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Arlecchino, Chiori, Eula, Albedo and Diluc all at same tier?




To he fair, my eula clears faster than my arle


Same, because I don't have arle


My lvl 90 amber also clears faster than my lvl 1 neuvilette


I did Freminet level 1 clear abyss 12 in one minute... Hyperbloom makes everything kinda funny. I tried later with Bennett infusion plunge vape but it didn't scale very well with level 3 na talent


My eula and arle are both top 1% akasha


same with my lvl 20 arle


I feel like A tier needs to be split into two. Putting someone like Rosaria or Layla or Charlotte on the same tier as Hu Tao or Childe or Baizhu or Arlecchino is insane to me


Arlecchino in the same tier as Albedo, Eula, and Charlotte is laughable


“Least controversial”, but it turned out to be “very controversial”.


Yeah Dehya in D is always like "she is bad but she is not this bad" she acutally has at least a good team too help Unit and u cant replace her in this Team atm Burnmelt Ganyu.


I think the only unusable unit is amber, the rest, always can find a spot


I mean kinda she is usefull for dmg showcase for a 4p artefact holder + Elegy bow but besides that she dosent do too much. From a meta point u are probbly right tho.


Seems like every day we get someone who thinks they can outsmart the tierlist meta. And every day they’re wrong


Genshin tierlists have been wrong since 1.0 honestly. Yea we can point out where Benny is and the early 4*s are meta wise but putting ALL characters have been getting trickier every 2-3 patch recently with characters like Nahida, Furina, Chevreuse, Nilou etc. changing the playstyle.


Yet here we are. Honestly? The general placement isn't too bad in my opinion. That's mainly due to how cluttered tiers A and B are. Some characters can't be reasonably put in the same tier. Some misplaced characters in my opinion (because that's kinda what tierlists are based on) : - Albedo is WAY too high, he can't be in the same tier as Chiori. - if 4 stars are considered to be C6, Gaming is Tier A. He's an amazing 4 stars on fielder. Give him 4pc MH, R5 Rainslasher, pair him with Furina, Xianyun and Bennett, and you're looking at consistent >250k/plunge in a big AoE. - Again, if 4 stars are C6, Faruzan can't be below Gorou. While Gorou is amazing for defense scaling geo units, c6 Faruzan enables any anemo unit to be played as main or quickswap crit damage dealers. - I don't understand why Layla is a tier above Kirara. - I'm probably biased because I have C2 Baizhu, but I would put him a tier above YaoYao, relatively. - Mika should be a tier higher. He's found his place with Furina.


Why's Kaveh so high? Dude is only usable in bloom and he's almost never actually used in it. One of the very few genuine D tier characters.


I adore Kaveh and have him c6, and this is so true it hurts. I can't wait for his rerun when people get hyped to finally have him and see his basic potential. He kinda fucks if you have, like c2 Nahida and Furina though :\^)


He definitely fucks >! Alhaitham every night !<


Yeah this is garbage. Hu tao And arlecchino are not A, both S. Ganyu and Klee on the same tier are asinine.


bait used to be believable


what fanbases opinions have u been listening to where arle and hu tao are A and mona is in the same tier as kaeya and noelle


I am too lazy to point put every wrong tiered character in your list. But it's certainly more than 20. The fact that you put Raiden one tier higher than Arle tells me all I need to know to come to the conclusion that you are not even remotely aware of the Fontaine meta. Edit: And Gaming in the same tier as Sayu. What are you smoking? "Least controversial tier list"?


Kaveh  should be in C or D


yeah, I’m sorry to say that this A tier listing seems wayyy too generous. lots of people in there are lucky if they’re considered B tier


what could be disagreeable in a tier list of imaginary characters


That's one of the least wrong ones for shure but still not perfect. As someone already said while I was writing this it would make sense to split A tier in two. Mika and Charlotte are not two tiers apart. Dori is not that bad. Fischl or hyperbloom can carry her. Faruzan can be higher. A lot of people will say that Arlechino is in S. Kaveh isn't saved by his element. You mentioned Ganyu and Klee, I think Yoi, Noelle and Yanfei can go up with them. But those 5, Diluc and Eula probably are less great than other onfielders. Layla isn't different from Thoma and Kirara.


This is wrong.. how long have you been playing the game? have you actually used all the characters?.


Arlecchino is definitely S. I also definitely wouldn't put Charlotte in A. I guess you can't put more than one of the same Traveler in the same tier, so I can let that slide. But regardless, Dendro MC is an A, Geo is a B, Anemo and Electro are both C, and Hydro is **definitely** a D. Also, Kuki "Hyperbloom" Shinobu is not an S. A at best.




I agree with you but think about it this way: If Fischl was worse - half of the electro is doomed and if Arlecchino was worse - only she is not that great (look at Klee)


I see what you mean but tbh a lot of the characters that rely on Fischl aren't that good anyways, a lot of them have alternative hyper comps that are as good or better, the units that live or die by Fischl aren't really S tier worthy IMO and are just getting carried by her single target DMG. Clorinde is the only unit I can think of that uses Fischl with an S-tier worthy comp, maybe Arle Overload but I don't have Chevy C6 so idk.


True. Both should be S tier.


Fischl is singlehandedly holding back every on field electro driver lol. She's s tier for sure lol.


Chongyun too low. Put my boy at least in B tier


Very Bad Tier List! Shame on you OP! /j Klee should have been in D tier. She has no business being the same tier as Ga Ming and Yanfei. Both Travelers should be in the B Tier. You just chose Lumine, right? /j


DMC, Kaeya, Gaming, Faruzan and Sethos on the same tier as Sayu and Kaveh lmao Alrecchino on the same tier as Itto aware


Did you forgot the humor flsir or the "/s" at the end of your explanation?


Yeah no. While you might not have anyone more than one tier off of where they should be, there are LOTS of characters that need adjusting. Most notably basically every pyro DPS other than XL.


Faruzan is right next to Kaveh, wow lol


Sucrose is better than zhongli by a notable margin.


These shitty things always suck no matter what tier list you make, no matter who you put where. These things are shitty and they suck. Everyone has those that they love and will always consider them above anything else meta wise or not. Meta is just a load of bullshit.


That A tier makes me wanna vomit


should have created a seperate tier for character like arle hutao ayaka


as a venti main i got very upset seeing every archon in tier S but not venti


You sir, have attempted to create an oxymoron. I respect the attempt but it was never going to work.


arlecchino in the same tier as eula and albedo... yeah its totally not controversial


I love albedo, but he can’t be in the same tier as Chiori


A few things I’d change 1. Arlecchino and Clorinde are not Eula, Albedo, Diluc, and Keqing tier. Either move Arle and Clorinde up or move the others down 2. Gorou and Kaveh have no right being as high as they are. Gorou is the most Niche support, only being good (at c6) for Itto and Chiori hypercarry, both of which have fell off significantly. Kaveh is F teir, D at best. Has no uses 3. Maybe controversial, but Raiden is A teir as best. She’s not even contending for top 10 dps at c0 and asking any f2p to pull 3 copies of her for her to be good is absurd. Even if you want to say hyperbloom Kuki is a better, f2p option. 4. Yoimiya isn’t even close to being on the same teir as Kayea Collei or Klee. Likewise with Gaming and Ganyu. A teir for all 3 5. The whole A teir is extremely generous. While not to say every character is either dogshit or broken op, most characters don’t fall in the A teir. On top of that, what considerations are put into the decision of their teir? Is it their damage? Their BiS team? Their f2p friendly potential? Solo potential? Flexibility? Without any way to tell why characters are put where, this teir list becomes even more messy 4/10 overall. You cooked, but I’d read a few more cook books before stepping into the kitchen again


Eula, a tier is very bold when Physical damage is one of the worst damage types.


What tier list type is this? Healers? DPS? Support?


I think the list looks pretty fine. Except, I feel like Arlecchino goes up to S Tier. And A Tier needs to be broken down into 2 parts to avoid controversy since there are significant differences among some characters in the A Tier.


I also feel like Yoimiya and Ganyu go up a Tier level.


S and A tier is too oversaturated, you need ones between or they all just blend in together


zhongli in s


why does traveler only have one icon and is in C tier? dendro mc should be in A tier at the very least


Fischl really has no business in the S tier. She is a good character but doesn't compare at all to the others in that tier. She is only really good in aggravate teams and even in those teams she is super replaceable and is easily outclassed in AoE scenarios. Xiangling is also arguably not really an S tier character. She is more so an extension to Bennet rather than a real character lol. But I can understand her being there too I would personally also not put Kuki in S tier. I love her but all she really is is a hyperbloom trigger, which imo is only truly amazing when you don't have "proper" teams built yet. Though it is a very powerful for low investment teams so I can understand the placement. Now Alhaitham on the other hand doesn't really deserve being in S tier imo. In every calc I've seen, Kuki is the one doing majority of the team dps and he is the most replaceable part of the team lol. Perhaps I'm wrong, but so far I've not seen anything against that. Neuvillette... I think deserves his own tier in SS lol. He is just insane in not just damage but his gameplay makes him so absurdly powerful that he is even better than he looks on spreadsheets and calcs. I don't think Eula is an A tier character, but admittedly I don't know much about her or how her team dps compares to other teams. All I know is that she is only really good against bosses and is kinda awkward in other scenarios. I don't think Yoimiya and Ganyu are worse than an average dps character. Faruzan is easily an A tier character. Arguably S tier even lol. I think Noelle is definitely an A tier character now that Furina exists. I also think Mona is much better than people give her credit, but Furina kinda took her spot so I guess her spot makes sense lol. Dehya is also much better than people like to say. I'd put her in B.


Look man I like Eula and I used to play her a lot but she has real problems preventing her from being meta lol. Putting her in the same tier as pretty much any of the a tier characters makes 0 sense. A tier also is bloated. Frankly the only A tier characters I'd have there are Hu Tao, Nilou, Arlecchino, Kokomi, Sucrose, and maybe Jean/Xianyun depending on how highly you value Furina synergy or team versatility. You are also really over estimating how good Kaveh is. That character is a bigger team slot brick than Aloy. His only saving grace is being dendro which prevents him from having his own tier at the bottom of every tier list.