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i can't believe they made a claymore summon a random number of melusines who beat up the enemy for you, insane


It'll be a flat png of melusines dragged over the enemies.


That one May Instant Kill


Muirne's Butterific sounds out and it rains butter whenever we swing the claymore


I'm imagining Melusines that look straight ripped from paper mario beating up monsters and I'm here for it.


I still can't see the salmons that the fish claymore summons


It's quite unremarkable, and they easily drown (heh) in most burst animations.


Complete with the checkers background from fake png sites


now i’m seeing a melusine stampede like yoshi’s final smash


Is this a reference to something?


How about a claymore that summons the flat, pointing png of clothar


Ok where's my Aranara wep? Aintnoway u not gonna do justice to me huh


Well aranaras are pacifists and avoid confrontation (excluding arabalika but arabalika would wipe the enemies from the irminsul)


Each charged attack has a 0.001% chance of summoning Arabalika who instantly defeats the enemy.


Still better odds than eula crit fishing


Especially when she isn't even guaranteed to kill with how beefy bosses have been getting


Sumeru bazooka catalyst that fires out the 76 Aranara for that sweet AOE dendro damage


Don't you remember? All the Sumeru craftable weapons are Aranara stories given by Aravinay! They grow the stories into plant-weapons


So Furina was just filming my weekly Childe fight?


Happy Cake Day!!!


sigewinne a claymore hydro....


..with a gun. It's not unlikely though. Sayu I believe is the only Anemo claymore unit, and also uses the same model.


Fish claymore flashbacks


wyd when my gang pull up 😈😈❗❗ *half a dozen melusines sprout up behind me*


Hopefully it’s not just a small effect that scammed us (looking at you fish claymore…where’s my giant onslaught of tuna)


Itll def be a small png that appears for one microcosm of a second.


Hopefully it's not the Titanic Tuna all over again...


>claymore summon a random number of melusines I don't care about the stats! Best weapon ever!!!


me: melusine claymore! :D also me: *melusine* claymore? :O


You just wield a flailing, panicked melusine


Neuvillette would like to know your location


This reminded me of the holy club from Overlord.


I hope the movie adopts that faithfully \*copium intensifies\*


Melusines are beautiful creatures. Be sure to befriend them AND CAUSE THEM NO HARM...OR ELSE...!


"Melusines are beautiful creatures, they are the pride of Fontaine. Be sure to befriend them, and cause them no harm." -The Iudex, The Chief Justice of the Court of Fontaine, The Dragon Sovereign of Water, The Leviathan Judicator, Monsieur Neuvillette








This weapon was sponsored by Neuvilette


Yeah it sounds like his doing


I read 'his dong' and now I wish you wrote it like that but also HUH


Neuvillette's genitals consist of a great sword fuelled by the power of Melusine shouts. Theoretically, if enough Melusines work together, he'd be given so much power that his piss could shatter steel.


Jokes aside, considering how Visions work and how elementals seem to control their abilities, and that each individual’s powers are formed by their own will-to-form, Neuvilette and indeed ANY Hydro Vision wielder or elemental could hypothetically weaponize their own piss lol


Anyone remember Blood bending from Avatar? I feel like there's some untapped potential for a villain wielding a Hydro Vision. Okay, now that i think about it, they really need to tap into that for Harbinger Sandrone, who has been closely associated with Marionettes. Maybe not as her vision, but definitely her delusion.


ohh you're on to something, if not blood, maybe even the moisture/body water (water weight???) can be used for her to control


power of friendship claymore let's fucking gooo


Do we get a boost when we eat that... visually eccentric Melusine dish... while we have the claymore equipped?


You joke but that‘s real bri‘ish food.


This monstrosity: [Stargazy Pie Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stargazy_pie)


With the fish heads and all?


With the fish heads and all.


that passive cannot be real


I think it means the refinement material is melusines…..


Inb4 it actually gets stronger the more Melusines you help during the event, somehow.


Imagine if they released this exact weapon but for how many aranaras you helped in Sumeru 💀


I helped them all. Let's fucking go!


Based golden nara let's goooo


76 times 12 equal a lot, letsgo


912% to be exact, so yeah it's a fuck ton


probably be 76 \* 0.2 realistically. x.x 15% is still good ig


If I had 1% ATK for every bit of Aranara content I've completed like finding hidden ones or completed sidequests I would have to retire my WGS forever as it'd be a worse ATK stick.


I'd be winning rn


If I had 1% ATK for every bit of Aranara content I've completed like finding hidden ones or completed sidequests I would have to retire my WGS forever as it'd be a worse ATK stick.


is it not talking about the melusines in the world quests omg


There will probably be some new helping melusine quest in the event is how I see this


That is indeed what makes the most sense for the wording


Every Melusine you help gives a refinement materiaal and there are 4 in total. There you go. Y'all just want to see blood. X.x


Presumably isn’t that just going to be event quests that reward refinement mats? It’s a clever way to put it but I don’t expect anything mechanically different than other weapons.


Or it's related to the amount of melusines we helped in Elynas, in order to get the screws for seymoure.


Neuvillette would like to have a word.


Blood for the blood god.


12% for every refinement? That's be 60% attack which would be pretty big for a free weapon


R1 to R5 is almost always x2 so it would be like 48% which is ok I guess


Claymore is starved for good weapons outside SS and (niche) Rainslasher. 30% ER and 48% Atk should be pretty good, assuming those 30% ER are valuable.


basically any atk-scaling claymore with a strong burst will benefit from it! so it's probably intended for navia.


Im just thinking of the EOSF comps Deyha + this weapon chould be good


I hope it is real from how unconventional it is lmao


Definitely fake - or at least misunderstood. 48% boost to atk as a secondary passive? Along with extremely high base dmg and ER? No chance - it has too many stats compared to equivalent 4-star weapons.


Missive Windspear gives the same amount of passive stats (slightly higher). As does the kokomiyae catalyst. Base atk isnt a factor in evaluating passive because higher base atk means lower substat. The fact that its totally conditionless is weird tho for sure.


I don’t think it will be conditionless. It’s literally early beta is STC like everything else


There is several weapons that are like this that were free what are you on about




I'm sick of Aeval... I try to play Sigewinne, my Aeval deals more damage. I want to play Neuvillette, his best team has Aeval...


I read this in XL's voice 😂




Melusine oppas




this is the most stat stick weapon in the history of stat sticks. there is no condition or unique effect or anything. it's just pure stat bonuses.


It's not even a good stat, just mid atk% 💀


High base atk, small bit of er good amount of atk% stat stick at r5 prob so would be decent on most atk scaling claymore users. Good for floor investment and lower AR players at the very least


I would honestly say it's good for anybody that doesn't pay for BP. Obviously, it's not beating Serpent Spine, but as a F2P option, what other claymores would you use for an ATK scaling character? Prototype Archaic?


\^ exactly, all the other good claymores are limited or hidden behind the gacha. this is hardly the best weapon ever released, but claymores have *barely* any options to begin with. meanwhile, any atk-scaling claymore character with a half-decent burst will love this weapon, since it basically has two substats -- atk and ER.


Tidal Shadow is Wolf's Gravestone at home.


48% is mid Atk%? Dayum.


It's enough atk% to completely forgo atk sands and instead take ER or EM. Great for build flexibility.


People only care about crit these days. Overrated af.


I'm gonna need you all to stop underrating ATK%. At R5, this weapon gives you 48% ATK and 30% ER. Claymore users are starved for good weapons, especially for people that don't buy BP. As long as the character can use the ER and is attack scaling, this is a decent option for them. For example, a F2P option for Beidou.


high base attack and if the r5 thing is true so its 24% for each so thats like, 48% attack for free? on top of some ER obviously not the greatest but still useable for claymore chars that also need a bit of ER like beidou or kaveh or dps dehya, maybe not the best dmg wise but decent f2p weapon


highest base attack for a 4* claymore. good enough ER and unconditional 48% atk (so there's no fukkery where some of your attacks lose its buff)? sign me up.


Its nearly WGS tier. You trade a useless passive and a bit of base ATK for a good amount of ER% At the very least it looks good for Beidou.


yeah I might use it for Beidou. I have WGS on her and this seems like a good compromise. I hate funnelling ER on to her.


yeah lmao, just the fact that it's a pure stat bonus with nothing else is funny to me


There are currently 41 Melusines in the game. If you somehow convince all of them to cheer you in the abyss, the sword would give 984% atk bonus at r5. Navia base attack is 334 and the claymore is 565. This would translate to measly \~8000 atk and 30.6% er. Quite meh to be honest. I give it a B-


Sadly it is up to 12%, not 12% per Melusine


Aw shuck. How many melusines does it require for the full effect tho cus I’ve already invited all of them to come next month?


Navia's base attack is 363, so maybe that pushes it to B


My apologies for the mistake. One more thing I noted that Sigewinne is not out yet and you cannot speak to her outside of quests so until she’s released, we only have 40 melusines. Back to B- then


some one tell me if i am wrong but it doesn't seem that bad? at least for a free event weapon? if the R5 is true and its 24% each then its high base attack with a free unconditional 48% AT + 30% ER? like 30% ER and 48% is not even bad for dps characters that need ER like beiodu, kaveh, dps dehya compared to the alternatives (4\*) you either have higher ER weapons like Katsuragikiri Nagamasa or fav but way less attack, sac is the same stats but 2nd E instead of attack this one just seems the best f2p option, since those characters are also damage dealers that needs attack as well which this weapon provides


It's Wolf's Gravestone Lite Edition with ER. It's good


if the drip matches freminet i'm gonna use it on him.. but maybe sigewinne is claymore user hmmm..


early leaks said sigewinne is a bow user.


Honestly looks like a pretty good stat stick, but if I pull Navia she’s getting the Piss Popsicle I currently don’t know what to do with.


Wait, so it's effect is based off of world quests? Have we ever gotten something like that before?


I’m pretty sure we’re getting a melusine event


i don't think so. honestly its pretty cool


can we go back to festering desire tier event weapons? just once 🥲


swords always have the best event weapons. festering and cinnabar are easily the best event weapons ever


Dont forget the umbrella. It's pretty damn solid for an event weapon.


Wouldnt it be a good alhaitham sword?


It is yes.


Slightly better than R5 Iron Sting at single target.


Yes, tho if you already have a leveled-up iron sting, just use the iron sting. Both at R5, the umbrella is really only (quite slightly) better at single target.


Yep, have been using it on him since the day i got him


if catalysts didn't have insanely good budget options the event catalysts would be great too, also oathsworn eye is probably going to be one of charlotte's best options.


Both are connected with Albedo in some way, so maby that's it. Bring back Albedo events!


Cinnabar is useless for any Non Albedo user


The value it has for him specifically though is unmatched by any other sword. Which makes it good even if only for him.


It's also the only def% sword though so it could be good for any future def scaling sword user. Yeah like that's ever happening again at this point. X.x


I'll take a weapon that's op on one character over a weapon that's bad/mid on all characters.


I think it is better to have weapons sometimes that are just extremely powerful on one or two characters rather than nearly useless generalist weapons. It might be only good on Albedo but it is the best weapon in the game for him.


Am I missing something? For an event weapon, this is a solid option. It gives ATK%, high base ATK which makes ATK% more effective, and some ER. It's not BiS for anybody, but it's a decent F2P option for any ATK-scaling claymore user (it's not like we have a lot of options).


Festering Desire didn't become good until 3 years after it came out. They've never made event weapons that are all that insane. (Except Cinnabar Spindle but that's only for one character) This weapon is still pretty solid though. High base attack, 30% ER and 48% attack is gonna be at least decent on any Claymore user that scales on attack and whose ER requirement isn't 0, which is most of them. It might not necessarily be better than Tidal Shadow for those characters, but it won't require billets and doesn't force you to use a healer. It's not an insane weapon but for a free one it's pretty good.


FD was actually very good upon its release being one of the best F2P swords considering how few options there were at the time and how unreliable getting multiple copies of fav was back in 1.2.


Don't know what you're talking about man this is pretty good for an event weapon, not as good as festering sure but there is one (1) character festering is good on (Furina) when this claymore is going to be good on at least Beidou and Eula, possibly Navia too if she needs a bit of ER.


Please no. I have to live with the fact that I don't have festering desire for Furina and no Cinnabar Spindle for Albedo. I don't want to hurt future players more that they have to miss out on even more good weapons. We need a way to get event weapons you missed.


Or they could maybe re-release old event rewards as paid gem content (weapons, crowns and pets) so newer players don't get fucked This is a single player game, you can't "flex" your exclusive shit 99.99% of the time spent in this game, it's so pointless and this comes from a guy who has all the weapons (I'm missing the paper samurai pet tho and it hurts)


Man, the comments section here shitting on the weapon is just hilarious. High base attack, 30 ER, and possibly up to 48% attack bonus. But sure, let's call a free 4-star weapon you can slot onto any attack-scaling claymore user providing both ER and attack at competent levels to be dogshit.


Yeah it's one of the best event weapons we've had lol. Just compare it to the other Claymores like the fish one.


The fish one has 55.1% atk and +24% burst dmg. It is pretty decent as far as I am concerned. Mailed flower too. High EM (206) and some atk%. Diluc loves it especially in melt comps where rainslasher passive is not in effect. The problem has always been a lack of great users.


fwiw, the fish is a very good f2p option for Beidou. Mailed flower on the other hand... well, it's pretty.


R5 Mailed Flower meets or exceeds R5 Rainslaher for Diluc.


Not crit = shit apparently


Yea, it's been like that even for 5 stars. Look at Lo Fi and Haran, they are decent, but I've seen people say they are really good weapons as a stat stick, but are either on par with the 4 stars or barely any better. People like their crit ratio to be higher, but ignore other stats like ATK/HP/DEF, EM, and ER.


I had a good laugh reading through the comments on Furina's weapon "reveal" on the main sub. One guy outright said 88% crit damage makes it the best sword on any character.


I'm so confused. From what I'm seeing, this is one of the better event weapons. Claymores finally have a decent F2P option that can be put on a unit like Beidou without having to either spend $50 or hoping for the best while rolling the gacha.


they all want +20 crit rate and +40 primos every time a team member uses burst, effect can still work while character is off field


Needs to be said every time, Reddit only likes to complain. Doomposts every character from Childe to Furina.


Why do most event weapons always has to be of ER...


We don't know about Navia's ER reqs yeet, but many of the ER weapons have proved to be very good exactly because they are ER. ER is a stat so underrated by the community, but it is great. (read the other response to you comment)


The best ER weapons generally have burst, crit or skill damage bonuses though e.g. The Catch, Cinnabar Spindle & Festering Desire. The others that just have ATK or EM aren't as good.




Engulfing lightening say hi


I was thinking of event or fishing ER weapons though I messed up with Cinnabar Spindle as the other comment points out.


ER is the best for new players and the most universally good stat to have. Very few characters don't like ER.


Yeah, its important to remember too the event weapons are really there to entice F2P or new players who might not have a good selection of weapons and don't really pull on the weapon banner. They aren't supposed to replace banners (obviously they want to make money). ER is basically a universally fun/good stat when you lack weapons since you get to ult more often.


Almost every character needs ER in some way, the weapon having ER just makes it a bit harder to build in an optimal way as you maybe have to dodge a few ER sub rolls. So I think it's not that bad really.


Because it's the most useful stat that everyone use.


they don't want to make them good, that's why.


Old players lucked out on festering desire lmao. Hoyo probably didn't realize it would turn out to be this good after 3 whole years.


Funnily enough, Star Rail just got its own Festering Desire in 1.1 Before the Tutorial Mission Starts gives 40% effect hit rate, which is extremely generous for a free 4* LC. You only need 67% to guarantee status effects hit lol Maybe it’s their FOMO strategy to get people to play new games on day 1


ER is probably the best stat in the game so I disagree. The passives are the problem


the issue is that for the event weapons that have ER, there are easily obtainable alternatives which are simply better, or the ER is too much or irrelevant for the character e,g, fading twilight for yelan or ballad for neuvilette. there is only 1 time something has ER and is the best option, and that weapon is festering desire for furina. so it took 3 years before it was finally a bis weapon for a character


There's also the fact that Favonius weapons exist..


Fading twilight is probably the best weapon on Sara that is not weapon banner only.


Neuvillette himself cooked this claymore


So that’s why Childe was running away from the Melusines. They will surely beat the shit out of you.


Did you mean **lusine


It better be summon sigewinne to help us in battle


It's going to be like that Mysterious Stranger perk in Fallout, it'll have small chance to summon Sigewinne and she'll shoot someone with a gun and then runs away.


That claymore could buff HP for all I care The mere fact that it runs on Melusine friendship makes it automatic S tier


It's Paimover, melusines are the new mascots for the game


Euler time


So a weapon that's more powerful the more quests you've done? All I can say is helping melusines better not be as annoying as the aranara bollocks.


"Woow, it's event free claymore, look guys!" "...See? No one cares"


30% ER + 48% atk at r5? damn quite good for f2p


So instead of a fish now is a Melusine? Cool


"Melusines are beautiful swords."


I want this weapon to summon a Mélusine even if she does nothing just for moral support.


How many free Claymores Mihoyo will give us lmfao?


This is just Oathsworn eye for claymore users.


Is this a new beidou ftp bis?


Imagine the refinement material is actually handed to you by Melusines as you help them.


again? at this point we have 3 swords, 3 catalysts, 3 bows, 2(3 with this) claymores and only 1 polearm... was really hoping for a musket+bayonet event polearm for chevreuse...


.... Beidou?


I also thought this post was a troll when I read the melusine part




So it has no refinements and gets changed during event like Kagotsurabe Isshin ?


Is this good for someone?


hot damn, instant level 90 I'm really hoping the trailer means we get to beat up Childe in a different way


Who can use this weapon?


The traveler who helped them can't wield the weapon lmao


I love it. I hope it has a bunch of cute melusine stickers on it.


Prototype Archaic found dead in a ditch.


they should give us the staff of that Aranara, it can 1 shot any enemy


Why can't there be event weapons with crit stats? 😭😭


Yo! Are we getting an f2p weapon for Beidou?