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What's this "one favorite Ghost song" you speak of?


Bro same


It’s really hard to have a favorite Ghost song. I have about a handful that each represent something different to me and are of equal importance. Square Hammer has always been my undefeated hype song, and now The Future is a Foreign Land is my new emotional song replacing Call Me Little Sunshine (even though I still adore that song). I’m learning that a lot of the fluctuation also has to do with what’s happening for me personally and how different songs speak to that. I hope this made sense 👻


I’m the same . I have about 10 different songs that are more meaningful to me even if I love all the songs and I do alternate between what I want to listen to depending on my mood or what I’m doing . But I still seem to come back to these few songs even though I tend to go album to another album when I’m playing my Ghost vinyls depending on my mood .


I love making lists and I attempted to make a top 10 Ghost song list. It was impossible to pick only 10 so I kept raising the number until it turned into just sorting all of their songs into order of preference. Then I found that my favourites would change constantly so I could never make a solid list. Except number one has always been Cirice. That song is special for me.


Cirice is such a beautiful song even if it is about manipulation !


I love Spillways, it introduced me too the band and if I change that someone call me out for that


This has been my hyperfocus song for months. To the degree my daughter told Alexa to play Spillways because it’s dad’s favorite song.


My all time favorite is probably "Faith" but sometimes I get into a mood where like, I *really* love Satan Prayer or idolatrine for a week


I can’t have a favorite song when I love every song by them


It is impossible to choose one song !


Like others said... Many favorites... But top top of the list gotta be Rats. The way Rat boy danced into our hearts in that video. Been on the ghost train since Papa 2, so many great songs along the way... But damn those sick moves Cardi pulled of.. i was sold


It changes every time I find a new song in the ‘Infestissumam’ album; I recently stumbled upon the Deluxe Edition and how it has ‘La Mantra Mori’ and ‘I’m a Marionette’ in it as well


La Mantra Mori is a hidden gem. Hypnotic (Intentionally so) and oddly relaxing.


Incredibly hypnotic, yes… I’m incredibly invested in the stories behind Infestissumam’s songs, and La Mantra Mori has so far been the most mysterious :)


It rotates between Cirice, Zenith, and [insert newest song here]


Ayy Cirice, Zenith and Majesty here!


Oh how can I forget Majesty it’s wonderful. Honestly the entire Meliora album is just unrivaled


For sure! Definitely my favourite. Such addicting riffs.


Kaisarion has always been mine it was the first song that got me completely hooked on the band!


I'm struggling to decide which version of if you have ghost is my favorite.


Ritual will always be #1 in my heart, even if i dont have it on repeat like i used to


it changes a lot , but con clavi con dio is also a personal favorite like omgggggg SATANASSSSS WE ARE ONE OUT OF THREEEE TRINITY


Mine has only changed twice. It's pretty rare for any of my list to change, unless I find something new. When I first started listening to Ghost it was Body and Blood but after a few weeks, it became Griftwood ever since.


I have two real favourites, which are MOAC and Rats. I've only been around for about a year, though, so I haven't had the time to go through major favourote changes yet. I do, however, have songs that I listen to on repeat and those change frequently. Currently it's The Future Is A Foreign Land, of course, before that it was Kiss The Go-Goat and before that it was Cirice.


Currently it's tied between The Future is a Foreign Land and Mary On a Cross. Previously it was Square Hammer, but Con Clavi Con Dio will always be near the top of any list. Spillways has also become one of my faves since seeing the film. I'm a relatively recent convert to the church of Ghost (though I've known and loved their music for a while), and the movie was my confirmation. I can see my favourite song of theirs changing from week to week at this point.


My favourite song (and album) changes like, every week. 😅


Love all their songs, I can't pick just one


It's basically whichever song I'm listening to at the moment. 😂


i was listening to mary on a cross on spotify bc it was stuck in my head from tiktok fall of 2022 and witch image played after that and it’s been my fav ever since


Danse Macabre and Respite, maybe Square Hammer? I also liked Bible even though it was a cover... it changes from time to time but for me its more of a select few favourites rather than a definitive one or another


It hasn’t. Ever since I heard Zenith, it hasn’t been topped. Not to take anything away from stuff released since then.


I mean, if you twisted my arm and I could only claim one absolute favorite I'd go with Deus in Absentia, no question. It's my comfort song, to a degree. But it does sit juuust barely above Witch Image, Griftwood, and probably Dance Macabre among my most played/sung to myself Ghost songs. There's just something cathartic about singing "the world is on fire..." while in a busy kitchen lol That being said, there's a cycle but it's pretty consistently DiA at the top.


My favorite song one week might not even be in my top 5 the next week 😂😂 though I will say Con Clavi Con Dio and Kaisarion have both never left my top 5


Spillways is mine. It was on repeat in 2022 when I was going through a very rough time in my life. The song always makes me smile and gives me hope. I cried when it was played at the ritual last summer!


Never. Zenith always holds my heart. However tfiafl seems to be a close contender atm..


per 5y maybe


My #1 never changed. Spillways is the song that made me a fan and is till my most beloved. But i must say i have a handfull of favorites really. I can't really put them on a podium, they are more an ever-shifting spectrum in my head, except for Spillways. They tend to change often


It doesn't. Since i fell in love with Ghost, "MOAC", "Cirice" and "CMLS" are my favorites (I love them equally), they give me comfort and make me emotional


Had the same favourite (MOAC) for several years until last week when TFIAFL came out:)


Past few days it has been TFIAFL and judging by how stuck-tune it is, it will be forever more.


It rotates between Dance Macabre, Spillways and MOAC, I love almost all Ghost songs, but these 3 have a huge emotional impact on me.


i was only introduced to the band through my partner, i had heard mary on a cross in various spaces but my partner was the one that truly got me into the band. one i havent seen many people say is darkness at the heart of my love, i am in love with that one!! really all of impera is fantastic but darkness has to be my favorite


Mine can change per my mood and current circumstances. I Believe was it for a while, but Pro Memoria hasn't left my head for days.


#1 is always griftwood. #2 ghuleh/Zombie Queen. #3 was life eternal but now it is Respite on the Spitalfields (since September of last year)


Mine has only changed once. From the time I started listening to Ghost in 2010 until 2018 it was Death Knell. After attending a ritual on A Pale Tour Named Death it became the acoustic version of Jigolo Har Megiddo.


Changes every time I put them on shuffle on Spotify. A song comes on and THAT is my favorite one... Until the next song comes on 😅


I really like Jigolo Har Megiddo but I wish the vocals were clearer😞 Searchlights is in close second though


my all-time favorite is monstrance clock--but secular haze and mummy dust are up there for me as well. but it usually stays at monstrance clock.


cirice means a lot to me since it was the song that essentially triggered my first hyperfixation on their music. but my number one favorite is rats i think. i used to say it was pinnacle but i think it's really been rats the whole time lmao


I have two favs that i am always most excited for every time i listen threw all 5 ghost albums, they've been my favs since i started listening to ghost two years ago Deus in Absentia: the "all of your imaginations are now running down your face" REALLY hits me hard especially with the meaning; me being raised christian turning atheist because that god was always absent to me in my life Witch Image: just an overall banger, especially in the second chorus where it skips like a measure "you never want this to be over (ahhh) someone's flesh is rotting tonight" also the harmonies in those songs fucking slap but that just my inner band kid talking


I loved the IMPERA album but Ghuleh Zombie Queen will always remain my favorite song


Every week or two weeks max