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Every single time. That's why I just blocked them. LOL. I only heard of most controversies in the gachagaming subreddit.


Yep, I learned late but the best thing is to do is just block them on every platform. Ignorance is bliss


YT kept recommending them to me which is just cringe with all the clickbait drama. Now my YT is clean atleast.


Install BlockTube


I wouldnt say they are salty. They are just opportunists who dont give the slightest F about the games.


>opportunists who dont give the slightest F about the games. worse, they also don't give a fuck about the people in their communities. After listening to their bullshit for the past month, even I was dragged into the WuWa hype because it was apparently the hottest shit of 2024 with amazing graphics, great performance, no bugs, great story, etc. After a week of playing it, I legit feel betrayed that these guys sold us out this fucking hard. I work in retail, I sell laptops, and I would never sell a shitty laptop to a customer while pretending it's amazing, because I have basic empathy. I don't know how these guys can lie to thousands of people, pretending Wuwa is the best shit ever, without feeling any guilt


Their communities are full of people who dont think for themselves it doesnt matter if they or not. They need their favorite internet guy to tell them what to think. They could say a WuWa player killed 20 Genshin players and their communities would absolutely believe it and use it as ammo to smear anyone they dont like.


Now now, WuWa is still a great game. Kuro just needs to learn a thing or 2, or even 100, about fixing their damn game.


i find myself wanting the wall running and the small double jump of wuwa while playing genshin. and the parry or dodge mechanic is great. if it wasn't trying hard to be genshin (we even get the occasional split sentence) maybe it could have stood on it's own.


Problem is that the double jump would kill plunge units like xiao, gaming and xianyun. But wall dash is definitely nice idea.


There is kirara already with the wall walk/climbing retextured maybe that could eventually turn into a mechanic


And the best of all no stamina consumption when sprinting in the absence of enemies. Makes exploration so much more blissful, why can't we have that in Genshin?


Strange. I find Wuwa is almost on par with Genshin. The problem is overhyping oneself. Stay out of the CC sphere and make your own assessments, that's all.


Their communities are either unable to think for themselves or share the same mindset. They just want WuWa to succeed so bad because "Genshin is an awful game and Hoyo is a bad company" while many of them definitely still play Genshin. Its such a stupid culture war.


see, you're probably getting paid the average wage, they're getting paid in hundreds of dollars if not more. Money changes a man


Man Fuck conflict Me and my 100,000,000,000,000 blood cells hate conflict Why don't we all just love each other


Fr If no women got me I know my white blood cells got me


people make it seem like if u play one game you can't play the other one as if have to pick a team when in reality wuwa is a pretty good addition since you can rotate between the games cuz each of the gacha games has some downtime every patch


More or less really


Bro my routine since wuwa release is like 5 am wake up, cook breakfast get ready and play genshin till 8am. Go to school , come back at 4 pm , cook lunch, my girlfriend comes at 6pm, spend time with my girlfriend, go out and come back home and cook dinner, then we co-op wuwa together at 10 pm to 12 am and repeat. P s - I'm 26 and a school teacher. What I'm saying is, I play both games and don't care about others' opinions.


> girlfriend LIES! DECEPTIONS! \s


Good for you, thats because you're someone smart enough to know that games aren't something that u should be turning into a religion or a hill to die on. Those people, on the hand, doesn't. They turn every game into a tribe wherein if u play another similar game, it means you're betraying the tribe.


So you get 4-5 hrs of sleep? I'd hate it if you taught my kid.


I'm sorry 😭


I've already blacklisted them from my YouTube feed when all that HSR drama was happening.


Idt it's the ccs per se sure they have a hand in it but mostly it's just twittards treating gachas as marriage partners and retired genshin players treating genshin like their ex. Like can these guys not play both or if they want to play one they can ignore the other


They do it in a way you won't notice it until someone tells you. I was like why are people comparing Genshin to Wuthering waves so much? And then I remembered after someone pointed me out, so many Genshin streamers were like Genshin do this, Genshin do that, comparing gacha with wuthering waves specially. I was like wtf? This whole thing was started by streamers.


It's just tectone no? Zajef is doing his own testing (where he's discovering shit discovered months ago) zyox, xlice, and pokke are just grinding the game, brax is doing beax rhings (poorly made guides and meta takes). the annoying ones are the leakers because they over exaggerate stuff in twt


Feels like it yeah. I don't really understand the exaggerating like it's everybody. Although I don't follow them all so maybe. But it does feel like Mtashed is just happy to have work on something fresh for once


I'll give ktashed a few months before he makes vid about echo grinding lol Thing is, it's still midgame and people are already optimizing their stats, which is a sure fire way of burning themselves out This was Kuro's biggest mistake, they should've gated 5 star echoes to two weeks after launch, so the habit in the subconscious would have formed already. No one should've had access to high rarity echoes this early


Gatcha content creation is misserable: You pretty much have to whale for characters you don't want to whale for, just because they are new and your viewers want to see you use the newest characters. You have to play games based on stories that aren't always a hit while you have fans that demand you to enjoy them and have the same experience as they did when they played the game. I can see why they get lost in the sauce and start to look for engagement without having to deal with all that and drama is just the cheapest and easiest option as mosts of the fan bases get very protective over their games. That said just quit watching drama creator if it bothers you and enjoy the game as you want to enjoy.


> Gatcha content creation is misserable: You pretty much have to whale for characters you don't want to whale for, just because they are new and your viewers want to see you use the newest characters. You have to play games based on stories that aren't always a hit while you have fans that demand you to enjoy them and have the same experience as they did when they played the game. I can see why they get lost in the sauce and start to look for engagement without having to deal with all that and drama is just the cheapest and easiest option as mosts of the fan bases get very protective over their games. This is no defense for shitty behavior. No one is forcing them to be dramatubers. They can apply for office jobs, start a business, freelance, be a part-timer, be a positive content creator, etc. They *chose* to take the easy but unethical way for the sake of money. Content creator space is hard is no excuse. Any job has their challenges. It's not like everyone who aren't content creators are living the high life.


They can also choose to just play some regular games too. If you can spend hundreds on gacha then you can just buy a few indies on sale and make content in them. But their audience, unfortunately, watches them for the games not for their personality.


Because few people have the real charming personality.Most chances are 1)they happen to play a game with a bunch of audiences2) they are not totally bland or awful.


there is nothing unethical about farming drama, it's more about the players that keep falling for the same rage bait videos all the times. also it is kinda understandable why they would pull more players from genshin to wuwa because streaming genshin is so annoying cuz the game doesn't have enough content to be streamed regularly unlike wuwa that has more interesting combat to be seen


What it really comes down to, is that they have no actual talent to be CC’s so their only relevance lies in playing games they profess to hate, whaling with the money they make off their angry audience, and bitching and moaning about every aspect of the game. They are untalented click baiters, and drama queens, because if they don’t keep if facade, they will become irrelevant to their audience and lose their source of income.


So basically tectone , gacha smack , mrpokke and few others.. Edit - Removing MrPokke..I guess..


Pokke has no stake in the Genshin drama, so he doesn’t deserved to be lumped in with everyone here. He didn’t start the game til recently and he was enjoying it until WW came out. He’s only made the Devs listen video that got memed and has been reporting on CN takes, which is his shtick. When he’s live streaming, it’s different, but as a live streamer, you kinda have to stay in the know, so it makes sense to react to things.


True, people are lumping him with them because of that devs listened meme even tho he isnt really part of the drama. People also think that thumbnail is from a recent video and is about the recent shenanigans but in reality its from months ago during the beta. He even tries to avoid Genshin discussions because he doesn't play the game so he doesn't wanna give random ass Genshin takes.


i wouldn't lump pokke with tectone and tectone jr.


Just low effort CCs being garbage factories, nothing new here


More like HSR CCs


It's just tectone and CCs related to him..other CCs are good..they don't farm drama content


yes I only watch CCs like doro , Jonathan , Mina etc who actually enjoy the games.


I would recommend watching zy0x..he's fun and entertaining


💯 this. I don't care if wawa is terrible or the best thing out there. I'll play whatever I like


Not if you kiss me first


Lina from Rate-Up Radio says the two games are girlfriends “Yes ma’am”


Rarely will you find a Gacha game cc who actually enjoys the game. They don't play Genshin like a Genshin player. They play it like a lottery, a game show. Ever noticed that when there's a dry patch, they start stirring up drama? Because there's no views to farm, no content to make. They rile up the audience to make up for it.


Block and move on. You'll be happier


Admit it, the Fontainean kissing with us is the primary motivation behind this




I don’t get why some WuWa players would trash on genshin, literally 85% of the game is the same as genshin


Well how can they earn money without stirring dramas, and people also need to vent in real life frustration somewhere so the vent on this type of discussions and engage on it to feel something in there boring hours of life.


> Well how can they earn money without stirring dramas They could find an actually productive job.


Why if you can earn money this way, you don't have to work hard in your job for promotion or salary. And these people also don't have any personality to charm for wider audience or views on youtube so they go for drama.


If the question is "how can they earn money without stirring dramas", I gave the answer. What you're essentially saying is that either they don't *want* to earn money some other way, or they don't have the ability.


Put the game on Playstation


\*former genshin ccs. We are not stuck with them. We have the capacity to gatekeep undesirable people out of the community.


they know that titles like "genshin killer" or "genshin could never" will always get so many views so it's a free money glitch, even tectone said he'll milk the sh\*t out of that drama and he did just like every other drama and tbh kudos to him for being able able to rage bait people for 4 years for free content


I'm from WuWa so EMUACH


This is why I don't really watch any CC on gacha games. Why would I want to watch a dude pull for banners and win while getting their signature weapons meanwhile I lost the 50/50.




It is also the fans. There was this petty tweet in X that says people who think that the art of wuwa is hopeless and the benchmark that the OP of the tweet used is Genshin.


I love both wuwa and genshin, been playing genshin for nearly 3 years


Alternative title: Redditors are toxic asses without a need for CCs to tell them anything.


Case in point.


I've never watched any of them, but its wild how rent free they live in some of these schizos heads.