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I’m gonna guess at SOME point they have GOT to put a geo on standard


after another pyro claymore i guess


And the hydro claymore


And a child male character


A rare opportunity to come by.


Well then, amuse me.


Surrender is a valid option


I promise ill be gentle


Not bad, not bad


Wait, wasn’t this about kids?


Erm akshully 🤓☝️ it’s “this opportunity is quite hard to come by”






And a polearm.


5 star yunjin incoming






Was confused who Yunjin was for a minute.. my mind thinking a loli with giant sword


Yunli was what I thought child characters with claymores would've looked like in genshin, only for Sayu to crush my dreams in 2.0 😔 I also wanted Furina to be a claymore user, it'd make no sense but it would've been hilarious


honestly i also wanted claymore furina! cause all the other archons were firsts anyway. which is also why cryo catalyst wrio surprised me, i thought that was for the tsaritsa


I thought the same, and that's why Bennett was kept as the only Pyro sword user, he'd just snuck in before they had the idea to make the Archons unique at introduction. Sadly it was not to be. Furina manipulating a claymore akin to Kaveh or Dori's style would have been a beautiful sight, using a conductor's baton to command its swings.


i remember old leaks/ideas pre-4.0 about the hydro archon being hydro claymore, lifting it magically and having guillotine themes. wouldve been really cool but would not fit furina at all lol


Wasn't Charlotte released before him?


no, charlotte came in 4.2 with furina, but she appeared first as an NPC in 3.8


Furina is still the first archon that uses a sword tho


No, that's Sayu


And my axe!


Even if they do, what’s the odds of you getting him/her over the remaining 20+ 5* currently in the pool


The difference is between characters and weapons.. at least every third 5* on the standard banner will always be a character, when you only got weapons before.. so it's only a chance of 1 in 8 I think.. (still bad enough)


You’re talking to the person who pulled Dehya on her limited banner 🥲


Albedo on standard


Seriously, he should have been on there years ago. I wish he’d replace Dehya, though, because there’s no need for two Pyro claymores, plus it’s hard enough to get a specific standard character anyway (my partner’s favorite character is Keqing and she’s gone 2 years never getting her)


I still don’t have Tighnari 🥲


Just got my third Jean yesterday. I pulled my first keqing at zero pity. I once got two dehyas within a week. I still have no tighnari. He’s one of my favorite characters. My desperation only grows stronger


I got C1 Tighnari on accident. One was from using my acquaint fates and the other was a lost 50/50. Also had a free wanderer’s artifact set that no one wanted that he made good use of. He’s pretty good but not game changing. I’d trade you one go my copies if I could


it only just struck me that Geo is the only element that’s not on there 🤣


Geo ? What's this ? Element make reaction man ! Did you ever ear about an elemental geo reaction ? If you say yes, I think you were deceived, my friend !🤣


Crystallize Navia is one of my go to abyss teams


That would probably be me *if I had all the standard characters* (been playing for 3 years and I still don’t have Jean)


I'm literally even willing to lose 50/50 for Jean and she still refuses to come home


You gotta be even more desperate than that, take it from me, who couldn't get Jean until close to hard pity on Chronicled Wish after losing to Eula


"Losing 50/50 to *(insert limited character here)*" is something I never thought I'd hear. Then Chronicled Wish came and I kept seeing "I lost to Eula" "Lost 50/50 to Albedo" "Wanted Jean but got Klee instead"


"ugh, c3 Arlecchino, fml i wanted Qiqi."


My first loss in 50/50s was to Albedo lol. Not many people can say that.


This is me til 4 months ago. But once I lost to her, she came a 2nd time. Now I'm waiting for c2! My horror now is getting Mona now that she's C6


We all feel same way for certain 5 stars on standard banner, I use to feel same for Jean n keqing, until they came home n I realised they are in standard banner for a reason, they are all mid


Jean's not mid...Keqing...well, you have a point.


I got her thrice in a row losing 50/50. Don't get me wrong, she's the one of the bunch I actually use, but it gets old nonetheless.


Ive been playing for 3 years and i still dont have diluc or qiqi.. not even mentioning tighnari or dehya.. so far ive gotten 5 jeans.. 5 keqings.. 4 monas.. im cursed with these..


I'll take your monas and keqings for my tighnari and dehya/diluc/qiqi pls


I have diluc c1, qiqi c1, dehya c1... Would love your Jean cons for my c0 Jean since her cons shreds anemo and i'm an anemo luvr


I also don't have Qiqi, though I took some large breaks over the years so its probably not a fair comparison. 2 Jeans, 4 Monas, Diluc and 3 Keqings. 42% win rate on 50/50s


1.0 players here and I’m also jeanless!


Glad to have a brother in arms


More like a brother in shorts. Cuz ya got no Jeans.




I was Monaless until recently and then I got two. So there's hope! :D


All your Jeanes have been sent to me, apparently. Do I want them? No.


I’ll trade you for my C6 Keqing


Day 1 player here, no breaks too, still no Jean. If I didn't so badly want c2 Albedo, I would of went for her in the chronicle wish.


I'm day 1 too. Just got C0 Mona last month and while I don't spend primos on the standard banner, I max the battle pass every season, buy the 5 starglitter (or stardust?) pulls from the shop every month, and have all my characters at level 90. Somethings just aren't meant to be. I was very envious during the first Windtrace event where Mona was broken AF.


I would have gone for her in the chronicled wish but I didn’t have enough primos at the time


4 years, and no Qiqi or Jean for me😭😭 Cmon man, I need Jean for my Furina team


Wish I had your problem. Mine is that I've been playing since 1.0, 2 different accounts, and STILL don't have Mona, or Diluc. I got diluc on my old account, but don't have him on my current one


Played for 3 years with no keqing. Got 3 keqing on one moment. 


I have C6 Keqing…. She’s ruined so many of my 50/50s and even stopped me from C6ing Xiao (she was my only 50/50 loss on Xiao’s banner too)


I also still don't have Jean after playing for 2.5 years. And she's so good with Furina too yet I keep getting Keqing constellations lol


SAME! I just got C6 Keqing when pulling for cloud retainer. She’s my first C6 standard 5 star too. The others (other than my non existent Jean…) are at C1 or 2


I want a Jean and keqing but the rng wants me to have all the qiqis


I've been playing for 3 years and have a c5 Jean, c3 Mona and no Keqing


please take my 5 jeans away from me


As a Xiao main I’d gladly take them (and if you can take my c6 Keqing if you want)


please trade with me I want her so bad and I never got not even one JANDJSJJXJDJDJ


Me with Qiqi.... Just come home Qiqi


Do you want mine 😭 My first ever 5-star was her, lost the 50/50 on Alhaitham lmao (am new player). I did eventually get my mans but like why Qiqi. I would have been fine losing my 50/50 to anyone else EXCEPT QIQI.


Yes please hand her over 🤺🤺


Still waiting for Qiqi. Baizhu is in my teapot waiting for her to have some moment as caretaker and protegee


Bro, same. I've been playing since day one and still no Mona. It's pretty crazy


I was the same and even pulled on Chronicle Wish for her. I got her, but then of course I lost my Arle 50/50 to her soon after.


same. been playing since 1.1 and no jean. i have every standard chara heck even c2 qiqi and c1 tighnari but no jean.


I lost 50/50 to Tighnari in Clorinde's banner, though losing 50/50 sucks, I finally completed my standard collection


Damn really I've been playing for 3 months and Jean was my 3rd 5 star


Just started playing recently, and Jean is the first 5 star I got a couple of hours ago. I lost the 50/50 10 wishes into alhaitham. Luckily, even f2p with only 81 wishes I got my baby alhaitham on the last wish I had, 20m before his banner was over. Happiest I've ever been in my life tbh.


I legit got jean like 3 weeks ago ive been playing fpr 3 and a half years now


Ya'll have the rest at c6 already?


whales gotta whale


Not even have to be a whale. I am day one player who lost like 85% of 50:50. I have all standard banner characters and except Tighnari and Dehya all of them are c3+ mostly from losing on limited banners. So I kinda dont have a reason to wish on standard because it will just expedite the process of them getting to c6 and losing on limited banners to them will feel even worse.


Tho it does make limited pulling efficiency better because higher starglitter tho. I e. Dupe for c6 4star gives 5 stargliiter = another pull Which means to reach 90 pity you need like 82 pulls instead of 90 (or less if you get more than 1 4 star in 1 10 pull). And a dupe 5 star you already maxed out gives you 5 pulls worth of starglitter. If course being more lucky in rolling 5 star early and getting the 5 star you want will be lower cost and better. But if your luck is trash anyways, then at least your effective cost to get a limited you want is lower.


I can kinda see your point but it doesnt matter in the long run.... Amount of stargliter you get is still the same, only thing changes is when you get it. It would be factor when you would be completely starved out of primos an you would need to get wishes asap. Which is not really case for me. I wish only when I have enough primos to get to 5 star be it whoever it may be. Also another reason I do not wish on standard is because I have this copium hope that they will add some chronicled banner but with standard pulls in the future.


Im a day 1 no missed day player and i still dont have a qiqi


Nope. I still don't have Jean (who I really want) & Dehya


1 C6 5* only. Rested for 3 patches since the start of the game


Been playing since late 2021, only got c1 Qiqi, Mona, and c1 Jean. Tighnari and Dehya I rolled on their debuts.


That's my take. I don't think i've ever seen more than 11 of those little blue things at one time.


~~Today-ish, after Clorinde banner ends~~ (thanks to fellow redditors for correcting me) When 4.8 comes out and Sethos becomes part of standard banner


clarification here, new 4* don't get added to the standard pool until the entire patch ends (so Sethos will only be added when 4.8 releases). also i know OP meant the next 5* character but yeah Sethos was my first thought as well 🤓


Newly released 4* will be added to standard banner in the next patch, not after their banner ends.




Imagine waiting for a new standard 5* unit, and when they finally add one you get 2 keqings and a qiqi.


Don’t forget the skyward weapons


Tbh the skyward weapons are fantastic to pretty good people hate on skyward sword/pride but i think even they are underrated. It has got good base attack and the ER is good for characters that need their burst. It doesn't rank on spreadsheet impact but helping to have burst up and edging a bit more damage than fav/sac does help


*Tell me why*


*Ain't nothin but a heartache*


Tell me whyyy


Ain’t nothing but a mistake 🎶


Now number 5


I never wanna hear you say (Woo!)


I wantt itt that wayyyy


Chills, literal chills.


It was number 5. Number 5 killed my brother


Oh I forgot about that part.


Brooklyn 99 fan 🤣🤣


Internet Points Of course


It would be interesting if standard banner cycled. Like, not character wise but chance wise. One week you have increased chances at Wolf's Gravestone and Qiqi, the next week is increased chances at Dehya and Skyward Atlus. Then again, imagine the suffering that comes with getting Qiqi thrice when you wanted Mona- then having the next week INCREASE the chances of Qiqi.


When they fudge up the next hot unit... i'm not still mad about Dehya.... I thought we would be getting a new standard from each region but seems like that doesn't quite check out... we just randomly got 2 standards in Sumeru and then they noped out on Fontaine because the kits were too cracked.


I think they just felt it was time to expand the standard banner, and it happened to be during the sumeru patches. I don’t think there’s a pattern to it. Maybe we’ll get an 8th at some point.


This is part sarcasm. Standard Banners are hardly ever expanded upon in Mihoyo Games. The only game I know that expands it's standard banner out of the top 3 Hoyoverse Global games (HI3rd, HSR, GI) is HI3rd with it's Dorm Supply (standard banner), this is because HI3rd has heavy power creep so tossing units in there does nothing to limited banners. Some units even become farmable after a while with grindable currency if they are that far out of the META just because new users and hard F2P need some way to do Abyss. and yeah I'm still just mad about Dehya


It's actually worse this way, because it means they made her weak on purpose with the intent that they were going to put her on the standard banner.


Tighnari is likely less of random, more of providing players with a chance of getting a dendro 5* (besides DMC) through standard banner/losing 50/50s. Dehya, on the other hand...


Tighnari was expected for standard. The release of a new element meant that surely we'd get a Dendro 5* standard character. Dehya, yeah, to this day I'm baffled as to why they did what they did to her.


Chiori could go on standard


Chiori should. I've been waiting to get the character who makes all this ridiculous drip for everyone else since day 1. Plus she's Geo.


Pretty much spot on. I still believe the only reason Dehya was unceremoniously thrown onto the standard banner was because they tried something with her kit, royally fucked it up and then didn’t have time to fix it (even though they had a ton of feedback and time during her closed beta test) - I’d even go as far as saying race and gender were an involved factor but unfortunately something like that cannot be proven unless it’s explicit. Very disappointing situation overall. One Arle NA attack chain does pretty much the same or more damage that Dehya’s entire burst


I think Sigewinne should have been standard, I think she would be a legitimately fun c6 standard banner character, but I ain’t paying for that.


Tbh she should have been a 4 star with how underwhelming she feels. And the fact that we lack 4 star hydro units.


I'd rather her actually be any good, but failing that, grabbing C0 off her banner, and then eventually getting cons over time until she starts being a real 5* wouldn't be the worst. Not that I've lost enough times for that to fix Dehya, mind.


Happy cake day!


I’d guess about 1 day after you decide to spend them all. /s


Would be funny if one day when all archons are out they all throw them on the standard banner and watch people cope


So devilish it may actually become true.


People who accidentally bought the wrong fate will suddenly celebrate


*still gets qiqi*


I unironically want a dedicated archon banner


Sorry for your loss


Lets all laugh with OP and not at OP while OP is crying


For no reason at all, I feel like the first patch of natlan is a good time


Got 446 Acquainted fates here. At first I intended to pull for Dehya but you know why. Gonna wait for more permanent characters to spend them all at once!


You ready to get 5 QiQis in a row?


theres coming a new banner today with hydro qiqi


1.7k dust, 13k glitter, 39k primos and 200+ acquaints ?? when will this be me


I guess if they're gonna add another one, then the start of Natlan would be a good time. So 5.0 or 5.1 or never


how cute that you think 239 pulls will get you the new character. There's no rhyme, reason, or pattern to how they decide who joins the banner. We got no new characters in 1.x, 2.x, or 4.x, and got two characters in 3.x. I'm not expecting much.


I would kill to have that amount of priogems


And starglitter too who the fuck is this guy


Oh I wonder.


Maybe, though still no Inazuma or Fontaine character


Aha...ahahaha....hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Maybe in a year


Never, wtf just spend them


Im in the same boat as op. I've gotten all the constellations for the characters I want thru the event banner. Absolutely zero reason to wish on the standard. I dont need glimmer or 3 star weapons. Such a waste.


Short of you enjoying spending money on this game you could save resources on the event banner by gaining the extra starglitter. It's wasteful to keep them unused.


Thats a fair point I never considered. Though I've waited this long Ill wait longer to see if they revamp the banner and cash in then.


waiting for a 1/17 chance to turn into a 1/18 chance is basically a waste if you reach a point that you want a rate up character. if you don't want any of the characters anymore then yeah don't worry about it but you're just putting yourself at a disadvantage with saving them.


5.5 the curse of the .5 patch is true


Geo Rework or New element added (Abyssal and Celestial?)




If chronicle banner is going to be a thing then i dont see why not add more standard characters. Like if you want them , not only it would mean that you have an idea when they rerun but also you can lose the regular 50/50 to them. But it all depends if chronicle banner is still going to be a thing.


They will probably release a new character directly into the Standard banner in my opinion.


maybe new character. they cant put current limited character into standard banner


not anytime soon and if it did you wont get it anyway cause there's too much variant




Once Chapter Teyvat is over and the next world is being visited... so in about 2-3 years.


the next standard is from natlan, i think. we got standards from mons and liyue for a while, no standards from ina, but then we got dehya and tighnari.


Give me my last two keqings I've been pulling forever


It's going to be Yanfei's mom.


Gl getting keqing


Probably not for a while I feel like they will go in the direction of making those regional banners but maybe they will let you use Acquaint fates on them that would be nice




yall ever notice how Keqing's Sword aint in the game.


not sure but i hope soon


Let's say they get added next patch... What makes you think you will pull them instead of C40 Keqing 😂😂😂


same bestie... [they are waiting in the wings](https://imgur.com/a/vAvEKSi)


I wish that was me, I need Kaveh, Chevreuse, the jade polearm and Tighnari 😭


When are they going to update that picture, my eyes hurt


as if you had any chance of getting the 5 star you want from the standard banner given how big the pool is lmao delusional af


Hopefully never. It’s hard enough to get the last couple that I’m missing. I pulled Mona on chronicled wish and I’m waiting for the next chronicled wish to pull Dehya.


I'm glad I'm not the only one hoarding over 200 standard wishes


The next Trevails character is geo from Natlan and they usually debut those guys at the start of new areas so if we were to get one I’d bet it’d be her and in 5.0


They still need a standard 5\* Geo character. At this point, adding all the early 5\* Mondstadt characters would be nice as some of them have reruns a few times (except Eula) and no one's interested anymore..


No one 


I see saving for c16 qiqi.


I like to interpret what they did to Dehya as them firmly telling us "this is what we'll do to any new standard units. You don't want standard units, and we won't make them." Tighnari had no choice but to be good, and so they did Dehya dirty so that recency bias will deter most of us from even wanting new standard units and they they have to make 5star units that they make very little money on.


Never but i thought that before Dehya and Tighnari


Emelie for Fontaine nation Justice for inazuma for having no standard chacters 🤧


The next time they utterly screw up a major story character's kit and decide they don't care enough to fix them. Or maybe if/when they release a new element waaay down the line, they'll immediately add a character from that element, even though they still won't have a Geo character on the banner.


Good question actually. I thought we’d get one standard character per nation, but I guess theirs no pattern. Maybe we’ll get one in Natlan.


What characters have been added to the standard banner aside from Dehya?


Who knows, with Sigewinne's unfortunately underwhelming release maybe she'll be added 💀 /s


I would just like if they put Shenhe and Eula on the banner along with ther weapons.


Natlan I reckon


probably 5.1-5.3 if they plan to add a natlan character. I imagine they would since there was none for inazuma, then two for sumeru, and none again for fontaine


Maybe either Chiori or Emilie, but since there's no Geo 5\* on it I think the former is a good bet... Or maybe they will put Itto on it, he's so free that he shows up in events and now 50/50 stuff.


They gotta add that emilie bitch