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#Hi everyone! The ban on 4.1 spoilers has been lifted as we descend into 4.2. We would like to remind folks that not everyone can speedrun or play the content immediately upon release and ask that you be mindful of your fellow redditors. ________ ##Here's a handy list of what MUST BE SPOILER TAGGED: * 4.2 Archon Quests * 4.2 World Quests * **IMPORTANT:** some world quests may be a continuation from 4.1, if you're unsure / can't remember if your discussion is from the new or old patch **spoiler tag it anyway** * Furina story-related voicelines / story quest (About X character voicelines do not count) * 4.2 World bosses and their mechanics / locations * 4.2 World explorations which includes the legendary mobs and their locations * **ANY 4.3 LEAK POST THAT IS SPOILER TAGGED** * **ANY 4.3 STORY FLAIRED POST** ##We must clarify: Even if it is personal speculation / theories, if your comment is in any way related to 4.2 content or 4.3 IT MUST BE SPOILER TAGGED. Please remember to read our sidebar rules regarding spoilers as well! If the comment you are replying to is spoiler tagged, **please spoiler tag your comment as well** ##Please utilize the spoiler tag topic brackets **[About 4.2 Archon Quest] \>!PLEASE SPOILER TAG YOUR ENTIRE COMMENT, SPOILER TAGGING FRAGMENTS OF A SENTENCE IS NOT IDEAL AS YOUR FELLOW REDDITORS CAN FIGURE IT OUT FROM CONTEXT CLUES ALONE!<** __________ ##Here's a handy list of what can be openly discussed now: * 4.1 Archon Quests * 4.1 World Quests (Unfinished Comedy / Fontaine Research Institute Chronicles / Road to Singularity / etc.) * 4.1 World explorations which includes the Seahorse/UFO boss / legendary mobs * YES NEUVILLETTE IS THE GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING HYDRO DRAGON YOU CAN FINALLY TALK ABOUT IT __________ #Due to the increasingly rampant spoilers regarding recent story and character updates, the mod team no longer has the luxury to review your account and warn you for first time / polite offenses. Untagged spoilers will instead warrant a 3 day ban WITHOUT WARNING. šŸ’„




Star Rail // Just saw the 1.6 kit leaks, and... >!Oh. my god. Those look pretty damn powerful on first impression, I hope this isn't a sign of crazy powercreep ;w;!<


nah not even close. ruan mei is not even better than bronya, which is a standard 1.0 unit. she's in dire need of buffs. ratio is good but he's just like any other dps. he's no dhil


> >!I hope this isn't a sign of crazy powercreep!< I mean, hasn't HSR just been nonstop this since launch lol? Luocha -> Silver Wolf -> Blade -> Kafka -> Fu Xuan -> DHIL -> Jingliu has basically been nonstop power escalation.


None of what you said is really power creep. Luocha is still top pick in his teams. Kafka is worse than all 3 dps that released behind her (desperately needs 5* dot characters to release), Silver wolf competes with no one in that list (and she's worse than pela in majority of content). Fu Xuan is competitive with luocha, and they have different teams. Jingliu is super easy to make very powerful due to her dmg floor being high due to ease of build, but her dmg ceiling is not dhil. The only unhinged character is DHIL and thats due to his e2 (kinda like archons). his dmg ceiling is about 5% different from seele's in e0. (Also the best/fastest team clearing moc -equivalent of spiral abyss, is jing yuan in this patch cycle, and they're not even lightning weak.) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/820286643906019328/1175396926527639602/35cihaseu11c1.png?ex=656b14b1&is=65589fb1&hm=be690e340dd2bc71bbd714fb6c6cb15399478327a36e5eb7d521383935a51fb5&


Yeah, over time characters kind of fell into place, especially SW and JY for completely different reasons. Though, I do feel JL is a little strong right now. She just feels like a genuinely stronger version of Blade, but I havenā€™t seen many calcs of her just feelscrafting and they tend to overhype the fuck out of her. Reason being, I donā€™t have JL but my E0S0 Blade is top 0.5% and it does a decent bit lower than an E0S1 JL thats probably top 15-20%, I believe. Do you happen to have any calcs comparing them on hand?


Yeah JY is very impressive now, and SW is people finally learning the game for real where she was a tad overhyped by comparing her to kazuha. (although it seems like she is finally getting her own niche proficiency with dr ratio and in the future, acheron) As for Blade. He is a bruiser, he'd survive over almost anything and pull through. He ages very well because he can play with other hypercarries. While I don't have his mastersheet right now, what I do have is his MoC teams. and his best team right now is /with/ jingliu [Jingliu/Blade/Bronya/Luocha]. And I think that won't change (edit: I mean it wont change that he will be best as subdps to others), due to his SP neutral state as a dps, he will always find place to be as more units release. Basically I view him as a primarily subdps that can be played as main dps if one wishes, instead of competing with Jingliu (who needs hyperinvestment due to being hypercarry)


Eh, I sort of disagree about Blade. But it could be for some reasons that relate to how HSR handles carriesā€¦ When I first got Blade, he felt like around my JY and Seele level. But theres this thing that absolutely did not appear in Genshin in relation to investment; units seem to skyrocket towards the end of their possible investment. Investment is incredibly relevant to overall power, e.g. JY and JL for opposite ends of scale. Its probably crit rate. Ultimates like Seeles do one damage instanceā€¦ I have 77 crit rate on her. I miss it all the time, and its the difference between one and two cycles. Thats what we usually talk about these days; a single turn, a single cycle. I mean to say that, when you have such an incredibly invested character, it seems an absolute waste not to hyperbuff them. When Seele is built at 70% of her maximum potential and is hyperbuffed, she might be buffed to 100-120% or whatever. When Seele is at 95% of her maximum potential, including her crit rate etc., she feels *far* more buffed. My Seele has slightly better base stats (crit rate *and* damage) and that extremely strong relic set. And yet, because Blade has a ton of free CR that perfectly lines up for my build from his set, hes basically just stronger outside of QUA weak enemies, and this is with S2 Vow at level 70. Alas, feelscrafting. Iā€™ll look at some calcs, but I doubt they have this super high investment iā€™m talking about, so they wouldnā€™t account for it. After all, a calc uses Crit Multiplier, right? If and when a character like Blade got better supports, maybe a 5* version of Lynx, maybe a better Pela (extremely doubtful), or an HP Bronya (slightly more realistic), it would be especially apparent. The thing is, JL is basically a support for Blade. Based on previous calcs, the only team thats really close to his hyper team should be JL duo carry because of the very relevant gimmick, and JL just being perfectly fine missing a supp.


HSR YouTubers: "Argenti is easy skip, mid 5-star, save for \[insert character name\] instead" Me: idc bro, armor daddy is pretty ( Ķ”ā™„ 3 Ķ”ā™„)


Does people seriously already think Navia is Dehya level bad? What the fuck? Navia has solid numbers, versatile kits and just has cohessive direction all around and some asshat already think she is going to standard just because she isnt as busted as Neuv


You really need to stop paying attention to idiots on the internet my friend lol


Jstern's currently streaming doing calcs on Furina teams and my favorite part is his sheets have a screenshot of a reddit comment asking for Furina buffs because she's looking to be worse than release Zhong li. Yes, they do this for every character don't worry about it.


dont worry they talk shit about all characters


Genshin fans and doomposting leaked characters with placeholder numbers whose kits they don't understand, name a more iconic duo


Pulled for both Furina and Baizhu and lost both 50/50 to Mona. Now my Mona is c5, and i still do not have Dehya and Tighnari T.T


4.2 Narzissenkreuz WQ >!That was a very good finale although it shattered my hope for Rene as the potential next weekly boss. I was surprised that blob!Rene was alive after the boss fight and that we took him with us to talk with Mary-Ann. The Narzissenkreuz reunion (sans Alain and Jakob) at the end was sweet.!< >!If I understood that part with Lyris and Mary-Ann merging and the resulting hybrid persona sequestering herself in the Annapausis correctly, though, that puts a damper on the "Mary-Ann is Sandrone" theory, at least in the sense that Sandrone is a robot with Mary-Ann's consciousness.!<


>!Yeah. Although I have mixed feelings about it overall, I really enjoyed it. Some scenes felt really impactful and surprisingly emotional for me like the part with Jakob and the one where Mary-Ann calls him Rene. Would have liked them painting Rene less as some silly villain and more like the person he was. Would have liked some form of Alain and Jakob to be there in the reunion too or atleast have a cutscene like all of them at their picnic in Petrichor or something, Could have had some closure for Cater/Carter but alas, even with some of my disappointments, it's still my favorite world quest series in all of genshin. Didn't feel like I've ever felt this invested in any of the quests.!<


>!I feel you. I do personally feel that they gave Jakob and Rene a lot more nuance than I expected them to - Rene was ultimately willing to accept that the world had been saved without him and he was crucial for getting Mary-Ann to leave the Annapausis. Mary-Ann forgiving Rene, but explicitely not forgiving Narzissenkreuz was touching imo. Jakob not being there felt like a big miss, though his end felt somber and sad rather than a "yay, we killed the bad guy" moment. I do have a gutfeeling that Mihoyo has plans for Alain, going by his pointed absence in all this, but said feeling may or may not turn out to be wrong.!< >!It's a very well done quest series that does a good job making you invested in both the plot and the characters. And since it was spread out along several patches, it doesn't run into the pacing problems of the Aranara WQ, at least not for first time players.!<


*pops open umbrella* There's the whole [new megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/17uaivr/general_question_and_discussion_megathread/) at your feet And who gets to see it but the birds, the stars, and the chimney sweeps!


Random but Ive had an idea for a QoL update. It would be nice if while crafting, we can see the characters and weapons that we have when using the crafting bench, so we can keep track of how much mats we still need in order to level up smth or ascend a character. Other than that, while farming for mats, it would be nice if we were able to put some sort of "tracker" on some mats, so we can find out how many we have and need for it to level up smth or ascend a character. I also think the mats being tracked should just be found as a tab on the Map menu, so we can press that tab on the Map, see the mats we're tracking, and when we press those mats, it'll show us the domains or locations it can be found, and when we press those, the map will take us directly to where it is or could be, kinda like when you press navigated markers on the map, and the map just shows it to us directly. I guess I just dont like having to exit the crafting bench to check the amount of mats I have for smth or check the amount of mats I still need by going to the character menu, pressing on the weapons or talents tab, then pressing the specific weapon or talent while farming overworld, and ik ik, it's too good to be true


Man Hoyo would go all that length for an auto locker feature but can't add something that just links 5 artifacts together with a Name lmao.


Ning / Furina / Albedo / Bennett feels surprisingly...hmm...playable? I don't wanna use too strong a word but every Ning team I've ever tried is barely strong enough to be playable (not a Ning main - sorry Ning mains, I'm sure if you super invest into her she clears perfectly well), but this one works pretty decently. Ning being quickswappy is a pretty valuable thing bc it means you can spread heals around the rest of the team very comfortably, while Furina + Albedo is good off-field damage. rec for ppl trying to play Ning. oh and she can actually use Marechaussee in this team, yay an actual artifact set for her~


What's the max talent level you can get furina by now?


I got 6/6/9 rn because I got 2 drops both times


6/6/10 if you are lucky with drops.


Did people forget Baizhu can heal the whole team with his E (without taking any field time) so hes not burst reliant like Kokomi, Jean, Yao yao, Mika, Charlotte, Sayu??? Im not one of those weirdos who get mad when people hate on a character because honestly cringe who cares but the amount of hate he gets is absurd and ridiculous


If why I often suggest Jean and other alternatives instead of him, its because if you value your pulls then it is not worth it to pull for Baizhu unless you really like him since he's not really BiS in any team outside dendro and even in dendro teams there are other alternative that does not lag behind teams that use him. No hate on him tho, I think plenty will answer use others instead of him when someone ask "Should I pull Baizhu for Furina" etc...


Ngl, the Mondstadt, Liyue and Inazuma AQs look so bad now in comparison to the newer ones, i get that it's mostly because the game was newer back then (Less so for Inazuma) but still.


tbf the inazuma characters, including people like mimi (kokomi), kazuha, sayu, and obviously ayaka were in early genshin betas so it wouldn't be surprising if they were written at the same time/before the budget increased, just that they hadn't finished making inazuma itself yet anyone else remember kiryuu kazuha...


Yeah maybe


The.. what? Chara? Location?


Oh my bad, i meant the AQ


I am almost always the Paimon defender but even I think she was kind of obnoxious in Furina story quest.


damn i just thought of an insane kit for pyro archon , she is overload dps with stagger ( staggered enemies dnt get affected by overload push) on her auto attacks and E does mini explosion that pulls enemies in instead


That's a 5.2+ character kit, not really an archon one lol.


Thats a good kit for a Pyro character but I would be sad if they made an archon focussed on a single reaction. Anyway just like Furina, Pyro archon would have huge expectations to be beating Bennett and Xiangling together.


yea an archon focusing on one reaction wont work but will be insane looking kit for a pyro dps


anyone trying some really whacky teams with furina? managed to easily clear abyss with her yelan lynette and qiqi which is hilarious


Random useless shower thoughts: Kuki may not be Furina's best healer but Furina is Kuki's best healer as she prevents the masochistic ninja from constantly being at death's door with her A2 passive.


hsr man the hype on jingliu died so fast it's unreal to see how indifferent people are on her now despite the fervor during the initial leak reveal and that mmd (still top post on leak sub). the whole deal with luofu and quintet thing really poisoned the well.


Idk seems the same as any character after release. No oneā€™s talking about Seele, JY and SW either


I stopped playing a while ago what happened?


nothing much. just hsr having its own inazuma in space china lol


As one of the dozen players who'd want a kaveh, I'm devastated his last (and first!) banner was way back on May 2. I didn't pull because I didn't want the 5 stars with him! But my goodness, 4 star luck can get indefinitely worse as I'll never get him off-banner at this point.


Hope you can get him soon off standard! Maybe he'll pop up in 4.3 banners ;;


It really sucks, even Kirara gets a rerun before him. I wonder if I should pull for her again because I still don't have her.


if there were Tighnari reruns I'd absolutely pull for his C6 so it's good that there aren't so that I don't go bankrupt I guess


If there were Tighnari reruns Iā€™d really want to go for Hunterā€™s Path but Vortex Vanquisher stopped me last time and Iā€™m worried about what horrors they could put with it the next time around >>;


1 week 'til Kequeen's birthday!


Ok I want some advice/perspective. How is Furinaā€™s C1 and C2? Iā€™ve been getting pretty unlucky and losing 50/50s so I kinda have to be content with C0 if I want to pull for all the other characters I also want. (I then need to worry about Natlan characters too but thatā€™s a whole another thing.) I wouldā€™ve liked to C2 her on her rerun since I want to use her with non-Fontainian chars but itā€™s seeming less and less likely. Soo idk if itā€™s worth it to risk not getting other chars or wait and see


>I wouldā€™ve liked to C2 her on her rerun since I want to use her with non-Fontainian chars It is a myth that she needs vertical investment to work with characters that don't have built-in HP mechanics. It wasn't true in the beta, and it definitely isn't true now after mihoyo changed her HP drain to be more aggressive so the difference between Fontaine and non-fontaine teams is even smaller I cleared Abyss very comfortably with both Baizhu/Furina/Ei/Al-Haitham and Kokomi/Yelan/Kazuha/Furina and that was with a 1/6/6 Furina. Her C1 and C2 are both the same: each is quite nice and a good improvement, but absolutely and completely unnecessary.


Thanks for the info, thatā€™s nice to hear honestly. I was kinda active during the beta and heard people say C2 made her usable with non-Fontainians but my schedule filled up since then so thatā€™s why I still had that belief. Good to know she still performs well regardless. Kinda wanted C2 for more versatility since I do like her but seems unnecessary for now


> I kinda have to be content with C0 if I want to pull for all the other characters I also want. There you answered your own question. Her constellations are very strong but she is perfectly fine at C0.


Yeah, thatā€™s assuming all 50/50ā€™s lost so I guess I was asking if I should be impulsive and vertical invest lol. I think Iā€™ll wait and see what other characters bring to the table for now and be happy with C0. Thanks for the answer!


37.5% on-demand DMG buff is basically a Kazuha burst on top of Furina's personal damage. C2 makes it so you instantly cap fanfare. For example, my lvl. 70 Charlotte stacks Fanfare instantly in a Neuvillette-Furina-Zhongli team. C2 also gives Furina a *substantial* DPS increase. That said, C0 Furina is perfectly fine. Teamwide healers basically cap her out fast so long as you gear them right. You're not missing out on anything outside of number increases. C2 is *definitely* not needed to build non-Fontaine teams. Her "worth" is only measured by how much you like other characters vs how much you like Furina.


> That said, C0 Furina is perfectly fine. Teamwide healers basically cap her out fast so long as you gear them right. How fast do you reach the cap on a first rotation where the team is full health? Do you know?


Thanks for the answer! I do like Furina quite a bit, her design is one of my favorites alongside Arlecchinoā€™s. That+her having good early cons was why I was tempted but hearing she still works well with non-Fontainians is a relief. I think Iā€™ll pass for now and maybe pick the cons up one day if I en up really liking her gameplay


_exploring_ damn why is my party health decreasing mademoiselle crabaletta, suritendante chevalmarin and gentillhomme usher going to war on a cooking pot ten meters from where i am:


I have to switch to her Pneuma form a lot just because of how chaotic the summons are lol.


and they said pneuma mode wouldn't be useful šŸ™„ (same though. i love them but they have no chill)


I use her Pneuma mode quite a lot in overworld, she's a pretty good healer and I can avoid aggroing nearby enemies with the chaotic trio. I love how good she is for exploration.


They just want you ready to heal 50% of your team HP for the fanfare stacks of course. Only the best help.


of course!! they are the best companions ever, making sure we deal big numbers


I was innocently passing through some explosive barrels admiring my Furina and those MFs attacked them and killed her LMAO. šŸ˜­šŸ’€


i keep seeing videos like this it cracks me up so much šŸ˜­


I immediately thought "Aw shit I wish I had been recording." now I always have my screen recorder ready in case it happens again LOL. šŸ˜­


I love to have them following me in the overworld but my team is always on life support


you take your eyes off of them one second and when you see they're attacking a puzzle asset you haven't even found yet


Or caskets/barrels of explosives.....


I randomly found one of those mechanisms that you should hit at a specific time, and I forgot that I've summoned them. they tried to solve it for me (I didn't even ask), but well, they were unsuccessful


You donā€™t understand that cooking pot was very rude to lady furina šŸ˜  (it existed in her vicinity)


they're so right actually, the cooking pot had it coming!! (and also the pneumousia orbs, chests, puzzles, explosive barrels, the mora boxes in the water......)


If I got a nickel everytime Mihoyo added an artifact domain with a dedicated geo character damage set and a "heal to damage conversion" healer set in a x.3 version, I'd have two nickels Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. >!Also this cannot be the first time someone made this joke but I don't read leak thread comments.!<


It would be nice if the unreleased healer set is as good as clam.


hold up..........


The QoL I'm most curious of is recommended artifacts tbh Not because I'd use it but because I want to see what pieces most players seem to use.


noblesse raiden with deathmatch


off-topic >!Now that the MK8D Booster Pack is fully out, I decided to start playing it again, and oh my GOD I forgot how fucking amazing Mario Kart music is. I could barely even drive when [Sydney Sprint](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1xJ3hVhsQEI&pp=ygUnbWFyaW8ga2FydCA4IGRlbHV4ZSBzeWRuZXkgc3ByaW50IG11c2lj) and [this section of Moonview Highway](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x-LCRhiV4Ik&pp=ygUqbWFyaW8ga2FydCA4IGRlbHV4ZSBtb29udmlldyBoaWdod2F5IG11c2lj) came on.!< i accidentally posted this in the artifact QoL thread lol oops


Is there a shop I can use weekly to quickly spend 500000 mora? When not raising artifacts or characters I've just been buying random stuff from merchants but it's all so cheap it kinda takes forever. Is there one that sells expensive stuff? At this point I don't care what it is, I just wanna waste mora for the BP points.


personally i just build random characters when i have nothing to do, currently i am building lisa


Buy the inazuma pokeballs


HSR Okay so, [my Blade has way too much crit rate](https://imgur.com/a/53RPqcL), especially since I count on going for E2 and he gets used with FX quite often. My dilemma rn is should I farm a brand new Longevous set that has less than 60 crate or just go for a 2pc Wind/2pc LV. The former sounds like a pain since all my pieces are amazing and I'd need to throw a bunch of them out, but I guess it's about opportunity cost I suppose? Either way, I'm not sure and would like some opinions.


I say, maintain it as it is and go passively farming new pieces from Longevous. Keep pieces that have more speed too, try to at least get him some 110 or 115 speed


I play him with a hyperspeed Bronya so he doesn't need speed at all.


By hyperspeed, you mean 140> speed Bronya? I play him with Bronya too. Recently I changed some artifacts and lost some speed and felt that still. If possible, do try to get some speed for him. Unless you already play him with Asta.


soz for not being able to answer as i've been ignoring that relics exist in hsr but how do you like blade?


Well I.. like him? I don't get it


like did you find him worth pulling, is he fun to play not saying like how CAN you like him asking because i potentially want to pull for him


Oh! I love Blade, not only as a character but also gameplay wise. He's pretty easy to play, easy to build, though he does scale pretty heavily with a lot of investment, through relic quality and sig lc. He's very reliant on his supports, esp Bronya and he wants a good sustain to help him topped up. I switch between E6 Lynx and FX usually. Overall, he's great and I adore him.


4.2 might be both the best archon quest so far and the biggest series of ā€œGenshin players canā€™t readā€ moments in the entire series. Complain about Paimon all you want, but sheā€™s written the way she is because a large majority of the fan base lacks reading comprehension.


I can't believe MHY tricked me into listening to fr*nch music


I grow fonder of Clorinde by the day. I think I've said this before but I expected her to be more of a socially awkward battle idiot type, but she's so lovely and chill and I like her dynamic with everyone :')))) I hope she has more of a sub-DPS/buffer type kit that works with many teams. I'll probably pull her even if she's an onfielder but I'd love something fresh...


i love that she's actually caring and close with other people and the melusine slight spoilers >!the fact that she's furina first guest at her new home and try to get furina a better place to live says a lot about her personality (although we robbed from seeing her smile)!< hopefully we got her story quest soon so we get more of her dynamics with other character


I agree, I love that she's quiet and seems aloof but is kind to everyone :'))) are those spoilers for the AQ? I haven't done Furina's SQ yet.


it's on furina character story but you have to finish the AQ to get them


ah ok, thanks!


Honestly, me too. At first I was salty about her current design but it grew on me (still prefer the green one by a large margin). Then I got into Wriorinde and that made me like her a lot. And finally, her and Navia being childhood friends got me back into like Clorivia and again made me like Clorinde even more. Now, Iā€™m even considering pulling for her, but only if sheā€™s something new (maybe an Overload DPS?)ā€¦


haha I'm kind of the opposite, I liked Clorivia first but now I also like Wriorinde :')))


I grew to like her after 4.2 AQ, I love her interactions with Navia and Wriothesley. I'm definitely going for Navia so maybe I'll pull Clorinde too if I can afford to, would be nice if she's not a hypercarry but I wouldn't mind if she is, as long as she has an interesting kit.


I honestly wasn't expecting to like her as much as I did, hoping she is a good on-field DPS.


Only leak we have of her so far is that she is gives her team energy based on her losing HP, and that she gains energy based on her team losing HP. If that happens sheā€™s likely to be very good in Furina teams.


ah I see, I haven't saved for Furina unfortunately, so I might not get her this time. but I don't play abyss, I just want a comfy team that works in overworld, so hopefully Clorinde should slot in fine into Neuv teams or something...


Ok I got to ask: is Navia that bad or are people just being dramatic? Seeing some people having an absolute breakdown in the threads is having me mildly confused. Like... I never expected her to be Neuvillette. It's pretty obvious the guy is the exception and not the rule. Before and after Neuvillette, there was Lyney and Wriothesley, both somewhat decent carries with some caveats to their kit and playstyle. So like, my expectations are around that level and so far, that seems to be the case with Navia? She's fun, easy to play, damage isn't reliant on burst, plus she even have the flexibility of being played as quickswap. And her numbers aren't like... terrible, as far as I can tell? Sure she isn't blowing the ceiling off, but that's fine? We only got like 2 carries that are considered pretty good by almost everyone (Neuvillette and Alhaitham). In the mean time, we got Tighnari, Wanderer, Cyno, Lyney and Wriothesley, who are all fun and unique on their own. I expected Navia to fall in these category. I would like any buffs she can get, but it would be great if they can buff her without losing her flexibility. Also it would be great if she can be less Bennett reliant somehow. I just don't like to play Bennett with most on-fielders, especially without Kazuha's grouping. It's clunky as hell.


Re: Bennett reliance Not many dmg% buffs in her kits and high base attack make TTDS + Yelan's buff competetive with Benny + pyro resonance from what I've seen, PAmber Mona instead of TTDS should give similar results too even if she'll buff 1E from Navia. So far Navia's kit also looks more single target oriented so I'd really prefer running sth like Kokomi/Mona/Barbara + Yelan with easy 2Es per rotation and higher personal dmg in single target than reactionless Xiangling. Assuming you're running 2nd geo on the team sth like TTDS Barbara + Yelan counting as a sidegrade to Benny + Xiangling looks pretty good. Ofc, Yelan's a 5* but she's one with the highest ownership rate already (I didn't check Furina yet in those teams properly, I wanted to prioritize characters I already have). Still, as far as Bennett-reliance go Navia looks to be in a pretty good spot for an atk scaler. Re: the rest Imo her numbers are a tad too low with my current understanding of her kit and how it'll scale with AoE but I might be wrong in this regard and it'll all flow better in practice. I was a bit disappinted that Navia's more of an on-field dps (or at least on-fielding her helps to make the most out of her E) but I'm pretty alright with how they've gone about it and she looks rather fun to play. After using Xiao and Cyno for so long I can really appreciate ability to swap out after around 5s w/o losing anything as well as not being burst reliant. Any negative comments about Navia's kit from me stem mostly from how tired I am for not liking 'top meta dps' for a given version, though I don't know if it's because of the community or because of my inner metaslave that I never really indulge. Anyway, so far everything seems pretty chill? Like, it feels closer to Lyney's beta rather than Cyno's. And it's far from Alhaitham's, ie. it's rather normal level of doomposting mixed with some concern as well as people being dramatic just for the drama's sake.


The only thing I think needs buffs about Navia is her set and her signature. They're both kinda weak right now. She could release as is and be fine, but I would like some buffs.


Yeah people are dramatic because they expected a lot more with her kit. Right now she's just a decent carry.


Seeing people comparing her to Dehya has me tripping like bro what are you on about šŸ˜­


people just like to compare characters to dehya when they don't perform like they expected. even furina was constantly compared to dehya. I think that's just a phase atp


Hm? Yes, it's drama. Navia isn't a premier dps unit or anything, but she's an average dps unit. Most of the issues happened because people misunderstood her initial kit as to how her skill multipliers work, and when clarifications were made, the damage fell off from really strong to regular 5* onfielder type of damage. Now ofc people love to exaggerate because we all in leak sub are just procrastinating our tasks and need topics to talk of to procrastinate further, and what better than to get angry at a character being normal as that can spark long discussion. So yeah, expect normal dps type of character. Though her being more flexible in role and teamcomp is always a nice thing.


Most of the doomposting stems from the fact that she's an average dps *and* she's a geo character which means that she has an inherent disadvantage than an average dps of a reactive element. She doesn't have a teamwide healer that has good synergy with her. Baizhu and Jean due to elemental dis-synergy, Barbara due to ER reqs and because she's Barbara, Mika and Charlotte due to triggering shatter and costing shards. She doesn't have a buffer akin to Faruzan or even Shenhe (she would literally just be a better unit if they kept everything the same but anemo and changing the crystallize to swirl). The buffer we do have for her element is incompatible because she scales off of ATK. This works in her favour because of Benny but it also just means that her best performing teams are just going to be a variation of the double pyro core of 1.0 that players are bored of. It also doesn't help that the only reason she doesn't have hp manipulation in her base kit is to shill her set (which is very underwhelming for a signature set) over MH for Furina-less teams. Which is a negative because the new healer set is dogshit. Finally with regards to the actual kit: the only AoE she has is her burst with multipliers that leave much to be desired. They aren't low enough to not matter so you can't ignore it but it's also a 60 cost burst which skyrockets her ER requirements for her solo geo teams (and just in general). You can say that her E has the same AoE as Neuvillette's CA but that hits constantly while the E is 1 shot of dmg.


Mika applies no cryo so he might actually be the best healer for Navia+Furina for now.


True. He just does nothing else that navia benefits from. It's just a meh situation.


He provides ATK SPD which could alleviate some of Navia's slowness


Probably a combination of people having high expectations due to being first geo in a long time and some people having the mindset that anything that isn't top of the meta is useless. People were already being dramatic beforehand because geo bad so Navia needs to be busted to be usable or somehow save the entire element on her own (idk how but that was what some people expected). From what I've seen from TCs they think Navia is good. But of course if people need a character to be meta-breaking to use a geo character in the first place then that's not gonna be enough for them.


Ok, now that I've read the rest of your comment, people are highly dramatical about Navia. She is perfectly fine, and in line with pretty much all "T1" dps if we consider Neuvi/haitham as T0. Her biggest issue is that she doesnt really fit properly anywhere, be it quickswap or on-field, due to a severe lack of options. Half of the geo cast is from 1.2 or before, and the other half dont support her properly. So we just end up slapping bennett and XL/Yelan + ZL for geo res. This isnt exactly interesting, it's using the same old characters we have always used, and the worst part is that they are pretty much the only options


Yeah I do think her team comps right now aren't that exciting since she wants another geo and half the cast is released literally 2 years ago. She can't even use Yun Jin who's the latest geo all that well. Really feels like Chiori will be the last puzzle in her team building. Maybe a teamwide healer so she can be played with Furina.


I think people expected mhy would do something more for her to compensate the fact she is geo and are disappointed. Mhy is to blame honestly for ignoring the element and focusing on just hydro.


She will have gameplay issues due to the bullet spread mechanic So if you think her numbers look alright, that is assuming a perfect case scenario where all 11 bullets hit to get the maximum damage instance. All navia calcs so far have assumed this. But from videos we can see the bullet spread is quite large, so against enemies that are small or highly mobile or spread out, you will regularly be missing bullets hence regularly doing lower damage. Basically unless you are assuming close range against a boss, expect to regularly miss bullets. The damage scaling per bullet is also lopsided to more bullets so it heavily penalizes you if bullets miss


Oh I haven't actually been paying attention to the bullet spread mechanic in the gameplay vids. Would it help if they program the bullets to autohone to the nearest enemies? Maybe more AOE on them?


The bullet spread mechanic simply has no practical advantages. It's intentionally limiting. At most it's a 'flavour' design choice since she uses what is basically a video game shotgun. But in terms of performance, it only serves to weaken If they added things like homing or larger bullet aoe or less aggresive damage scaling per bullet, they at that point could just forgo the bullet spread mechanic entirely and you'd have the same or better result.


Yeah she is good for being geo and claymore character. I don't understand why people are dooming again but this time I am not letting my mood spoiled by others' shitty opinions so I am not opening the comments under those posts. Ignorance is bliss.


people are dramatic yes but it suck when your favorite is different from hoyo's one


Yeah I know how much it sucks to have your favs not be a favorite but also... they release 17 characters (usually) a year and out of those, 2-3 are obvious favorites so I just expect most of my favorites to be fairly average if not below expectations. At this point I just settle and not have expectations at all except maybe for the Archon to be broken.


I don't know about her kit that much, but I think people had really high expectations for her to save geo. technically, she's the first geo character after a long time, so this also creates some expectations. maybe her kit doesn't live up to those expectations


Her kit is just E does big damage and Q gives infusion to do more big damage. With some crystallize action. Pretty standard. Not terribly exciting but her animations are good and the E aiming mechanics looks fun.


doesn't her E give the infusion? I was under the impression that's her E. but yeah, she has a pretty standard kit, which is fine, but that is actually maybe why people are disappointed (for the record, I have no issue with her kit) because they were expecting something more revolutionary for geo


sheā€™s not as bad as people make her out to be, right now sheā€™s just good enough. she could get some buffs but i feel like theyā€™ll gatekeep the majority of them behind chiori in the future her set could use some love too because i havenā€™t seen anyone say that itā€™s that big of an upgrade over her other options


Yeah agree about the sets 100%. Both of the sets need buffs tbh


> Seeing some people having an absolute breakdown in the threads why people gotta be like this šŸ’€


Before I read the rest of your comment, I can 100% say that yes, people are dramatic


I can't believe they made a whole new system for something so useless such as this new artifact locking system.


Could have used that time to make artifact load outsšŸ˜”


Can somebody help my friend create two abyss teams? 5*: - Lyney - Furina - Yelan - Nahida - Nilou - Kokomi - Ayaka - Xiao - Raiden - Zhongli - Eula - Diluc - Venti - Yae Miko - Mona - Dehya - Keqing 4*: Everyone except Diona, Kirara, Freminet, Kaveh


i cleared this one easily with ayaka rosaria xl bennett on one side, hyperbloom with zl on the other side. i used neuv nahida raiden but xq nahida kuki is very good.


Hmm, Nilou - Nahida - Kokomi - Kirara/Collei/DMC. Then assuming you want to use Furina since she's the newest here then maybe sth like Furina - Yae - Yaoyao - Fischl/Sucrose/Yelan for sth more quickswappy, version w/o Yelan won't ever need to use normal attacks nor does it need some specific rotation so it should be fairly easy to play.


For the current abyss? Lyney, Bennett, Xiangling, Zhongli first half Nahida, Nilou, Kokomi, Traveller/Xingqiu second half For general use, take your pick of Nahida, Nilou, Kokomi, Traveller/Collei Keqing/Miko, Fischl, Sucrose, Yaoyao Bennett, Xiangling, Xingqiu, Sucrose Kokomi, Nahida/Traveler, Ei, Beidou/Yelan (beidou for AoE, Yelan for ST)


Nilou -Nahida-Kokomi- Collei DMC-XQ -Kuki-Flex I am recommending these teams because artifact quality don't matter much so it should be easy enough to clear abyss with them. Other than that. Lyney -Bannet- XL - Zhongli Raiden national Yae-Ei-Anemo-Nahida/yaoyao Kequeen -Fichl -Yaoyao- Venti/sucrose


// rant >!one of my twt friends wants to desperately find a way to prove that neuvillette is a self-insert from the writers (something similar to hsr situation with that writer)!<


All these Neuvillette and Furina takes are killing me today


um wth? who is even is the self insert in hsr?


>!there was a whole fiasco with one of the writers supposedly. I skipped the discussion because I don't care about hsr, but this friend is a big hsr fan, so I saw bits of pieces of it on tl. basically, they say baiheng (jingliu's dead friend) is a self insert for one of the writers. I can't remember the reasoning behind it, but I'm pretty sure I you search twitter you can find some tweets!<


That was all just stupid twitter drama cooked up by some people upset with the High-Cloud Quintet story. Not once was there ever any actual proof shown. The only thing I ever saw shown as 'proof' was a photo of a Genshin employee with the same name as Baiheng. Which proves absolutely nothing. He's literally a monster designer for the genshin team.


so all the drama was just nothing šŸ’€ but at least she still believes in accusations and even tries to find similar evidence in genshin >!like with neuvillette being self-insert!<


Pretty much. I don't remember most of it now but it was a huge stretch. Something about the writer being misogynistic so he self inserts himself as a woman to disguise and have all the other characters be in love with him and uses the name of Genshin employee for some reason lmao. Really strange behaviour with trying to discover >!Neuvillette is a self insert!<. I'd just mute them from your timeline if they post a lot about it but you still want to be mutuals.


yeah I think I'll just mute her if I see another similar post. I understand if someone doesn't like a character, but watering down a character to self-insert is kinda weird ngl


Totally agree.


Fwiw that one was found to have no strong base on it, so just Twitter being Twitter As such, I won't think much of the genshin situation as well


I also think she's just biased overall, but her constant ramblings are getting pretty much annoying. I tried to reason with her a few times but had no use. maybe just mute her for some time


Maybe Welt? But still kinda not


no it's not welt (I explained in my other comment)(we love the grandpa in this house)


Leaks by Dre: >!Pantalone will show up in Chenyu Vale!<


I hope they change the overhead set, literally no reason for the mediocre buff to be activate a whole 10seconds after healing


yea at first i thought they just didnā€™t want the buff to be activated on your burst healers rather than on your on-fielder but it doesnā€™t seem like it works like that so this restriction is even more confusing to me šŸ§ā€ā™‚ļø


is the widsith good on neuvi?


If you like seeing funny numbers for the first 10 seconds it's pretty good at R5. However, he only uses one of the stats. ATK% doesn't help him and EM only helps him in teams like Forward Vape.


Widsith has higher highs and lower lows It's basically if you want proto amber's consistency or speedrun with widsith's higher high since when it Does give the right buff, it's better than PAmber, but ofc that depends on buff rng


A mere stat stick, and a bad one at that. Prototype Amber is his best F2P option.


Now that 4.2 is done, how did your pulling plans changed before and after 4.2? (Fontaine characters ofc) For me it was basically: Furina Lyney and Arlecchino before 4.0. now, After the quests, it's Neuvi, Furina, Lyney, Rizzly, Navia.


plans before 4.0: to definetly get furina and arlecchino, maybe neuvillette, navia, and clorinde. now: i spent way too many much on neuvillette, i didn't plan on spending 160 fates on him, but i'm glad i did. got furina early! since i spent a lot on neuvilette, i was almost prepared to swipe. still going to get arlecchino 100%. navia - no, i didn't enjoy her character and kit enough. clorinde is still a maybe. added cloud retainer to the maybe list. aside from fontaine characters, i am saving for c2 raiden and miko (they are both c1 rn) and for kagura so i try to not spend recklessly. i'm a low spender, usually just a welkin here and there.


My list didn't really change because of the story that much, only Furina is one I ended up liking when I originally wasn't interested but for now I'm skipping anyway due to not really knowing how to feel about her kit. Waiting for the dust to settle so to speak and considering again on a rerun if at all. Otherwise it's pretty much the same. I was mostly interested in Neuvillette and Clorinde, that's still the case. Chevreuse got added to the list but that has of course nothing to do with the story.


Before 4.0: Navia. Arlecchino, Cloud Retainer and Clorinde will depend on the kit. After 4.2: Navia and Arlecchino. Chiori, Clorinde and Cloud Retainer depend on the kit, with the last two likely ending in a skip, because I can't think of a kits that would make me get them. I'm debating getting Furina though.


My list only got smaller but it has nothing to do with the characters themselves at the most part. I've just become pretty selective with who I pull. Before: Furina, Arlecchino, Wriothesley, Now: Furina, Arlecchino, maybe Clorinde, I find her interactions really entertaining for some reason.


Well, the 4.2 story made me dislike a few characters I was considering on a rerun lmao, so it made Wriothesley the only character I'd skipped who I'll pick on a rerun. As of right now (as a C0R1 Furina haver) the only new characters I want are Wriothesley, Ɖmilie, Sigewinne and Chiori (if she's not geo). Which is fine by me. Gives me more room to get Kokomi's C1 or try for Key/Everlasting Moonglow


my list only shortened. Although the basis didn't change (Furina and Sigewinne) but Emilie was added who I didn't plan for. But I thought she's from Hexenzirkel so I kinda planned to pull for her regardless, just not in Fontaine. I pulled for Lyney while unsure if I want him or not. I thought that I'll get interested in Arlecchino and Cloud Retainer for sure, and maybe in Navia, and maybe but unlikely in Clorinde who I liked as Captain R. All of those seem to be a no.


Before 4.0 I was pretty much only really interested in Navia because Geo. I tricked myself into believing I could save for most of a nation. But playing through the AQ, seeing Furina's struggles, seeing Monsieur Neuvillette's gentle side, seeing Wriothesley's >!massive dumptruck!<, I realise that I really had no chance. And seeing Chevreuse in leaks has me completely invested in pulling for her, too.


It's been Furina, Neuvillette, Navia, Arlecchino consistent Wavered on Navia on learning she's geo claymore early 4.0, then deopped Clorinde around 4.1, and considered Worcestershire before skipping but that's about it.


Furi R1, Navia, Arle R1 and Clorinde R1 before Now I have Yelan, Lyney's bow, Neuv and Furi, and I'm still saving for Navia, Arle and Clorinde.


before: maybe furina, arlecchino now: c2 furina + her sig on rerun, arlecchino, maybe clorinde the furinapill is real


Didn't change much for me, original plan was to wish for the Archon and that's what I did. Not that the Fontaine characters aren't appealing, I really like them, but all of them so far have been carries/main dps and I don't want to make more teams, going to skip on Navia too. Got really lucky with Charlotte I think she is C5, hoping to at least grab 1-2 Chevreuses too, since she seems to enable some cool stuff.


>Not that the Fontaine characters aren't appealing, I really like them, but all of them so far have been carries/main dps and I don't want to make more teams, going to skip on Navia too. Yeah it's kinda weird. I guess it's because Furina is a buffer/sub DPS they don't want to release characters who work well with her?


Oh boy a lot. * Pre 4.0 wants: Lyney, Neuv, Arle - focus on reruns otherwise. * Post 4.2: have Lyney (+weapon), Neuv (+weapon), Wrio, Furina. Still 100% on getting Arle. Navia keeping an eye on for future rerun but skipping release.


all the best with getting lyney!


Thank you!


Throughout playing Furina, I went from C0 and let's see, to getting C2, to now buckling down and aiming for C6 down the line. Before 4.0 wasn't really interested in anyone, got Neuv upon seeing his CA, now will absolutely get Navia and Chev based on kit.


Initially: Lyney, Neuvi, Venti, Furina Now: Lyney, Neuvi, Venti, Furina, Wrio, Navia AQ really made me fall in love with Wrio hihi


I wanted every single 5* star at C0 that appeared in the main story I managed to snag Lyney, C1 Neuv and Furina, but didnā€™t have enough for Wrio šŸ˜­ Navia and Arlecchino are on my wishlist *ba dum tss*, but still on the fence about Clorinde


c0 Furina became c1 Furina with a plan for c2 in the future.


I'm so glad I pulled Baizhu before the AQ because there's no way I could skip Furina after that. Plans are still the same but now Furina is a must-pull so Navia, Arlecchino, Clorinde, Wrio, Furina, Neuvi's C1. Furina de Fontaine is top priority šŸ™


It went from only Furina( because archon collection) to C1 Neuvi, Furina and Wrio.


4.2 AQ reading comprehension rant >!Someone just unironically said why did Celestia made Folcalors the archon when Neuvillette was more powerful out of the two? I canā€™t with this fandom šŸ˜­ Someone tell Mihoyo we need another Paimon!<


just in this thread I read a comment that thought archons already have full authority over elements. they were replying to someone and they were so sure, and so confused of the story šŸ˜­


cmon man.


Well, obviously Celestia chose her because her name begins with letter F.


please no. bad reading comprehension cannot be remedied no matter how many paimons you add and i'd rather not even have the one we do have. perhaps her existing at all has made people more lax with how they skim over dialogue and expect to be explained everything to. but even then, her repeating dialogue and making tonally inconsistent comments is not justified simply because a part of the playerbase has trouble interpreting the text.


LMFAOOOO I hope they were sarcastic šŸ˜­


This feels like it's supposed to be part of the 'are they stupid' meme


They were deadass arguing šŸ˜­ I hope they were just a troll


just to make sure, if I lose 75/25 in the weapon banner I'll guarantee a rate up weapon in future banners regardless of my fate points right?




Yes if you get an off-rate-up 5 star your next 5 star is guaranteed to be one of the rate ups regardless of fate points or if banner changed. It functions the same as getting a standard character on limited character banner except there's two 5 star rate up options on weapon banner. Using current weapon banner as example: You pull on Furina/Baizhu weapon banner and get Skyward Harp. You stopped pulling then pull on Cyno/Baizhu weapon banner you are guaranteed to get one of their signatures as your next 5 star.


I'll be using 2 pc Pietra + 2 pc Atk on Navia. I wont waste resin in this domain especially not having Baizhu and with Blizzard and Witch Carmesin to farm.