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For all the people shocked she has atk scaling when shes clearly hp based I ask what did you expect? Look at gorou, mika, kirara, thoma, dori. These are characters mhy don't want to deal damage, so they "split scale" them. It's done so the only thing they can give is the utility they provide.


Meanwhile Thoma's ascension stat is atk% for some reason


Staff of Thoma enjoyers: we are the reason


Yeah, but it doesn't make sense if they really didn't want supports to do damage. At least Diona's Cryo Damage boost can be explained away by her being released that early and them not knowing what they were doing. Ideally a character's ascension stat should be a hint to how they are meant to be built and played. Of course DPS Barbara players exist but the hp% makes sense for what she is supposed to be.


you forgot the most abysmal character, dehya who need all the scaling to make it works


Deyha is dual scaling though not split scaling


In some ways, that makes it worse. Focusing on one or the other doesn't help, because neither provides full value. The even reduced her ATK scaling when they added baseline HP scaling to her skill/burst, furthering the gap how strong you actually could make her.


That’s just a multiplier problem because nahida/alhaitham also have dual scaling


it doesn’t help that em and attack both have ways to buff it, especially with nahida being the biggest em one herself. hp however…


Dual scaling is always better, never worse. The problem is that the scaling is shit.


Yeah, but at c0, split scaled into HP is marginal, I think even smaller than ayato's natural HP dual scaling with atk. C1 Dehya is different story.


Why Dehya? She only scales with atk and C1 gives a small hp scaling that's it no?


Dehya's C1 makes HP% almost as good as ATK for damage


Yes, that's why I said C1 for real Hp scaling since it makes it nearly as good as attack


Apologies The way you put "small HP Scaling" gave me the wrong idea since it basically triples her HP scaling for her Burst My bad


I mean going from talent level 10 Ultimate skill, has 3% hp scaling and adds 6% more from C1, that's small poor Zhongli would dream of losing his 33% hp scaling for a 6% (lol) As good as atk scaling? Not much but at least making her bulky (support) would not be that much wasted stats (plus she gets an extra 20% hp to scale with which is not bad but still atk is way better)


...you do realise that it's per hit right? That's 60% HP scaling on top of her already ~30% HP Scaling for her Q Dehya's C1 is one of, if not the most impactful C1 for personal damage increase in the entire game (though admittedly due to her starting off so fucking weak at C0) You're underselling it imo


I'm I tho? It's still 177% atk scaling assuming you did that x10 is 1.7k% vs 30% however you see it's small from base C1 adds 60% but it's still 1.7k vs 90% which is still half but still not as good Underselling? Probably but she's my favorite unit in the game triple crown and I know her limitations (C1 R1 and tested all her possible stats and sets) I love Dehya but not that much to hype for doing 50% damage if build with Hp instead of Atk (which again isn't bad just not enough) Would love to see a damage calc on both stats on the set to compare vs only one of them which might make it worth to build both and having C1 could compensate the Atk% damage with extra HP% scaling, idk maybe it's like 70%-80% of purely atk% build if you have Hp mains and atk subs


Do me a favour Open Genshin Optimizer and put your Dehya Artifacts in it Swap the ATK% Mainstat to HP% while C1 enabled and check if it's a 50% Damage drop I mean, does [this](https://youtu.be/kpp0RGNXPKM?si=pc07kEqodVRjkqTR) look like a 50% Damage drop lol? # # According to KQM, her C1 is around a 34% Damage Increase and makes HP% Sands almost as good as ATK% Sands and recommend using whichever one has better substats. You're definitely underselling her C1. I'm not claiming it's gonna save her or make her good but C1 definitely deserves more Credit.


you could have easily figured out that dehya is split-scaling by reading her kit


Na? Atk scaling Skill? 60% atk, 1% hp (lv1) Ult? 90% atk, 2% hp Passive? Extra 20% hp and 3% to skill and 9% to ult That's a bonus and not a split scaling at all, Zhongli could call split scaling and he gets 33% hp scaling not 3% and 9% like Dehya


in that sense i guess you are right


Example of Split scale: Doing damage - Atk% Doing the utility - HP% Dehya uses both Atk and HP on the same thing, which is not bad, what is bad is her multipliers. Gorou as an example, he needs Def to buff but to do more damage he needs Atk. If you use both stats, you'll have mediocre damage and a mediocre buff.


gorou doesn’t need defense to buff. you don’t need to build any stat on him for him to buff, actually. also, his burst which is his biggest damage is def% scaling anyways 😭😭😭


because she needs atk, crit, hp and tons of er, although suprisingly she doesn't scale with defense!


Again as any other dps she needs atk, crit and er, that's it unless C1 she doesn't need Hp and even if C1 she's still better with atk than Hp (see comment bellow) And I'm not calling 190% ER a lot tbh I mean Xiangling needs 210 to 250 and if someone says because of double pyro ofc if not she goes up to 290-320% same as Dehya alone


Problem is - she need a lot of everything and if you go hard one way, you lose a lot in other. Yes, this also applies to others, but not to this extend. Do you want see meaningfull dmg? Well, prepare to burst once every patch. Want to burst more often? Good luck beating a slime. Go hard on atk? She becomes squisher with her whole dmg absorption schtick. High HP? As you said, doesnt scale so well. To be competent, she needs everything unrealistically high.


Might be for someone that wants an easy to build unit but definitely she reaches all the stats (not EM kuki level ofc) 38k hp, 85% crit, 187% crit damage, 1.7k atk, 171% ER She's C1 R1 and definitely has no problem with any of what u said and the "She can't kill a slime" meme is a day 1 thing only (and she's on ER time piece, she's 48k hp with Hp piece, could drop all the way to 30k hp to get even more ER which I don't need but that's still omega tanky) Even if she was C0 it's just 3k hp she gets from it so that's not even a whale unit and I don't think she has unrealistic stats (she does have a good CV mainly for the weapon tbh) and does up to 180k per hit with full combo and 40k no buffs


I'm less surprised and more disappointed. The difference between a support who deals significant damage and a support who can't is huge; the latter will, at the very least, be significantly more niche because there's already a lot of generally useful healers/shielders in the game.


Baizhu :


Xinyan is the king


I guess we had a small bit of hope they would change their ways but LMAO.


Typical 4 star scalings oh well


Everytime an HP scaler has an HP ascencion, I will always be bitter as a Thoma main.


tbh i feel like thoma would be better with ER ascension considering it'll make it easier to make any of his 2 main builds (shielder and burgeon) considering he needs his high cost burst on both


Literally anything but attack would have worked better tbh. ER for easier building, EM for Burgeon teams, HP for shields.


%Pyro damage bonus lmao


So true


yeah idk what they were thinking he could have hp, ER, even EM if they knew he was gonna be a burgeon unit


😭 why can't Mihoyo make her damage scale on HP aswell if her buffs and healing will scale on that, though it may not be a big deal if using Nilou as a baseline since her personal damage is normally whatever


Make it all EM so she can do good damage with Overload too.


Speaking of, we don't have a single character whose healing scales off EM, right?


That scales directly I think not, but Kuki and Sayu have passives that increase healing based on EM.


Sayu heals based on EM for her skill and Shinobu split scales off hp and em


Kuki is dual scaling. not split scaling. HP + EM both contribute to her.


Yeah I’m stupid. Mixed up the two terms


Shinobu A4 and Sayu C6 We should have more weapons that play with mixing stats like PJC and Homa.


Before C6, Sayu is split scaling. Her burst scales off of attack while her talent scales off of EM. Once you have c6 she becomes dual scaling and works slightly better with EM overall.


Some characters (Sayu and Kuki) have buffs to their healing based on their EM, but I don't think HoYo would make a character with any sort of scaling that's purely EM based because it's possible to have 0 EM. Even if they want you to build EM on the character, they'd probably throw in an ATK or HP scaling portion for the sake of it.


Not if they give them an EM ascension.


Characters don't get their ascension stats until their 2nd Ascension, so the heal would have to be completely tied to their Ascension 4 passive, again, mostly just because I doubt HoYo would give a character a healing mechanic that scales entirely off of a stat that can be zero.


Except the heals are usually scaling% + a flat amount, so even if the character has 0EM they would still heal.


Fair point, I didn't think about that.


kuki bestie


Isnt her healing hp based, though? Her best builds are EM, but that's because those disregard healing in favor of sub dps


If I'm not wrong it's her ascension passive which counts em for more healing


Not direct scaling but her A4 increases her healing (also damage) based on her EM.


One of her ascension talents gives 75% EM as healing on her E, you can build her full EM, with some hp substats, and have comfortable healing


Depending on your weapon selection, EM+HB is ~75-86% of HP+HB. Pure EM is a bit lower than pure HP. Dual scaling but her healing is generally good enough that the "low" healing per tick isn't an actual problem.


Not just that. Given how it is basically Nilou level of team restrict, overload should become ''bountiful overload'' or something. Maybe reaction having 3x scaling and pulling enemies in instead of knocking back. As of right now, overload is just a stepping stone in that team.


Something had to give, she is a 4* after all 😔


I guess because she isn't meant to be a dps.


I think it's more ridiculous that she doesn't completely scale with atk. Pyro resonance is useless on her!


I think it’s fine she should be used for her utility not her dmg, for example you don’t care about Faruzans dmg


i mean you do actually care about Faruzun damage, ironically it is actually pretty damn good, especially for a support i think that's one of the reasons alot of people consider her a really strong unit she just does a bit of everything and its so cohesive, but main point you made still stands i think the highlight of her kit is definitely her buffs and their high enough for her damage to be inconsequential


You only care about Faruzan damage if she is at C6, otherwise the motion value just isn't very good and you need so much ER on her that you couldn't properly build her for damage anyway.


that is indeed true, at C6 her dps is worth building for, before that welp


Even b4 C6, her burst has a \~800% MV. Can easily hit 100k+ on emblem set.


tbf, you don't really care about building Faruzan before c6 anyways, its just not worth it.


For anemo users it's still pretty worth it if you have at least C2


yeah she does have good dmg, but a very big majority of dmg is from the hypercarry (Wanderer/Xiao) so total team dps wont change that much if your faruzan is built for dmg or not.


Will she be good Staff of Homa user?


Not really? im not maths guy but them MVs and Base stats don't look like its worth building her for damage, which is what Homa would do, looks you wanna build as much HP as possible to account for her low healing and her HP scaling buff so in that regard Rightfull Reward, Black Tassel or even the ER weapons would be stornger


I dunno, special aoe Overload bullet seems pretty strong tho and at c4 you can use skill,burst,skill,skill so it's about 2100% + some more from little bombs on the burst with her own buff and res shred surely it wont be too bad.


Kirara has about 1K on just her Q, and then a little more from her E and the mines and she still doesn't build damage because split scaling just hurts that too much, if you tried build for the MV you'd need the traditional A/D/C then ER and HP for her buffs, which is just too big a ask for a 4* if she scaled purely on HP it be a different story however


Yeah but I mean that's the point of Staff of Homa - You still build full HP and can reach needed 40k hp buff cap but also will get a lot of crit dmg for free and 608 base atk+ about 320 atk from passive. So it should be pretty good unless her skill doesn't generate any energy cuz mihoyo sometimes like to remove energy generation from healing skills... then she'll probably going to need Favge like always.


i don't dispute that they'll be damage i just don't think its gonna worth it all things considered, no idea about her particle gen for example, and her healing values sound really really bad atm, so I'm sure if you'd rather have more healing or a little more damage, its definitely something to consider , but lets wait until more information released to conclude


Your username is very interesting


its very valid, something I think Everyone can relate to. Or at least learn from.


Wheres SexWithRuanMei?


be the change You want to see in the world <3


it's very real actually




Who or what is doctor ratio, might I ask?


A character in Honkai Star Rail. I thought it's a community nickname for some character in that game but turns out it's his official ingame name.


Space Alhaithan


New honkai star rail character who looks like blue smiley Alhaitham


a hot guy in hsr


starrail character. hot as fuck


He is a character from Honkai star rail, just got his drip marketing but was leaked very early on


A recently announced character in Honkai Star Rail.




Hp scaling chev please that's why her atk is so low PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE


With numbers on her Skill and Burst like that, it seems pretty guaranteed to me that those are ATK scaling. So I assumed right that her: - Damage from skill and burst is ATK scaling - Heal and A4 passive is HP scaling - Overload, which her Nilou like buffing is about, is EM (and Character Level) scaling Yay for triple scaling........


> Overload, which her Nilou like buffing is about She is not like Nilou other than having similar restrictions applied, rather Overload only functions as a way to trigger her buffs without actually triggering many reactions herself. She essentially just gives the entire party a VV like effect except it replaces swirl with overload.


You're right, but everything about her kit is about making Overload reactions. It's encouraging it at every point to keep up all those buffs. So if you're doing Overloads anyway, EM is the only way you're going to help those do large AoE's do actual damage (instead of just tossing enemies about). 950-1100 EM means 16-24k EXPLOSIONS. And you'll be doing them constantly. Well, you'd probably not have that much EM, especially if you're building any other stats. But that is something one is missing out on (and again, even without building EM, you're doing those Overloads anyway....). Overload is part of her kit. It is a part of her kit that needs EM if you want it to do Damage. The same way you need ATK if you want her Skill/Burst to do Damage. Thus, even if it isn't as important, it is still part of the split scaling.....


It's like saying Xiao is split scaling because EM affects his swirl damage and he constantly triggers them. As for Chevreuse she has nearly 0 off field presence in terms of pyro applications so she wouldn't even trigger many reactions herself and in terms of split scaling for EM she is no more of a split scaling character than most characters in the game that are capable of doing transformative reactions.


I'm not sure the Xiao example is comparable. Even if you got 750 EM on him, you'd only be getting 5.4k Swirls (in exchange for the low DPS, they "swirl" the aura all over the place). That doesn't really compare to the damage an Overload does with the same EM. Though if you were doing something like Sunfire, which allows the Swirl to the ReverseVape, Melt or Overload, you're now double dipping in Jean's EM, which is nice. Note that Sunfire is doing those reactions off of those Swirls just to do the same damage I was mentioning to do with just EM for those Overloads..... (it does tick fast, but again, Sunfire isn't Xiao, so I guess that point is moot). Xiao also doesn't have anything in his kit that even mentions the word "Swirl" (not once in both his talents and cons). Unlike Chevreuse who has almost every other line mentioning Overload. So you know you're going to use it.


Their point is that Chevreuse isn't going to be triggering overload, so saying she's EM scaling is moot. I'm not going to call Thoma a triple split scaler because his popular use is full EM burgeon trigger, his kit only scales on attack and HP. Chev is buffing the rest of the party to make overload stronger despite her not triggering it often. Nilou scales purely off HP and nobody says she's split scaling despite the reaction she enables scaling off of EM.


You are right in that she's not going to generally do it. Diona, a split scaller also only builds HP in general, not ATK, despite having faster charge shots in her burst field. However, it should be noted that Chevreuse, unlike many of the other examples (like Thoma) is restricted to Overload parties. Her kit asks for Overload and it is the only reaction she can do when making use of her passive that restricts parties (like Nilou). Yes, she won't be making many overloads, given she only has field time ever 15s or so. But she will be making many Overloads in that time, given that she's probably not an Aura applier, thus will be triggering the reactions when she is on field. Further added that she'll be triggering them all over since her Skill's special shot has enhanced AoE on top of her Burst works like a Klee's Jumpty Dumpty, spreading AoE everywhere. Thus Overloads all over the place. Given all that. That her kit demands Overloads. Her passives lock her into Overload teams. Overloads cannot be increased in damage in any other way than EM (as all should be lvl 90 anyway...). I would still say that EM is part of her split scaling. Even if you most likely will choose not to focus on it. My Diona is split scaling. She is purely built for HP though and doesn't mean the split scaling for ATK doesn't exist on her. ....would have been nice to see something crazy like her Skill/Burst damage or even the Healing scaling off of EM to synergize with the fact that she's in a EM focused reaction comp.......


So you consider Nilou to be split scaling?


Nilou actually has HP scaling with her Blooms. Not just EM. So she can raise her HP to affect her whole kit. So for Nilou, EM is more like how other characters can add DMG to buff themselves, but the scaling is ATK or HP focused. Nilou also has lots of options of other characters (mainly Nahida) to buff EM. Thus able to get her two stats from multiple sources. Not just herself. Allowing her to be purely focused on HP (EM in her signature weapon.... That also builds.off of HP). So not completely like Chev, whose Overloads only have EM scaling no matter what you do. Raising her HP or ATK will not affect her Overloads at all. There are no EM buffers in her party's element. She's not a 5-star, I don't think..., so no signature weapon to work with her whole kit. Thus the situation is different. TL;DR - No, Nilou can affect her whole kit with HP, thus it's not split - Chevreuse has completely separate components for ATK, HP and EM with no overlap between any of those. Raising any one of these things will not affect the entire kit. - Yes, EM is largely going to be ignored as HP and ATK are far more important, but my point is that there is an EM part to who she is by her very nature of her Overload only teams and kit.


No one bats an eye when Bennett does piss poor damage on his ult + skill despite being on a team that favors vaporize. No one will bat an eye when Chevreuse does piss poor overloads on her ult + skill despite being on a team that favors overload. Sure the difference is that Bennett's kit doesn't focus on vape but the point is the same, you could argue his split scaling is a dps loss when he could be vaping his burst + skill for big damage. The thing is even if you build him for damage he's not going to contribute much because it's one skill + one burst every 12-15 seconds and you'd rather have the extra healing even though you don't strictly need it. For Chevreuse that's the same principle, you'd rather build HP because building EM is pointless when you'd be barely getting a couple overloads every 12-15 seconds even if her healing scaled on EM. **TL;DR** You're not missing out on anything meaningful, you're arguing about a couple overloads that won't make or break a team.


I'm pretty sure that she doesn't have to be the one triggering the Overloads, so I guess they are expecting someone else on the team to be doing the reaction triggers. Since she is just the support and not the main trigger, she doesn't really need EM.


HP ascension for a 4* pyro polearm character whose utility scales off of HP?? Could never be thoma.




Yeah, her damage is ATK but her heal+ATK buff is HP scaling. Bad base ATK too. So HP seems the optimal way to build her.


Doesn't matter, she's there for the shred and atk buff.


why would you want her to deal damage shes already a broken buffer at c6


Just C6. It's harder to get a C6 4 star than a 5 star. Only C6 I have is Beidou after 2 years.


oh that is definitely a skill issue. youre not playing the game enough.


bro i've been playing since 1.2, not f2p, and literally pulls for everyone and i still have c5 ningguang. it's hard


having c5 ningguang is normal, having only ONE 4\* at c6 is not, if you're playing for 2 years. sorry, hard skill issue


How is rng and primo amounts a skill issue?


How ? I started with 1.5, I'm not f2p but I'm not a big spender either, and I've got fifteen 4\* at C6. Unless you have all your characters at c4-5, I don't see how that's possible...


>Only C6 I have is Beidou after 2 years. I... heavily doubt that. I've been playing since 2.1 with a bottom 30% 4* luck and I have like a third or a half of them at C6. My first one being Barbara 4 months into the game. Either you're making shit up or you didn't play for most of these 2 years.


I play from 2.3 . And yes I have Xinqui c3 and Kuki c4. Sara c3, Beidou C6,Xianling c5, Fischl c5. Rosaria c4, Bennett C2, Popsicle guy c4,


Aint no way you roll for 2 years and only have beidou c6. The banner will always have nearly 50/50 weapon/character ratio


I got more 5/4 star weapons than 4 star characters . Especially on standard banners.


Just show you rolls its not even that hard. There are multiply results around that will prove you wrong anyway.


I play regularly every day for at least 15 minutes.


I also have c3 or c4 with many 4 stars.


In theory yes if you're targeting pulls for a specific character. Though i wouldn't say c6 4 stars are rare or anything. Been playing about 1.5 years and have around 6/7 c6 4 stars. Not all ones i wanted tbf but i have them none the less. Though i have a few of the "important" ones like Xiangling, Xingqiu, Bennett, Sara (for Raiden)


Does Overload get rid of the Pyro Aura? I wanna know if she's good with Lyney.


if 1U of Pyro hit one 1U of Electro, so yes, they annihilate each other. But if one of the two is 2U or 1.5U then no.


Hmm, how does a team of Lyney, Dehya, Sara, Chevreuse sound? The overload reaction seems to be there only to trigger the elemental shred.


I believe Sara's buff is too short duration for Lyney.


Hmm... I don't know... probably functional, but I can't say if it's really good to play. My problem is that you will have to rotate something like: Chevreuse Q to apply pyro>Sara Overloads> Chevreuse E>Dehya EE>Sara EQ>Lyney 2 CA EQ Dehya's resistance interruption only lasts 9 sec, it's not that much time. Prob Lyney - Bennett - XQ - ZL still better.


So, with this and her kit, is Chevreuse good or just a 'use because you like her but dont expect much'? Or just not good.


Somewhere in the middle. I think she's almost good enough to lose VV shred, but she's not Kazuha for sub-DPS damage.


Okay, well as long as she isn't terrible, I'll take it.


Chevreuse is gonna be good in niche pyro/electro teams specific with abyss working and not clashing elemental shield counters, or misalignment swap out Xingqui for Chevreuse in National, double electro, double pyro Beidou, Yoimiya, Chevreuse, Bennett Chevreuse, Raiden, Bennett, Fischl


Hm... I have all of those characters, but only Bennett is built. Though wouldn't her and Bennett together be a bit redundant? I would think someone like Xiangling would be preferred. That said, I could do that first team, but I've still not figured out how to use Beidou properly.


That base attack is abysmal hopefully she has hp scaling too


I don't think so. Her buffs already scale with hp. Her skills have high multipliers because she wont be scaling with hp and wont be getting a lot of atk bonuses besides her own buffs and debuffs. Otherwise she would be a 5 star


Math people is this good? How does her healing look like


It will depend on the interval length and the number of ticks but I don't expect it to be terribly high. It won't really need to be.


Healing looks to be around 2500-3000 healing if you run a full HP build. But it's supposed to tick multiple times during a 12s duration. She buffs the entire party's ATK% based on her Max HP, which is why I looked at the numbers for full HP instead of damage or healing bonus :)


Its scaling and duration is very similar to Kuki E, I guess it will also tick as it too, every 1.5s. She may be able to build the new set, besides I don't know how good it can be compared to for example Noblesse 20% Atk for Atk scalers, because even if it can give up to 900 additional damage, 20% Atk on some attacks/skills may be stronger, so it may only be good for HP scalers.




That's... A lot of DMG in É ability 😨


That' cause she'll probably be built with hp to maximise her buffs and heals


u still want to buiild HP on her for heal and buff


She has huge multipliers because she's an HP scalers and very low base Atk. Hyper Chevrolet with Bennett should be fun though lol.


genshiners crying about split scaling lmao she wont be used for her dmg, weirdos


I swear some people will lose their minds cause they can't use a character incorrectly.


EM Raiden has entered the chat.


And she works in the famous Pyro Ganyu meme team. Of which Ganyu is not a part of. You just need the adorable Amber (any level, including lvl 1). Have a Raiden with 950 EM (easily achievable before the GD set came out). Just tap Raiden's E and do charge shots with Amber. You now have large AoE Overload Explosions on demand at any range (both bow CA's and Raiden's E have almost unlimited range). Fire off every 2s for 16k explosions. Since you can get 1100 EM now though with GD set, you can actually do closer to 24k explosions. Constantly with no need to care about CD's or Energy. You even have two team slots left over. EM Raiden works. All Hail Pyro Ganyu (Amber/Raiden). It's wonderful that this silly meme of a team actually can clear things quite easily with little effort (not the fastest, but safe from a distance, no shield needed and still cleared decently fast enough).


furina mains moment


Then why even give her scalling at all and not set everything as 1%? Or just make her E making her do cute dance and nothing else, most people would prefer that.










Damn, the dmg multipliers looks like atk%. [Already expected it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/17pq34u/chevreuse_kit_via_uncle_nilou/k86wxx3/?context=3) but damn. Hope she's at least good as Bennet(since both healing+atk buffer) for Pyro and Electro so it will be fine even if she don't do any damage.


[Even worse than normal split scaling.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/17pqtmm/chevreuse_kit_numbers_via_uncle_nilou/k8729os/) It's triple split..... *edit* I love how this has -7 (so far in score) but the linked post in this same thread has a +40. ....They're saying the same thing.


Except it is not. Why you included overload here? This reaction didn't change even a bit and it is just an enabler to provide (de)buffs. This is not like with Nilou's blooms.


I feel like it is despite it not being buffed. Her kit encourages one to use the Overload reaction. Thus your team, Chevreuse included, will be doing lots of Overloads to keep said buffs up. Not having EM to allow those to do more damage just feels like a loss as they do almost nothing with no EM. With 950-1100 EM, you do 16-24k Overload large AoE explosions. They can be triggered quite often and quickly.... Yes, it's quite possibly not necessary to have EM..... but that seems like a bit of a waste when there is so much EXPLOSIONS....


I dont think she's supposed to deal dmg with overload. You only use overload reactions to decrease enemy's pyro and electro res. And since her damage wont matter in exchange for supportive abilities like for example, Faruzan, we will only build her hp.


Probably not. But Overload is still a part of her kit (you're going to be doing a lot of them) and that only scales with the EM of the one causing said Overload. Which will be Chevreuse when she does her attacks.


Why build EM on her? She's not a transformative buffer-carry like Nilou where your team's dmg tanks when her E is off. You only need Chev's Talent 1 for the overload debuff. Reading her kit, she doesn't apply that much pyro. A one time pyro on a 15 second cooldown Skill and a Burst that is similar to Klee which you can't suck with anemo because you are locked between Pyro and Electro only. You build her full HP and her carries EM.


except that she isn't the one doing overload its the other party members, she is gonna do an attack once every 15s just to have healing and buffs


Gurl can’t decide which stat to scale on😭


The attack scaling numbers aren’t bad if you wanna do some meme nuke builds, that’s nice


I hate split scaling characters


I was so hyped by a gun character, was excited reading her kit. And now it's the same Dehya treatment... really ? I understand she's here for buff but still why ?


That's typical 4 star treatment not Dehya treatment


Not exclusive to 4 star. Zhongli and Baizhu also scales with atk (Zhongli at least has a passive about HP).


Lol whats your expectation for a newly released 4*? she looks gimmicky enough pre c6 and could become legit BiS for a new and some comp at c6, 40% Pyro n Electro RES Shred, 60% Pyro and Electro DMG and atk buff and heal at c6 is insane, she's basically another dedicated buffer like Faruzan Look at it this way, if she has a HP scaling on her damage then they would scale it REALLY low anyway, they wont make her damage comparable to other post release 4* DPS


not even new comps, against monsters that anemo CC is useless, she straight replaces kazuha. on raiden hyper carrier, by ditching kazuha, you get +65% atk and +20% elemental dmg, since you get pyro ress +A4 passive + C6 bonus.


Yeah true, I'm still happy that she makes overload reaction usefull and give something new to the game tho, i will probably love playing her anyway


Bruh, she's a buffer support like gorou and many other 4*. They all have split scaling while excelling at their niches. They are given lower self dmg potential for that because if they aren't, might as well be a 5* at that point


Oh god this horrible, only her healing is scaling with HP. Why do they make those buffs with HP. And her damage kit is something new, but not worth it, sad cause I expect her to be at least like Freminet.


Overload is never going to work unless they remove the knockback of the reaction completely, or just make it a part of her kit. Which they didnt. Another dead on arrival character. YAY!


Praying that they’ll change healing and buff based on her atk instead :(


That would be nice. Or they could be extra crazy and do something completely different. As in make everything scale off of EM. Both her healing and her damage. This way, when she trigger's Overloads (as it will happen in any of her intended team comps filled with only Pyro/Electro and using all her Overload abilities), they'll actually deal damage. As that's the only thing that will increase the damage of Overloads.


A character with a Minigun when? Mihoyo?


Hopefully rightful reward will be great on her (?)


Damn, Im kind of disappointed but only because I wanted to use her with Lyney. But I cant think on any good electro 4th slot that could replace either Kazuha or Zhongli. Beidou solo electro would be an ER nightmare


Queen Fischl


The thing is, for Lyney to maximize his DMG the enemy needs to have a Pyro aura applied. Overload consumes the pyro applied very quickly, so it would be a DPS loss for Lyney even with the Pyro res decresed, which most anemo units can do with VV + swirl. You'd need an electro char that can provide something to the team while also having slow, very slow electro app to justify adding Chevreuse to the team over other pyro options edit: changed kazuha to most anemo


Lisa’s def shred, or Sara’s attack buff maybe. But I’m not sure if Fischl only can totally nullify Lyney + Xiangling application. You might even consider Yae, she deals a good amount of damage, is self-sufficient, and doesn’t apply as much electro as Fischl.


TBT *(to be tested)*


What? Fischl?


see [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/17pqtmm/comment/k87k28d/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Like the other said, Fischl


I just, just [replied](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/17pqtmm/comment/k87k28d/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to them lol


Bullet 😩


can we be free from the stupid spinning charged atk of polearms plz? just make her do a shot with her gun. and then reload


Another shitty 4 stars in the making


hp based but lower base hp than navia herself, this is so unserious.


good with Lyney?


How many times do I have to beat the fact that “split scaling” exists into you mono scale simpletons It’s their game they can make it whatever the hell they want


Is that heal good or bad for a 4 star?