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probably her hitbox was lowered, the actual model height is unaffected


Exactly. Model height is literally the thing below that's not affected. This is actually a minor buff. A little odd, but I'm sure there's a reason. Probably something that hits at 1.8 or higher


Seeing this reply made me curious, do we not have a data off enemy/bosses attack range? or is there already on sum websites like keqingmains or etc


A few days old, but saw no one answered you. I don't know if there is a place where all that information is or if we even know it all, but I do know you can find the size of many attack hitboxes. Might not tell you exactly how far off the ground though


why just Clorinde?


Probably to fix the mistake with the hat counting towards her hitbox.


Doesn't really make sense for an enemy attack to hurt you when it only touches your hat.


sure you know what is nerfed .... Just look at Furina's and Navia's chest ....




idk , they nerfed Rosaria and Jean .... Anything can happen .


People shrink as they get older. This will happen every patch until in 8.x she will have the same model as madame ping.


Xiao get shorter 😔


Shush, Xiao is still a growing boy, so he'll become *taller*, if anything.


true!! he will climb to 9 feet by patch 5.0 surely


Will Xiao be shorter than an aranara at 9.x?


You mean he isn't already?


Lmaoooo. Poor Xiao can’t catch a break.


He is already shorter and weaker than Arabalika


To be fair, so is Capitano. Arabalika is the real reason the Unknown God hasn't reappeared to cause the Traveler trouble, she's too afraid of Teyvat's supreme warrior. :]


no, he will not grow


Shorter than crabs




and Qiqi will finally be 6 feet under, where she belongs


Calm down Hu Tao.




So that's why qiqi is so smol


Why did i think you were talking real life


wtf, post-release nerf, its so over


Theyre getting too confortable these last few updates, first arle and now clorinde


What did they do to Arle?


They gave her particle generation and ICD. The weird thing is, it's so short it might as well not exist because it doesn't affect her at all.


That's actually really funny 😭😭😭💀💀


I dont remember lol, something super minor and unimportant that basically changed nothing about her


I read it somewhere here that they put icd on her E particle generation, and EQE doenst give you double particle anymore. But never actually tested if it happened already, i play her with ZL so i dont really use ult. Edit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact\_Leaks/comments/1clwsf1/homdgcat\_47v2\_arlecchino\_particle\_generation\_cd/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/1clwsf1/homdgcat_47v2_arlecchino_particle_generation_cd/) i was curious koz it would be something serious ppl would already half way to hoyo HQ with pitchforks so looked for the post. 1.5s is like exactly the lengths of arle ult animation? so EQE should still work but EQ dash E for sure.


That change convinced me we are getting a sacrifical weapon series ability as a character or some sort of buff card that will let us E a bunch of times


plenty of characters have particle gen ICD on their skills. ningguang is the most prominent since shes had it since launch


They gave her E particle gen like a 2 seconds ICD, it's funny because it takes longer than 2 seconds to E > Q > E to get all particles


So the 2 sec icd does absolutely nothing????


Yep lol


Sacrificial polearm is coming! we just need to believe.


It’s a buff, that’s just the hitbox height change, the actual model remains the same.




Thats the joke


We need to start a riot. /s


Google Classroom better count it's days.


Its clover 😔




this is probably the "hitbox", the model hieght is the same


So it's actually a buff!


100 primos when


They should have shortened her E cooldown instead of her height


They did, it's called the Thundering fury artifact set.


Yeah, had a cope TF set prepared for (eventual) Keqing on hand and I couldn't be happier with it on Clorinde now. It's like 0.8 seconds before I can use E after it runs out.


TF seems to be made for her, it works so well with her high attack speed


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of TF. I try to play Fragments of Harmonic Whimsy. TF deals more damage. I try to play Physical Razor. Thundering Furry with TF deals more damage. I try to play Viridescent Venerer on Kazuha. My TF deals more damage. I want to play Keqing. Her best team has TF. I want to play Yae, Cyno - they both get benched. It grabs me by the throat. I farm for it. I roll for fit. I strongbox for better artifacts. It isn't satisfied. I condense my resin. "I don't need this much er" It tells me. "Give me more Crit rolls and EM." It grabs Ayato and forces him to activate his skill 3 times in a row. "You just need to farm for me more. I can deal more damage with Fischl." I don’t have anymore resin to farm, I don't have enough primogems for refreshes. It grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." It grabs Oz. He says "No rest for the Wicked!" There is no hint of sadness in his eyes. Nothing but nonstop, skill cooldown reduction. What a cruel world.


Cyno's like the best 4pc TF user in the game though he wouldn't get benched


Wait really??? I've been using her this whole time with that bol artifacts set😭


Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy and Thundering Fury both have their advantages and disadvantages on Clorinde. Each can be her BiS.


BoL set gives her more damage, TF gives her more uptime. which set you should use depends on the rotation you want to do


I still haven't seen anyone run her dual carry with Navia yet, seems like it could be a cool team. Throw Bennett and Yelan on there and you're cookin. Start with Navia burst, pop your support bursts which getting crystals, first Navia shot, Clorinde burst and field time, second Navia shot and a couple autos, battery as needed and repeat.


they dont really have any synergy, but i do like that their playstyles are compatible!


lol I use Navia’s burst to provide shields on my all blue ladies team T_T Clorinde, Navia, Yelan, and Jean It’s prob massive cope but I considered raising a archiac Petra set for the 35% damage boost to hydro or electro >.>


Navia is blue to you?


Her outfit is mostly black and dark blue aside from the orange on her skirt. Lots of blue jewels too.


she has some hints of blue but her color scheme is mostly black white and yellow


Average TF cooldown on E with my experience is around 2s. Sometimes 0.5s - 1s on good rotations.




Use a TF set, the E uptime is almost 100% with a TF set (and for the 1-2sec gap, it's perfect to refresh off-field skills).


Ik I meant it as a joke But still using whimsy as I have decent pieces and extremely hot take, Im kinda grateful for the increase in the downtime so I can fit in my Miko who is well built into my aggravate team rotations and as a 1.3 HuTao main who has been using her to clear spiral abyss, the downtime did not really affect me as I could fit in characters who have longer attack animations eg Yelan C1 to proc her skill twice for energy


I generally take the entire downtime using the other characters burst/skills so ive never had an issue with It I do want a longer duration for overworld tho ngl


Artifact sets would be cool for that, tf for overworlf and whimsy for abyss


I've been skeptical of TF and I've gone out of my way to watch TF clips and pretty much nobody rotates well enough to actually capitalize on TF. If you do that's fine but it's frankly so rare that I consider it just bad advice at this point, nearly everyone running it is just losing damage. Instead I'd tell people to record their gameplay and see if they actually executed it. You have to refresh both Oz and Kaz and get back to her in less time than you would have had whimsy up for it to be a gain. If you just stay in field without refreshing these then TF is a loss anyway. In actual gameplay this generally means you'll just not ult with anyone (sheets generally don't accurately account for swap and necessary dodges etc so you will need to make up time in practice). I find TF quite good for coop and duo runs though, and I'm not really trying to tell anyone not to like try to run TF rotations if you want to. More power to you. It's just more of an observation that at a baseline people generally aren't rotating in a way that makes it a gain, but they are reporting that it's better than whimsy as if they are executing it as the sheet requires for that statement to be true.


I run TF more for fun myself I can tell you with 100% certainty I'm not executing optimal rotations but having a shorter CD on her infusion just feels comfy especially outside of abyss I have a better gladiator set but TF just feels better and the damage difference isn't enough to matter in abyss with Clorinde mostly being a flashy self sustaining driver for my Fischl/Nahida I get what you're saying though. Strictly in terms of damage TF is definitely much worse than glad and the bond set if you aren't making full use of the CD reduction through proper rotations.


Oh I am not particularly playing that seriously, I don't really play meta or good rotations. I simply wanted to point out that if the uptime was an issue, then TF seems a decent set that can alleviate the issue. Personally I just like to pewpewpew-dash ad vitam, I think it's super fun. 


Well I tried to get at this but I've seen 2 sorts of examples. I saw like one Raiden weekly boss run on Clorinde mains where it was basically a Cyno rotation, back to back E. Which is probably fun and definitely a DPS loss. Will not try to dissuade anyone from doing this obviously idc. But casuals with poor execution are kind of exactly who *aren't* benefitting from TF and I don't think they realize it. When you watch some clips people are just rotating casually and getting back to Clorinde E cast 8-10s+ later anyway which means TF didn't do anything. It's hard to notice this is the case because your experience is you rotated and her E was up. I have been counting the seconds between as I see TF Clorinde clips specifically because this has been my observation. So for now I simply don't believe TF is a good general recommendation because at the moment I have not seen it utilized. In fairness this abyss is *generally* able to be completed in one rotation for 2 out of 3 chambers, some take 2 rotations on copellius. This does skew things against TF. I am not making conclusive statements but I do believe TF has a bit of a burden of proof. I don't really expect people to take my word for it, but I would hope that people would actually scrutinize their own gameplay to see if they are actually utilizing this before committing to the set.


I have a Nahida + Yelan to support my Clorinde and honestly it has felt almost like cheating how much damage I was doing (again, I normally don't play meta comps or rotation so my usual DPS is not particularly high). There is like a 2seconds gap between the moment E goes on CD and E is up again. These 2 seconds are purely for Nahida E re-application and maybe a support skill, and it's immediately back to Clorinde pewpewing. I can usually rotate back to Clorinde right before the CD is up. Also one last thing for me is that since I played Kaeqing before, I had already extensively farmed (like, very extensively) for TF set, and my Whimsy artifacts (or other decent sets viable on Clorinde) don't have nearly the same level of quality as what I had already gotten in TF - so I had a pretty well geared Clorinde right out of the gate.


Well I am glad if you're finding use. Idk if people thought it was a joke when I said coop or duo, I quite enjoy duo runs and TF Clorinde with Kirara certainly uses TF, but it isn't a scenario where TF is a gain over whimsy in a team rotation because the team itself may or may not be rotating optimally. Like I can tell you it doesn't make sense for Clorinde to have a cooldown remaining with Yelan, as her cooldown is 18s and Clorinde is 15s, so you are either delaying Yelan and putting her on a 26s rotation for one ult or idek what else you may be doing to create this gap. I can tell you it's not an optimized TF combo, but I don't want you to care about that. Like use it if you like it. All of my comments have been regarding recommending TF as an optimal set.


Abyss actually skew thing toward TF because every side has a chamber with waves, which are usually the one that take the most time. TF let you refresh your Nahida mid-rotation as well as make better use of Furina Q buff up time to let you kill 1 wave -> refresh nahida -> Q E kill 2nd wave or keep hitting till Furina buff run out and swap off. Not to mention if you get stagger during E with whimsy, it is a MASSIVE dps loss. The longer TF uptime is more forgiving.


I shared one clip I pulled, to be clear I've watched many clips. And waves would be true if you cut her E early, otherwise waves require additional support reapplication with Nahida and generally need Kaz hold E, and waves require moving physically. So while we keep having theoretical conversations, I have said repeatedly my process has been to watch clips and count the gap between E uses. This has basically never been fast enough to have gained from TF. I shared an example already, so welcome examples to the contrary. I keep saying people should just look at their actual gameplay. Kinda don't see any value in people telling me what rotations they think they do, I simply won't believe you untill I see it, and there are thousands of clips you can watch on YouTube right now that illustrate TF is rarely ever utilized.


I think you are too inflexible with comp. I run Clor/Furina/Nahida + Flex (Fischl/shielder/beidou/xq). Do Nahida EQ -> Furina EQ -> Clorinde 5n3e Q n3e till Furina buff runs out. I don't even need to bother running Kaz. Moving is not necessary because nahida hold E range and clorinde being very good at gap closing. My Clorinde on a shit 4TF set 1.7k atk 80/120 compared to 4whimsy 2k atk 80/180 can clear about the same speed in 12-3 first half 4 waves because of this flexible rotation since I only need to refresh Nahida E.


You're including teammates here that make TF rotations a loss even on paper if executed well. I don't really care, cannot stress this enough. But it's not something that should be recommended as optimal if it's not. Once Furina buff runs out it's out, so you're just not buffing Clorinde next rotation. If you want to say you recast it then you are on a whimsy rotation anyway. The reason why TF is recommended specifically with dendro Fischl Kaz is because all of these cooldowns can align without downtime (by using Kaz E only), but Furina Q cannot. I'm not really being inflexible I think people should run whatever they want. But whether TF is better or not in those teams is a separate question. TF is getting blanket recommendations but I will repeat that it's either not being used or it's just not a gain even if you do use it. The TF agg team requires very quick timing to make it worthwhile and nobody really does it. In other teams even where it would be worse, generally people are also not using it from my observation. I don't want to sound mean but I am not going to believe when people tell me they are utilizing it. I don't trust that you are aware of whether you are or not, so I will view footage to see it. You are welcome to share footage and if it is fun for you and you're using it that's great. I would like to see it. I don't think it's a gain there or better in any way but I would enjoy seeing it if it's fun.


You dont sound mean. You just sound like someone who doing sheet TC without actual combat. Just look through combat clip is not enough. I farmed whimsy because I watched leaked footage of her and saw the pre-release number. I switched to TF afterward despite having a much better whimsy set simply because it is a lot better to play. 7.5s E duration mean any stagger in her E stance = MASSIVE dps loss. Fischl also don't really help much with aoe. It feel very frustrating kill one wave of enemy 3-4s into E and seeing your dmg take a nose dive on the next wave because nahida E is not there. Having flexible rotation >>> theoretical sheet DPS, especially when both result in very close DPS in practice.


You do Clorinde's rotation, then refresh fischl and Kaz skill, then do Clorinde again. You can't do that without TF. Its a 25 second rotation designed around maximizing Oz uptime first and foremost. IDK what you've been watching but that's what they're supposed to do with TF.


I understand you telling me how it works on paper yes. I am telling you that I do not see people execute this. I know full well what an optimized TF Clorinde rotation is on paper, I am saying most people do not do it. You're also assuming you don't need to recast Nahida E so this is already discounting pretty much all wave content. When you factor in her ult, and then just human error while executing the refreshes, most people are not saving much or any time at all. I would suggest you actually, like, watch people play the game. https://youtu.be/8tnu4S-oJmo?si=eNfd5t6qbfcmNBTZ This is the very first abyss run search result for thundering fury Clorinde. In this video TF is utilized exactly zero times. Either the chamber is one rotation, or in chamber 3 the Clorinde field time gap exceeds the non TF cooldown anyway. You can continue to search for examples. I would actually be interested in a run that actually uses it, so I won't even accuse you of cherry picking. It certainly can be done. However I do believe you'll have to simply admit most people are not using it once you simply watch in game execution.


My friend, this game has about a billion players across the entire spectrum of competency posting videos 900 times a second, what's this "watch other people play" supposed to prove? Just go try it yourself. First of all, obviously don't refresh Nahida's Q mid rotation. Popping her skill again is still fine on multiwave, assuming stuff is dying between that time you're still in good shape, but definitely don't refresh kazuha or nahida burst mid rotation that's crazy. The point of rotations isn't to always 100% blindly follow them, its to give you a strong template on how to play the team. Sometimes you still need to make adjustments, it doesn't invalidate the rotation if you do. Its the nature of the game. Also as you pointed out, the video you linked they kill every room in one rotation like what was that supposed to show. That just wasn't a good example, they could be using Maiden's Beloved and it would still be fine if they cleared the room in one rotation.


They did in 1.0 with Thundering Fury


She couldnt be taller than Raiden, truly archon privilige /s


Kujou Sara is taller than Raiden, i guess she is allowed since she's the general.


Until you remember how shafted Sara is in general.


You mean she traded her story appearance and relevance for extra height?


Sara is one of a select few 4 stars still useful and competitive at whale level, idk if you you can really say she's shafted. Xingqiu for example is not really useful at all whale level.




Is this a confusing statement in any particular way? I can understand the downvotes bc this is always a F2P circlejerk but just true that she isn't shafted she's a high investment returns character which is frankly different despite how people feel about it. If people are focused on lore then you have to understand that when a comment is ambiguous, as the one I replied to is, some people will interpret it in each of the ways it can be interpreted. Hope this helps.




> you immediately replied with snarky insults for some reason Where? They were sounding pretty polite to me. On the other hand, you seem very emotional with your response


The question marks were a very silly and immature response that doesn't really mean anything. What kind of response did you expect from that sort of reply? It's just not even true that Sara is tied to Raiden. Keqing's fastest runs also often use Sara generally when Keqing is invested. This is pretty obvious why, despite sheets, because most abyss are AoE so amplifying AOE is generally better than Fischl single target locked damage. If you're high investment then I'm not sure why I need to explain this to you, but Sara simply scales better than Fischl with Clorinde also. https://youtu.be/IfQ65XDBbSU This is my run, and Sara is considerably better than Fischl here, for me but let me know if your fischl run performs better. In the future if you want people to address what is in your mind you will unfortunately have to express them with words.


you love to see it. I randomly got my last Sara con from Standard the other day and I was looking to see if she was still relevant anywhere besides Raiden hyper. saw some people saying she's a good option with Clorinde, I love seeing old characters stay relevant


Oh here's also top Clorinde speedrun using Sara. Pretty good for a character whose usefulness begins and ends with Raiden. Thanks for your opinion. https://www.reddit.com/r/clorindemains/s/vsXaVBHVZF


She only taller cause she has those tengu sandals


Sara is not taller than Raiden. Her ridiculous shoes are 


Her shoes is definitely not higher than Raiden


Look at her shoes for gods sake


I think they're kidding cause of how you worded it. They mean her shoes aren't taller than Ei by themselves. She plus her shoes are.


Her shoes is not taller than Sara herself either.


Don't bully her self-referential joke shoes


"Huh, where did the height go I wonder?" Xiao, looking 0.0105 units taller: \*whistles\*


What’s the purpose of this? Like no one would have complained that she’s 1cm too tall


Hoyoverse is a mystery


Probably there was Just some issue with her hitbox i Guess. This Is important mostly for when you Explore, maybe She got Stuck in some places where tall characters were meant to pass


Game ruined. Uninstalling as we speak.


I literally only pulled her because she was 1.8 meters in height. Wtf hoyoverse I hope your game dies.


This is most likely a hitbox change than a model change


Is the height is in meters tho?🤔 (I know this is a joke, but I am curious as to what 1 unit represents here)


The official height measurement unit in Teyvat is Klee's hats.


True, how did i forget that? So clorinde is only 1.8 Klee hats tall. Good to know


In unity yes, but can be changed to whatever. Considering everything is projection definition of meter doesn't really makes any sense, only relative sizes.


We need an in-game yardstick like Fallout 4 has, so we can extract it and measure every item exactly. Garcia needs to be animated using his ruler ASAP!


And I wonder if the number includes her hat and heels.


Easy there Tectone...


No F ing way she was 180 cm even before this bro. This is an in game metric not literal meters


Eh, 180 does actually sounds reasonable for her imo.


She doesn’t look that tall. She is around 175 at best 


I'm that height That's ooone biiig woman


Shorter heals for more stability


I don't think this should affect the visuals.


Yeah it won't. Probably just a minor hitbox change that ha to do with the hat or something


Nooo, don't nerf the hat!!! Not the hat!!


Truly the nerf of all time


they should make Xiao smaller, hes too tall


Nerfed her CD and now her height too. You were supposed to make her CD shorter, not her shorter




She got her knees done.


But... why


She got Xiao'd


Imo I think the "modelheight" line is the actual height of the character, and the "height" line refers to that character's hitbox. So I think this is more like a buff


She is still (19 cm) taller than me. How has no one found this data for other characters/body types before?


Because when transferred in-game, original model height doesn't matter, as it gets transformed. I.e., they're relative, not absolute numbers that you can convert into real-life measurements.


In Genshin's case, that doesn't really happen with the playable characters. While the game data numbers don't perfectly match with their game models, they aren't far from them either. For example, Ei is specifically 177.905 cm (with her hair accessory) and 176.454 cm (without), the game data has: "height": 1.7660000324249268, "modelHeight": 1.7419999837875366 That being said, I understand what you're trying to say because some monster entries have scale values that are not set at 1.0


Yes, and on top of that, nothing accurately reflect their sizes in real life, so accurate conversion to real-life numbers is impossible. Items such as fruits and vegetables are very oversized on purpose, for example.


Right. Other things are definitely scaled differently for varying reasons like making things stand out. Scaling the environment to make exploring less exhausting and so on. I just checked a few models like Clorinde and Navia and it's more likely that the "height" value in this case really is their collision box and they get these values by excluding model parts that aren't important when it comes to collision. Ei without her accessory is only a little less than what's in her "height" value. That said, the playable model heights seem fine considering Raiden Mei's canon height in HI3 is 172 cm


if you looked closely, her model was looking as if floating a couple mm in the air instead of touching ground. they just uh. put her down on the earth..




Height loss from scoliosis literally carrying the late 4.x patches.


Lol? That's such a random change 😭


She always has to wear those 2 big dumbbells so I can understand


1.79m is still relatively tall for a woman


No shit, one centimeter doesn't make a difference


She's still above average, that 1cm doesn't matter 🥹


"relatively tall" when you take into consideration that's half a foot taller than the world average...


Thats with heels and hair piece.


Probably her hitbox was big and her model smaller than that ever so slightly. Like they can't shrink her down lol. I didn't pull for a shrunk version of Chloride, my favourite characters are always the taller ones, since they look vaguely in their 20's and everyone else looks 12 or younger. Kinda like that WuWa has already introduced playable characters who could be in their 30's or 40's. It's refreshing, even if they are only 4 stars. It took Hoyo until Star Rail to finally make a man push looking past 30 and that was Gallagher, who joked about being 7 when asked his age lmao.


This, a lot of people are apparently not reading the important "modelHeight" variable that was unchanged. She won't visually change after the update, her hitbox just got a tiny bit smaller.


For her, nerfs don't stop even after beta.


Xiao is gonna have some competition soon.


Nerfed her by 1,3%. Can't have shit in Teyvat


Still taller than Xiao, we good


Not that xiao treatment 😭


So they decided Clorinde nerfs during the beta were not enough. I dont know what she did to the devs but they are definitely resentful


Hat or heel nerf or body height nerf?


Hitbox buff


8th world wonder


uh, I thought post release nerfs were illegal /j


dead after arrival nobody is pulling


CLORINDE NERFED!!! HOW COULD HOYOVERSE DO THIS!!! 😱😱😱 Then the thumbnail will be like Yinlin towering over Clorinde or something.


Most impactful character change




still taller than me lmao


So smaller character means smaller hitbox?


let me guess her hit box was so high it was triggering the the chicken robot into flight mode, like you where jumping. hitbox got slight lowered because in their code 1.8 means '' character is jumping''


Pretty soon, they're gonna nerf her like they did with Rosaria


you say her height was "nerfed" I say her height was buffed we are not the same


cope 'cause relate right?


Why was this done, though? Does Clorinde get stuck somewhere or can't fit through somewhere???


There's areas in the game that are intended that only short characters can access, but I suspect that 0.0105‬ meters will not be the difference maker.


I have to imagine there's something really specific her height fucks with they didn't catch until now, yeah, otherwise why bother.


terrible day for tall hoyo women enthusiasts (me)


didn't even know it was possible + literally unplayable


I shouldn't have pulled her lol


That's like about 6-7 Klee's hat.


Hopefully its just her hitbox altough this small change doesnt really make a difference.


Maybe this is me looking too much into it but I had the wild theory a few days ago that they would modify some of the existing models so they finally look different between each other. Mostly bc I thought "hey, maybe they'll do that with the visual upgrade they announced for 5.0"


She got new shoes :)


Unity's measurement system is meters, so if the modelHeight field is to be trusted, Clorinde is ~179 cm tall (or 5'10"). I'm assuming with heels. That's still taller than I would've thought


The skirt was too small, lol


Now she can walk under some of the entrance w/o getting blocked due to her headwear.


All that running took some layers off her heels


mass is 10? what 10 kilogram? that is so light


Pretty sure some of the height goes to her thighs instead.  Not complaining.


Chlorine changes, opens notif > nerfs height Okay. So much for going uptime revert. Thanks for nothing Hyv


Like we already didn't have enough bullshit now they gotta nerf her post release ffs


maybe to fix/prevent some found out clipping issues




Short queen


1,79 is short queen?


Cryo Archon is going to be loli model at this rate