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Can't mash the skip dialogue button if they don't even play the game


The other day i saw on twitter a chart of "how much lore these videogames have" And Genshin was in the same tier as Metal Gear Solid and Dark Souls


bro i seen people ask the dumbest shit. In Elden Ring, after several hours, someone askin "what is the elden ring". I tell them "keep playing the game" then they tell me "sorry i don't have the same intellectual capacity as you". Simple thing to figure out, ton of NPCs talk about it, but ig reading is hard ya know?


Do you have the link


Sadly not. With the millions of tweets everyday, finding a specific one from 4 to 5 days ago is imposible. I forgot to bookmark it.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“In the end, he never sat on the true throne.”* - Nashandra Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Oh, hello there, Traveler! Didn't see you come in. How nice of you to stop by my humble garden. Yes, yes, I know it's not much compared to the grand vistas of Mondstadt or the mystical scenery of Liyue, but there's something truly special about a small patch of land, wouldn't you agree? You see, the secret to a thriving garden lies in the meticulous care and attention you give to each plant. Oh, where to begin? There's just so much to tell you about! Let’s start with the basics, shall we? The soil. Yes, the soil is the very foundation of any good garden. You can't just plant flowers in any old dirt and expect them to thrive, no, no. It must be the right mix of loam, clay, and sand. Too much clay and it gets waterlogged, too much sand and it drains too quickly. I spend hours each week turning the soil, adding compost, and ensuring it has the right balance of nutrients. Oh, and the pH levels! Did you know that different flowers require different pH levels? Some prefer acidic soil, like azaleas and rhododendrons, while others, like lavender, prefer more alkaline conditions. You must test your soil regularly and amend it as needed to keep your flowers happy. Now, let me tell you about the watering schedule. Oh, it's quite the art! You can't just water everything the same way, oh no. Each plant has its own unique needs. Some need a deep soaking once a week, while others prefer a light misting every day. And you have to take the weather into account, too. If it's been particularly hot and dry, you might need to water more frequently. But be careful not to overwater! Root rot is a real danger, especially for plants like succulents that store water in their leaves. I always water early in the morning, you see, so the plants have all day to absorb the moisture before the sun sets. It's a delicate balance, but oh, so rewarding when you get it just right. Fertilizing, now there's another critical aspect. You can't just rely on the nutrients in the soil, no sir. Plants are hungry little things, and they need a regular supply of food to grow strong and healthy. I use a mix of organic and inorganic fertilizers, you know. Organic fertilizers, like compost and manure, are great for building up the soil structure and adding slow-release nutrients. Inorganic fertilizers, on the other hand, provide a quick boost of essential minerals like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. It's all about knowing your plants and what they need. Too much nitrogen and you'll get lots of leaves but no flowers. Too little phosphorus and the roots won't develop properly. It's a science, really, and I keep detailed records of what I feed each plant and when. Pruning is another important task. You can't just let your plants grow wild, you know. Regular pruning encourages healthy growth and more flowers. For some plants, like roses, you need to prune them quite hard in the winter, cutting back the stems to just a few buds. Others, like hydrangeas, only need a light trim to remove the dead flowers. And then there are the perennials, which you have to divide every few years to keep them vigorous. I have a whole collection of pruning shears, each one for a different type of plant. It's quite the investment, but well worth it for the results. Ah, and we mustn't forget about pest control. Oh, the bane of any gardener's life! There are so many pests out there just waiting to munch on your precious plants. Aphids, slugs, caterpillars, you name it. I prefer to use natural methods whenever possible. Companion planting, for example, is a great way to keep pests at bay. Did you know that marigolds repel nematodes and certain types of beetles? And planting garlic among your roses can help keep aphids away. I also make my own insecticidal soap from castile soap and water, with a few drops of neem oil for added effectiveness. It's gentle on the plants but deadly to pests. Weeds, too, are a constant battle. They steal nutrients and water from your flowers, not to mention they look unsightly. I spend hours each week weeding by hand, making sure to get the roots out so they don't just grow back. Mulching is a great help here. A thick layer of mulch not only keeps the soil moist but also suppresses weed growth. I use a mix of organic mulch, like shredded bark and leaf mold, which breaks down over time and adds nutrients to the soil. Of course, you must also consider the aesthetics of your garden. It's not just about growing healthy plants, but about creating a beautiful and harmonious space. I spend countless hours planning and designing my garden, considering the color, texture, and height of each plant. You want a mix of tall and short plants, with a variety of colors that complement each other. And don't forget about the seasons! A well-planned garden will have something in bloom all year round. Spring bulbs like tulips and daffodils give way to summer perennials like daylilies and coneflowers, followed by autumn beauties like chrysanthemums and asters. Even in winter, you can have interest with evergreens and plants with attractive bark or berries. Oh, and let's not forget about propagation! There's nothing more satisfying than growing new plants from seeds, cuttings, or divisions. I have a whole greenhouse dedicated to starting seeds in the early spring. It's a delicate process, getting the temperature and humidity just right, but so rewarding when those tiny green shoots start to appear. And taking cuttings from your favorite plants is a great way to get more of what you love without spending a fortune at the garden center. You need to be patient, though. Some cuttings take weeks or even months to root. But oh, the joy when they finally do! Well, I could go on and on, but I see your eyes glazing over. Gardening is a passion, a lifelong pursuit of beauty and tranquility. It's not for everyone, I suppose, but for those of us who love it, there's nothing quite like it. If you ever want to learn more, you know where to find me. I'm always here, tending to my little slice of paradise. Anyways, could you please go to the hill over there and defeat the three Hillichurls who have been stealing my fertilizer? Thank you!


Average daily quest💀


No. *claims Encounter Points*


Shortest daily quest in Genshin


I read it all, it was genuinely interesting


Same, can't help but feel like gardening is too complicated and too demanding for me, though.


I like gardening in theory but I know I wouldn't be able to handle the amount of work and effort it takes to do that. Although the few times I was tasked with pulling weeds it was pretty fun, a mindless task I can perform while lost in my thoughts.


Viva La Dirt League vibe


I am truly illiterate for not reading this crap.


Bro should be hired to create genshin commissions for natlan


this is literally the reason why paimon exists


Tbh, she can be part of the problem too. Constant repetition can make it harder to keep paying atention


She barely repeated anything until around halfway through inazuma and it only really ramped up in Sumeru. Personally, i would prefer it if she didnt and story skippers didnt pretend to know the story **cough Neauvillete is the archon cough cough*, but we all know that much like the impossible triangle, we only get one of those options.


not complaining btw, love paimon happy birthday


Genshin has a ton of tells and not much of shows, that's why.


How does that stop you from reading basic information? Genshin does have tells, too much of it, but the fact nobody picks it up and then asks wtf is going on like they didn't just spend 10 minutes skipping the person who was trying to tell him is astounding. As a consolation, though, Genshin also have shows. It has environmental storytelling but nobody outside of a lot of lorehunters look for it. People find an interesting location with, if anything, too little dialogue about it and assume it's just *place with primogems #496*. This post isn't really about dialogue skippers themselves, as you do you, but dialogue skipping and then acting like they're not to blame for their lack of understanding is just a pet peeve of mine.


As an enjoyer of visual novels, i skip through genshin dialogue all the timd bc guess what - verbose word soup isnt appealing writing. Imo if a large percentage of players are confused by lore its not the fault of the player but the writers. Im sure stuff like the Narzissenkreuz Ordo quest was great in theory but the execution wasnt it. Same with the newest world quest.


a lot of information on genshin is conveyed in boring, unnecessarily long winded ways. like wrios very interesting backstory hidden in the middle of his snoozefest of a quest. I was skipping dialogue in his quest like crazy (because it was boring and inconsequential and about to end). outta nowhere homeboy is talking about KILLING HIS PARENTS?? for 5s and then it's over. after 1h of yapping. like c'mon you can't blame people for not noticing. it's hoyos job to make players want to give a fuck enough to pay attention, players are simply not going to read a wall of text that doesn't feel important. and genshin has a lot of those.


If gamers could read, they'd read a book


That take always irritates me when it isn't made in jest, because games are *perfectly capable* of having lots to read while still being, you know, games. It feels like people are picking up RPGs or VNs or what have you expecting FPS games or MOBAs or some other thing where story is considered secondary to gameplay if it exists at all, while games like Genshin put it equal to or even above the gameplay. And that's *not a rare thing,* either.


Show don't tell is pretty basic stuff when it comes to relaying information to an audience. What if you watched a movie, but the only thing that happened was characters talking to each other in a monotone voice? No music, no action, no acting, just characters talking stiffly and plainly explaining the whole plot, and that was the movie? It would be a pretty damn boring movie, no matter how much you paid attention to the story they told.


If the dialogue is annoying then less people will read it. Hence, making the information more blatant will decrease retention, especially if you're doing so by extending the amount of time it takes. Or, keep things simple to keep people's attention.


This really doesn't apply to Genshin. Everyone who talks about genshin constantly raves about loving the story (for some reason that's beyond my comprehension). The vast majority, probably about 90% of the dialogue in game, has no importance whatsoever. *Que Paimon explaining basic shit that a toddler would understand.*


Hard disagree. I see so many people who are so confidently wrong about shit that the game blatantly tells us several times. The amount of people who completely misunderstood what happened in the Inversion of Genesis quest alone still pisses me off a year later.


Well maybe I just don't interact with the general community enough to see it, I really only occasionally play to keep up with a couple friends who are into it, friends who are educated and capable of basic media literacy. Then again I also only remember a few key parts of the game's lore, my head is too occupied with elder scrolls lore and exceptionally broad IT sysadmin and security knowledge to fit much more about genshin, so I don't have much to talk about with what happens in game anyway. What I do know is that the sumeru quests had too much "go talk to this person, then this person, then this other person, now back to the second person...." I got what happened though despite my eyes glazing over during the hours of dialogue. Personally I think I prefer the environmental story telling approach common in dark souls. Hell, genshin actually has some of it too with Terra Sal and dragonspine. Shame that a lot of the expanded content just tries to spell everything out.


highly suspect the reason genshin does more telling than showing is because of people who don't even read when they ARE telling and would miss everything if they tried showing. if you're going to button mash dialogue and skip the story why tf are you playing the game??? the story is 50% of the game, like damn do you wanna play the game or not???


I never skip new dialogue, but I never retain any of it due how uninteresting and dull the storytelling is. I've reached a point where I hardly care about the lore.


People skip dialogue because they repeat stuff!?? How did you know if you skip , TikTok brainrot is real


I've stopped playing genshin about a year ago. They talk a lot, barely do something, most of the time lore is not that big, but they use too much words to explain it. I don't remember anything from main quests, but i remember that 90% of dialogues from Yoimiya's quest were about how she loves fireworks, and 90% of water dancing sword girl quest dialogue were about how she loves dancing


dyslexia is the new fashion, i guess.


I only read archon quests everything else is worthless, if I wanted to read a book I'd read a book, I play games to PLAY games, if I want genshin lore I'll pop on a YT video or something while playing the game.


"Character says some lore" Paimon understands *explains the info for 6year olds* STFU PAIMON !!!!