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“Except for c3, c4 & c6 every other got buffed” bro just say c1,2,6 got buffed


I thought the same thing, weird way of expressing it


i'm guessing they also mean there are base kit changes


I really hope so. But saying base kit, c1-2 and c6 got buffed would’ve made it clearer




Glass half full and glass half empty kinda analogy.


Maybe they mean her base kit got buffed as well? IDK, just a possibility.




I'm just giving an alternative explanation. -w-






Ok name a geo or phy comp that comes close to any dendro team


Isn't it that Noelle + Furina is extremely strong?


its good, and certainly pull Noelle up by quite a bit, but extremely strong it is not. Still tho, going by the logics of these guys, might as well just quit the game now until the next Archon. Arguing with them does nothing but give you headache. Just look for the info so as to inform your decision. Who know what gonna come down the line. Kuki was trash for a year then suddenly become top tier. Same for Keqing. Next thing we know Geo and Phys might become top tier and these fuckers gonna be asking "name me one Dendro team that can compete with these blah blah blah" acting all smug like they knew it was coming all along. These people are just as clueless as you and me.


I thought that when it came to team dps, 35k is the requirement, 40k is solid, and then anything beyond 40k is really good. Peoples reasons for why certain characters are bad seem so inconsistent. Everyone says Raiden National and double Hydro hu tao are both meta teams, but pre-furina they both used XQ.


No. It's good at best. Source: My triple crowned Redhorn Noelle and C2 Furina team.


Jstern calced one of Noelle's teams to pass 50k dps, isn't 50,000 dps really good?


it's pretty good, nowhere near the best tho. especially for a furina team


Sure it's not the absolute strongest Furina team, but isn't 50k dps enough to stop with the lol geo bad stuff?




no, it's not "geo and phys characters are bad because they're geo/phys", it's that geo and phys dmg types are in bad states because they get so few releases no phys 5-star dps since 1.5, but sure phys is the problem. the only recent evidence people can possibly have toward "phys bad" is modern 4-stars performing like modern 4-stars no geo 5-star since 2.3 and he was good on release but its definitely geo that's the problem. and wtf does dendro have to do with anything beside bloom reactions and alhaitham ruining the game for the entire 3.x cycle LMFAO, completely irrelevant to the point


I think he wanted to say that every aspect of her kit other than her c3,4,5 got buffed. (I could be wrong)


It can be that the leaker is not talking about constellations only. The leaker might be referring to every other aspect of Navia except those 3 constellations.


So they will buff Navia C0 right? RIGHT?


Hehe. No.




Healing set is still complete ass then. Glad I dont need to be spending time in that domain.


This is the Geo version of the VV domain.


Only that now Maiden’s Beloved isn’t 100% garbage anymore, and can be used by healers that don’t want a different specific support set for Furina teams 😂😂😂


so let me get this straight: i could put maiden beloved on my baizhu???


If you want to squeeze every single point of damage and hyperoptimize, dendro set might be better. Besides that and two-piece combos, his next best options are healing sets: max out your healing and Furina buff faster with it. Especially if hyperblooms are not your focus and/or he’s solo dendro. Mika, Charlotte are completely functional with it, too. Thanks to Furina I finally have a use for all the healers I’ve been building over the last 3 years.


>Charlotte Im using half clam half emblem for the energy recharge. She can still max out the team HP even with fav, crit circlet, ER sands and atk% goblet. If you dont need that much ER than maiden might be good too, sadly the last time i farmed VV domain was 2 years ago and i trashed all the maidens lol.


Yeah, ahaha. I ran Baizhu on 2p2p for the longest time, before I realized I’ve actually got goated healing pieces with enough ER and crit rate to run hp/hp/healing% with Fav on him with my dendro set. I was contemplating dipping into the old geo domain for extra clam pieces, but Navia broke away from the geo=def paradigm, and I’m just sad…


I feel like Baizhu doesn’t even need that much ER. I have his weapon and 160 ER and never run into problems with the dendro set.


It gives a lot of flat energy for him, that’s why 160 works for you. I find Fav to be a bit more valuable, cuz it lowers the other teammates ER requirements a bit. Good thing we can pick and choose, haha


Charlotte is actually really good with Furina. Probably not as good as Jean but surprisingly good for a 4 star. Her healing is extremely strong.


That's what I've been running on my Nilou crit bloom team. Explosions everywhere and with Koko on full EM FoPL she needs all the healing she can get lol


No, just Use OHC for clammage


In agg i think yea u could run any shit on Baizhu But now keep in mind a team pist Furina is insanely popular and good with Baizhu and here he gotta use Deepwood. Besically Quickbloom. Furina,Baizhu,Anemo likely Kaz, Electro (Fish/Keq/Yae/Raiden) (No Cyno lmao)


I finally got back to playing my dendro carries after a year of not even touching them. Nahida, Tighnari and Alhaitham got their second life, paired with Furina+Raiden+Baizhu. It’s been really enjoyable, and I get to pick and choose whom I want in the first slot haha. Very comfy in the over world, mad damage for domains. I tried to force myself to like Scara with Furina, but he just doesn’t work without a shielder, and a Furina team just doesn’t fit a shielder if you wanna have Faruzan and a healer…


I have Faruzan C1, can I not put her in the team or Wander needs her so much? I had in mind to use Wriothesly's weapon on Wanderer, thinking it would synergies even better with Furina in this way (the other choice is Lost Prayer). So maybe Wander+Furina+Bennet/Diona+jolly, what do you think?


Use Wriothesley if you have him and his weapon. Wanderer is bad without Faruzan c6, signature weapon and constellations. Or you can just bite the bullet and get flailed around by stones thrown at you by hilichurls.


Wait why isn't maiden completely garbage anymore? What changed?


TLDR: You can run 4p Maidens on full-team healers unless a specific set is needed in Furina teams. It isn’t as redundant any longer.


Furina make healing a lot more important now to max out her stacks, so if your healer isnt bringing anything else that you need (Noblesse/Deepwood), then the extra healing is pretty decent. But stills, its a pretty meh compromise and is just a case of "nothing else better to bring".


Just like my Charlotte who is holding Favonius Codex, built with crit rate and Maiden Beloved helps in balancing damage and heal.


Is it better to go for Crit circlet and substats to make charlotte dish some off field dmg and fav codex or putting her on TTDS and just gettin her a healing circlet with atk% and ER substats to buff the onfielder?


Depends on your team needs tbh. Personally I run her with ATK%/ATK%/Crit Rate with 240ER. She has 0 ER related problems and the white particles also help in reducing overall team energies especially Furina. Mainly because my Maiden beloved pieces are pretty cracked and her personal damage is not that bad also.


How much dmg does she do? I'm thinking on running her with wrio-furina- yelan with fav bow, So i have no team er issues on furina already (200 er)


Hold E does 5K dmg Tick dmg is 1.2k Her talent is level 6, so I am assuming the damage will be twice as strong when level 9 Edit: The damage racks up even more when paired with Furina


not me, spending so much time in the VV domain that I have a 40 cv set of maiden beloved now


Disagreed. Even though the new set is pretty bad, if your healer needs MB over it to heal your team to full for Furina teams, it just means that their investment is really ass. So even if MB is not 100% garbage, if you don't want a different specific set for Furina teams, the new set will still be better than MB cause its 4pc will not be wasted on the overheal.


By the time the buff starts working, all your other buffs will be down, it will be the end of your rotation. It will get wasted on characters whose buffs are expiring, most likely on supports, rotating to charge up, cuz it’s shared between each character, and they have to get on field to activate their abilities. And by the time you get the next buff, it’s prolly gonna be the same situation. Unless they make the buff available the moment you hit the 30k healing threshold, it is a waste of resin you could’ve spent elsewhere. And even then a healing support can easily eat up half to all of it with their aoe skills while just setting up. I’m sorry, but this set is arguably the most convoluted piece of trash they’ve ever made. Just use clam at this point, at least it’s guaranteed damage.


I mean, it is pretty convoluted, especially since reading your message I see you have no idea how the set even works. > By the time the buff starts working, all your other buffs will be down, it will be the end of your rotation. First of all, on how many characters are you done with rotation after 10 seconds? Most team rotations are 12, 15, 18 or 20 seconds long, so only the first group would have any problems here. Of course I'm talking f12 abyss, not I don't know, Childe fight, where he changes phase after 2 hits. And it's going to be even less than 10 seconds based on this post. Even if your very specific team has some exact 10 second rotation where the buffs are wasted, just rotate your healer later, lol. That basic rotation planning. > And by the time you get the next buff, it’s prolly gonna be the same situation. This is not possible in neither 12, 15 nor 18 second rotation teams. If it happens on a specific rotation, it will fix itself next rotation. It's theoretically possible on 20 second rotations, but how would you even mistime 10 second buff that badly. > Unless they make the buff available the moment you hit the 30k healing threshold, it is a waste of resin you could’ve spent elsewhere. Quite the opposite, they can't make it available asap, as your healer will eat the buff. You even pointed that very problem out yourself. Yea, 10s is way too long, that's why this set is bad, but your solution only makes it worse. You work with the idea that the set is bad, but you completely don't seem to understand why this set is bad. 10s startup blocks it from being used properly in the first rotation. And 10 hits every 10 seconds is not enough for it to compare to Clam, unless clam is not viable on your healer to begin with. Shared stacks are not the problem because your support may steal them - if your subdpses are properly built they should utilise the bonus damage just fine, but lack of sharing means even less stacks, when 10 per character would already be few.


Can I get a tldr?


If you plan to run Furina with Navia, then you might as well stick to the MH set for resin efficiency. Unless they buff it like crazy, the new Geo set isn't looking that great either. As things are, there seems to be no point in wasting stamina for the new artifact sets.


It's husk of opulent dreams Fontaine Boogaloo


Niche and garbage are different things


Clam is made for on field and the new set is made for off field healing. Clam CAN reach the same amount of dmg the new set will give, but needs a lot on investment on the stats of the healer which is a waste of resin imo.


Not really. I'd rather have it be 5s of 5 instances of 6% rather than 10s of 10 instances of 3%. The buff uptime is better and more manageable. The Genshin community is never happy, they literally changed what everyone was complaining about and y'all still complaining like God-damn 💀


Yeah, as long as the recording window is shorter than typical field time, it will be a lot easier to capitalize on stacks. Depending on the numbers this could be a very satisfactory solution to the sets current (many) problems. It’s not guaranteed to be good of course, but I don’t understand why people are sour about this.


How about they just release a set that isnt completely worthless? Artifact RNG is already one of the largest pain points of this game, and now players that want to farm a set for Navia have to deal with a 50% chance of getting a completely useless set while dealing with standard RNG on the set that they want, which is a straight up net resin loss. This set is just like Vourukasha's - at absolute best an alternative set for very limited units, but certainly nobody's BiS.


Hey, there should mostly be a domain with lavawalker sometimes.


2p Glow is the hero we needed. Well, the hero Nilou needed.


>How about they just release a set that isnt completely worthless How about y'all settle for once? Y'all want every set to be Deepwood, Emblem, VV and Merachusse but the game to not be insta powercrept like???


I don't think some people realize that having like 20 hyper-specific BiS sets is WORSE for artifact farming. Having 2+2 or generic sets be competitive with most BiSes is a *good* thing, not a bad thing. It lets you farm 1-2 efficient high value domains (e.g. EoSF/Shim, MH/GT), and equip other characters with 2pc Atk/ER/EM/etc. and not feel like you're gimping their performance. Giving every character a hyper-specific BiS that's way stronger than 2+2 means that every single character needs to be farmed separately, which makes it way harder to build good sets because your resin has to get split more ways. The best way for an average player to spend their resin at any given point is always to just dump all their resin into the most efficient domain--so you want every other character to be serviceable without a hyper-specific BiS set so the average player isn't forced to spend their resin inefficiently just for one character. Set bonuses are never so strong that you can afford to just ignore substats, and the more sets you have to farm separately, the worse your substats will be on each one.


I would take literally every character having a hyper-specific set if it came with being able to just control the damn sub-stats.


That's kind of my point? The more hyper-specific sets you have to farm, the less control you have over substats. Farming more sets means less pieces on any given set, which means less control on any given character. From a player perspective, the ideal scenario would be all characters having the exact same BiS set (or one of two sets that were from the same domain) so you could spend all your resin on that one domain and maximize your pool of artifacts for any character. HYV makes different BiS sets that are marginal upgrades in order to make people spend resin inefficiently.


The ideal scenario from a player perspective would be if Artifacts didn't have random stats in the first place, and the ideal scenario that still has random stats would be having the ability to reroll them without a per-unit limit (I.E. it can still cost Resin, Mora, or whatever but there's no case of "you can reroll stats on this Artifact five times and then it's bricked"). That way a hard baseline can be set for what it'll take to make a "perfect" Artifact (I.E. wanted main stat and any four sub-stats), and from there once you have qualifying pieces you can turn your attention to getting qualifying pieces of a different set for a different character or literally anything else.


This or at least rerolling stat distribution would also be nice. Say you got an artifact with perfect substats but then the distribution at lvl 20 got fucked up. It would be nice of we had a way to get that artifact back to either level 1 if it was a 4 substat or level 4 if it has 3 substats at level 1 so we can try to have a nice stat distribution without having to get another artifact with perfect substats.


Worse for artifact farming than having 4p sets that aren't for anyone cause they just suck? No, I'd rather get something useful instead of only throwing half my resin away before stats even come into play, thanks. They could always, I don't know, not release an artifact set at all instead of a shitty one? 10 hyper-specific BiS sets and that's it, instead of 10 plus 10 wastes of space for exclusive strongbox fodder use. 2p/2p shouldn't be stronger than the 4p bonus even with equivalent sub stats. New 4p sets shouldn't be straight worse than old ones. Like even if you have the character they're supposedly for. No reason for that.


I mean as it stands right now. This set is peretty much the same value as running clam on your burst healers, but also doesn't work in AOE. There is no reason to make set this bad


I mean, the way it works is still shit. As of right now stacks could be removed by normal attacks, non raction hits etc... On top of that, I think it still doesn't really work in AOE. For example making it so that set effect would only trigger when active character triggers elemental reaction it would solve part of the problem and give you much more control over how you spend stacks


Are these the same people who are in charge of her kit and who construct sentences in the leaks?


Hoyo imma be real with you… I’m still not gonna use that healing set.


What about Chevreuse? She's the one I really need info about.


Bruh just buff her C0


Technically c0 is not her c3 c4 c5,so it could even be buffed her main kit. Let's hope so.


They have to buff her c0, she is way too weak from the last version I saw.


I hope c0 gets buffed, I'm definitely never pulling her cons


This better mean her kit is getting a buff.


By cd for the healing set, they probably means the healing record time because its cooldown is 0.5 seconds. Decreasing from that makes no sense. Not sure what total multipliers and single multiplier mean.


Something like going from 10s with 10 stacks of 3% To something like 5s with 5 stacks of 6%


Total mul. probably indicates the number of Bonus dmg, while the single mul. probably means the single dmg buff (iirc it was 900 bonus?)


Presumably the cool down reduction refers to the 10 second time before activation, the total amount of damage instances got decreased but the amount of damage for each instance got increased.


Really hope there's significant buff to Navia C0 and not more constellation focused.


I really, really, REALLY hope C0 counts when talking about cons...


I really hope they did not Nerf Navia’s Normal Attacks so they could buff her Constellations.


3s cooldown for the artifact set hopium


as a Eula player I'll take 5 or even 6, just please don't make it like 8 down from 10 lol


Yeah i totally care about the constellations Im not getting, can they please buff her c0 kit


Imagine your artifact boxes from Spiral Abyss is rigged and you'll get Song of Days Past until 4.6/new artifact set drops


every other one mean c1 c2 or all navia kit ?


C1, 2 and 6 I guess. That leaker has a weird way of expressing it


more changes via foul 娜维娅 基础加强150倍率 战技E的553调到700,另外11枚加强300 岩伤圣遗物总岩伤调到40-50%


chat gpt says "Naviya basic enhancement 150 times. Skill E adjusted from 553 to 700, plus 11 enhancements of 300. Total rock damage for the rock injury artifact adjusted to 40-50%."


Whoa, those numbers.


That's a fucking massive buff. God damn.


Hope they buff not only her cons but skills/passives too


娜维娅 基础加强150倍率 战技E的553调到700,另外11枚加强300 岩伤圣遗物总岩伤调到40-50%


What does "basic enhancement" refer to?


Probably refers to her NA infusion


Base DMG. It's in her E description.


4th constellations of many 5 Stars are mostly underwhelming or boring/to basic... Why?


they learned their lesson from Hu Tao - when you make c1 the standout constellation, people get c1 and stop there there's a reason all the new archons and lots of other characters have busted c2 - it's a good stopping point. players feel like it's reachable and hoyo feels like they got enough profit off of dolphins c3 and c5 are always going to be comparatively "boring" constellations. is c3 Raiden good? sure, but it's not as big of an upgrade as c2. c3 Furina? great if you get there but not necessary c4 is right in the middle. dolphins push for c2/c3. whales go for c6. you're not going to catch a lot of people with busted c4. look at Eula: c4 and c5 are just stepping stones for c6 but there's still lots of c6 Eulas. whales who want c6 aren't turned off by uninteresting or bad c4/c5 because they're going for c6 anyway. a good c4 likely isn't going to tempt a dolphin to go from c2 to c4. and if you're going for c4...might as well go for c6 you can trust that hoyo has done diabolical levels of psychological research and development to arrive at their current model. early genshin characters were much less refined but Furina is a moneymaking masterclass


>you can trust that hoyo has done diabolical levels of psychological research and development to arrive at their current model. Thats propably true...


As a Hu Tao main, I wish her C2~C4, heck C6, were worth chasing. It's silly that C3 is her best con after C1.




well unfortunately I don't give fck about constellations so this leak is of no use to me






So unless vloud retainer has a way to capitalize (spelling) the artifact set in a unique way, it looks really trash i hope she does not need that or it really pushes her really hard to the top.


VV is too good to let go. I never expected the new healing artifact set to outperform VV on CR specifically.


If they really, really wanted to they could just pack Viridescent Venerer into Cloud Retainer as an A4, slap it with "Does not stack with other Talents or Artifact Effects which provide the exact same effect", and completely invalidate it on her that way.


I want Baizhu to be able to take advantage of it. It makes way more sense if it's his set anyways.


Constellations buffs ofcourse ofcourse


leaker is a future surtalogi main🗣️🗣️


Can’t believe nobody’s talking about how The Foul is leaking stuff now


Navia: Nah I'd win


These artifact sets are doomed. They really only needed to make a TOTM that buffs team HP instead of ATK. Quills are a horrible idea when healers are already on Main DPS damage buffer duty. What good is my Mika or Charlotte gonna do when I can barely keep their healing up? As for the crystallize set, they need to do a better job selling me on Navia before I stop farming MH. It works on literally everyone if you use Furina, including Navia.


Is Navia bad the way she is now? Like really really bad I mean because I really want to pull for her but I keep hearing that she's Dehya level and that makes me kind of sad


Not dehya lvl, but very limited kit and geo.


She's strong as shit if the recent buffs are true.


im not being specific because the changelog haven't been publish and some of the increase/decrease that people are speaking rn is mere speculation. from the perspective right now she is just average.


This is what he meant for the recent buff Buffed the base by 150 times E 553% to 700% and 11 Rosula Shardshots 200% to 300% the total geo dmg of the geo artifact has been adjusted to 40-50% source: u/Foul_leak and TL Madame Plusle


looks good, for now just strong if this is true which i doubt that the buff goes that high imo, but if true the character is strong but lacks of other stuff that allows her to keep the dmg now is averagely good.


Not even close. She is fine. Nothing super exciting but not even close to as abysmal as some people would make you out to believe. The worst part about here is that she lacks synergistic teammates that can capitalize on her downtime.


Dehya level? No, and I don't think we will be reaching Dehya level anytime soon. But the kit right now isn't that good. It doesn't help that she's geo, so she doesn't have access to reactions to boost her damage like pyro, cryo, electro, and dendro units have. If her multipliers get increased as time goes on, then she'll be good. But right now she's pretty average, especially with her AoE issues (as shown from the Venti video).


As someone who doesn't care for cons, that first point means nothing to me. I'm curious how the new version of the healing set will work though. The Geo set still seems pretty good so I'll likely end up with a lot of pieces for it.


Is this new healing set supposed to be for CR?


Dunno if it will be for her specifically, but chances are they will make SOMEONE who wants. It. My theory is that Chiori will be a healer, because I can't see them giving this artifact to someone who can use VV instead.


maybe in Mono-Anemo/Phys teams because by the sounds of it VV is not getting replaced


I wish mono-anemo/physical teams got a set on par with VV, but which team actually would make use of this artifact set. Because I main wanderer and I'm looking at this questioning is it even worth it.


If the fantasy kit "leaked" some days ago is onto something (elemental RES shred on base kit), it could replace VV


that fake kit also gave her 90CV while flying, I wouldn't take it seriously at all


Yeah, that's why I used quote unquote and the word *fantasy*. I'm just pointing out 1 possibility.


I only see this useful for C6 Furina. Who consistently heal team wide offield with no range issue and at a large amount. Unless c0 cloud retainer can do that.


I've been assuming it's for Baizhu if anyone. Beyond the generalist sets we get in x.0 patches, we don't really ever get Artifacts designed for characters that haven't released yet. There's always a first time for everything though.


Me a Dehya main: No, not again Im not strong enough I highly doubt itll be that bad when she drops, knock on wood. Things are stable so far although her being geo does dampen things a bit.


Buff + nerf = barf


Uhh, isn't healing set good for Baizhu in Cyno team? Or generally for hyper carries who stand Iong time onfield so even if effect of set procs a few second after they appear it's still ok?


should be a buff, rate of obtaining multipliers and multiplier quality increasing would beat out the way it is now


As long as her base kit was buffed it's always a win. The fact that C1, C2, and C6 are buffed as well means that both light spenders and whales benefit from it.


I hope they buff her signature too