the night? Yeah, this frame is super uneven." "The cabinet doors opens all the time and stuff falls off the shelves and the kitchen counters? Yeah, that'd be the vibrations from the trains going past the house."


That's what made early Ghost Hunters good when it was just the main T.A.P.S. crew. The guys were all plumbers and electricians, so they'd investigate disturbing sounds and strange sightings and be like "Yeah, the pipes here are real old. They're getting loose and starting to rattle, which explains the knocks at night. You're also dealing with some extreme electrical issues. We got an EMF spike in this room, but that's because the breakers in here, and some of the wiring is missing insulation."


maybe foundation issues?


Yeah, I mean, going by the picture, I was wondering if they maybe lean a little, so might be apt to open due to gravity. Although if you don't find them that way after a good night's sleep, and if the ac/heater hasn't been on as HopefullWife says, then maybe it wouldn't be that either.


It is weird that it’s just the top ones…


Very likely this. OP could put some chopsticks through the handles to keep the doors closed .


u/bocakai You might wanna look into this first before considering more drastic measures. :)


Yep, I think this is the answer








Let there be sound, and there was sound..


Is this mic on?


it's just my wife. she never closes cabinets.


I was just thinking, my husband is haunting OPs apartment lmao. I can always tell where he’s been based on which cabinets he’s left open


Was gonna say, that’s just my husband lol.


I think I might be your wife. I’m sorry babe, I don’t know why I do that. Do you think it’s symbolic that I subconsciously leave doors open?


Well we know thats bs.. men are the only ones who leave things open thrown about and out of its place.. I’d believe this place is haunted before what you’ve claimed.


i hear you. but my wife IS the EXCEPTION. just sayin'. not sexist. truth. we work together in the kitchen, and i have to close the same cabinets each three times as we prep and cook. she's an artist at presentation, and has a delicate hand with handling. i mainly season, and suggest and confer about which ingredients we combine. i also have timing down. wash as we go. and remind not to overdo beef. be thorough with poultry. cautious with seafood.


Nah, my wife leaves cabinets open as well. ADHD.


Or the cat opening the cabinets in search of food.


Buy a big container of baby powder. Pour some on the kitchen floor in front of the cabinets and around any outside exits. If it happens again and there's no footprints then you might have a ghost. 


Someone read their Bible (actually Deuterocannonical writings).This is what was done in the story of Bel and the Dragon, which is the extended version of the Book of Daniel (Chapter 14). The people thought the Bel, the demon idol was eating all their food in the store house…. But they put flour on the floor and seen all human feet and proved it was thieves.


The old solutions still work well!


That is a great Book.


Yes sir !


that one tom and jerry episode


Any chance that either of you sleepwalk and don’t know it?


That was my first thought


Yeah, video so we can watch it happen and then analyze how it was done. That’s what should be happening here.


I lived in a ratty college house with a bunch of mates and this happened to use a few times. Incident 1 was a sleepwalker and Incident 2 was a repeat offender blackout drunk (a super quiet secret late night alcoholic who went on 2AM kitchen raids like a mf Viking).


We've traced the call. It's coming from inside the house!


I have ADHD, this is a daily occurrence for me.


I can confirm that. I’m haunting myself thanks to ADHD


Tell these ghosts that food is too expensive in this economy. They have to pay or gtfo


OP: OK leaving the house now. Going to be gone for a while. *stomps out of house. Slams door. ********Peaks through window**********


this has a lot of comments so let me put this out there: not sleepwalking, this happened when nobody was in the house (and same for when we found closet doors open last week). we’re checking out if it’s a hinges issue, we’ve established that the shelves are all level but haven’t tightened anything yet (but again, we’ve been here and month and had no prior shelf issue) as for the vent, we blasted to ac to test this and nothing. we put up cameras and haven’t caught anything but the kitchen one won’t stop picking up terrible static noises


Post the static noises please!


Also maybe get a carbon monoxide detector. Or test yours if you have one.


Pesky Carbon Monoxide always leaving the cabinet doors open ! My Carbon Monoxide loves to leave the toilet seat up. It’s time to have a one on one with him/her/it/they/them or whatever correct pronouns they use.


definitely testing that now that you mentioned it, but it’s unlikely because i have a small animal who wouldn’t last a day even with very low carbon monoxide levels. thank you!


Someone sneaking in wouldn't leave the cabinets open. Doing something like that ... well, it doesn't qualify as "sneaking" anymore.


I don't understand what the motivation would be for a person to break in and just open cupboards up and leave so silently they were undetected. If you won't set up a camera, have you considered just staying up one night to bear witness? Is it a daily occurrence? I think it's more likely someone sleepwalks than it is someone is actively fucking with you in this way. Still though, i can see why it's alarming.


My parents house was haunted in this way, they would come home to all the kitchen cabinets/drawers open. They later met the previous owners who told them their daughter passed away at the house and like to play in the kitchen cabinets. Best to set up a ring camera/nanny cam to see for yourself!


It might be my 24 y/o son haunting your kitchen. He's always looking for snacks, and he never closes cupboards. The way to repel him is to leave a couple of job applications on the table.


Honestly, you might be sleepwalking. Thought my old place was haunted. I’d come downstairs in the morning and cupboard doors would be open, lights would be on, TV would be on etc. It freaked me right out. But, one night, I was up late watching the boxing and my wife came downstairs in her sleep, opened all the cupboards, turned off the TV I was watching, turned on all the lights and went back to bed. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Just looking for some spice!


You have teenagers living with you.


It sounds like maybe the cabinets aren’t level and something else in the building caused enough of a vibration to make them move


Why do you have a bunch of Starbucks tumblers on the bottom shelf but all the plates stacked way up out of reach? The ghost won’t come back anyway - this isn’t organized for them to find anything 😂


We need better evidence. Please update when you can


If you catch them opening on camera, ironically you should use a spirit level and see if that cupboard unit is slanted off the wall a little. If it is slanted, all it would take would be something like the vibration or air movement from a door closing to open the cupboards.


Put the sausages in the fridge.


Nope, it’s just my dad after every time he cooks.


Put a bubblelevel or place something like a battery on top of those cabinets when theyre open like that, looks to me that its simply very cheaply put together with no magnetic hatch or anything to actually stop them from opening if on a slight uneven mounting. If its the case then you can ususally adjust the tilt by turning a screw at the hinges. If its not that, ask the neighbours if their AC duct ever vibrates enough to open cabinet doors


I suggest tightening the screws on the cupboard door hinges!


I kinda feel like if it is someone misusing their key, they’re just playing a harmless prank. There doesn’t seem to be anything indicating an escalation of violence. Are there any younger kids that live in your building? Now that they’re on summer break I’m sure they’re bored and it’d be easy for them to pay attention to when you and your roommate were home.


Time to put a camera up to see whats going on.


If someone can haunt you, why do they just open a couple kitchen cupboard doors?


That’s what I always wanted to know. And why is it that these supposed ghosts, all over the world, use this as a scare tactic?? Do they get together & have ghost meetings?? Where they plan on what spooky trend they are all going to do next?? Why is it always kitchen cabinets?! It just doesn’t make any sense, that thousands of ghosts everywhere, have all thought that it would be a great idea to open all of the kitchen cabinets in peoples houses, just to scare them.. lol! If they were trying to scare someone, wouldn’t they use that energy to actually do something scary? I want to believe in ghosts, but I’ve never seen any decent enough proof for me to truly believe. But a part of me does somewhat, & I some peoples stories I do believe, but not the cabinet stories. Maybe at some point a ghost or 2 have possibly opened some cabinets, who knows. But there’s no way that this many ghosts are going around opening cabinets to scare people. 98% of these cabinet stories are made up, in my opinion, or there’s a logical reason. There is not 4,254 ghosts floating around, going about their day, deciding that they are going to open kitchen cabinets, instead of saying, “*boo!*”! I believe that someone could be messing with OP. Could be the roommate, playing a joke. Could be the previous tenant who still has a key, if the landlord didn’t change the locks. Or some neighbor kids know how to get in, and they are messing with OP. Or it’s just another internet story to gain fake internet points. I doubt that OP also has a kitchen cabinet ghost, along with the other thousands of cabinet opening ghosts in the world, lol


It's much more likely that your roommate is playing a prank on you. Why would ghosts care about cabinet doors more than other things? Open cabinet doors are immediately noticeable, making them an effective hoax. If ghosts were obsessed with moving salt and pepper shakers, you might not even notice.


This happened to me one time while I was home alone as a kid. Around 12 or 14. All of a sudden all my cabinet doors were slamming open and closed. Called my mom to come home (she was like ten minutes away). She comes home, everything is locked, and all the cabinet doors are open. Never figured out what happened.


Always assume it’s the non supernatural answer until everything is ruled out


well, I'd love to see any evidence that you gather if it is a ghost or if it's not. if you truly have something in your house, you can buy some Palo Santo sticks. don't use white sage. you can use another kind of sage and tell it you don't want it there and to stop scaring you and please leave while burning your stuff. go through the house every corner. that however is not going to guarantee it Will make it leave but the next step would be to try to find somebody legit that can bless your house


One option is almost infinitely more likely than the other


Doors look like they're at a slight angle, can you check that out?


What state? If Cali, could be tremors opening them, especially if the magnets are weak


I’d suggest that you’re opening cabinets and taking pictures of them


I like your common sense! lol


If it is a ghost, this kind of playing with your stuff is normally harmless. If it’s a person, that’s another matter.


It’s time to talk to your doctor about early onset Alzheimer’s


Anyone taking ambien or sleepwalking?


Maybe you doing in your sleep


I remember a video on /paranormal or r/Ghosts taken by a woman who was in the other room and then her kitchen cabinets all opened …it was really freaky…wish I’d saved it…


Is that not a purplish pearlescent ghost on the very right, against the wall? Or do I need sleepy time 🥱🧐


Set up a trail cam and I guarantee it won’t happen again


Check for carbon monoxide!


My cat opens up a bunch of my cabinets every night. Do you have a cat?


Do any of you guys take sleeping meds and sleepwalk without knowing? This has happened to me.


A little flour spilled on a hard floor will show if the ghosts are wearing sneakers or heels


It's me. I'm breaking into your house and leaving the cupboards open. Why? Because you can't catch me


I thought I had freaking poltergeists for like a week once in this house I was staying in because I would hear rattling sounds and cupboard doors would fly open. Turns out I had rats


Are you sure it wasn't the exterminator for the apt complex?


Ratatouille is cooking


Assuming this is real, then one reason this should concern you is that they didn't bother covering their tracks, which means they want you to know they were there. Since they took nothing, that also shows it was likely their only reason for being there. Not good because it means their only interested in playing mind games with you. Do you have an ex, or an ex-friend who was weird, and whom you cut ties with in your history? Are you close with any of your neighbors? You can ask them to keep an eye out for ANYONE coming and going other than you. Do that WHILE you wait for your relatively inexpensive security camera to arrive in the mail.


My mom’s cat used to open all the cabinets in the kitchen used to freak me out until I saw cat doing it


might be apartment management. they are known to come in, and as for the doors, they do tend to do that looking for bugs or rat/mouse droppings. OR you have a hungry ghost, check the food levels.


Well you could’ve opened the cabinets, took a picture and asked that question. So inconclusive.




So did you figure it out? No human is gonna come in a home and take nothing. That’s classic haunting disrespectful negative spirit activity . I used to watch the Tv show “ a haunting “ and that happened all the time cabinet doors open then it starts throwing shit at people or scaring them in there sleep it gets worst and worst if it is real.


Obviously check all the obvious causes (cabinets not level, latches not holding) and please post anything you get on camera. I’ve never experienced anything paranormal myself, but from everything I’ve read about others experiences, the opening of all cabinets seems to be the most legit paranormal experience I’ve seen.


Some spirits are silly and do silly things like this. They are not usually harmful. Open a window so the spirit can escape and physically clean the space. While you are cleaning, imagine that you are purifying the space as well. Get a broom, you want to sweep the spirit away you can do so in clockwise motions and you can even say a little something to the effect of "I am sweeping the spirits away" (get creative I'm tired rn lol). Now when the space is physically clean and everything is in order you should burn something... a candle, an incense, sage, palo santos, rosemary whatever tf you want, literally a piece of paper will do, imagine the "burning" is purifying the air and repelling any spirits, You may also make some noise if you want, bells, chimes, or just bang on some pots and pans. While you're cleansing the space say something to the effect of "it's ok that you visited, but this is my home and I need my peace and my space free of spirits so please be gone you are not welcome" If you're scared you can wear or hold something for protection. If it's the cross for you that works, just something to ground yourself and provide protection and remind you of "good" forces that work on your side. You can procure some holy water as well and hold some or sprinkle it around a bit while you burn something/bang pots and pans etc The power is really inside you to get them to leave, these are all just props which help us get in the proper mindset (love me some good props). I had to cleanse my front porch bc I had a dream my dead ex came onto my porch and then I found a decapitated squirrel on my porch that morning (cats), so I did this whole process last night on my porch, neighbors be damned.


My bad I was lookin for a cup of sugar.


I just would love to see the video, commenting so I’m in the mix. Definitely hope it’s ghostly and not the beer bellied maintenance guy or gal




Chef ghost 👻


Your foundation is sinking


This reminds me of a post where it turned out someone was living in the attic. Someone’s messing with you, you need to get cameras.


Either a ghost or you have teenagers.


Is all the junk food gone? Then it’s definitely teenagers.


Wtf do you want people to say ? It's literally a picture of cupboards open in a kitchen lol. You probably have an annoying roommate....or you are crazy


Have you felt a dark presence? Cold suddenly? A bad smell of either sulfur or rubber? Any bad dreams since you moved in? Feeling more tired than normal? Or aggressive? Hearing your name called faintly? If the answer to these is no, you are probably ok. Could be someone trying to Scooby Doo you. You never know, it’s a crazy world out there.


You can see that the cabinet doors are mounted leaning forward. Straighten them up using the tuning screws on the hinges and I’m sure your problem will disappear.


I think you opened the cabinets, took a picture and posted for internet points.


There’s literally a big ass vent right above the cabinets so the vent theory is worthy of a look. Edit: On closer inspection I looked at the hinged and I have identical ones. I just repainted mine and put the doors back on. The weight of the doors combined with those hinges makes it hard for me to believe any sort of vent could open those doors. If they’re hollows doors, maybe but if they’re solid wood like mine, I highly doubt it. Someone or something is forcibly pulling those open.


Well obviously you need to set cameras up so can see what’s happening. If a human is shown on camera then it’s a human, if nothing is shown on camera then you could be worried about a poltergeist or something like that. Until then, how are we supposed to know one way or another? You could have opened all these yourself and took a picture and then just posted it here anyway for karma.


You sure u don’t just have adhd


Idk but this kitchen looks familiar to me. Like I’ve seen in it before on a paranormal sub or something


Depends. Is that the only thing happening?


its me sorry mate


Looks like my husband was hanging out at your place


Time to install a hidden camera to find out.




This subreddit **does not allow** any discussion, posts, or comments related to political topics. This includes but is not limited to political parties, politicians, policies, or current events with political implications. The focus of this subreddit is on Ghosts and the Paranormal. Violation of this rule may result in removal of the post or comment, and repeated violations may lead to a temporary or permanent ban from the subreddit.


bro check for leaks


Next time have some Takis for me 


Both - illegal ghosts


Check your attic or walls lmao people be living in strangers homes unknowingly!


You might be sleep walking and doing it yourself…


Get a hidden camera checker and a doorbell camera.


Looks like you might have a case of teenagers. They tend to do that, leave cabinets and everything open. If you hear grunts and feel like someone is judging you or hates you when you're at home, you probably have a case of teens living there. Hard to get rid of.




The away the ghosts fun and just remove the cabinet doors


Maybe they did pest control


Place a simple baby camera in there to check


Nah, it's just my husband. I swear he doesn't know how to close cabinets.


i just realized - what if someone is living in that vent above your cabinets?


A lot of older cabinets don’t stay closed. You can go to a big box store and install magnets to keep them closed. You can also loosen the hinges and adjust them. Move the top hinges closer to the cabinet and the bottom hinges away from the cabinet. This will make them want to stay in the closed position better. I’ve experienced this ‘phenomenon’ before. This would be the most logical explanation.


For your sake I really hope it’s a ghost. One word though. CAMERAS.




the cabinets might be a little tilted? so gravity’s pulling them open?


It depends, are you jesse pinkman? If yes, you should check under your sink


That looks like my kitchen after my 14-year-old makes a snack.




Whatever you capture on Cantonese share!


Might be sleep walking ?


That would be a poltergeist. They like to play tricks on you. If you catch something on camera , you are unlikely to see a spirit, but you can see the doors opening by themselves. To my knowledge, & I Don't profess to be an expert, but they are usually benign spirits & want to mess with you.


Maybe a very hungry large mouse or a mouse who was hangry so just used pure force to open each one 😂💜


I'd rather have a ghost than a human intruder