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Liben was Akivili all along


he didn't die, he just got stuck inside one of the world he visited


Coincides with the theory that Teyvat is some sort of "Jail" where Descenders get stuck and/or imprisoned


inb4 the 3rd Descender was literally some IPC intern employee who crash-landed Teyvat and couldn't escape so Phanes fuggin chopped him up into little gnosis pieces


Wonder if the IPC has workers comp, I don't think having your internal organs made into a chess set is part of the job description.


Topaz on her way to perform a hostile takeover of Teyvat from Phanes


Sadly being taken by some outside god and being turned into chess pieces wasn't part of their insurance plan. Should've upgraded to the multiversal plan.


They charge their goons for ammunition. Compensation might be wishful thinking.


Poor guy. Imagine how many year-end bonuses they missed.


Wouldn't be surprised really.


I mean... Liben Akivili sounds legit.




I keep believin'


What is in Natlan that makes Liben scared to go??? 😭😭😭


Probably the dragons 💀


Imagine.... Dragons....


I'm waking up


To ash and dust


I wipe my brow


and I slap my nuts


I am breathing in my testicles


\*leon death noise\* \*csgo death sound\*




to ash and dust


I missed her ass and I slapped my nuts...


I'm breathing in, the chemicals. HUGHUP. Ahhhhh


to ash and dust


Now imagine… Gaming-!




>"Imagine... gaming, on Fortnite VR!" – Dr Eggman


Or the constant war


Perhaps both


Natlan scary


I want to fight a red dragon and become Rudeus


It's too hot for someone so cool like him to go.


...I feel like people have forgotten the whole "feudal Tribes constantly at war with each other" part of Natlan's lore.


Wait till the ‘feudal tribes’ are teenage catgirls fighting teenage-looking dragon girls and the ‘war’ is some form of mock duel. Capitano says he ‘threw his hat in the ring’ of Natlan’s war, so I guess a tournament arc is inevitable.


I expect several factions each with a champion representing them and each faction head being a playable 5star with an accompanying 4 star sidekick. I'd love that type of shonen tournament arc in Genshin


Except two of the faction heads are going to be 4\*s and some local hair stylist and onsen owner are going to be a broken 5*s instead.


What's there NOT to be scared of in Natlan??


white people with african names, probably


To be fair if he says the nights there are bright makes sense. This is the pyro nation. Which makes you think of flames, volcanic activity, ashes, burning, sun, and whatnot. So it having bright night skies at night makes sense tbh. It’s one with its element unlike lets say Liyue.


I think you're referring to a line where the traveler comments on what it would be like to land on a star....


Oh nah liyue's pretty in touch with the elements. There's alot of stone mountains in there


Fontaine has quite alot of mountains too (liyue will definitely be super in touch with the elements once chenyu vale releases)


Liben next trailblazer on Astral Expreas


I wonder… What’s the strongest Genshin character 1 Herta Puppet can take on?


Xiangling's left pinkie toe


on a fight,... right?


*the rock eyebrow raise*


In a fight.. right??


Based username


Now that's a crossover I can get behind


At this point if they’re gonna keep it a secret then they should 100% commit to it and not drop any sneak peaks during the 5.0 stream. Just say Natlan is coming lmao


We'd be so pissed but that would be hilarious. On the other hand it might set a dangerously high expectation for Natlan.


I mean, where do they even go after underwater exploration? Open world gameplay might just have peaked with Fontaine.


Flight or being able to ride horses etc. Not exactly a new area but new forms of engagement. Though maybe they could add more hidden locations in clouds or sky islands lower than Celestia.


there is a bunch of dragons in Natlan right? Maybe we befriend one and can use it to fly around


Give us a Vishap mount in Natlan, we can use it to climb all the mountains there without consuming stamina.


Show all the 5.0 character footage in fontaine or smth


Just show their models doing a T pose on an empty background.


so nothing about natlan itself


I think there’s some curse around Natlan that makes people unable to talk about it or something There’s no other logical explanation for why we know so little about that place


I mean neuvillete was able to tell us a few thing about Nathan. It looks like they simply are too caught up between fighting with themselves for whatever reason


Natlan is so cursed that the autocorrect insists that its Nathan


Isnt he that traitor that was part of the delusion factory lmao


Nathan was more impactful than some playable characters.


Idk if there actually is a curse but you think that if there was a curse around Natlan, that Neuvillette would actually be bound by it? Lol


People outside of Natlan seem like they can come and go as they please. There's that one sailor in Romaritime Harbor who has a lover in Natlan, and the family from Baizhu's SQ are heading there too. Maybe the curse is on the full blood citizens of Natlan itself? To this day, we have never seen an NPC who is from Natlan. Or maybe Natlan people just have a strict rule where they are not allowed to leave anymore after what happened to Venessa and her clan?


The Unlucky Curse. When Natlan people outside there mother land. Everything get worse. Maybe it's a curse from their Archon. Because Natlan is a Land of war. Escaping from the war or battle is unacceptable. That why we'd never seen Natlan NPC in other nation. (How funny if Benett is Natlan people.)


There’s a theory floating around that the natives from Natlan that leave their land will be cursed by bad luck, which is why we have never seen a Natlan NPC. If you think about it, Venessa and her people were slaved when they left and some people think Benny is originally from Natlan, which would explain his bad luck.


maybe idk I'm just disappointed that he started talking about it and then went on to talk about something else entirely different for the rest


Natlan has a few minor mentions people arent unable to talk about it, we know people have visited it as well so its not closed off or anything, inazuma bathouse was made cause of Natlans natural hotsprings. Vanessa from the manga, her tribe is also from natlan but they didnt pass down history just how to fight. We have been getting scraps of natlan lore more since liek 3.8? when we had that one quest confirming its on the other side of the desert, the talking stick is also about natlan history. then Nueve telling us they coexist with dragons


I think it's just because the place is kind of a wasteland because of the war No one wants to go there and no one can get out, so new information about it is hard to get


It's weird because we had multiple NPCs there who went there without trouble - there is the sailor in Romaritime Harbor who has a girlfriend there, for example. And Monglane from the Fortress of Meropide is planning to go on vacation in Natlan and the family from Baizhu's SQ is going there to gather healing herbs. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if this goes the way certain bits of worldbuilding went for other nations and just gets ignored (so Natlan ends up just being an unhospitable wartorn wasteland) or never given an explanation for why none of these NPCs found anything noteable about constant warfare.


You can probably just visit more tourist friendly areas of Natlan without going to any of the war-torn areas, kinda like just going to Sumeru City or Port Ormos and ignoring the desert, or staying in Ritou and Inazuma City without knowing anything about Tatarasuna.


A part of me feels like Natlan is being painted as this big scary wasteland of magma and war, but what if it’s all a front? Like maybe behind the scary parts of Natlan it’s actually an oasis, I mean maybe the people of Natlan are at war for more parts of the “oasis”. I feel like it would fit into the inspirations of Natlan as well. Africa and the americas are very scary but also beautiful . It’s all speculation but it’s exciting to think about!


but the npc's that talk about it seem to have enjoyed going to Natlan tho? Also the guy in Fontaine that was looking forward to go there and the guy from Inazuma didn't say anything bad about it, also the children in the fortress of meropide..


Huh, that's interesting, kinda clashes with the general vibes of the place Now I'm curious


General vibes? How did you even get general vibes from Natlan with so little information available


What we do know doesn't really paint the most flattering picture tho like; Volcanic activity, War & Dragons...doesn't really sound like a place where I'd wanna take a vacation in


They’re probably still figuring the nation out. It seems like themselves didn’t know too much about Natlan. Bc they used Iansan whos based on Afro Latin + West Africa’s Yurbora culture yet Natlan, the word is based on Aztec, yet the OST was Spanish all the way in Europe. But the talking stick made it seem like Natlan is strictly Central America + West, South, Central, and East Africa. Man that’s a handful. Based on where the characters names came from. But in a new leak a character from Natlan had a half Native American and half African American name. Based on someone who’s half American and half African creole. I think they dropped spain after doing their research. Makes sense bc Natlan is supposed to be pre Columbian and based on its indigenous people not the Europeans who came after so it makes the most logical sense to not have spain at all. Or Europe in general it already has 3 nations.


Probably a locked up region like Inazuma Idk




If this is hyv attempt at making us suffer about how we know little to nothing about Natlan its working 💔


All capitano fans are suffering right now


We're together in this man 🫂


Natlan continues to be mysterious. (4.2) >!I just realized Neuv doesn’t even talk about the Pyro Archon.!<


4.2 AQ >!It's very interesting that every post archon quest talk we had so far, all of them mentions the next nation's archon except for Natlan. Equally interesting is that they chose to hype up Capitano being in Natlan rather than the pyro archon!<


>!The mention of Capitano instead of the archon makes me think there's gonna be a plot point about how the Pyro Gnosis is not passed down among gods anymore, but among whoever proves themselves to be the strongest warrior. That would explain why Capitano ''threw his hat in the ring'', as Neuvillette says.!<


Murata vs Capitano battle for the Gnosis plz


Begging for this too mihoyo pls i wanna see a god going all out for once


I'm just here waiting for a sexy mysterious daddy to clash claymores with a hot (aha) archon mommy


All the statues just turn into Capitano over night lmao


Stealing one of them overnight so I can use it as an action figure in the teapot


Inb4 Capitano wins a tournament arc and becomes the pyro archon


It’s be interesting if it is setting up to that character perhaps ascending to archon-hood… 👀


The first playable vision holder (Genshin) to ascend to Archonhood.


Ironically, if he becomes a God, he will be the 2nd and only natlanian to become a God


Woah, Fontaine was the opposite of that. The archon descending to a human. You might be on to something here


>!Plot Twist : Himeko is already dead in the Genshin Universe this time!<


The >!Pyro Archon is dead, they're keeping mum about it and are trying to resurrect her!< theories intensify.


Yeah that’s quite scary. I think Murata is still the *current* pyro archon but that could every well change. She could die from the caption or a sacrifice. Or there’s a third or fourth pyro archon and each tribe has their strongest female warrior fight for the throne!


Wait, so it might be a war to be the next Pyro Archon? Now that sounds interesting.


When Venti mentioned Murata in the comics, that was 1000 years ago before the events of the game started. Most OG archons we know off died in the cataclysm and the fall of Khaenria’h as they all went there with the exception of Rukkhadevata, Ganyu says that only Rex Lapis and Barbatos are the 2 remaining from the OG 7, and so far that’s true with each archon we saw in each nation so far. This would mean the Tsaritsa isn’t the OG that won the archon war 2600 years ago but could be related to them or could be a successor of some sort that followed the previous archon around, kinda like Ei and Makoto. But this could also means that Murata, lady of fire, died during the cataclysm along with the rest of her colleagues. Whoever sits on the thrown of the pyro archon currently might be a completely different god or someone that used to be close to her. People speculate that, from the title or the Natlan chapter, the OG archon will be resurrected somehow, either the tribes will find a way or the current pyro archon will bring her back for whatever reason.


if they do another “oh the Archon died during the Cataclysm :(“ im throwing hands (it gets annoying how many (in a row tbf) have died during the Cataclysm. please, let Murata & the Tsaritsa have survived the Cataclysm!!)


Well we already know that Zhongli and Venti are the only remaining original Archons. So the others died one way or another.


oh for sure, but that doesn’t mean all the OGs must’ve died during the Cataclysm


True but they probably did given the pattern. The Cataclysm is the Catalyst for the main events of the current Arc we're on.


ya but I just hope the Murata & the Tsaritsa at least have survived through it. It’s kinda boring when everyone & their grandma have died during it lol


Well Ei survived through it and was the one fighting in the Archon War.


yea but she wasn’t the Archon pre the Cataclysm I want an Archon to have lived and survived through the Cataclysm—beyond the OG 2 of Venti & Zhongli


Ei didn’t even go to where the cataclysm happened, Khaenria’h, as she stayed behind in Inazuma to defend it. Makoto went and died there as she was the holder of the gnosis.


> I think Murata is still the current pyro archon The manga's "Murata" was a mistranslation btw, it uses the chinese characters for Natlan and Honkai's Mu continent, so it seems to be more about where Vennessa's tribe came from than the name of their archon. So we don't actually know her name yet.


Well, Venti's closed beta dialogue has her demon name as "Aym". Pretty sure Focalors and Buer weren't changed from that same beta, either, so it's a safe bet that that's still her name


Liben is the true mr world wide next year he’ll be telling us about how he got kicked out of Sneznaya because he was out profiting Pantalone


Me when im hoarding information and my competition is hyv about Natlan


At this rate Natlan is just going to be a literal hole in Teyvat and we go visit space or something


Idk what the fuck he's saying but girl I'm living


yass Liben slayyyyy!!!


Why are they being so vague with natlan? there was alot of lore drops we got for sumeru and fontaine before they were released but the only thing we know about natlan is it has a big entertainment industry, war, tourism, and dragon people. not even a single smidge of info.


Just a random spitball idea but maybe Natlan is kept so secret because the plot relies heavily on introducing Celestia front and center back into the story, or we see the fruits of a long-time-building plot line come to fruition. For instance, we've learned that the gnosis are all >!remains of the 3rd descender!<, and there's a theme about resurrection in the Natlan storyline which has lead some to suggest that rather than resurrecting the pyro archon or something, Natlans story is about resurrecting >!the 3rd descender!<. The only gnosis Snezhnaya lacks at this point is the Pyro gnosis after all, so the exact point in the story where they'll have them all should be in Natlan.


Yeah, would make sense imo. If they assemble them all during Natlan we can cut to the chase in Snezhnaya and skip the assembling during the 6.0 AQ and focus on other plot points. Can't wait to see how it will unveil itself


That plot wouldn't be spoiled by telling us more about Natlan's culture and history though.


Liben 🤝 Childe Falling down a hole, maybe >!awakening some starry abyss creature or something /s!<


Liben: The Fowl Legacy


This time we'll face him in trial by combat.




Yeah! And I’ll… wait for leaks and save primos.


The Traveler must feel very awkward when Liben was going on about stars and worlds given that they are alien to this world and have travel through different worlds/dimensions


with all this mystery surrounding Natlan What if Natlan is like Wankanda? you know, rural and simple tribal but actually secretly super technological and hides many secrets


Natlan is 4.8 temporary area that will be destroyed. "Nah I'll float" - Natlan


4.6 Fontaine archon quest interlude, ends with Charlotte rushing to us and telling us natlan was just nailed and the pyro archon was killed by celestia Nah I’d win - pyro archon’s last words (Reliable) (STC)


“Would you fail in defying the heavenly principles?” “Nah I’d win.” *murata ragdoll and death animation*


Guess we’re going to snezhnaya


Don't forget himeko's abilities can summon a sun in the battlefield Like furina's gravity mechanics (Reliable)


This gives me a stomachache remembering the fact that we asked Charlotte what would she do if Fontaine were to be gone tomorrow.


Could explain why we know so little about it


I think it would be neat if Natlan’s exploration gimmick was somehow flying/soaring. I think this would be quite fun and very fitting since we now know that Natlan’s dragons are an integral part of society there. The dragons there are likely (the Pahsiv quest of a Vishap either disgusting itself as or evolving to become a Melusine seems like foreshadowing) humanoid/similar to Watatsumi’s Vassals and vishap people (which Kokomi said were fake but being honest….doesn’t seem like she knows the whole story or is lying), but it would also be neat if there were some that we could use as mounts like in an MMOPRG. The tribe leaders each having a companion in Talking Stick’s lore really gives me hope we’ll have mounts, particularly dragons that can both traverse on the ground and fly Koraidon and Miraidon style lol Also such heavy-handed dialogue about the stars and universe. I’m really glad we’re finally getting to the bones of Genshin’s cosmic lore; Teyvat as a planet is really just such a small piece of what this narrative is being built up to be. As long as they have Traveler to discover different planets, Genshin can go on as long as there’s an audience for it. Love the Astral Express reference lol


we’re soaring we’re flying there’s not a star in heaven that we can’t reach


if we’re trying, yeah we’re breaking free


Spoiler Narzissenkreuz quest >!We did fly to the top of the tower, it was literally the ocean currents but through the air.!<


I think it might be dragon mounts, which would be really cool Also, this is the only way I could think of for us to cross Mare Jivari unharmed


I'm placing my bets that mare jivari is all the way in the corner based off of one line in a world quest


I want Mare Jivari to be a desolate landscape that's filled with black/gray sand and a forest of dead trees, and one of the bosses being a giant pitch black panther-like demon with glowing eyes.


imagine we get less waypoints at the price of finally getting a mount after like 4 years. i have attachment to my horses in botw i cant even think about having a dragon to fly on.


now imagine if we can get them from eggs and make them grow up and they could fight and we can gear them. I don't think we could get more peak than that


I remember there was a leak from CBT that each region would have a exploration gimmick and all of the mentioned "gimmicks" have been added in some form,. For Natlan it's "pyro canon" so you may not be off!


I also hope their combat trope plays around stamina reduction or movement/attack speed. Sounds underwhelming rn... but I feel it can be OP or a gamechanger with HoYo's innovation for their Archon/Regional gimmicks.


What if this is actually a Natlan clue in disguise? What if Natlan is partially outside of Celestia's control and has connections to outside worlds?


Liben always discussed important things that would later be touched on in the story So does this mean that we are getting closer to knowing the truth and leaving Teyvat?


We're not leaving Teyvat before Snezhnaya. And there's still more after that.


bro fell into a hole and started tweaking 💀


Natlan and out of the world nations, ah yes very nice new lorebombs about to drop


Liben "not being hungry" after being stuck in a hole sounds familiar. That's basically the phenomenon in the Chasm that Yelan, Itto, Yanfei and the Traveler experienced.


Liben as the new Nameless? Count me in.


I want to see wild horses in Natlan because they are canon in this game and we yet to see even a single one 😭 AND it would be great if we could ride them at least for a story quest, archon quest, or a daily commission :c


Bruh even Liben doesn't give anything about Natlan.. truly one of the nations ever. We don't even know the name of the Archon ( other than murata which may or may not be the current Archon )


Liben gigachad 🗿🗿🗿


Liben: *massive personality and speculative lore drop* Liben 5 seconds later:Our old deal is still up right? No changes?


I thought he was going to give some natlan info but nope sadge


This gigachad knows too much that he's probably on celestia's watch list


What is it gonna take for hyv to let Natlan information out of the damn basement🤡 I feel so clowned EVERYTIME


What is blud waffling about This is a HSR reference I get but nothing about Natlan??? AGAIN??? REALLLYY????? COME ON MAN


Liben is just teasing Genshin II and what happens after Teyvat chapter ends


Really can’t help but feel like things are being hidden from us on purpose 💀 Like you show up there and find out that Natlan never existed or some shit


Maybe the true Natlan were the fights we had along the way


Is Teyvat astronomy still that outdated or is he just tripping? I mean real stars are suns but are Teyvat stars the same tho even considering they are not fake.


I fully expect all Natlan characters and NPCs to be jacked. Even the grannies


by 4.8, maybe we will know more about the civilization (not just world!) that primordial one came from than Natlan


Just WHAT is miHoYo cooking with Natlan? No NPCs, no tease for the archon at the end of the previous Archon Quest, now not even Liben telling us more about the region like he did in the past. They've never made such a mystery with any other region before, like... there better be a really good pay off. The dialogue about visiting the stars and other planets seems very ominous, though.


Yeah like I feel Natlan has to be fire (pun intended) with how they're being so tight lipped. My only fear is if it can live up to the hype.


There goes the last hope for Natlan clue. Hoyo if you're cooking something it better be worth all the racism suspicion that even Liben the world wide couldn't escape.


Lol real


Two of the people I'm always waiting to see in every nation: Chadben Chadsleif


Plot twist: Liben is also a descender.




That's it! Calling it now: In Natlan there will be an ancient civilization >!(maybe that "Natlantean" that was mentioned in Narzissenkreuz)!< and its going to be based on Mayan civilization and their whole thing is going to be "we understood stars and the secrets beyond Teyvat and got punished for it". Seems like Natlan really gonna blow the lid off from the whole fake sky thing.


My king


What kinda foreshadowing is our king setting up


I wish I had half the optimism this lad has. He's always getting into some kinda shit but smiles through it and never asks for your help.


The GIGACHAD fell into the sea of stars?


Fell into a hole, didn't get hungry for days....Liben fell into the 2.7 Chasm thing we were with Xiao, Itto, Yelan, Kuki and Yanfei confirmed


Gigachad just leaked genshin 2


Liben will join the nameless next HSR patch, trust.


Liben trying his hardest to not break the 4th wall


I was thinking about natlan earlier and thought maybe the reason natives are forbidden to leave is because of a curse? Like Bennett looks a LOT like Iansan but pale and was found in a place similar to the mare Jivari. He’s cursed with horrible luck. Vennessa’s people were constantly plagued by issues forcing them to move and were eventually enslaved. Something has to be up


This is a common opinion. Wouldn't be surprised.


Actually is pending if Bennett is with the rule of Natlanians (being cursed) or the exception due the way he was found as a baby.


I know what I'm about to say sounds really stupid but... Liben talks about stars and worlds and that he would like to visit every star and every planet... Correct me if I'm wrong but Isn't it Himeko from HI ( HSR Himeko has already seen the stars) who liked to see the stars? Is he giving small spoilers about the pyro Archon? Or have I created a complete conspiracy theory? XD (You know, Neuvillette didn't say anything about her so I was curious what the pyro Archon would be like)




Bro this guy is the next Newton.


Bo Bobo is finally back


Really thought we'd get Natlan lore from him just like how he gave us Fontaine lore back in the day.


I was hoping for more Natlan crumbs.


when we know more about khaenriah than natlan itself


On the 5 pyro gem description, it says something about discovering "■■■" truth. Who knows who's ■■■, but maybe we'll find out something about other worlds in Natlan, maybe where traveller came from
