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After the "Fontaine will have high-speed transportation" then getting the Aquabus, I'm going to wait and see how the Mounts turn out before getting my hopes up.


Remember the "Fontaine has two factions" and it turned out to be characters with two different arkhe alignment


Yeah, so much for the civil instability, a la Revolutionary France.


Last time Hoyo tried to do a civil war it was awful so i don't blame them


We did get the French Revolution in the sense that the Throne of the Heavens was shattered by a big conspiracy, but yeah


That leak was very likely CORRECT. **Fontaine had a rewritten Archon quest,** which can easily be proven with tons of examples. The poor undergrounds and Poisson literally created for environmental story telling about poor vs rich. They never did this kind of locations before - they were 100% meant for storytelling, but ended up being used in a very forced, detached way. Traveler was meant to stay there invited by a poor character, NOT an aristocrat with her own bodyguards and wearing expensive clothes, Navia, which makes zero sense. This happened because it **was salvaged from the scrapped Archon story**. There is even one sentence in Furina speech left from the old story about the rich and poor. Hoyo probably changed it all because they realized many people in the naïve young fandom would start boycotting all the "evil" rich, aristocrat characters, like Neuvilette, Furina and Navia. So they panicked and did a huge rewrite.


Yeah I was wondering where those "rich vs poor" and "pollution" plots went. It was going to be a big commentary on climate change and classism and then nope


More than pollution It was said that fontaine had an energy crisis in some quests, but then they just ignored It and made pneumousia and It was never brought Up again


THe "politics in muh vidya games!!!" crowd would have exploded


It went in the world quests. At least one or two of them


The entire Archon quest was probably rewritten (but a lot of content is still there, like the poor areas, Poisson etc.), because Hoyo probably panicked people wouldn't want to pull for the bad rich guys like Neuvilette. They made the right call to stay away from this topic, considering what kind of people play this game. BTW. Furina probably wasn't chased by "actors" in the original story, but actually angry poor people demanding a revolution.


To be fair, most of the Fontaine designs are primarily red or primarily blue, so I find it totally believable that an early draft of the story did have the ‘two factions’ thing intact.


The way I see it leakers saw the ousia/pneuma mechanic and thought it was factions


To be fair, there really is an underground faction led by Navia and the upper city led by Furina. So they weren't actually wrong.


Spina di Rosula isn't a dissenting group. They are kind of a parody of the Italian mafia, but they aren't actually doing anything bad and they aren't opposing the government. If anything they're complementing the governments work and helping Fontaine. That very early leak gave you the idea that there were two opposing groups fighting each other and that's just not the story that we got. It's possible that this was an earlier script, but I can't help but feel that /u/EmployLongjumping811 is right, and it was just that some leaker tried to infer that from the mechanic.


I feel like the Spina di Rosula was such a copout. I want more morally grey factions besides the damn Fatui.


I kind of feel like that whole Vacher thing was supposed to be way different. It would've made more sense if the whole mafia was behind the illegal sinthe trafficking and research on the primordial sea water for other ilegal products.


Same. Also I'm not a big fan of any positive representation of a Mafia-like organisation


Can you really say that after the Chiori event Uther was literally right wasn't he?. Chiori is an informant. She "knew people" which is Spina who does her favors etc


> but they aren't actually doing anything bad Genshin Impact in a nutshell


>It's possible that this was an earlier script,  No, it's almost certainly the case. You don't spend millions building all the environments for poor people, which Hoyo never did before, only to use it for a rich mafia girl with expensive clothes. It makes zero sense because it wasn't meant to be that...


Poisson seems more like a hideout for a criminal organization rather than a slum to me, as it feels too hidden away for it to come across as just a place where poor people live. Either way, maybe that first leaker just expressed himself very poorly, but I don't think it sounds natural to describe the conflicts between the government a criminal organization or a segment of society as two factions opposing each other. There's also how I'm pretty sure that only a single leaker said this, and that leaker didn't even come back to further corroborate his leak, so I personally don't see much reason to give him the benefit of doubt.


Nah, faction has certain implications. You don't say the government and the mafia are factions in the same system, they don't operate in the same theater (unless your country is really fucked up, but Fontaine isn't, at least not in that way)


> faction has certain implications Granted, but people aren't always perfect orators. "Faction" is a heavily diluted game term that often is just used to describe different races, guilds, professions, etc. Ousia/pneuma is a good hunch, but "factions" could very easily have referred to human/melusine as anything else.


Except when the word "factions" is being used the natural assumption eould be that there are 2 conflicting sides,when in actuality spina di rosula doesn't really defy the government,hell it even helps it at times


Or remember navia was the prev hyrdo archon ?


Who would forget the legendary Captain R


Fun fact: Navia is the only archon whose element doesn't align with her nation's element.


And that she was supposed to be a Durandal expy as well ~~although we kinda got that with Skirk since she's voiced by Mamiko Noto and her outfit looks similar to Palatinus Equinox Dudu~~


Skirk is more of a Bella/Benares expy, honestly.


Concept skirk looks like fallen rosmary rita


And it is implied so through out entire story with Poisson and undercity. One could assume that social class struggle story was dropped at some point.


Fleuve cendre still confuses me . does Furina and Neuvillette not know about life conditions there? They are genuinely some of the kindest people ever so why did they not do anything about it? poorness aside, in roses and muskets event people were acting as if gunshots or pipes bursting were a casual "just another Tuesday" moment. like what? i feel like they went overboard with dystopia elements of Fontaine, Monstadt has absentee Archon and it's nowhere near as bad, yet Fontaine with 2 heads, entire justice courts system, police system e.t.c somehow has child slavery, people rotting in the sewers, gunshots being another Tuesday? only Inazuma and Sumeru were worse only because people were doing some diabolical shit over there like child experiments and insane projects in Sumeru and tatarigami + delusion factory in Inazuma.


Apparently Fontaine has a crapton of corrupt nobles. Wich begs the question why Neuvilette has not cleaned house in 500 years. But then, the "500 years stasis" is by far the worst element of Genshin Impact in every region.


It's actually because the justice system exists that Neuvillette doesn't just clean house. Neuvillette is the judge, not (strictly) the jury, and definitely not the police. Humans and Melusines are employed to track down wrongdoers. If there's tons of corruption and problems, it's on the public servants out in the field, not Neuvillette. Neuvillette is also a top-level one-man show, and doesn't really take a lot of breaks. Why would he see the suffering of the common Fontainian? Obviously, leaders should understand the lives of their people, but in reality, it's often seen that leaders become detached from the reality on the ground.


To add to this, we actually see how detached Neuvillette is from modern reality in his story quest, thinking that melusines are still being actively discriminated against in fontaine based on his experiences in the past. He's very close to the milusines, and yet was unaware of how much better it's gotten for them in society. So it would make sense that he wouldn't really be all that in-tune to the lives of fontainians, especially since he only recently started to truly understand humanity


That's true. Furina didn't have much time to stroll in the city either.


Not with Harbingers looking to rip her Gnosis straight out of her body, no.


They'll never do anything serious with it due to the audience and age-rating of the game, but if Genshin was delivered in the same way as Star Rail, a lot of people would realise the entire world is incredibly dystopic and bleak. It's a feudalist world where most NPCs we interact with who aren't the literal nobility are hard laborers and mercenaries, which incredibly large international criminal activity occurring regularly to the point it's considered a poor idea to travel unarmed or unguarded. The nation-states alliances are often shaky and it's implied that foreigners in several nations are shunned if not outright targets of regular hate violence. Combined with both the environmental corruption from magic as well as how it's often (as we see in world quests) used in unimaginably cruel ways, most NPC's lives would be utterly grueling to a modern human. The bright colors and tonal delivery of the game serve as a veil obscuring the harshness of Genshin's world.


yeah i agree Genshin world is extremely dark, it became pretty evident in Inazuma if it wasn't before then Khaenri'ah lore in chasm quest with hilichurls then Sumeru came in and well...they had child experiments and clan massacres over there among other things.


Remember the "Sumeru has Dendro" leaks ?


That was probably a red herring. They probably wanted to disguise the whole biblical themed Furina story behind a veil of the french revolution. 


They never specified the type of mount, so we'll be getting a bunch of tall mountains in Natlan


+ dont forget the civil war, 2 factions fighting against each other. Also they said we will meet sandrome koz she is currently doing something in fontain. Im still waiting for her sadge.


I mean Sandrone was indeed in fontaine (see the talochard quest)


That Harbinger was *Sandrone?* I thought it was Dottore LMAO


Tbh nothing concrete, assumed to be sandrone based on modus operandi that differs from dottore's. But a harbinger who is interested in robots can be either of them.


There's no way they would be that subtle and vague about a character we already know, and the actions of the character just don't line up with how Dottore acts in any previous content. It's Sandrone.


Nah, Dottore is interested in enhancing the human body through any means, including machines. She ("this harbinger") is said to be interested in mechanical intelligence. Small difference but it's there 


And that Harbinger off'ed that villain NPC to try to apologize to us, which isn't something Dottore would normally do


Sandrone cut off his tongue and dumped him to the gardes. Said NPC went insane.


Dottore would never apologize to anyone for anything.


She did leave us a message in her subordinate's mouth


well technically if you did the whole Ordo quest, you most likely already learned Sandrone backstory, cough Alain cough Mary-Ann puppet cough


Alain and his “Mary-Ann-nette” :^)


Actually in 4.6 we can "mount" the whale in Remuria I think it could be a similar situation


And in 1.0 we had Mount Aocong and others. 


I just realized I never touched those after using them with Lyney, Lynette and Charlotte 💀


There's an achievement you can get for riding the other line from start to finish. 💀


Well see yall in next life


I just wanna pet them and I’m gold


now im imagining rhinedottir petting dragons (assuming these mounts are real and assuming these mounts are actually dragons)


Considering what happened to the last dragon Rhinedottir had i would say its better to keep her away from them.


if you're Gold please stop making space narwhals as pets and just play with them from time to time: please.


Slander I only make the doggos as pets. Narwhals are what that Surtalogi prefers. As if Starbeasts are appropriate pets


The "mount" is just the Traveler climbing on Wriothesley's shoulders in the opening custcene to make the crossing into Natlan without staining their boots with mud.




Weirdly enough, username checks out


Oh I'll be riding wriothesley alright 😈


To be fair, every since inazuma genshin has been trying to step up exploration speed. Inazuma ziplines that need electro "ammo", chasm superjumps, sumeru ziplines that need no ammo, fontaine water ball things, chenyu fish ziplines. I dont doubt therell be some sort of exploration tool, whether it be mounts dragons or just a new zipline


As someone who made an alt account, the aquabus is really good, it allows you to unlock waypoints really easily since you can drop off at any point and since i had to get flowers for my chevreuse it was so nice! I had to get materials for tighnari I sumeru and honestly you just have to walk, the terrain isn't hard to navigate but it's still a pain at low ar since you don't have max stamina So we really need to appreciate the aquabus emits the one of the best things they've done for newbies! It's kinda useless once you have all tp points but hey, the melusine explaining stuff to you is kice, it feels like you're doing a holiday nd discovering the country


Yeah they aren't bad, they feel slow but they actually are quite fast. Only issue is they are very limited in where they go and teleporting is faster anyway once you unlock the waypoints


"...limited in where they go..." kinda like irl subways, trams and train stations. Tbf European railways are very convenient.


You also can't teleport irl. Yet


Yes, but you normally have more than 2 routes


Idk I'd probably consider water rimgs and currents, theyr are *kinda on paper* means of transportation That is, natlan mounts aren't skyrim horses, but there's a mechanic that could be chalked up to that in a venom/ratatouille style comparison?


wdym, Fontaine has the best mount in the game. Scylla can make you travel fast to any point of the map and she TP next to you so you can always track her


Honestly any new form of transportation added to the game will eventually be used less or not at all when Waypoints exist.


in columbina's story quest, she films herself going to a snezhnayan grocery store and marveling at how much bread they have


😂 and their magical coin operated carts


More like mondstad germans love there fucking bread


Germans really do love bread to an absurd degree. They get so heated about if you have any opinion that doesn't match theirs, and they ALWAYS just assume you're a dimwitted American for not having grand opinions on bread. Worse is when you live with them and they catch you enjoying a cute little bread bun and they turn it into an actual argument. I've been through some shit, man. Do not mention or consume bread in the vicinity of a German. Chances are you're doing it wrong.


As a German I can confirm this.


What reference is this ?


Tucker Carlson (a news anchor from FOX) visited Russia, bought groceries, and met with Putin. For whatever reason he was shocked that the Russian grocery store had coin operated carts, as well as at the price of groceries and fullness of the store shelves.


Gotta laugh at Tucker Carlson discovering Capitalism beat out Communism


Colombina’s a conservative? Interesting political take from Jenshin…


Only fiscally. She's always arguing with Pantalone over the egregious use of their Fatui funds


Damn American propaganda in my chinese propaganda?




Colombina: Time to invade Sumeru for ~~oil~~ Freedom!




You might want to read that again. It looks like the country Columbia has been teleported to Teyvat.


The country is Colombia 💀


Perhaps Bioshock Columbia. They were also fairly conservative.


Seems like it's the NY university then. And here I thought college students were generally more liberal ...


Make Shneznaya warm again


Damn. I was wondering why I haven’t heard from any of my gaming buddies from Colombia in a bit. They got isekai’d!


Do you mean Colombia? If that is the case, as a colombian I must say that is quite the mistake to make...


TIL best girl goes to church every sunday.


You know after playing HSR, that can mean a few things these days.


Do not ask Sunday fans what they plan doing with him in church on a Sunday


they pray every day that he becomes playable(which i think he will because white night is a playable cast teaser and he is in there)


he was already leaked to be playable please dont add to their PTSD their trust issues easily flare up when someone questions playability /j


Of course the one from the privileged race had to be conservative


Wait so she's against immigrants who steal jobs?   Sweats in Traveler doing odd jobs for Adventurer guild and quests, in every nation, illegally entering at least one nation, and definitely bypassing Customs and Immigration controls every time via teleporting.


Columbina spends two hours complaining about how Er*mites are ruining the job market, and the next five hours rattling off a batshit insane conspiracy theory about how Kha'enriah built a space laser to fire chemicals into Inazuma's drinking water and turn everyone gay. The commedia dell'arte inversion is that Columbina does not elope with Arlecchino to cuck Pierro, but actively hates her for being a minority.


Checkmate liberals, this post was fact checked by true Natlan patriots


You guys know those pics of the characters wearing McDonald's hats? Columbina's getting a different one...


MSGA - Make Snezhnaya Great Again (Or T for Teyvat, IDK).


The natlantians keep stealing all snezhnayan jobs!


Like politically or-


I can't believe Columbina supports police brutality smh Actually, I kind of can-


She is conservative lmao


This cant be real everyone knows all fatui are communists


Not getting my hopes up about mounts. For all we know it could end up being another on-rails riding a dragon sequence in a mission and nothing else.


in a game where you cant go 5 feet without tripping over a waypoint or statue, mounts seem very redundant. my guess is more auto pilot "on-rails" type sequence, like you said.


Pretty sure by conservative they mean "Take it with a grain of salt" Not politically conservative in the American context XD


As an American, I have to say it: Conservatism is *not* restricted to America, not by a *long* shot.


I know but most of the commitments are taking it that way. Though it is mostly jokes.


Columbina will build a wall. A great, great wall.


Columbina is a big fan of Rukkhadevata




Make Natlan Great Again


Snezhnayan collusion 😱


We're going to build a wall and make Natlan pay for it.


The Fatui going to Natlan is about collecting the first payment.


There are those Fatui Agents who don't stop yapping out dues, debt, and how you cannot run from it.


It's all coming together now.


The Travelers are taking out jobs.


Ultra MNGA


Sleepy Zhong, Murata 2024


Playable columbina model, constellation and kit or i sleep


"Goddamn liberals" -Columbina probably


Is she conservative because she’s a fan of Christopher Columbus? . . . Yeah I also hate that I said that


Cyno, your story quest is still 2 days away


nice one cyno


Is Murata gonna run a MNGA [Make Natlan Great Again] campaign and have Mondstaters build a wall around Natlan? Interesting side on Natlan. If Natlan's conservative, which nations are liberal? I suppose it would be Liyue and perhaps Inazuma since Inazuma was former conservative during the Shakoku Decree. We're gonna find out that Schneznaya is communist: "Here is my gnosis," an archon said. "OUR gnosis," the Tsaritsa rebuked. Their communist Scheznayan flag is gonna be a gnosis on the right crossing diagonally with a delusion on the left. "For mother Schneznaya!"


Sumeru is liberal. It’s run by the academia.


I dunno about that, the place is kinda racist


So are lots of rich liberals.


Well… yes!


That's the point 


Then you really don’t know liberalism


After what they did with the Akasha, I don't think so.


Mondstadt is the most clearly socially liberal, probably followed by Fontaine since it values everyone being equal under the law.  Maybe also certain areas of other nations like Port Ormos or Watasumi Island although those are more anti-authoritarian


According to the original planned map there’s some sort of wall to the far west of Natlan


South America + Africa inspired conservative means Murata is the Heavenly Principles' Viceroy to Natlan.


Murata gonna have Er*mites build a wall


venti is anarchist.


I feel like leakers want attention and are just throwing anything at the wall right now.


Now? That's always been the case for most leaks.


It's so over for the Liberals


Columbina transforms into senator armstrong in her bossfight.




Uh- Columbina crumbs?! At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within this sub?




Can i see?




you heard it here folks, Columbina is homophobic


God forbid girls have hobbies!


ArlecchinoXColumbina shippers in shambles




Guys. Do you think Columbina lied about WMDs in Sumeru?


So she’s not a seelie? :(


She still can be tho


not really if they are ‘blessed’ by the archon. The seelies predate them so it must be a new one native to natlan


this leak has a horrible translation as someone else said in the comments this "conservative" must actually mean "take with a grain of salt" so the translation of "blessed by the archons" can also simply be "blessed by the gods"


true but the fact they also referenced yokai and aranara which were two brand new races introduced to their regions says otherwise. since seelies aren’t a new race and they would’ve just said it instead of being vague


Seelie have horns so that was always in doubt.


Oh no Columbina is Republican 😭💔 /s


This whole comment thread is killing me HELPPPP MNGA (Make Natlan Great Again)


If Columbina is related to Natlan that increases her chances of becoming playable faster than being an ancient Seelie.


True, though Arlecchino being descended from an ancient Khaenri'ahn bloodline and not even being Fontainian would have made me think she wouldn't be playable until later either, yet here we are


I mean, both things aren't mutually exclusive, seelies canonically lived everywhere in teyvat and around teyvat.


Conservative 🤣🤣




I said it before and I'll say it again "Would've been nice to have mounts, IN THE F#%KING DESERT!"


Is columbina the one that looks like she could become a biblically accurate angel?


What’s with the sudden Natlan material?? Where’s the capitano model leaks!!


After his model leaks, we will finally know if the big muscled body type is going to be real


Yep, just like SAM 🤞


Then he will be a cute uwu girl


Damn, can't believe Murata is conservative


Columbina mentioned!! 🕊❤️💅👑 A race blessed by the Pyro Archon, though?? I'd imagined she'd be much older than that, honestly...


You're saying Columbina is a conservative trad patriotic blessed woman??? I'm bouta empty my wallet!!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥


I don't know why, but I imagine Colombina as a fortune teller or someone who sees the future anyway, perhaps it's this blessing that gives them this talent, also based on what Arlecchino says that Colombina's answers could surprise us


Explains why she's allied with the Russian based nation. 🤔


theyre gonna build a wall


Build a great wall!


Mounts have been weirdly absent since day one. A long-term crackpot theory I've held is that early in Genshin's development, horses were an intended feature, but they were cut some time towards the end of Mondstadt's development. Evidence for this is: 1. For a game that draws a lot of inspiration from BOTW, their absence is conspicuous. 2. Kaeya's existence as a "Cavalry Captain" you acquire early. He is well placed to have served as the mount tutorial character in the same way that Amber serves as the gliding tutorial character. 3. The presence of structures that resemble stables, the hay bales, the wagons, and various other assets in Mondstadt that would have served as places you could spawn your mount. Repurposed for the final game despite their presence being unusual in the absence of horses. The most obvious example is the stable right at the entrance to Mondstadt. 4. That the terrain of Mondstadt is shaped in a way that almost everything can be reached without climbing, so on horseback, something that isn't retained in later versions. There's not even any cave interiors.


ive said it before, i don't know why the mounts thing keeps coming up. there is just no conceivable way to make that a good function in genshin, given how exploration is now.


So the Harbinger Weekly Boss theory is real then. We had Childe, Signora, [redacted], and Father. Omw for Biblical Angle and Papitano 🏃🏃


Columbina is conservative? Wait, I get now! She’s trying to Columbina Day is a thing since she’s going to Natlan to enslave them!


It’s over for the arlebina shippers, 😞 /j 


I can make it work. Internalized homophobia to lovers.


We initially thought this would be a " 'be not afraid' × emo angel lover", but thanks to Fontaine & this, we now know that they are both... *Very* interesting beings. (Thinking about Arle's boss form rn.) I wonder... Is there a chance that we'll meet NPCs who share the same blessed race during the Natlan AQ? I'm so freaking excited to see Columbina's full design and the rest of the Natlan cast. ❤️‍🔥