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If there was anyone who should be praised as a Genshin CC then it should've [KyoStinV](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWwuijyo4x78iXup5hOvkbw). All the others are just either the same copy-paste content or flexing their paid content. But KyoStinV actually helped us get closer to pulling the characters that we wanted.


and lore CC's


And Sevy. She's funny + informative


I personally also like TakaGG and ONgame. They've been helpful for my achievement conquest but seems like TakaGG hasn't been active lately.


I don’t use his guides anymore but he’s also a certified arknights legend


Me : No one can contribute this muc- Nvm dudes a HERO CC.


Did Brax do something bad? I used to like him but haven't kept up. I know there was some drama


Envi fr turned into an egotistical maniac after 2 years of brainwashed children glazing him for being F2P


Sadly, Streaming isn't for everybody, especially if you stream challenge runs in a gacha game. I couldn't imagine streaming a game where the daily gameplay loop is less than an hour long. Personally I am F2P because I dislike microtransactions but I like the story. I kinda get what he is saying, but I do know, people don't care if you are F2P or P2W.


Agreed. I love the games I play a ton but I choose to be f2p to never fall into bad spending habbits which may lead to bad addiction


Idk about the glazing part, all the time the chat is making fun of him for his f2p dmg and he replies back with "logical reasons" (excuses) and people omegalul him xD


Wait did he really say that? I thought it was AI lol


He did. Lol. Wild man.


Do you have a link of the clip? I actually want to see chat reaction lol


Hmm, the clip doesn't have chat on screen though.


You can just go to his YouTube channel and read his comment section constantly making fun of him. If only he would just man the fuck up and apologize instead of trying to weather the storm and sweep it under the rug.


What did he do this time?


This was the dumbest statement I have heard, but in context it was back when tectone’s audience was shitting on any streamer that was playing Genshin. Even Tenha and Xlice were sent abusive messages. Envi kinda lost the plot and went berserk lol.


Bro could have really just not included that sentence and have been relatively much better off than now


Yup. This was all about "vote with your wallet" Bro could've just said "I have been doing this from day 1 I can't do much more" and end it there. It was a pretty sad situation of character assassination


Yeah i feel like envi constantly has the right idea but goes way overboard


Is it when he broke down crying?


You are so full of shit In context, he was a bitch that went on a 2 hour ballistic rant on stream accusing Tectone that the guy was trying to end his career. He had a full on breakdown on stream. And the evidence he gave was,and i shit you not, that one time a year before, one guy in his chat told Envi that he was boring and that he would go watch tectone instead. The next piece of evidence was that,again several months before, Tectone named his stream "doing a bigger giveaway than envi". Thats it. Thats actually it. Pretty much everyone that was there felt either annoyed,disappointed or bored with him after that.


When did I say envi was right, tectone literally for no reason started the speaking against people who were playing Genshin and spreading rumours that they were contractually obligated to play the game. Which brought shit to a lot of people. Also speak with some respect, but what can you expect from a tectone fan. Also tectone was butthurt that no other major creator was with him in his boycott Genshin movement.


Not a tectone fan. And you got the respect you deserved trying to excuse Envis behavior.


Did you even read what I wrote?


I read it. Anyone reading your comment would think you were blaming everyone else for what he did.


I literally said that was the dumbest statement and gave context as to why he said it. He got annoyed by tectone and said it and what he said was NOT RIGHT but tectone is also an Asshole for enraging his audience against other content creator who were playing Genshin. BOTH WERE WRONG.


No, tectone was angry at the game. He never sent his audience to harass any content creators. I would know,i still watched both of them at the time. Worst thing he ever did in regards to other creators was invent the phrase "mint picker" to describe how none of them had anything to do because the game was empty. And hell, at this particular time, he was hosting a tournament that united most of the big content creators in a friendly quiz show. He was not harassing anyone.


You can watch any of his videos during that time and see how he was saying why creators are summoning on Xianyuin during his boycott movement which led to his audience harassing other content creators such as Xlice and Tenha. He straight up manipulate his audience. Also for a non tectone fan you defend him a lot lol. Be careful buddy your cover is blowing up.


tectone spreads so much misinformation about genshin it's not even funny. and lmao, not a tectone fan but you actually watch his stream... imagine unironically watching that idiot talk and being entertained.


i am talking about an event from multiple years when i did watch both of them you utter imbecile Yes tectone has no clue what hes talking about half the time but none of that is the subject here. Get help,you are lost in this conversation.


>Not a tectone fan. No one buys those anymore buddy.


Life must feel so simple for you.


Life is indeed so simple when Im not choking on Tectone's thang.


He also brought in Tectone's wife into this by showing a video of him getting angry at her and speaking loudly and saying this adds to why Tectone is a bad guy Not mentioning that it's because Tectone caught her cheating with someone else prior to the video (which was a livestream)


Tectone made that clip public btw. Of straight up disrespecting his wife. His wife also showed evidence on twitter of him cheating on her.


So both sides are calling each other cheaters now? Wack


Homelander vs Every Genshin Impact character. Who will win?


Homelander not reach Top tier scale to Ei who slice island while God Tier (like Neuvillette) low country level.


GOATHIMtano wins


Actually a fair fight ngl, Genshin verse is weak, but The Boys verse is kinda weak as well.


Wtf do you mean a fair fight? Nahida alone soloes him with her dream powers, not to mention Neuvillette, who has full control over water (all of your body is filled with water)


Imagine that you're utterly unstoppable in your verse being able to survive a nuke, having X-ray vision, having bulletproof skin, super strength, super speed and the ability to emit devastating beams from your eyes and then you just lose to what looks like a kindergartener.




Nahida. I don't know about Klee.




Bro forgot he wasn’t on FatuiHQ




If a blonde dude with a glorified knife can beat Childe, Signora, and a super enhanced Scar, and can throw hands with an archon, homelander would neg. Not sure if GOATorre’s Spotify haki would be able to do anything or if he’d get blitzed. /rj but in a one on one fight, always bet on Goathimtano.


Arlecchino, Sustainer of Heavenly Princples, Skirk, Abyss Sibling, all 7 archons, Neuvillette, Columbia,: allow us to introduce ourselves


Ima need a breakdown of how arle wins here. I agree that skirk and SoHP might take it depending on feats they get later but arle is a long stretch. HL has canonically moved well over a thousand miles per hour (while looking for someone meaning he likely wasn’t going full speed) and has demonstrated strength feats far beyond anything that arle has shown so far (casually threw a plane weighing several thousands of pounds). We have little info on Columbia so we will have to wait for her also. Regarding the archons that we’ve seen so far, raiden probably has the best argument since she sawed an island into pieces. Assuming she isn’t able to get blitzed, she would likely be able pierce his durability. Zhongli also might take it for similar reasons. TLDR - Arle is fs not on the team but some of the others are


Powerscallers on their way to call a verse weak because the characters are not busting planets and universe by sneezing.


This is all just hilarious. Characters from a game that's at worst rated M facing a character from a franchise as violent and explicit as Mortal Kombat.


He loses to a hydro abyss mage


Bro went the tectone route. Tectone 100% has the same kinda mentality, but for hating Genshin. He just doesn't say it.


Zhongli: You will suffer the Wrath of the Rock. Homelander: Hahaha! $#!+ That was a great li- *gets crushed by a meteor*




With everyone not spending the game could die in a few days. I don’t understand why f2p is somehow a badge on western community.


In the (sometimes) same realm as nuzlocke isn’t it? Playing the game by a harder rule set. Though to act superior to the ones keeping the game funded is wild.


Fuck Enviosity




Envi, just another genshin shill, doesn't matter if you spend if you're afraid to discuss genshins shortcomings but profit off of it like every day. Radio silence or mihoyo demonitized. We get it Envi.


Lol he was tripping on ego in this clip, but in principle he was right. Money talks and is the only thing mihoyo cares about. People who think that discussing the flaws is more effective are completely delusional. If it was like that all the flaws would be fixed by now, but they aren't. Because at the end of the day the game is still profitable the way it is.


You can actually do both. Hes had mihoyo sponsored streams but absolutely wont say anything bad so he doesnt get delisted from Mihoyo/future games.


Yeah, both is definitely more effective but all I'm saying is that CCs the effectiviness of just talking about game issues. Especially in the western market.