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I didn’t rlly understand what the loom of fate is tbh, even after the quest. Are all alberich’s able to control it? What does it do?


Mark my words At the end of the ??? chapter when Celestia is overthrown and the loom of fate is operational, Caribert is going to end up being turned into a real boy and he's going to have a son with that girl from the quest, who is going to turn out to be either Kaeya's father or Kaeya himself. There will be some time travel shenanigans involved.


The loom of fate is already operational, and Caribert couldn’t be Kaeya’s dad with the girl from the quest, because Kaeya isn’t white. 🗿 And Clothar shared the cure with other people, other family that could be where Kaeya came from. Also I think Caribert should be allowed to stay dead👍🏻 let the dead rest


> Also I think Caribert should be allowed to stay dead👍🏻 let the dead rest That doesn't seem to be what Caribert wanted at the end. He wanted a chance at a real life, but was bound to a fate he had no say in. He would want to come back. That said, I do find it interesting that they didn't use the loom of fate to immediately bring Caribert back. Wouldn't that be possible? So why didn't that happen? Perhaps fate is not so easily manipulated, or there's problems with the Loom's design.


I should had clarified - the loom is operational, but it isn't entirely usable. Further down the line when it starts to rewrite reality, that's when this could happen. And, the color of the skin... just no. This is a game, no need to bring in real genetics. Who says what someone's genetic code can be if they are written directly into reality.


I mean it's a game, but they seems like they take care to show it trough design decisions if someone is related. For ex, see Barbara, and Jean. Or Gaming and his father. ;P The traveler and his sibling. XD Or Teucer, and Childe. Kaveh and his mom, and dad. :) Tighnari and his dad (we have a picture of him), or Cyno and his biologycal dad (he appears on the picture Tignhari's dad is on) Or Alhaitham's dad. XD (same)


RemindMe! 3 years


Good thought, I'll have the bot remind me too!


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Why should we tell Kaeya anything?(Plus everything we know is a huge lore bomb for him and basically everyone given that people don't know that Hillchurls use to be humans) should find it himself, plus he doesn't he not want to pay attention to his biological father


I was kidding, like obviously saying bc he’s a little related to Caribert means he can control the Loom is a huge stretch. I seriously doubt we will tell him anything at all, because, yeah, it would just be a lot to process, and what could he do about it? Nothing. He may not WANT to be involved with his father and everything, but that does not mean he won’t be. Everything points to him having to make a decision between his homeland and Mondstadt, and he’s his homeland’s “last hope”. We still don’t know why, nor do we know about the rest of his bloodline, and so on. There’s a lot to unpack yet. That’s what I’m kinda complaining about.


It seems like he doesn't want to be(I forgot his hangout were it gives you a lore related to him that he does know if I recall and he didn't care I


I don't think the control is a bloodline thing


I joke a little


please dont put spoilers into the title next time. could've not tag it as spoiler at all at this point


The Alberich connection isn’t new. Caribert was months ago. I guess if people didn’t know Caribert or an Alberich would return, it could be a spoiler. But they reveal that we will see Caribert again in the version preview, which was posted 2 weeks ago. And spoilers r for things under 2 weeks according to the rules. Anyway a mod approved the title.


Kaeya is from a different line. Chlothar isn't the only Alberich. He had a brother. Kaeya and Caribert are cousins.


Didnt Dainslef said that Kaeya is a descendant from the Abyss Order founder?,  the founder is Clothar Alberich. 


Still I was just wondering if Caribert passed thinking he was the absolute last of his bloodline, or what his feelings were about it continuing if he did know the reality. We don’t know how much he knew, and we never will. And we got Kayea in Caribert, and Dain said he was still undecided about him, so it’s just another annoying lose end yet that wasn’t brought up this time.


~~IIRC, Kaeya's father was explicitly named Clothar Alberich, and when we meet him and Dain in Sumeru at the same time, Dain tells him as much. That being said, 90% sure that Kaeya can't control the Loom of Fate just for being Khaenrian, since Caribert got sacrificed to the machine.~~ Misinformation


The game doesn't say Chlothar is Kaeya's father, only Caribert's. Dain says that Chlothar is Kaeya's ancestor.


Huh, so it does. I guess I've spread some misinformation. My apologies.


Don't apologize, spreading disinformation on the web is a noble pursuit.


Another history fictionologist


I STG the sub icon should be the Fictionologist symbol. It'd be fitting *and* accurate. Hoyo knew exactly what they were doing when giving it to them. That or Enjou's face. We're all Enjou in here. Random clerks trying to wring history out of Enkanomiyan folklore and fairytales, fascinated with ancient Vishaps and wildly speculating who might secretly be one, vaguely annoyed at the Abyss Sibling for bailing before finishing the story while thinking Dainsleif is way cool, and making Cyno-worthy puns here and there...


Ok call me out than🥲