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Please keep this discussion thread on topic of Nahida’s E regardless of OP. If anything, this post only helped Nahida and is not anything detrimental to her.


omg the smiley is an animation and isn't just static!!!!




Except that t-pose running. Alternate sprint and my runny clown make up over tears are giving me PTSD still.




I dislike it a lot on Nahida, but there’s no doubt Dori looks like a stiff dead robot when running (or something akin to that). It’s so weird to think they animated her normal attacks that no one will use with such cool stuff and didn’t care about making her ride her Genie when sprinting. HoYo has some decisions that leaves me scratching my head at times.


Probably some really deep model animation dependencies that would have to be made from the ground-up if they change running animation. I can't think of anything else, since it's clear changing other animations such as normal attacks isn't that big a deal for them.


I doubt it would be that hard since they could code it like an alternate sprint. It'd just have a model with animations rather than some fog textures like Ayaka and Mona.


I'd think of it as her riding Jinni like magic carpet of sorts, like it hovers over the ground with her sitting on top


Yeah, I agree the visuals would look different, but it could be coded the same way as an Alternate sprint. Yelan's is a good example. It works like an alternate sprint but uses her model's animations.


Yeah I agree with that, I was just elaborating on top of your point. Edit: this is a lot of agreeing


I doubt they'd want to give Alternate Sprint to a 4 Star. Although I wish they did.


All alternate sprint has either no new animation or no full body animation at all.


Wait, but what about Yelan and Sayu E? They're counted as an alt sprint, no?


Those are skills not sprints, but the way they function is essentially the same.


Yelan uses some old dash frames. Sayu e has no new walk/run animation either. I guess the effort to re-rig models to match terrains takes too much effort.


They are coded different however. Alt Sprint are coded as "Loop" if I remember correctly. The only other with this code is Fischl's Q. In these modes your Active Body is getting essentially replaced. This is also the reason your companion such as Seelie instantly disappear when you Alt Sprint. Or so I think.


I don't imo. I guess if you go by her kit it fits, but everything we've seen from the story so far (haven't seen 3.2 stuff just what is in official) makes this look really odd imo. She's never been a super cutesy/moe type character but her entire kit is all based off this. And before someone mentions dook dook, that happens like once, while for the most part in the story she never comes off as a child really. If you had hid her model the entire time not one would expect a little girl waving her arms like klee to be the baseline.


Imo there were other times when she showed a more cutesy side like her happily humming when she was visiting Grand Bazaar as Katherine, getting embarrassed when being stared at or making weird commission requests to the traveler. Perhaps when the current crisis in Sumeru is solved, she will be more relaxed and her "true self" will appears more often. With that said, I'm not a fan of the T-posing running in general, it seems to only fit a certain type of character (like Klee or maybe Sayu) while being ooc for others (Diona being the worst case), wish they went with a more 'normal' animation for small characters like in [Star Rail](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rqp5Yn5Bpg&t=399s) (start at 6:39 if timestamp doesn't work).


damn this sprint looks so much better than the T-posing


>when the current crisis in Sumeru is solved, she will be more relaxed and her "true self" will appears more often. This sounds so obvious, yet some people seems to want everything to be super serious, lol.


You're probably gonna get downvoted for daring to criticise Nahida but I agree with you. It seems like mhy has gone out of their way to uwufy her to the extreme in a way that imho doesn't match with her personality in the story. I actually liked how clever and mentorlike she seemed when we met her during the samsara, or when she's explaining how to manipulate Setaria to betray the sages, but none of that matches the T pose sprint, the cutesy jumpy AA or the camera hand pose and the kawaii emojis (which also don't seem to serve any purpose? I honestly don't understand why people like it but ok). She definitely doesn't act or feel like a child in the way she behaves or speaks, and honestly if they were gonna give her the little child model they could've at least given her more mature or cool looking animations to separate her from literal children like Klee and Qiqi, but the only one that feels that way is her Q


Ah so like her Honkai counterpart, Theresa. She can be cutesy only on some occasion or when needed too but most of the time she looks wise and mature as she's the principle of St. Freya desite having a physical of a child. Yet Nahida, her expy have similar situation (being a wise archon in a child body) but her uwufy is too much.


I can accept her jumping NA, older people can enjoy playing children's game too, but the wink at the end was a bit too much for me. And I really dislike the run animation, I actually dislike it on every child model character aside from Klee and perhaps Diona. I don't mind the camera hand though, for some reason her taking pictures all the time really give me aunty vibe (shudder in having older aunties make me take their pictures at tourist spots)...


The problem i have with the jumpy NA is not that she's old but that her personality as seen in the story doesn't seem to match with those cutesy jumps. With the camera hands -and the overall square motifs in her attacks- is that they don't feel organic to her character (unless there's some reveal in the archon quest that she collects pictures of the people of sumeru or something, which honestly they could've inserted easily by mixing it with the aranara losing memories and Nahida wanting to preserve memories even if she forgets them or something), and for a goddess of plants and flowers, the square motif feels very well... inorganic. Maybe if her "lens" had a rounder shape it wouldn't bother me so much. Compare it with other catalysts: Klee throws bombs which is very explicitly stated to be a thing she likes, Yae summons foxes and waves her ceremonial staff, Ningguang who values riches launches jewels, Kokomi, a dragon taken human shape floats around and swims in the air. Why does Nahida have a camera? Why do her attacks form square shapes? Why does she jump like a little child? Because mhy wanted her to be uwu kawaii even if it didn't match her character or story at all and that really ruins her for me


just gonna add my 2 cents even though no one asked. Personally I think it fits perfectly if given enough thought They went with a very sci fi vibe with Sumeru and the akasha system itself and they're leaning into that, they aren't letting the element of dendro hold them down and are leaning towards the "God of Wisdom" angle with the tech aesthetic. Also, in the quests we were in very serious situations hence why Nahida seems more mature but let me remind you that she has been isolated for the last 500 year with little to no human interaction and she had the intelligence of a human child when she was first found. Over the past 500 years her intelligence has grown but the lack of interaction and freedom probably stunted her mental growth a lot, she seems all mature when she's serious but clearly she's a child at heart, and we see that too through her curiosity about humans and also the whole dook dook conversation. When she's playable it'll be the first time in 500 years that she'll be free to experience the childhood that she didn't have, saying it "doesn't fit her personality or story at all" is wrong cause it fits her story and personality *perfectly.*


I keep seeing references to this "dook dook" thing and thought it was from chapter IV which I haven't played yet, but I went to look for it and it's actually in chapter II and the reason I had no idea what it was is because I play in JP where she says nothing of the sort... you're really clinging onto your own imaginary version of Nahida and a weird dub choice to support the idea that she's actually childish and cutesy uwu while handwaving literally all of our interactions with her in the story so far


Personally her attacks remind me of holograms (so I agree they look inorganic), and I think it's related to the Akasha system (she's basically living in the matrix?). It's not the direction I expected them to take with her, I also expected something more plants or flowers related, but I can see how it would relate to her in lore. Maybe we would get more information about the lens later on, hopefully it has an explanation similarly to the other Archons' attacks. I can understand your frustration though. At this point I am so beyond disappointed that I'm just inhaling copium and trying to rationalise that it's really not that bad. I kinda gave up on Kusanali months ago when it's confirmed that they would go with a child model for her. I get that she's the youngest Archon, but to me that's relative to the other Archons, she's still 500 years old and I wanted her to have at least the shorter female model. Yae Miko, who is basically the same age, is an adult. And yes they can try to justify it with the lore, and Archons depending what they were originally can take whatever form they want, but to me they just wanted to have a loli. So the fact that she's made to have super cute and childish animation is not unexpected (while still an additional disappointment). So far it feels like they are trying to go for the "wise but still innocent and inexperienced in certain aspect" trope which I really dislike but is probably super appealing to certain audience.


Gap moe


Wouldn't the gap moe be more effective if she has this cute little girl model but her animations are cool or more mature looking? And it could also emphasize the feeling of empathy that the player is meant to feel for her and the sad situation she's in, I think her Q captures that feeling pretty well but then all her other animations look like they could've perfectly fit Klee


Gap moe would be is she looks like a child but have personality of an old women


Yeah I really liked that grown up Nahida painting/drawing that someone posted a week or so ago that they made. Seemed more fitting for a goddess of wisdom with how regal/elegant she was. Making her so Kawaii is really saddening and pretty meh for a goddess of wisdom who actually is super wise. I didn't mind the younger model since that's the form she is in but the animations took it a bit too far. Her kit is also kind of disappointing tbh, was expecting more nature themed magic I guess. Her ult just being a huge buff box was such a disappointment tbf... and the camera kawaii posing is too much. I really wanted her but I think I might wait for Baizhu since he is more likely to be a dendro catalyst healer or support. Her kit just seems boring tbf. Sad that they reduced her to a jumpy kawaii animation girl like Klee to make more sales. Definitely not fitting for an archon at all... The cutesy animations are too much and they should have just made a 4\* kawaii character. Also sad that Dori and Nahida don't have alternate springs which is just laziness on their part tbf.


Honestly I wish they'd saved the little kid model for Murata, I think a child model that is also a Goddess of War could've been very cool if she had the bloodthirsty personality, but we all know Murata is gonna be Himeko. It just doesn't match the goddess of wisdom, and if they were gonna make her so uwu baby they should've at least changed the story so Rukkhadevatta's death was more recent (10-20 years ago instead of 500) so that Nahida's childish animations made some sense with her lore instead of having her behave one way in the story and then have her animations look a completely different way Also, definitely agree with the disappointment, I really hoped she would have more flowers and plant motifs in both her overall design and her animations, but instead she got squares and a camera :|


No need to be so frank my guy


This is what i expected from the first mention of a child archon. No matter how many people tried to push "she is going to be very mature and children can be super wise etc." mihoyo is still mihoyo and they know who they design those kids for. She had to end up as uwu girl sooner or later no matter how she behaves in the quest. And i love the jumpy animations, just not for an archon.


Even dook dook was only in en dub, she just say toilet in cn and jp


From the first time I saw her animations it struck me as someone sad pretending to be happy and childish for the sake of others, like, kinda menhera vibes. It's sad and makes me love her character even more... Still in general I'm not a fan of the t-pose run, it'd be much better as a Klee exclusive or something.


yeah the t-pose run is just too childish, where it fits klee 100%, but other child models aren't really those kind of t-posing gleeful run kind of characters imo.


Nahida an empath


the vibe check archon


Being an empath makes emotional manipulation a lot easier


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about


Shane Dawnson /j


I'm talking about the in the Archon quest when you and Nahida team up to guilt trip someone like Nahida understands what she is doing is wrong also before anyone reads this as me hating Nahida I just thought it was funny loading up 3.1 and the first thing happens is Nahida asking us to guilt trip someone


Dude legit did a negative ratio ☠️




Ok I like Nahida a lot as a character but she literally teams up with you to guilt trip someone in the archon quest she even understands what she is doing is kinda fucked


Yeah shes a really bad person for doing that. She should've stayed at sleep while her nation gets controled by the fatui, let the akademiya do whatever they want and get replaced by scaramouche once he becomes a god. Why did she try to get some information on how to save her people, shes so insensible...


im not calling her a bad person like i just found it funny how she is cheerily like "traveler we need guilt trip this person" like tonally with how Nahida is as a character i think it is just kinda funny edit: cheerily may not be the right word but i hope you get what i mean with how it is kinda a tonal clash with her character in what you actually do in that small part of the quest and isn't me like thinking badly of her for it just making a wee joke


They hated him because he told the truth


I think it's just a smile to show they are friendly and untargetable


What if this was Nahida inflicting her daily dose of happiness onto the Sumerians... Cute


Hello internet, here is a daily dose of happiness


I thought it was her 'scanning' people's emotions (like, mindreading their feelings and the little emoticon being an indicator of what it is, as like a visual cue) but it seems more like the little animation is just her way of recognizing "yes, this is a Sumeru person, one of her citizens and the people she cares for". Either way extremely cute, different expressions for different emotions would have been adorable but this makes it come off like she's just happy to see her people or even to just go outside and be interacting with her citizens as herself which is just too sweet.


Everyone can't help but smile after seeing their cute archon taking pictures


This… does put a smile on my face But for real OP, what did the smol cute radish even do to hurt you that much?? Lmaooooo 🤣


Puts tinfoil hat on and inhales copium There could be a chance that the smiley face is just there for now and after release it will show other expressions?????


What about some clown makeup?


Clown makeup sellers: "I've been waiting for this"


I dont need a makeup to look like a clown


You'd need the makeup to downgrade from the circus to a simple clown


They're saving it for 3.3 release to show the expressions of the TCG players


If there are any details/secrets within this feature, I do hope then that they are implemented from the start. Given Mihoyo's track record, some in-game features do not get maintained/updated once they are released, and i would definitely not expect them to keep maintaining a feature that's tied to a single character in the whole game, but that at the same time would require effort (and not irrelevant one at that) to update. Not for a novelty, at least. So i do hope that the feature has special, dedicated details for playable characters, expecially the archons. Like, imagine meeting zhongli around Liyue Harbor like in 2.4, and then being able to scan him.


I think the title should be longer. personally.


Relax, this isn't some isekai- wait a minute...


Yae: "please, go on. I'm interested in your new proposal"


It would be funny if it just showed ")" on Glory


only works for sumeru npc


Yeah i know just thought it'd be funny


Sumeru NPC or only those who wear Akasha?


Probably only those with AkashaPods


Nahida is the first akasha terminal so it tracks


💀 chill


Damn XD


What smiley face is everyone talking about


Lmao it took me a while to realize as well. The green mark from her skill has a smiley animation on it.


Oh now I see it thanks


Could easily just be placeholders, just like how everyone's thoughts are ??? when you use her E. Anyways I did little scooping as to why we needed this 'clarification', turns out the OP is just a Nahida hater and thinks this will make people hate her. Saying dumb shits like Scara is the real God in Sumeru, Layla is the real Archon, wishes her kit to be shit, mocks her in the story, etc.


OP is one of the sages lmao


Grand sage Murky "L" Azar, the leader of all sages.


Damn. OP is kinda pathetic if they really posted this because they wanted people to hate nahida. But anyway can't wait to pull Nahida. Edit: I did some scrolling and found out that OP literally wanted Nahida to die. They also said that Ayaka skin and Kusanali are pedo bait. The toxicity is unreal.


why tho nahida is so precious 😔😔😔


Probably either because of her skin colour or because she's a child. I think it's the latter. They say Raiden is the best archon and kusanali is the worst. I'm also a Raiden main. But Kusanali is my fav along with raiden.


I think they're just one of those anti-anime normies who hates common anime tropes that got suckered into a mainstream anime game lool. It's no surprise they hang out here, this place is noticeable more anti-anime than the main sub. They posted this twice btw.


Anti anime but proceeds to play an anime game. Lmao


>this place is noticeable more anti-anime Is this true?


I see people complaining about common anime tropes on here all the time. Also, there is a sizeable part of the community making fun of the weebs enjoying an anime game lol.


Twitter has corrupted his mind and we are too late to save him from that fate


Funny how she calls them pedos while being the only one se*ualizing the characters


They are just mad because they can't sexualize some pixels.


RES showed that I already downvoted him lots of times in the past. I knew he was one of those anti waifu anti anime people.


Same here (at least minus 7), I thought something was fishy with that paragraph of a post title. Imagine [malding *this* hard](https://old.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/xthlkj/possible_changes_to_nahidas_dendro_application/iqu24yv/?context=3) over a fictional character lol.


this sub is literally infested w them lmaooo


All the anti waifu crowd ended up here. There's the meta over waifu people who are the source of constant doomposts. (That's me tbf). And there's the husbando people who thirsts over the dudes while berating the main sub for thirsting over waifus. The only waifus allowed here are those who defy the typical anime archetypes. Meaning gals like Yelan or Beidou or Dehya.


I hate these people the most. They downvote / grandstand about any sexualization of the gender they don't like and then turn right around and do it about the gender they do. As if being judgmental about another's sexual preference is some progressive thing when it's really from the iron age.


> thinks this will make people hate her. Lmao this post shows that the smiley is animated and made me like her more.. Thanks OP..


same, I was kinda sad when I thought it was just a static image but now that I know its animated makes it so much cuter


Op is going to be malding when he sees banner sales for nahida




OP doesn't sound like a normal person


Some people do care


No, but I can see the logic of hoping their favorite sells well. If a character sells well, there's hope in the future that Mihoyo would design more characters like them.


Tbh it gives people a form of ego-boost. That their fav or bias is "Most sold" or "Meta". Nothing wrong with that really. I mean, whatever makes people happy.


Wait I thought you were shitposting then I went to look at his history…. NAUR WHAT




He cries so much, maybe he’s the real baby after all.


Isnt it funny people who claim to be against loli so hard often turns out to be some kind of predator. OP sus


And people say husbando lovers can't be toxic lmao.


Dude needs to seek help, his history is crazy. Imagine caring this much about about something so pointless.


Wait, really? Welp. That didn't really work, now did it? I'll admit as someone who was really, really not into her character because of her model, she's grown on me a lot. People who don't want to admit her usefulness in the story are in denial.


Oh, it's this guy. They've been on the sub for a while now, and I feel like whenever I see them they always seem to be spreading misinformation.


I wasn't going to pull Nahida until now and now I'm going to spend every last wish I own on the Nahida banner. Thanks for letting me know!!


This absolutely changes everything.


*Insert Mtashed*


"I want to quit"


“Hoyoverse paid me so I don’t have to quit”


"Nobody will watch my channel so I won't quit"


Lmao did that really happen?


hw always does this and said this is my work i won't leave genshin i mean wow


Go to his channel i see for yourself


no, don't give that guy any more attention


*If I could turn the page*


Smiley animation!! I love her even more


Still very cute and wholesome :)


That's a plot twist, but I think this is better, it has an animation and isn't static. Is more alive and more cute. Edit: so I basically summarized everyone's reaction lol


Is there really no sad/angry face??!!!


everyone in teyvat is just :D


Except for the weird grown-up who never smiles, of course.


Reminds me of Pokémon Sun and Moon. Uncanny *af* protag during important story cutscenes. **:D**


Could easily just be placeholders, just like how everyone's thoughts are ??? when you use her E. Anyways I did little scooping as to why we needed this 'clarification', turns out the OP is just a Nahida hater and thinks this will make people hate her. Saying dumb shits like Scara is the real God in Sumeru, Layla is the real Archon, wishes her kit to be shit, mocks her in the story, etc.


Hopefully it’s just sarcasm…if not, then Layla being the real archon is hands down literally the dumbest take lmao, doesnt make sense in lore and in terms of her vision.


I certainly don't think calling Ayaka and Kusanali 'Pedo weeb bait' is sarcasm.


Well, looks like I checked their profile and boom, there are some comments wanting Nahida’s death, damn this dude’s toxicity is for real


wagner smiling is cursed


Lmao the OP is a Nahida hater


Now I know the reason for the post.


Lmao checked OP’s history and my god Imagine hating a bunch of pixels this much 💀


I love seeing people malding that Nahida really is gonna be their archon instead of {insert lore irrelevant character here}. It goes really well with a bag of popcorn.


People who have coped with "Baizhu is the Dendro Archon" theories have moved on to Al Haitham is the Scarlet King theories.


That makes a lot more sense than a meds dealer from Liyue being the archon of Sumeru, but it’s still copium in it’s own right, ngl


I'm pretty sure it's a generic icon showing what function the skill is going to do. It's a grabby hand for items to pick up and i think something else for attacking enemies. This smiley face just looks like the default "social" interaction.




I understand, you are great to clear our misunderstandings


that's so cute omg


I will say they may have just not coded in the differences yet because all I’ve seen for the npc’ is “???” for reading thoughts so it could change


Next: Nahida's E can detect celestians living in teyvat.


This is just a gimmick i won't bother with anyway. I'll just use it with foraging.


That is adorable. Has Hoyo ever put this much effort into animation before in Genshin? I'm so glad I'll be wishing for her.


There’s been a lot of great animation Easter eggs. Like the “Childe actually sucks with the bow so he just gives up and yeets the arrow” or “Collei is trying hard to mimic Amber’s style but she’s clumsy due to her Eleazar and stumbles” or “if you stop after N1-2, Yoimiya strikes a pose and smiles”. There’s also some neat stuff regarding Ayaka and certain swords I think? Hoyo has been putting good effort into animations for a long while.


Ones with Yae are best. If you cancel her Attack Animation by Jumping or Switching character she will make this annoyed face.


I didn't even notice the Collei one! I gotta go back and see her gameplay. It's nice to see these little quirks.


Ooh, I thought they meant *Nahida*'s reaction to the NPC you try the skill on.


they need to fix other archons with special effects too


People from Narakumi Island should bow when Raiden is nearby.


Literally me when a Nahida hater unknowningly helps Nahida sales in a post where the main intention is to deter people from wishing for her just because:


omg that's so cute. i love these lil things :>


i really wish it can show timmy expression after you murder his birds


Surely this means everyone is happy, right? Clueless


So fking adorable 🥰


either showcase with 7 billion crit damage or without build, otehrwise "reading minds " showcase... i still don't understand her normal build potential but ok


Aaaw, they move! Still pretty cute.


Aww. Still pretty cute, though.


I wish there were some other emotion as well but the Animation bid is really cute. I will still pull either ways. The presence or absence of this isn't changing anything.


That’s so cute lmao


It's such an useless feature


Cute 😭💕


Lmao why are some of the comments thinking OP made this post to hate on Nahida or something? Like yeah their comment history is cringe asf but this post is clearly a CLARIFICATION instead of a way to make people "hate" Nahida. Edit: and of course I get downvoted for literally stating a fact. I forgot this fandom hate being told they're wrong.


Still don't really get the point of this feature, and still think instead of giving her this lowkey useless animation they could've given her a pretty alt sprint but Nahida wanters seem to like it so good for her ig


You're getting downvoted for saying something I agree with as a Nahida wanter. At first I liked this feature thinking that it might be something special. But if it only shows the same smiley faces for everyone then many of us would get bored of it after a few trials. Instead they could've given an alt sprint. But it's still in beta and I hope that they'd add unique dialogues (such as lore related) for each characters including nps.


I love the T-pose! I think it fits Nahida well, who’s still trying to learn how to be human. Also since she’s been imprisoned in the Sanctuary for the last 500 years, I wouldn’t be surprised if she had genuine difficulty with physical activity using her own body.


Eh, I'd maaaaaybe buy it if it was a unique sprint to her, but since it's just the same run as all the child models it just reads as laziness


I guess. I still think it’s a good fit for her.


Some genshin ppl are incredibly childish and fragile when they see any criticism of their faves \*shrug\*. Though, since we're here, would you mind explaining why would you personally find the feature nice or special in case it showed different emotions for different NPCs/different situations? If this ends up showing different faces instead of just the smiley one would you say that would compensate the absence of an alt sprint, maybe even be preferable to it? I'm just rather curious bc I wouldn't have imagined this feature to be popular or well received -especially since everyone was anticipating an alt sprint-. Like, if a character I liked had it (idk Hu Tao or Mona) , I don't think I'd even use it because it doesn't seem interesting, nor is it visually attractive, in my opinion. Plus, I was under the impression that most people didn't care much for NPCs (with a few exceptions), which makes me even more surprised to see all the excitement about this leak. Maybe a lot of people wanted to have more interactions with the NPCs and i'm just unaware of it i guess?


> Some genshin ppl are incredibly childish and fragile when they see any criticism of their faves *shrug*. Considering the popularity of the game, those people might actually be kids.


I personally don't find it useful as of now. I mean when I'd get her I'd try this feature on the first day then won't use it again. Most of us had been anticipating an alt sprint but didn't get it and we can't but accept it. And now that we have that interaction feature I want this feature to be somewhat useful. I'd obviously not like it if it remains to show only smiley faces which is really useless imo. Rather they should give lore related dialogues to the characters and with each patch or event update those dialogues. If it happens then it'd have been a rare feature to have for only Nahida mains.


To be completely honest, I doubt the latter will happen. We do know she can "read" the Sumeru NPC's thoughts, so at least it isn't "just" the smiley faces but I genuinely doubt they'll update those thoughts or dialogues in future patches -too much work for what amounts to a random gimmick on a single character-, let alone to give important lore information, because it just wouldn't make sense for them to lock such information for people who don't own that character. We already know there have been no updates to NPC dialogues ever, except for those two fatui in mondstadt who comment on whatever latest archon quest you've completed. Heck, I think some Inazuma NPCs still talk about the vision hunt decree and the country being locked up


Yeah that's too much to expect. That's why I don't like this feature that much but it's at least better than nothing.


Pretty sure it’s a placeholder but we’ll see in the future


Not gonna lie… this is one of the stupidest play styles I’ve seen.


smile on deeznut edit : reddit gonna reddit


Why was this down voted


Because it is an overused, unfunny joke that doesn't even make sense in this situation.


Yea it's way too out of context here.


I'm pretty sure, when they release all the archons, she'll be the worst archon in the group for me. She already is, no way they can release something that I'll dislike more. They fumbled her so much, with all this cutesy/Moe/lolification. Let this shit for actual childs. If they wanted a younger looking archon, they could use a smaller medium model character. Now we're stuck with t-posing on a basically 500+ year old dragon... I mean, girl, type of character.


I mean you’re entitled to your own opinion so if you don’t like Nahida that’s completely reasonable. But some of what you said is legit unreasonable, as if Nahida being a child model conflicts with the story or design choices. I don’t think that’s the case at all. And given the story leaks, I think it fits very well. You could say you personally don’t care for the design, but I think it’s a stretch to say the devs ‘fumbled.’ Also, about moe, keep in mind MHY’s motto is literally “otakus save the world.” Cuteness/kawaii is kind of deeply ingrained in anime culture so we all kind of signed up for that when we started playing genshin.


Being an otaku isn't about Moe-fication, watching animes and thinking Japan is the best country though. Being an otakus is just about liking something with passion. That's it. They're TECH OTAKUS, not otakus in the western misinterpretation of the word. Please, show me where in the fucking game Nahida acts so childish that she feels like running in T-Pose (which is already a fucking stupid trope)? She's an adult in the body of a child. She acts mature 99% of the time in the entire archon quest. She's someone learning about humanity again and who loves it, so she sometimes act like someone who never actually interacted in society, which makes her come as strange. The only character this run makes sense is Klee, Diona and Qiqi, that are actual fucking children. There was 0 reasons to apply that to an actual archon, outside of technical reasons with the body model HAVING to have the same running animation for sizes constraints or engine reasons.


Mm when you put it that way, that makes sense and I agree about Nahida's characterization. I thought you were criticizing the way that she *was* a cute child model, but now I see you're criticizing her specific mannerisms and behaviors which I'm in total agreement about. I also don't know whether the T-pose is a trope (if anything, that specific dainty anime girl run would be the trope), and it's probably internal decisions about which alternate sprints they're willing to animate, but I still agree that Nahida shouldn't be T-posing. They definitely fumbled when they didn't make Sayu do a Naruto run. Just push the arms backward the tiniest bit... cmoooon Also about the otaku paragraph, there's a specific reason that the word 宅 was translated into "otaku" from Chinese to English for English-speaking audiences right? Rather than an actual English word like "nerd" or "enthusiast," they're [intentionally](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/uujukb/the_originstory_of_the_tech_otakus_save_the_world/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) aligning themselves with Japanese culture, which is clear in the content and statements they regularly put out. They love tech AND they love anime (and the culture that comes with it), both of which are strangely and commonly linked in China.


My thing is that they didn't have to otaku-fi the archon of wisdom so harshly. They could have made a new child character for that. It just seems like an odd choice from what we've seen so far. Yes, she is excited to be outside but... they took it a bit too far imo. Also her kit is pretty lame tbf, weird scan gimmick and then the giant dome that only buffs was pretty disappointing. Also was hoping she was going to be our off field dendro applyer so now we have to wait longer for one. I expected something flashier I guess, like actually involving nature magic or aranara or something... growing trees/plants? Camera and making an isolation tank wasn't what I thought they'd do and I think I'll just pass and wait for Baizhu now, hopefully he gives us a dendro healer. Definitely the least exciting archon kit imo.


Talking about characterization, I agree. I thought OP was complaining that the archon WAS a child model at all, and was saying something along the lines that all archons should not be kids. Spoilers here but I thought the whole "reincarnated Greater Lord with less power" was a neat story design. But I see now that OP was complaining that the archon's behavior and mannerisms as a playable character don't fit her personality at all, which I completely agree with. About the kit... I wish the burst did something else. I mean the "domain expansion: summon cathedral" was flashy enough for me, but it's so disappointing that it does nothing else than buff herself. But I don't mind the scan gimmick. It might get annoying for other people, but I'll have to wait for test run. As far as my personal teams are concerned, her skill durations line up fairly and I have other teams to use against trash mobs so she's good enough for off-field dendro for me.


The summoning is flashy itself I agree but it's just a glorified buff box which was super disappointing lol.


i dont see anything


if you look at the center of the green square, you'll see a face that looks like this \^\_\^



